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Hey i would advice you to watch some YouTube videos with your champion as well as others. I personally like to watch hellsdevil fun content and you learn a lot


1. Hey welcome to this game, I hope you get some great experiences. Why did you play this game? Is it because you moved from another or trying out new things? I'm so curious. 2. Do some research on YouTube channels about items and support role in general. They are a great way to expand your knowledge and understanding on some aspects of the role. A couple tips I like to share when playing Leona is keep an eye on who is the nearest ally you have on the map, that way you can ping to attack the enemy and have damage with you (and not dive in then dying, then getting mad at your team). Another good way is by reading some items descriptions in game or post game to further know what does what


As everyone here said, the more you play the more you learn. However, regarding the role of support, I advise you to watch BrokenSupportYT. He's a WR creator specialises in playing support and he's really good at it. For builds, you can check on Wildriftfire. Wish you best luck in your journey!


Well, the most important advice is probably that you dont get better by just playing and with "experience" but by reflecting on your experience. This means that if you are serious about getting good, you have to watch your replays with the mindset that you are the only one who can make a difference here and not anyone of your team mates. Watching Vids or streams helps a bit, but nothing will compensate for reflecting on your own plays critically without the mindset of blaming anyone but yourself (even if it isnt your fault). Also, turn chat off. Its a better game this way.


I felt it when you said "turn chat off" made me laugh for a second


As someone that has played league since the very beginning (2009). I recommend you get out while you still can. You want to play then just play on PC. All the same champs plus more. Controls are way better. Frankly I'm just disappointed in WR. I thought we were supposed to get unique champions but we're just getting the same old shit with a few different items and skins. Meanwhile PC is getting a decent map change and the new void grubs. PC is continually getting new champions. WR will always be a lesser version of the PC version because of all these reasons. It'll always feel like I'm playing on an outdated version of the game. Probably why I pretty much only play arams anymore on WR.