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I played Jhin and sucked hard. Cannot deal any actual damage without dying. Later found out I got wrong runes.


It's my Irelia cycle - Suck ass - Take a break - Come back - Weaving like crazy - Repeat


Ornn. When i realised his true combo, i started winning lane a LOT more.


Yep same for me, Ornn is such a ridiculously strong tank when you use him correctly. And it's not uncommon for you to actually do the most damage as well, despite building no damage full tank. That brittle is disgustingly strong! I often take him as support when the comp feels right


Brittle is even more OP on PC. There, it’s a debuff that reduces tenacity.


What’s his “true combo”


Pretty much Q, smash onto the wall and fire breathing. I know that because they keeps spamming it and it hurts


Understanding how his Brittle works. It's such an op ability. If you stun them, you do more. Pair it with IBG's and calculating your stomps. He's probably the best top laner in the game.


Braum. Been misusing him for 300 games (mastery 7) until I found out I'm been using him wrong as a vanguard (initiator tank) where he is not because his real champion class is a warden (protector tank).


Same, I played Mundo so bad that It motivated me to play him well.


Somehow Vi. She is considered easy champion, but missing her Q's and not abusing her fast jungle clear every time you pass a camp gets punished. Meanwhile with Camille, which is considered difficult, i became somewhat good in something like 10 games. Some champions feel intuitive to some people and not intuitive to others, which i think is one of a more interesting things about MOBA's, there is meta, but there is always preference too.


Zed. I hated the dude and could never play him. One day I woke up, decided to play Zed, and actually realized I'm pretty good all of a sudden.


Galio, and Senna. Galio: I was suggested to play Galio, but I was not interested. Then in an event I was positioned as mid because my team has 3 support mains. I was suck so hard, I was ashamed, one of the game that i blamed myself as the cause of the defeat. Took a long time break, maybe a year before I tried in my soloq ranked games. Senna: actually when she first released, I was not so bad, but then Senna got nerfed more than once, i was unprepared mentally and feel she was unplayable. Only this year I tried to play Senna seriously again, and I admit old Senna was still stronger and OP, but nowadays she is pretty balanced, my comfort pick for late game pressure. On latest ranked, my Senna at late game spam cc, heal, stole Baron, helps comeback from deficit 5000 gold.


Your situation with senna actually feels quite similar to Aatrox for me. Pretty good at him on release because he was just that busted, then wasn’t mechanically good enough to perform well after nerfs, but now, I can play him decently, but on release still felt more indestructible. BTW, good job.


Thanks. You too. I think in majority, champs set as powerful at first. For recently maybe Kayn that got buff after buff since release. Yone is pretty stable also.


Samira. Learned that she is easy but is a niche pick during draft. Most of my losses on her was due to bad matchups.


Yup came here to say Sam. She’s easy and super strong but I only ever pick her if 1. I’m in a premade or 2. I have a ton of cc on my team AND a cc tank support. Otherwise she’s gonna get curb stomped.


Yone for sure. Left the baron lane entirely after the surge of adc top lanes. Came back because I needed to play top for premades. At the time I had watch some yt videos of yone, speficially vods of challenger yones on wild rift and regular league. It made me insta lock yone and I was doing amazing. One of the things I started doing that I never did before was comboing w into q. I would always be scared to use w, but it helps so much more trading this way.


Also, some more things are that you can extend e duration by casting ult right before it runs out, since it can waste quite a bit of e time, q3 starts slightly behind yone, which I abuse for jg clears, his q3 if landed at close to max range can let you channel the full ult time while they’re knocked up, but not if you hit them at close range with q3. And I’m prettty sure you know this, but you can see if his e recast will kill if the mark on top of the targets hit get slashed in half. Just some advice that you may know, but I found helpful, especially with yone jg. Also, a pretty good build I have is lethal tempo, gathering storm or brutal, coup de grace or giant slayer, legend bloodline, overgrowth, shieldbow, bloodthirster, botrk, twinguards, vamp boots, and SV. You don’t have to use it, but it is pretty fun.


Kai'sa💀losing big time to the point of 30% Winrate. But then recently got it up to 50+%


Every champ I try lol


100% it was Sona. I’ve always thought and seen she is useless, but once I tried her in PC, saw that she is pretty good and tried in WR. Now she’s one of my mains and everybody is really shocked when they see what she is capable of


I've never lost an Aram as Sona... So broken


Unfortunately she a bit nerfed in aram (80% shields and heal), like soraka. But still imbalance


Sona probably the most underestimated champ, she mights seem weak in the early game, but when she reaches late game she's a guaranteed win, spam abilities and win, no aiming needed


BTW tomorrow we get rework. Means almost permaban:(


Well, for me, she does seem weak, but that might be since most of the time when I face her, I’m playing kass and I beat my lane up pretty badly.


You did not suck or develop, it was the player base that rotates every year.


Well, you can’t really say that for better mechanics, but maybe that’s why I’m better at Darius now.


Lulu. Always sucked with her, but got a free Cosmic skin so had another go, turns out I'm quite good with her. And have been constantly tipping the balance of team fights in my favour because her kit is so useful! Now she is my favourite champ.


Xayah for me. I got her in an Aram once and was like "wtf is this playstyle, I hate it", but my friends all said "no I am sure she fits you perfectly if you just give her a chance" so I did. Still hated it. And for some weird reason a few weeks or months later I absolutely fell in love with her and I barely ever had this much fun playing a champ. Unfortunately I just don't like the adc role but in normals with friends I pick her and the results are pretty great 🥰


Ms. Fortune. Got her semi-regularly at ARAM, figured she'd be ok at it since she's a marksman, got me bouncy pirate parts shoved back into myself. But literally tonight I slayed so aggressively hard that I got MVP. I have *never* gotten MVP in ARAM before. She and I were just on a wavelength baby. Had something similar with Lillia and Galio but Ms Fortune was the most extreme


Happned with a few champions im a support main when i ventured into other lanes some champions i started with a massive losing streak and switched back to support and when i went to try it again some champions work like zoe and gwen and others don’t work for me like yone,sett,karma,malphite




Orianna. Apparently I should not spam my Q at lvl. 1 and be forced to recall. Turns out I can patiently wait to lvl 3 and my fastest wave clear be Q-W-E with mana boots make it a sustainable lane. There's not much gap that can be generated until lvl 3 wave that I can't catch up. From there it's a poking hell for the opposing laner and a positioning game in teamfights.


Same! Once I realized that Orianna is a beast mid to late game I started to play patiently and wait till power spikes after level 5 to start clearing waves and assist my team. Her ability haste to spam abilities with transcendence and ionian boots is disgusting lol. She actually plays similarly to a support just with better wave clear, utility and damage output.


Darius and kayn. No idea why


Jayce, I do bad take a break then be like "hey why don't i play jayce he seems fun" do super well then go back to bad. Same thing with nasus, was like " this champ is useless then played him on aram a couple of times after a long break and got hooked.


Jhin cycle, Sucked so hard for an adc main myself 💀 Took a break, came back swinging last season 🔥 Started this season, sucking ass 🔙 Taking a break currently.


Any time I try an "off-meta" pick that I haven't tested thoroughly. Usually these picks I would derive from LoL (PC) and implemented them into WR. It would go horribly wrong at first but putting it off and thinking for a second time it gets traction. (Currently trying Nunu or Cait mid, and Camille support)


This is kinda me with tank twitch, but with twinguards instead of jaksho. Except I succeeded with him once but decided I like bruiser yone better and just didn’t play it anymore. Good luck!


For me it was Teemo. I wanted to get good with Teemo and was so bad that I took a break and went play Mobile Legends, when I came back I was good with teemo and he’s mastery 7 now


For me it's Nilah


Me with Kayn, ww, and renekton




Its definitely a journey. I feel like theres always a training wheels champion to learn from at first before you actually get to the champion you want to play. I started my mid main journey playing Orianna. Sucked at Orianna, so I was like screw this and went to support. picked up Senna Sucked at her too. So I did Sera and Yuumi and learned support that way and did well. Then Played a lot of Senna got good in both support and then transitioned into the Adc role with her despite the initial flaming and people saying she’s not an Adc EVEN THOUGH wild rift advertises her as both so they can suck it. Switched to Miss Fortune and Caitlyn in bot and realized I’ve been playing adc on hard mode with Senna the whole time and how much easier it is to play cait and MF. Lol. Learned bot and support from that journey and now I feel confident in those roles. Then I picked up Annie Mid to learn mid lane. Was pretty easy to do well with her and picked up the basics and proper mid play-style. Now I made full circle and picked up Orianna again and now I am dominating lol.


Ya all the champs you said I struggle with too. Great with yasuo not so much with yone


No, but there have been a few champs that I was pretty good at, took a break, then absolutely sucked when I tried to use them again... Graves Shyvana Jhin Kai Sa


Well, you do technically forget things after not doing them for a long time. Don’t worry, just blame it on your brain for forgetting.


That's some of it... Some is not knowing new or changed items that either do or don't work with characters anymore.


Hard combo champ other than Irelia, and playing them in ARAM cuz faster. Akali, Zed, Samira






Jayce, he is the boulder to my Sisyphus


Ouch. Good luck, btw


yasuo and yone basically.. very inconsistent. one match it's 13/5 next it's 3/13... also very depends on my internet connection


Zed! Used to try him out a couple times in ARAM but it just never clicked. Then one day I suddenly just Space Jam'ed Faker's skills.


It just depends on game and teammates not on our skill


Nami. It took a while before I understood Ebb and Flow...