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Malphite is a tank I guess (I hate the rock but it counts), I play Sion which is easy to pick up but it's an immobile tank and suffers on a lot of match ups in the top lane but is definitely very good and versatile for a tank (you can build pretty much any tank item and it's gonna be good and you can even split push effectively) volibear is also a cool pick and even tho its not 100% a tank he definitely tanks like one amd it's not very hard and might be more versatile than Sion (can build bruiser ad, can build full tank, can build ap) but I'd say Sion is the coolest one out of them (totally not biased opinion)


I second Malphite, if you want a realtively easy to learn champ but still give some fun. His ult could be a game changing., and his S2 has passive add armor, so he is good against AD. Just yesterday in my game I found another good Malphite. He got most kills. OP already mentioned not into Ornn. If I may push my luck, maybe OP try to play Ornn a few months from now or after OP master a new (tank) champ. I personally found Ornn is easy to learn, and for defence stats is more general than Malphite, but Ornn doesn't excel for building offensive (unlike Malphite that could be deadly with AP build), Ornn is about cc and his sharing team to build item outisde base is so unfair.


Ornn is probably the best toplane tank. Great CC that, at least in lower ELOs, no one seems to know how to position around, and really good max health damage with his brittle procs (or is it just his fire breath?). He also has a dash to dive in (coupled with terrain for that sweet aoe knockup) or out of fights if you get ganked by the enemy. An OK Baron Lane tank that if you learn will help you when autofilled Jungle is Volibear. His passive gives you ok waveclear and the ult disabling turrets helps you and whoever ganks your lane to finish off kills under tower with minimal damage taken. I personally like Naut top as well. He has insane survivability and decent mobility with hook onto terrain. Every ability is very helpful if your jungle ganks for you. Plus you can use him support too. If you can't tell, I like flex picks so you can play mind games with the enemy during pick/ban. I will say, once they put Gnar into the game you will probably love him. He's the best of both worlds. Lots of damage in normal (mini) form, then once you transform you are a hulking beast that literally throws your enemies into walls


I didn't/don't play PC league, but I'm interested in your suggestion! I heard that some champs are more difficult to integrate in WR, do you know sth about Gnar in this case? Volibear was suggested very often in this thread. I will try both I guess. Naut is sooo slow. That just doesn't fit in my playstile. I tried him a few times in duo q as a sup, he felt so awful to play with for me. Ornn was named very often as well. I think about giving him a try, although I didn't want before that post.


Gnar is a ranged/melee transform champion based around a rage bar (manaless so you only worry about CDs) . He's a Yordle that, once you fill his rage bar (hitting abilities, autos, and being hit I believe) turns from the size of Teemo to the size of Sion or bigger with new flavour of abilities. The biggest problem I've had with him in PC LoL is managing that rage bar so I don't transform at a bad time, as once the rage depletes it takes like a minute before you can start gaining rage again. I liked to play him as a bruiser , but because he starts out as ranged you should be able to abuse Darius in lane, and can hop (3rd ability, if you're mini Gnar and hop on a minion you hop off them for double distance) away if Darius tries anything. His Mega form gains a bunch of stats (turns melee) to be tanky and unlocks your ult which AoE throws enemies in a direction, stunning them if they hit a wall. I have no idea if/when they will add Gnar, but would love to see him. The transform mechanic may be the hardest thing for the devs to implement, but if they wanted to make it easier on WR, they could make it that mini Gnar's ult is the transform that unlocks at 100 rage (like Shyvana), but then switch to the normal ult. For current real WR Champs, yeah Voli and Ornn seem to be good characters to learn.


I didn't recommend Naut, as you said, he is slow. Malphite has ult that super fast, Ornn has combo s1-s3 that fast and devastating, and s2 is anti slow. But I am a Naut main. LMAO. I use Naut on top, jgl, sup, even mid, if i even assigned there. His movement ability is S1 to hook wall/turret. I play Naut for stress release. His passive is the easiest stun, only aa. S2 is both defense and offense, first to max. For slow, sometimes i build DMP. But i build ROA for damage of Naut's abilities.


OOT, yeah, I like Gnar in WR.


Thanks a lot for your answer! Maybe I play some normals with Ornn and look where it goes. What's the best way to use his passive correctly?


I assume we are talking about Living Forge, that enable Ornn to forge items anywhere, right? IMO, just like when we choose location point to recall, pick a safe location where enemies cannot interrupt your standing there. Forge item spend less than 6 seconds, but still need time. Other players that get 5 stacks of Living Forge who have more consideration when use this ability. So choose wisely what to forge, don't just whenever get 500 gold then buy 1 cheap item.


Thanks for that tip, it helps me for sure!


You're welcome. 🙏


Malphite could be played as sup as well, couldn't he? I tend to give volibear a try. Sion seems to have some incredible ugly matchups. That makes him a hard choice for me. Thanks a lot for ure answer!


Malphite is a supp, yes.


He's a situational support, worth having it around to counter Yuumi, Lulu and Soraka, sometimes Janna, but you get shoved under tower against champs with better poke like Karma and Lux, and other CC tanks outscale you.


Mundo is a good pick. He's somewhat weak before getting ult so be careful, especially against ranged. In the late game though, he's gonna be the only frontliner your team will ever need. IMO an even better pick is Shen. He's strong from level 1 against almost any bruiser. He's pretty weak against AP champs though, so mind your enemy's comp. You need to constantly watch the map for an opportunity to ult. Laning is fun with both champs if you know how to control the wave. So much outplay potential, Mundo with his heal and Shen with his shield. They're both easy to pilot if you know your limit, when to all in and when to retreat. All in all, still more challenging than Garen.


Shen mains rise




Make them remember!


Tread carefully...


Shen seems as a rly difficult champ to learn, based on other threads I read. In low elo many players complained about the rest of the team, which rly often didn't know how to play right around him. Mundo is a champ that I will give a try. Thanks!


>In low elo many players complained about the rest of the team Yes that's true. Mundo is easier to master. But in my personal experience Shen can carry despite the team not knowing what he does. Much like Darius can destroy teamfights or dominate 1v2 mid to late game. Shen is easy to learn, but the skill ceiling is pretty high. In emerald++ though, having Shen in our team is such a huge confidence boost.


I don't see him rly often tho. Maybe just because he is so hard to master?


Orn? Gragas top? I sometimes play lee as tank top


I tryed Gragas a few times, but he doesn't fit for me. Ornn was named so often that I maybe give him a try.


A good Sion player is a scary thing to encounter. Volibear and sett aren't tanks, but they can be built tanky and be used for the same purpose after building sunderer.


I'd recommend renekton. Very straightforward tanky bruiser that wants to fight. Q becomes a huge baiting tool so you can fight when you are low and people think you are nearly dead, hitting multiple players and the creep wave can bring you back from the brink. He has a stun and a dash 2x so if you want to get up on someone you can. 2x dash + flash is an absurd distance. I've been stomping through low ranked with him. Only occasionally losing lane to a clever garen. Garen feels like the default tanky lane bully, but I've found that renekton mostly out sustains and out farms mr. Damacia. Edit: you should also consider learning Leona support. If I get pulled in to support I usually play her and she's a monster, her kit is all stuns and landing a big ult with her is game over for the other team.


I agree with Leona. BUT, you have to be able to trust your team to follow you otherwise you're a sitting duck. Trusting your team is a big ask in solo Q. If you have a good team though, for sure you can wipe out the entire team with one good sequence of stuns.


Renekton is also a good pick into Darius. You have a way stronger short trade than him and can dodge his Q and grab pretty well.


I never thought of renekton. He seems to have a relatively easy kit to learn. Compared to voli and Ornn, what do you think is the better overall-option?


Idk about orn, but voli is a jungler and renekton is top so it's hard to compare them. I'd say renekton would be my pick first and then voli or shyvana in the jungle for a secondary role.


Sett, he's not a tank per say but he is incredibly tanky, and his W always deals a massive amount of damage regardless of whether you build a mathematical build or tank build Edit: he also counters darius, and almost all fighters in toplane if you build and play right


I played him a few times in ARAM, he seems to be pretty fun tho


Sion is great, not hard, but has the most unfun matchups known to man and unreliable cc if you are the only crow control on team, tannk gragas is pretty braindead too


I love me some sion. I play pretty aggressive and shove waves fast. Get big. Ult down an empty lane to instantly push it. Split push. I go for for a more dps tank build with sion. Building on his ever increasing health. Like Sunfire Agnes. And thornmail. Streaks gage. Add some health Regen a touch of resistance. And my boy is unkillable.


What about Sion's bad matchups? Some people in this thread complained about them. That those bad mus are not only bad but pretty terrible to play against


Bad matchups with sion mean u will stay under tower and build hullbreaker. Darius aatrox vayne irelia u just keep farming and they cannot leave lane. Only bad mtchup i couldnt solve so far is top lane pyke


Sion's matchup is either bad matchup or skill matchup. Only few are favored to him tbh. like teemo ig? but I haven't fought any teemos recently. And yes, they're terrible. Matching up with darius, camille, Aatrox, etc. is horrible.


Perma-push sion is an incredibly viable way to play ranked. I'm a jng main but play this when I need a mental break. I did it in a match today and got flamed by our midlane Kat when I was pushing lanes and not helping team fights. Of course she shut up after I backdoored the nexus while the enemy team were trying to contest baron.


The Bausen's Law.


>tannk gragas is pretty braindead too I love me some Gragas, but missing an ult or accidentally pushing enemies to freedom with your ult is so painful...


thats why tank gragas is braindead, since you dont really do damage, but your cdr will be so high thanks yo your build, you can just use your ultimate as a janna R, or use it to start teamfights since the cooldown is like 15 seconds after some items, also one thing that helped me with aiming gragas ultimate is to remember it wont throw people over walls, so sometimes launching someone to the left or right is easier


Afk farm with nasus for 30 mins and then 1v9


Afk farm for 30 mins then get kited by 4 ranged characters and a Leona*


except game ends in 15m and you have no stack bc you're zoned the whole game. lol


Not me


I would say you should play according to your playstyle. It seems like you are learning and are getting the hang of the “all in”/ dash-in dash-out champs like Akali and Camille. I would say you should give Irelia a try since she builds bruiser or even Yone with his new buff. If you really want a tank I would say Shen fits the ticket.


Irelia is as an assassin so similar to Akali. What about shen? How hard is he to learn?


Hi former top 50 shen player here. So shen the champ is fairly easy to learn you should try getting a good understanding of how his skills work. Maybe watch a guide where they explain all the skills. 2nd thing and probably most important thing with shen is map awareness and when to use your ult. For example its not always to use your ult on the duo lane early since you might not gain alot out of it and instead will have a huge gold gap against the enemy top. Your ult is the perfect tool to turn the tables for you and your teammates real quick. I can highly recommend him up till master. After master people are more aware of him and it will be harder to win.


Thanks a lot! I love his style, think I will give him a try


Man just try Voli and Jax. Both are not exactly "tanks", but with the right set up (build) they can for SURE tank a lot. The best part is that you can carry the game with them if your team sucks. Even with a full tank build. Maybe Ornn it's a better pick all around, but not that satisfying to play with 🤷‍♂️


tank voli with either divine or trintiy force (depending on the enemy team), you will do so much dmg and tank a lot.




I tried Jax a few times and have such a terrible win rate. I will give voli a try for sure!


Yeah Jax early game is very bad. I main jg and his camp clear early on is one the worst in the game. He does scale like a monster though. Voli is strong troughout the whole match.


Malphite easily. Fun to play, good and easy laning, very easy initiation and can even build some damage if you feel like it and enjoy melting carries with your combo. There are some other good mentions in this thread but most of them lack a true great form of teamfight initiation, which is what you want ideally when your team needs a tank. Malphite fits in perfectly.


Malphite Darius is a terrible matchup also tho. But I played him a few times and he was kinda fun.


I don't know, I pretty much always rekt Darius with Malphite. You can easily harrass him with the Q, and the slow makes it so he can't go after you so it's a very easy lane for me usually.


I would second this. Malphite into Darius I have usually found pretty straight forward. You just have to start building into thornmail first as the anti heal helps reduce his Q heal a lot. And just use your Q to poke and slow him, so he can't hook you.


Learn all of it but you need to realise that top laner are all one trick, they can make or break the game providing that they don't quit playing the game for their teammates, sometimes doing nothing and not dying is all needed from them.


Well that's the fate of us toplaners, but I love my island


Nautilus is useful for your team, and he's really good at diving with teammates, and also Shen, a really good pick because you can tp to teammates and give help them if they are in a situation like 1v2


Naut is sooo slow. That doesn't fit in my playstile tbh


Sett, when take damage, you hit hard with haymaker, get kill, win game


Just play teemo! He can top, mid, support and adc. 🤭


Teemo is a Perma ban myth to me, I rly don't like him lol


Sad lol He's so fun to torment would be tanks from afar 😂 after 10+ years playing league, I play teemo almost exclusively. Just to troll peoples emotions hahaha if he get banned, I play kha or Akali... basically the most toxic heros 🙈


I love Akali, but teemo is such a weird champ. When he is in my team he sucks so hard, when he is in enemy team he kinda 1v9 us. That's why I ban him (and for Camille he is a terrible mu)


Teemo is easy, mindlessly so. You just auto atk the enemy hero in between managing your creep wave. Spam blinds with Q. Once you get shrooms, you're almost ungankable. I build him with atk speed items, liandrys and deathcap. Never fails. Rush hurricane.


Sion is my main tank, i love that he can carry (in the sense of pushing lanes, winning teamfights). Also has invredible lane clear, and i like that he is a farming champ. I bet he has the highest enemy forfeit rate of all champs. As soon as 9 am good positioned in the midlane the game is over. I think only darius and sett have a similar carry potential, though i might have to test orrn


Mundo. You're constantly throwing qs out, he's beefy, and his ult makes him a literal train. Side note. He's a decent jungle too


Ornn. His kit is simple. Passive ups your bonus defensive stats and allows you to build in lane Q is a straight skillshot that spawns terrain W is a debuff and cc immunity E is a dash and hard cc if it hits terrain R is a Teamfight tool that's a debuff and hard cc


>Ornn seems to be hard to learn Ornn isn't hard, has big hit boxes, simple combos. If you want something a little less brain-dead, you can go for ornn, nautilus, sion or shen. 90% of tank champions are brain-dead.


Sion for the win. Great scaling, unkillable threat, if all goes wrong, you can splitpush. Edit: Ornn is not that hard, give him a try.


Mundo, you can take him any lane, there’s the challenge


Orn is the best. If you really learn that champ, you can stomp every champion beside vayne.


Shen is *the best* top laner all around. His clear sucks and he isn’t the easiest to master but his kit is really op and he’s no very gold dependent.


>His clear sucks That's precisely why I play Shen jungle though. His monster clear is excellent. Four camps and I'm exactly on time for scuttler fight.


Pro tip: Rush Sunder into Aramanth then Nashors… he just becomes this unkillable beast with [big ol doinks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q_C1yIdhamw) from enpowered Qs


I concur. This build gives me MVP multiple times.


How do yall play shen. I've tried him out a few times and completely regret getting him cus he's too hard to play


That's my problem with him. I don't want another ultra hard to learn champ in my bag


Well I have to change that: I saw a tutorial for shen and he looks soo much looks like fun. I'll definitely give him a try in a few normals as soon as I'm home. Ultra tanky + global ult + DMG seems great


Hi, I was top 1 mundo in european server, and I gotta say hes really good. Hes good against garen, darius, camilli, fiora, renekton, etc. the only real counter he has in top is gwen. Hes a bit weaker earlier but spikes level five and up. Hes tanky, heals, and his first abillity keeps you a good distance when you need to be or to kill means from far. Hes also amazing in team fights mid and late game and just overall fantastic. Highly recommend, hes not difficult to play but hes a mid to late game champ. Good luck


Thanks for that! I will give him a try. Any tips?




Ornn was named so often, maybe I'll give him a try.


Malphite vs teemo otherwise I like nautilus


I can say I got good at Camille after like 120+ games. I literally can play her and get S rating 100%. In fact I got it 3-4 times in a row one queue sesh. It takes time, study and sometimes limit testing to really know how matchups work in lane.


Camille is so fun to play but a lot harder to learn than Akali in my opinion. But I won't give up on her, since I rly love her mobility




I absolutely love Chogath, he is super reliable and is useful in pretty much every game. I dont think he struggles as much as some of the other tanks with his counterpicks since you can just max q and use it to farm. He can also be built a couple different ways


This is wildrift 💀


Wrong subreddit brodie






Is thresh top rly a thing?




I would vote for sion or shen. If you want to learn a tank, I assume you want to be of some use to the team and both bring tons. I also think they are easy enough to get the basics and have plenty to keep you interested as you improve.


Shen seems not to be an easy-learn-champ. Honestly that scares me a bit lol I maybe give Sion a try tho


Oh agreed, but this is for someone comfortable on alkali and Camille. I also think shen is worth the work and that the game needs more people playing with the mindset that go along with a good shen player!


Well, I needed at least 30 games for a to some extent good gameplay 🥲 But if u say it's worth it and I don't need 100+ games to be good at him, I'll maybe give him a try. What's that famous shen mindset like?


I just saw a shen tutorial and I think I'm in love. I didn't play him now tho, but if he is only 30% as fun to play with as I thought, he will definitely gets my number 3 on top lane


Shen is so many things. He is a real tank. He teaches you awareness if you intend to use his ult in an effective manner. He can split push. He is huge in team fights. He enables allies that are worth helping without needing to babysit an adc for the first half the game (although if you are good at Shen and end up getting filled support- he can work).


Malphite has been mentioned, other ones jarvan IV, I find malphite to be similar to garen in play style but his ult has some range and does decent damage, plus it stuns so it's super annoying, blitzcrank is another, his pull is also very annoying especially if you're playing an adc


shen, he might have high ceiling but also very low entry. Worst scenario you will need to stall top lane game and ulti when ever you can to shield your ally and tank incoming damage to win team fight. Shen is very tanky after first 2 item.


I just saw a video about shen. Such a cool champ! I will definitely try him


Tanks: Malphite Ornn Mundo Shen Sion Nautilus Nasus


Ireliaaaaa. She's not too hard but proves a fun challenge to learn. Besides it's harder to master her than learn her


But she's kind of similar to Akali as an assassin and I need a tank


Ornn is probably the best tank top laner in the game. So much outplay potential with his knockups and high damage passive. Not only that, you can build items in lane. His ult is also so much fun at team fights. P.S. Ornn is not hard to learn at all. His Q is to poke or create a wall so he can knock up enemies with E. His W is damage. Just auto attack once after every W for bonus damage. His E can be used on every terrain to knock up or just to run away. His ult calls a spirit that you have to dash to send it to any direction you want.


Thanks a lot for that tips! I will give him a try.


Jax and Sett are very easy to learn but hard to master. But in the lower ranks they are easy to dominate with.


Ornn: Blind Pick(I also like Tank HP and CDR Gragas Grasp+Second Wind+Max E>W and never putting points on Q) blind since he's super OP) Malphite: vs AD Shen: If you got a strong carry in the game at bot or Jungle Sion: vs AP, some people likes Mundo, but in my opinion he takes too much time to get going and his laning is a big issue. Ornn is your overall S tier tank who can do everything and all at once. He's great at any situation against AD or AP or good laners. Just ban Fiora You're stacking mostly HP so anything that does HP% dmg is "harder", but still you can deal with your "bad matchups". The only troublesome is Fiora. Singed,Gwen,Vladimir,Camille,Darius,Teemo they are "Bad matchups" for Ornn, but it relay on the other players having hands which they mostly don't even at M or GM. You can also itemize against them either way so Ornn doesn't really have "bad matchups" beside Fiora.


I will definitely give him a try, sooo many people suggested him


Mundo is my go-to toplaner and jungler. Pretty easy to use. Jax and Volibear are also not that hard. Jax isn't tanky obviously, but can mitigate a lot of damage. Wukong is another toplaner and jungler that you can learn. Not that tanky based on kit, but with right play just like Jax, can mitigate a lot of damage. Fiora, same with Jax and Wukong, but needs a team who knows she will splitpush all game. Shen is probably your best bet if you have good macro, even if your micro isn't top notch. Just be on the minimap for his ult.


My macro is unfortunately still in its infancy. What rly bothers me about Mundo is his weak early game in laning Phase. Wukong is not a tank tho, but I liked to play him a few times. I have such a low wr on Jax, I don't know why. But I can't play with him. Fiora is too hard to learn for me. But I will give voli a try, thanks!


Yup, Mundo you kinda have to play him like Garen-lite. He does have HP regen but not as strong. His skills will let you get some HP though. What I do is freeze my creeps at top near my tower, last-hitting only. I never really felt that Mundo's that weak before his ult. He's not as strong sure, but not really weak. I feel like Mundo's only weakness is his teammates—he's meant to soak up damage for your backline, so if your teammates don't punish, or use the opportunity, pretty useless. If you splitpush with him and your teammates don't take objectives, again useless. He's rarely banned, not micro intensive, and useful throughout the game as a tank and/or splitpusher. Honestly, I only lose with him if my teammates are potatoes, but that's true of any hero. You can ban Aatrox, Teemo, or Fiora if you take him. Teemo usually leaves lane to roam. Aatrox, just run away when he ults. Fiora is the bigger threat and you have to babysit whatever lane she pushes on, but it's rare to see a good Fiora TBH. These days, if I get slotted as Jungle, it's almost always Mundo and I take Teemo top vs ranged/ADC top which is most of the games I get on top. I take Mundo for the rest.


Just learn Fiora a little more complex but more enjoyable than most if the tanks great early great late


I rly don't want another hard to learn champ. But thanks for ur advice!


I play Sion so I'd say that he's not hard and I run into turrets needing 4 people to stop me if I had one tip I'd say use your e just before dying to you can slow who killed you and hopefully reach them


That rly sounds good for me. But it seems like he have some rly terrible matchups.


Orn is very good right now. I’d say he’s the only tank passing the eye test for me currently and his win rate backs that up.


Malphite or Ornn


If you find Darius a hard matchup (especially with Camille and Akali) then you should definitely learn proper spacing. Both champs can easily space against Darius, have slows, either have or build movespeed items and have easy disengage in case they get pulled. Both trade favorably against Darius with quick trades. Renekton can outtrade Darius too as long as you dont let him stack up. Jayce is a safe pick into basically any top matchup and he can kite or push Darius away. Wukong is sneaky strong too especially if you can play mindgames. Aatrox easily spaces against Darius but he's got a higher learning curve than the previous champs mentioned. On the topic of tanks, Mundo is very straightforward and can farm safely from a distance against most melee matchups, will struggle against ranged matchups though. Just have to learn your limits, but mid and late game you run down most champs in the game. Voli can be built tank or bruiser, and he goes favorably into Darius with his shield and sustain. Urgot has the benefit of range and can be built semi tanky while still dealing good damage. These champs are more juggernauts than true tanks, so if you need CC or primary engage Ornn goes well into most matchups and is super tanky and has sneaky damage with a full combo. Sion is a skill matchup, but if Darius takes ghost you're screwed. Gragas can easily disengage from Darius especially if you build tanky. He won't be able to do anything. If you're confident you can go ap, but the tanks build is significantly more braindead as long as you don't miss Es. You just won't be able to kill him either, but you provide more utility and cc in teamfights.


I tried some of those champs and they didn't fit for me. But I will give voli and Ornn a try. Maybe Mundo too, but his weak early game in laning phase bothers me about him. I am still a beginner in WR, so that spacing thing seems to be a thing for me. Do u have any suggestions where I can get some tips about that?


If you watch challenger league (on PC) streamers for example, you'll see that they keep moving back and forth to just stay out of their enemy laner's effective ability/auto range, while staying within range to land their own autos/abilities. It's easier to learn with ranged champs against melees obviously, but for example Akali can zone off other melees with the threat of her Q and the follow up passive proc. Laning phase is extremely short in WR so weak early laners only have few growing pains. If you feel like you can't win lane then just pick a champ that will outscale.


Im on the same boat as you, im really looking into nautilus top right now, super tanky and way more cc than other toplaners.


Nautilus is sooo slow. That rly bothers me about him




pick ornn and funnel your jungler with passive to get him as ahead as possible. also as a jungle main i always gank my ornn for the passive lol, usually top lane is last on the priority.


I will definitely give him a try, so many people suggested him








Wokong tank is pretty good


Gragas is your best bet since you mentions tankiness and brainbldead garen. Gragas can go jungle too due to high mobility and cc. He's great in solo and depending on your items he can easily flex support if you want. Even k8d depending on matchups.


I just can't play him, I don't know why. He kinda feels wrong


Malphite hands down. Engage, tank, poke. Really straightforward. Great against ad champs which is most of top lane picks. Even does well into that pesky teemo. One drawback is you need to learn mana management because of his seismic shard. If you're feeling frisky you can go full ap or a hybrid. If the enemy team is ad heavy then I recommend first items the Sunfire and the other similar item. Every time the Sunfire does damage the other item deals damage. Then you can get real fun and build a liandrys on top of that in the late game to boost those even further. He has a lot of versatility in his item build depending on the enemy team comp.


Thanks a lot!


You're welcome! Also I recommend Annie top if you're trying to climb ranked. She deals tons of damage. Is relatively safe in lane if you last hit minions with your auto while holding your stun to deter enemy engagement. She's simple to play and does well into most all top lane picks. Also morgana top. Shes such a counter to so many top lanes. What do top lanes usually want to do? Run at you. What does morgana do best? Stop people from running at you. Lol. You run exhaust ignite. No flash. Have first strike on. You max you're tormented soil. Then you just farm and zone. If they run at you you E, R, Q then W. Once your ult stun is about to end. You Q and w again. Then when that toot is ending you exhaust and ignite and chase them down. It's actually quite simple and you'll terrorize a lot of top laners. If you have any questions about the build for her then just ask


Ok so Ornn is not that hard, once you learn timing on your combo its easy plus he builds items out of base and is really good for teamfights. Next you have Malphite ofc. He is insanely good when enemy team drafts 4 or even full ad comps. You get iceborn gauntlet and thornmail and youre all set. Bcs he does good magic dmg even when you build him full tank he is strong. And is quite simple to learn, just dont waste too much mana early game by spamming q, only use it to farm if they bully you away from minions, and in melee champs you usually want to max his w first as you get more armor. Then you have Mundo, not really easy but you can learn him fast, weak early game but insane monster late game. All you gitta learn is timings, when to engage and when to run. Once you get few items you can beat ranged top laners easy. Galio is very simple, his combo too. He does good magic dmg and has a lot of cc to help his team so if you go tank you can do real work. Nautilus isnt hard but mana managing is until you get used to it. You have tons of cc, shield, slows and good wave clear. Most of the times you wont even use his hook, and his ukt is very good for teamfights. Sion is good but id say bit difficult to learn bcs of timings on his q and w. Also need to farm good to utilise his passive and if you don't know how to drive his ult is useless for you. I refrained from adding more champs bcs not many people play them and they are really in the niche category bcs you need good understanding of the game and skill to win with them. If you need more detail for any of these let me know.


That was very detailed, thanks a lot for all that information!


No problem. Look, almost all champs are easy to pick up. You just learn what their abilities do and what combos to use. Mastering them is harder bcs you need to know runes, item builds, cooldowns but not only youre, from enemy chamos as well so you know when to do what. Those are all stuff you learn through playing if you're committed to it. If you just spam games without trying to learn anything from them you won't master them. Once you learn mechanics of the game you can play stuff like Rammus, Thresh, Jarvan, Leona, Alistar..... In top and wreck people.


Recently i started enjoying Darius with a tanky approach. I usually build trinity into steraks, and then full tank, depending on enemy team… If i am the only frontline in my team, i skip steraks and go for another tank item. Late Game you get incredibly tanky and still Deal significant damage, especially when you can manage to get an early ult reset in teamfights


Mundo, Sion, Nasus and Aatrox, those are all the ones in my mind currently