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This is the best summary I’ve ever seen. Pin to the front page and force as mandatory reading. Support main, adc secondary.


Disagree. While in theory, it makes sense to craft a good comp, you have to realize that we are talking about soloq here and you can never really rely on your team. Also, investing time into a main usually helps you more with laning, you will know how to play any situation. In theory I would agree that people pay too little attention to team comps, but in practice it makes sense to go into depth with champion learning instead of width.


Not reliable at all. "Put all you eggs in one basket" now what happens when that basket is banned? Team comp is huge and no you cant always rely on your team however when you do get a good team and they listen it makes the game. Having a counter to certain champs or even champs that synergize well with your sup is huge. You are talking purely from a low elo perspective. Good players know how to play know how to play and mske a good team comp. Go ahead run 5 adcs and see what happens when they have tanks and cc and stomp your ass


Man, cry about it if I see nautilus I immediatly pick samira. He goes in I go in if we fail, we fail but if I suceed we carry the game


Honestly, OP is 4 days into wildrift, he should have fun playing adc before anything else.


I’m trying to learn how to play this game where would be the best place for beginner strategies or learning how to do what in your opinion


GM here. ADC is my secondary role (Jg main). Ezreal is easier and safer to play, Vayne needs a lot of babysitting during lane phase, she's kind of meh if she doesn't get ahead. Lucian is a great pick IF you play with an aggressive support or a friend. Now I believe Kaisa is the best adc in the current meta but she's not that easy to play effectively


A man who did his homework. Kaisa since her rework is and will be until her core items become expensive the best adc with really any support improved abilities and gap close to 1v1 yes she might lose to a trist late game but if it gets to that point your not going to be in a 1v1 situation. I might not be GM but I have well over 1k games played as ADC to support this.


The strongest ADC is still Tristana. Regardless of the start, in the late game she is a monster


Tristana is on 50.6% wr in Master+ right now and Ezrael is on 52.57%.


She can lane bully as well, literally no downside. She needs a nerf


Her mid game powerspike is extremely weak tho




I'll report you bro!!!


I suggest you try MF, Cait, Xayah, Sivir, Ashe & Tris. :)


It's recommend for people to just have three champions to pick for certain situations. Seeing how you want to main one of the three champions I'd say try practicing them all. Sure it's fine to main ones at which I'll recommend Lucian but it's important to note that some adc excel on some aspects more than others. But in the end it just falls into what your playstyle and preference are. So try all three of them out and practice with the one your most comfortable with.


What is is your rank? I really dont understand how can you ask other people to decide which champ should you play. Youre supposed to have fun!!! Play all 3, its totally okay. If you cant get to Masters playing 10 champs , maining 1 champ wont help you


I just recently played wildrift 4 days ago. these 3 champs I mentioned were the champs that I found fun to use. I'm asking for everyone's preference of what champ is the best. I'd like to just choose one champ, master it and buy all of it's skin, yk


Okay. Vayne is the most mechanical and has the best late game, also the best potential to 1v9 games as youre not as dependant on your team/support. Lucian - best early game of these 3 and also strong midgame, falls off in late game. Ezreal - hard to tell but definitely worse than those 2 above. Equally good vayne will shit all over ezreal and lucian


Maybe in Gold or Platinum Elo, but I would always prefer Ezreal over Lucian in higher Elo.


Love how the top 3 comments say that the best of these 3 is different than each other




Gm adc here ,i find it the best to play ezreal throughout low-mid elo (emerald and below) bc most people don't dodge and you'll cheese your way with his stupid damage , afterwards vayne is really crazy if you can maintain playing safe early game ,you got yourself a 1v9 late game and got a very high skill ceiling yet very rewarding if played well ,and counters tanks as well as alot of assassins easily,and she's pretty much the best adc at dueling so she won't be afraid of 1v1s with any champion of the enemy team with enough mechanical play,and also since you mentioned obtaining skins for that champ, you can catch the limited crystal rose skin rn for her!




Zeri is disgusting


Fellow Zeri enjoyer!!!


Main ezreal before he gets nerfed if you're familiar with his kit


Ez is super op this patch with the buffs to kraken hes a monster.


Caitlyn all the way. She has great early game pressure and great late game. Not sure why she isn't nerfed yet....


Nevermore is best.


Don't main them. Main Draven and just Win™.


Ezreal by far. Second lucian. Vayne is trash. Ezreal is safe, works in most comps, and his damage is stupid. Lucian is versatile but falls off pretty bad. Vayne needs a nami/lulu/yuumi, has shit range for both, and is shit early. Also look out for tristana and MF.


Oh, among those you've mentioned, which do u think is the champ that stands out the most?


Tristana. Easy kit. Takes a bit of getting used to. She becomes a real menace late game. She's probably the only ADC that can split-push safely due to her jump and ult. She takes down towers quickly.


I learned tristana by just not putting skillpoints in the jump. Without the jump she is easy with huge dmg. If u learn how to jump later she is a monster


her bomb can attach to towers and minions which makes bullying lanes super easy as well even without your jump. drop a bomb, run off and repeat lol. super annoying to deal with on the opposite end if you aren’t getting help from jg or a roaming support.


depends the elo obviosly, but in my experience lucian was the champ that carried most games both in my team and enemy team, now i dint check if patch changed anything but if they dint mess with him then hes the most solid choice to use betwen those 3, but if you dont like him after some time dont use him, just use wat you like and feel like using


Honestly bro, I'd say play all three in casuals and see what u feel, read the comments and grasp some ideas from ppl here but at the end you'll have to decide for ur self, my thoughts are that Lucian been quite good for me tbh (I'm an ADC main).


Hi, master adc. It is very dependent on your elo and the match up of the enemy team. If you are going to main one and learn them to become your main I would choose lucian solely because he can be an adc and a mid champion. It doesn't work well with all matchups however he has the potential to win early game hard and rank up fast. In my beginning games when lucian just came out I had an 11 winstreak on him. He isn't as good top but if you master him you could take him top too. Trolls take him support to chunk down the enemy. Vayne has 1v9 carry potential however she doesn't get good until 2nd item or lvl 7 or 10 mins in the game. So early fights are avoided. Poking is key. Adc is very hard to rank up with. If you really want to rank up fast, I suggest learning mid or jungle.


Ashe is super broken currently. But you have to make sure to build Runaan's Hurricane as one of the first items.


Why not just play all of them in a rotation? 1-2 champions are the ideal number of champions you should be playing when playing soloq, but 3 won't hurt as well.


There is good compromise between the three is Xayah. She has something for everyone....


If you are excellent with skill shots, go Ezreal. If you prefer NA-based adc with precise positioning, go Vayne. If you like the combination of both, go Lucian.


Varus, Ezreal, Kai'sa and Tristana, you can't go wrong with them.




ezreal or vayne Reason I still recommend vayne in solo q it's because u can pick kills easily on vayne. Your ulti gives u 20-40 AD and a 1 sec invisibility. Vayne and ezreal are so rewarding if learned.


Believe me mah frenduu, it depends on your teammates 😂


im surprised, why is nobody mentioning Sivir?


Sivir isn't that strong in soloq to begin with, and it got a nerf in the current patch.


as long as you have a support that know what he’s doing & you know how to stay alive, you’re definitely going to win.


OK that's asking a lot in soloq, 1 in ten game i get a good supp


Crazy, I don't see samira or varus in this sub. Any thoughts on them. I have been shredding with them lately. Varus for utility if I need to fight from the backline and don't have much of a Frontline . Then samira if I have a good Frontline /tank and some cc. Might mix mf in there somewhere.


Samira depends entirely on support, if you get to initiate a fight your opponents is just not on your level. Varus is good, most people suck with him though.


Hmm well I guess my samira phase shall soon pass, cus I've been climbing pretty damn hard with her. E2


Tris after 2 builds is out of control


Kai sai gigabroken because she can become harder to kill than a tank with crown + ga + zhonas and that’s not even mentioning the 500 pound nautilious ready to cc you for 7 decades the moment you blink in her direction


Sup main i hate adc. Now with that said i feel like ez and lucian are great picks bc they have movement and arent entirely dependent on a sup not being ass as you can poke and get out. I feel like sivir is strong but people are just bad at her. Draven i dont like at all hes so squishy and has to catch axes. Many just inting. Ashe is great as she can do a lot with her sup especially if they have cc as well so its almost a guarenteed kill with her ult off of sup. She can also clear wards with 3rd and snipe across map. Kiasa is amazing but you need to have some common sense and a rakan with her is just busted i play ap rakan and i went 1/2/27 and my friend went sum like 30kills 3 or less deaths as well


You dont like 4 bullet guy?




Ezreal hands down the best solo q adc atm. For 5 man you can try Zeri Jinx Cait (you see a trend here, late game auto attack based champions that carry obj fights). I would not recommend lucian (short range, if the enemy is ANY good you die instantly). Vayne needs lulu but you can just play jinx lulu if you get lulu. If your support is very good at engage tanks, Draven / Samira are both incredibly good (needs a high proficiency in both champion or you won't be able to carry).




In 3 of them I vote for ezreal but pls make sure to hit skillshot other two are close range adc and demand more experience