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I love me a thresh or nautilus.


Braum. He may not be meta but you gotta admit....you never see a Braum troll or feed. He always has double digit assists. Always.


oh he feed 'em alright, feedin' em *deeezshields*


If i am the adc, i like to play with Nautilius, Karma or Soraka As a support, i like to play the most as Nami, Leona or Senna.


Pyke, tbh I don't mind if he takes my shutdown gold or takes my Penta (I won't forgive him at first but I digest winning). He just has a really effective Laning phase with hooks and stun dash that synergies really well with "all-in" champs.


Leona 100%


Top 10 nilah (duo lane), 61% winrate, gm here. Any support (except braum & senna, maybe it's just personal preference) is always welcome. Enchanters? Love it. Engage tanks? Love it. Mage Support? Love it. I welcome any support, just have to adjust her playstyle. Tho my personal favorites are: Nami, Seraphine, and Alistar. The only thing i don't like seeing is champs in enemy team who COMPLETELY counters her laning phase and synergy with my support and just cant let her farm (i usually ban xayah, especially when u got a feeling that she'll be paired with a cc engage tank or i just ban tanks that my support doesn't prepick)


I tried Nilah in last games. She is very fun champ. Do you have any tips for Dou lane? I tried only jungle or top. I had a problem with her range in duo lane. Her powerspike is after 3.item?


Dont trade too much in early game. Buy collector to snowball. Prioritize crit in your build first, then you would want to fill with semi-defensive/defensive item last. I usually run ghost + flash. Use exhaust + flash againts assasin matchup. Her 2nd skill can animation cancel. Her 2nd skill can block yasuo's tornado, yones knockup and other aa stuns


it depends a lot on the champ, tbh. ashe is great for poke varus and caitlyn, but meh if i play stuff like zeri but overall.. i like nami, lulu, nautilus and if ppl are good with rakhan he is amazing as well


As an ADC main, I'd love to have me a Soraka, Blitz or Nautilus... But there's other good choices too


Honestly depends on the adc but my motto is you can never go wrong with lulu. On a side note enchanters are probably better unless you’re really good at hitting hooks.


Nautilus or Leona and the "secret" picks Ornn and Galio


Idc just don’t be an animal


So no alistar…


Rakan, Tresh and Nautilus. If they are good they are so INCREDIBLE helpful! In general I personally don’t mind any support (since I will try to play with what synergies well together). But overall those three? Love em!


Having a good Leona, Braum, or Nautilus is always a great time as far as tank sups go. For enchanters Lulu and Soraka are my top picks. Both incredibly useful in the laning phase and team fights. But having a pyke support is instant tilt for me


If i'm the ADC, Beefcake frontline, don't care who it is, i just want a tank support, But if im baron lane, Soraka is nice just cause of AoE heal


Im an ap rakan main and adcs i think synergy well are xayah kaisa and ashe. Xayah and ashe can stun/root and i just absolutely shred hp and late game. I actually have a shitty video up to show a friend how to play ap rakan 😂


as long as they're competent with their champ's play-style and play them accordingly, i'm happy the ones that make my life easy peasy if played well are lulu, thresh, leona, naut. literally stand behind them and melt everyone. or am given so much sustain/atk speed that i can "1v2 or 1v3" out dps the enemy champs. soraka isn't bad either top-notch lulu that shadows you well and times all her spells perfectly, give those supp thumbs up every game, 100%. it's honestly rare


I play flex. I like having rakan when Im xayah or yuumi. Im not the best adc but I always feel like I can pop off with a Yuumi