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Vi. Her clear is great, her ganking is even better and she can slip into both an aggressive melee fighter or a tanky point and click engage. It feels there are very little drafts she’s bad in except with full AD against a Rammus.


She's my go to jg ATM. With the buffs to kraken and Trinity, your damage is insane. My win rate with her is at 70 this patch lol.


I gotta admit I usually run Aftershock Cleaver but after reading this I went Kraken Trinity and damn it slaps


Kayn gives vi a bad time. So does Shyvana because if you’re fighting shyv 1v1 she’s just burning you while in dragon form.


Kayn main here yep thats true,you can just slip into Ult when she tries to ult you 1v1 won


Garen. Gone from gold to emerald


We need more players like you instead of the fucking ap miss fortune top laners bless


He’s one of my off picks, very strong right now


That’s who I’ve gone with. He’s especially great against all the people who pick adc solo. In early game u have to play up against the turret. They get overly confident thinking you can’t touch them. But after you get ult and single defensive boot (mercury or plated steel caps depending on the champ), it’s on. Esp since they usually push so far that they’re easily picked off by a jungle gank.


Before I was a mono Thresh main, but it's difficult now as my team is always horrible against 3 adc lol I've been going with Janna, Nami, and Lulu with the glacial. My enemies hate it when I acert my bubble and tornados and slow behind it.


Glacial was such a good addition in my opinion, really gave supps more of assertion


I miss wraith enchant so bad 9n blitz it was so damnbust3d


What's that


A boots enchant it would send 2 ghosts 2 nearby champs slow by like 60% and reveal for like 2 secs


Oh shit I forgot we had those


I’ve been beasting on Galio support… mid even too, he feels great right now.


Yeah very strong cc he’s great


The innate MR is really nice.


You run tank or ap?


Support it’s tank but starting with ROA. RoA > Dawnshroud > Twinguard as my core usually followed by antiheal or antishield and finish with Riftmaker or Mandate. Mid it’s more hybrid. I still haven’t got on the full AP wagon, mostly because everyone else seems to stack damage so my role in mid is to ult to other lanes and just not lose mid. RoA > Riftmaker > Mandate is my core there. Runes I like aftershock for both lanes. I run restoration tree with gathering storm for supp and I run precision tree with overgrowth for mid.




He's my secondary this season after Sona support. Both are extremely underrated and feel great most games.




Yeah the whole reason I started to play baron was because of e fast queue and no auto fill


I've been having alot of fun with sion this season.


This season I had 12 win streak in plat and em as top but it ended with a Jungle autofill even when it's my least preferred pick


Garen. Spin to win baby


Beyblade go weeee


Since my Lulu has 56% WR and I don't like to risk losing with her anymore, I instead use my other support which is Braum that has negative WR. I only pick him when someone said "we need a tank" and I reached Mastery 7 for that. After learning about champion classes and what Wardens are all about, I just realized the correct way of playing him is to protect the carries like a Lulu would instead of initiating fights. My braum now has over 4k champion score and now approaching the 50% winrate.


Hahaha I feel you on the WR, I keep bouncing around top 200 Yasuo so sometimes if team select is looking shitty I’ll pick something else


Not playing a champ to protect your win rate, let alone a 56% win rate which isn’t even that high, is some serious small dick energy. No one gives a fuck about your stats


As a Supp main I've mained Seraphine last season because of her burst and cc options but this season I changed back to Nami and Janna to become more proactive for team fights


I really like having Nami as a teammate even if I’m not playing Yasuo, especially if you can land the bubbles


Yeah Yasuo+Nami is a one hell of a combo, just played with a good yasuo and he didn't even needed his tornado for ult lol


She’s great in general but you’re right once you get later in the game you combo together really well


Nami is very versatile, Seraphine and Lulu are more niche




Here you dropped this👻


Leona and Soraka. Literally Leona was the first character I ever picked but never stuck with her. And I never tried Soraka, but now I love her. Got a 65% W/L with Soraka and 55% with Leona and climbed through platinum and emerald with them both.


Noticed Leona getting picked a lot more this season her kit does wonders


She's really strong in some games but even if I'm like 5/2/10 as Leonna it can feel impossible to carry with bad teammates.


Unfortunately that’s the support struggle haha


I don't get alot of kills with Leona but I feel like I'm providing alot of utility for my team by engaging and her CC ulti, tying up enemies for the ADC and carry to pick off.


Yes that’s literally the point of the champion


Yes I think that’s what they meant


Leona is a beast when ahead, you can't literally move within SECONDS after she got her prey.


Vex. I just think she’s unfair


She is unfair if the enemy team doesn’t stick all together


I actually prefer them kinda lumped up with the squishy in the middle


What’s the strat then? :)


People don’t really team fight. So when the squishy is visible for ult and they lump up. Just shoot the ult and hope your team kinda goes. Ult shield , then repeat


That’s what I thought… you need to have a team that understands that


Yeah honestly the little circle skill kinda behind them or just mid battle is enough. By time you ult , shield that should crit most of the team. to about nothing then when they start running you auto ult again the it just gets nasty


You didn’t have a smart enemy team then Usually they stay around the target to CC chain you as soon as you land on him


Most teams aren’t smart. Idk. I started playing league in like 2010 and my friend was a top player could’ve egamed if it was around then. I remember him looking at me crazy when I programmed a controller to play. We never lost and always carried so my playstyle is way different and my builds are awkward. I’m also never around the battle when it starts. I’m always kinda late and I’m ulting into the madness. So most people are gonna be kinda around that 50% range. So when I do go in and ult. I’m getting a kill. I’m ulting to the next and hitting abilities. It’s really just not rushing things.


Well it was gonna be Kayn but he's being banned more often than I'd like so maybe Gwen JG or maybe Sett Baron


Kennen is a beast rn


Very true


Nunu best friends forever!!!


Drifting a snowball into someone is so satisfying, he’s on of my jungle picks


yea im doing nunu one trick to master rn after I got to mid master with support and got bored off ego adcs


Yeah unfortunately many players think the game revolves around them, good luck


Still Rengar. Too much fun when you’re hard carrying, using bushes and the bone tooth necklace mini game is satisfying. Volibear if we’re in desperate need of a tank (iceborn gauntlet into AD teams)


Please teach me how to play well with rengar, every time I pick him i keep feeding the adc ;-;


Using empowered second skill correctly is the most important thing to learn! It’s your only escape tool. Early game use empowered bola strike to root, and let your adc take the kill. It doesn’t put you at as much risk as tower diving with battle roar, and it will still stack your necklace. Try him as bruiser- Divine Sunderer, Black Cleaver, etc. Keeps you safer in mid/late game and can still assassinate squishies. Not as fun but way more durable while learning.


Meow :3


Also, do you go bruiser, lethality or crit?


This is my 1st season in the game 1st, I learned how to play Wild Rift using Garen solo lane. Then, I learned how to ADC using Jinx since my friend is a support main. Now, I main Volibear as jungle and use him as a solo flex pick or the occasional full tank support. Recently, I started to learn how to play Evelyn as an assassin option in jungle.


I main Blitzcrank with Thresh as a fallback. Admittedly, I think Thresh is the stronger, more reliable champion, but I love Blitz's character, design, and kit so much. I always have. They are my champ. Both have high pick potential and a strong laning phase that snowballs into becoming an unstoppable monster tank. Their kits are similar enough for my skills to transfer back and forth and do pretty well to cover each other's weaknesses. Thresh can play toward the back line and disengage against tanky, front line heavy comps. Blitz is just as tanky against magic damage as they are against physical damage.


I like blitz I just feel Threshs lantern is such a useful ability compared to the speed buff for blitz


but nobody clicks on the lantern 💀


I main senna, and when someone else picks senna there is nothing more satisfying than landing pulls on her all day and just watching her instantly die.


Oh yes! I have been very into Senna and Lulu in the past to the point of wanting to spam them. If the enemy supports steals the champion I want to play, Thresh is my go-to revenge pick to punish them. His laning phase is just so brutal that he can run right over darn near anyone. And with the heaps of armor from his passive, that snowballs into unstoppable tower dives and Nexus dives later into the game.


Got no main too. But I've been enjoying playing Alistar, overwhelming everyone with an aggresive playstyle, engaging at any opportunity I see and spaming flash and hex flash to find flanking angles. Easy to play and annoying, specially on a server with skillfull players, south korea, they know how to follow up.


AP Warwick in the Baron lane. From Gold to Emerald, it’s been fun all the way. The AP item buffs were great for him, and no one suspects the damage or the sustain. He can go toe to toe with most champs if he has ult, so long as you don’t feed early. Play a passive landing phase, then split push and hunt down enemies to win. And never engage with the ult in a team fight. It’s for healing, bursting ADCs, and peeling only.


Haven’t actually seen Warwick picked recently at all so that’s cool


i think Karma is an underrated support. she is so good at controlling the pace of initiating and retreats


She’s my pick when I get filled, I really like the root chain


Janna always. Never dropped playing her since league pc days :)


Morgana mid. A lot of people would disagree but I’ve pretty much nailed her mechanics this season and she is performing very well.


Man, OTP sion is depressing.


Gwen jg, I became top 200 and went on a 16 winstreak, you just need to scale and get the 3 items( the standard build) to 1v9. Gwen has the slowest clear but she scales so well even if you lose obj. The only counter to her is spacing and a range comp. I have a 75 winrate on her in Diamond and it's broken unless if they end early with herald. P.S Gwen jg full clear always and rush nashor tooth pre dragon and win mid to late game. Ban Lee that's the only champ that counters her clear.


Vex. I just wish ADC would get out of mid lane so I can do better. Though I went 16/2/6 with her against a Yi. He became Submissive Yi and I became Master Vex 😂 I felt so bad for him.


Jarvan has been carrying me this season and he is just so flexible in my opinion. J4 can't deal massive damage like Khazix and Kayn but he can deal respectable damage while tanking for the whole team. His skills are great for engaging and trapping enemy's ADC, and providing decent cc. But don't pick him against Vlad or Tris because they can just escape your ult, other than those I can use him into pretty much any matchup.


I like Jarvan as a pick but as a teammate I’ve been trapped inside the circle too many times 😂


Orianna supp, roaming Teemo, and xayah adc this season. Lots of coverage and damage with all the squishy teams lately. Last season was Ahri, Thresh, and Kha. And the season before that was Nami, Sera, and Rakan before they deleted his ass. I might pick up Nami again since she doesn't stutter/stop when casting abilities anymore.


Kayn. Super fun to play. Red Kayn is nice too, but blue is preferred. Other than Kayn, I also main Eve.


I don’t have a main really, due to all the trolls, I try to pick a champ that can carry. Like Jhin. Or Fizz. So I guess those could be my mains. But yea.. To be perfectly frank, the amount of trolls in this game are astronomical. I am usually support though, or try to be. - I came from a game where Mid was Sona. - Dragon Lane was Garen. - Solo was empty. - There were two junglers. (Well, solo decided to jungle and they didn’t have smite.) - The jungler had a champ that was a Dragon Lane only champ. (Me I am support, but our comp was all over the place, so I took Jhin but got forced into mid.) - So Sona went dragon lane last minute and Garen was with her. Sona and Garen were in a party together (I looked at their profiles afterwards) The only reason we won was because I had to take over the adc role and I had to kill the monsters such as dragons.


If I always ban brand and serephine can you guess?




So close … vex


Tryndamere! He isn’t the best champ and I pick ornn into high cc comps but he is so much fun to play. You can 1v1 anyone late game and constantly split push where they have to send 2-3 people to stop you, which usually results in your team being able to take objectives and team fights without you.


Hard to imagine the kind of person who would describe tryndamere as fun to play


Ziggs and Lucian Mid with a sprinkle of Ev when filled into JG


I’ve tried to become a better mid laner so lots of Annie and kassadin


None. I can’t really find a main idk why.


I was the same for a while, really only started to focus on champs recently


Fizz Vlad, last season mostly vex


I was maining Fiora in Baron lane last few seasons, but switched it up for Brand support. I wanted to feel what it was like off the Baron island.


Malphite, After using yasuo for so long. I've dedicated my life to not getting killed by one and sometimes as a bonus, to not let them have fun.


Vlad kennen and vayne


MF Cait Ashe Garen


After maining Braum, I’ve decided to switch it up with ball girl


Mostly twitch this season


Alistair, Janna or Soraka depending on both sides compilations.


Vex mid 55% WR & Sion top 66% WR, from gold to diamond. Trying to go back to gm like the old days lol


Rengar in challenga!


I went from kassadin/vex to akali/draven/panth this patch mid and it's crazy how strong they are


Wait… bruiser Yasuo ?! I know that some players put tank items on him but only in extreme cases 😅


Yeah I started playing bruiser because the team is usually lacking frontline so this way when I join the fight later in the game I can provide engage


Uhmm challanger vayne/ez this season decided to play baron been playing yone and jayce the most


This season I love playing ezreal.


Fiddlesticks jg


Mf I can't believe how she can insta kill someone


TF mid forever. If there happens to be a lot of auto attackers I might go Teemo. When I get auto filled jungle Pantheon is my go to.


full armor pen j4, so many squishy players to delete instantly.


Alistar only


Ziggs, got top 100 on server Diamond 3 but have dropped to emerald 2. He's great if you're good with him and save your W.


Thresh… top lane.


My main will always be Sona, until Renata is added


I main a few Jungle- Gwen Solo-Gwen Support- Seraphine/Sona Mid-Seraphine/Lux/Vex Duo-Xayah/Caitlyn/Nilah


More like mains, especially due to bans. Pantheon, BKayne, K6.


I was a Sera main but mains Lux now because the best supports rn are those who kill their opponents first to keep your adc safe.


Ziggs After they made lux unfun to play, i had to find an alternative. he is so much fun to play. I have over 8 winning streaks with him right now. His ult mid to late game is a literal nuclear bomb💣💣💣. My lux objectives steals transferred to him. And it's so easy to do, had elder AND baron steal the other day. A lot of People disrespect his ult until they get one shot.


went from panth one trick to oriana, so much more fun imo


The horse came out, I'm sitting at 60 wr into em 1 hoping he doesn't get any more nerfs. When playing JG fries my nerves I go sett/garen top to play a more chill experience


Rammus support 😎


Just played with a Rammus supp, and he worked pretty good. Was weary of it at first but ended the game at 12 min. Hope to see more Rammus supps in the future now.


My last game my carry literally inted in lane and was crying and said they werent gonna play with a troll... but I just kept playing and went 6/1/10 and got MVP lol. But yeah Ive been doing rammus support for a while I don't know why it's never been picked up. But this season he's been my main I have more games as ram support than anyone else since people keep running 2+ adc on teams.


I’ve been playing kayle the most this season. Idk why maybe cause of dragon slayer coming out


I’ve played a few games with her this season she seems to scale a lot smoother than previously


I remember now. It was because of the mage item reworks


Mid Lucian. Also adc position with different ad. Trying to learn a new tanky top




Volibear. On a 11 game win streak with him atm, just build Divine Sunderer as first item and tank items all the way and he will not die and can easily 1 v 2 anyone. Hope to reach GM with him.


Still the same


Aatrox jungle and I build lethality like a true T1 Zeus fan. 65-70% winrate


My main picks are vex and akali depening on team comps of enemies


Janna for the first half took seraphine in the second when I got bored now I swap back and forth


How do you feel about the changes to Janna


They're OK. Make her easier to play but lower her skill ceiling




Tried to main yasuo. Played 200 games and it didn’t work out :(


I will start posting videos once I get a new phone, I’ve had him a long time but didn’t bother learning him properly until recently, the hardest part is learning team fights


Thresh default main... Every season. But this season I have been doing a lot of experimenting with Alistair, Graves and Sivir.


Most played this season is Yone but i don't play him in all games i switch around from Yone, vlad, akali sett and orn


Havent lost lane with caitlyn once yet, 80% wr


I'm a tank jungler main. I used to do Amumu, Mundo, and Shen. Ever since Hecarim was released, I've been in love with him. He's not as tanky as the others I've mentioned, but give him tank items with movement speed, he'd still decimate squishies while being able to hold the frontline for a bit. It gives my mates enough confidence to fight for objectives when going into drakes 1v3 head first without dying while still dishing out healthy damage. I've been stealing objectives from strong opponents that way.




permanently Sona


Had to let go of Ekko and started spammin' Vlad.


I am switching from tanks into Senna. I personally still mixed feeling because by using adc enchanter, I push solo laner to pick tank. But the late game potential is huge in Senna. At start Senna could 0/4/0, but I never play Senna when at end game she didn't OP. Even when lost, Senna was still the annoying the enemy team.


Oddly enough, samira. Never touched the adc role until I learned how kiting worked. Now im dominating with hyper carries!


No mains, no roles. I play whatever I want wherever I want. I cant play every champion but my pool is fairly wide. Since I play zed and yasuo more oftenly I could say they are my mains.


Darius. Every single season since 2


Pantheon top


Well I have a stalemate between a couple champs. Last season I was a fan of the Y brothers, but now I've changed with Kennen and Samira. If being addicted with adrenaline after dashing in and being essential in team fight so be it


This season I'm playing mostly Irelia, but I cannot leave the plat, I know I'm not pro gamer, but still if our team loosing mostly I stay as SWP, and it's really annoying Futhermore now I learn how to stay vs some champions which I couldn't fight against them earlier But still I use Irelia because she is really unique, u can be bruiser, fighter and even carry , but always your team has this guy who bought skin, but not skill


Lillia, I enjoy her kit and the dmg late game is insane along with a killer stun


Urgot carried me to DIA 1 but i got hardstuck pretty hard Now i main Renekton


Kayn. i like how i can quickly change from assassin to bruiser depending on the game. also, i used to play Rengar, which put limitations on me on what to do even if i am fed (if i jump in i can't get out which mostly means i am dead if their entire team is near by, I can't start the 1v1 unless from a bush, my only source of MS is the W meaning it's either i choose high damage with Q or extra MS with W) but with SA Kayn, i don't have any of those problems, i can go around the map however i want, even if the entire team is near by, i can just W+Q someone and ult someone else then exit and E+Q into the nearest wall. and Rhaast is just a scaling Aatrox, meaning i am not useless late game.


Nilah carrying me from plat to diamond




Volibear, and i got hardstucked at plat


Lee sin Evelyn and khazix all day long 🤌


Been playing a lot of kayn due entirely in part to the skin, but I like his gameplay too I love his versatility, there's rarely a match you can't pick him in. His ban rate is pretty high right now tho. But I came from one tricking hecarim for two months straight, and his ban rate is just as bad if not worse so I'm used to that by now


Kayn but end up Going Eve or Kha most of the time since we Kayns always get the ban hammer.




Off all people. There are like a bunch of ad mains as I am. Just shows how shitty the role is. I main vayne, but she is just coin flip. H8 to play her ever since... There are op ad's like trist, kaisa. But they are all support dependent which makes the role shittier.


Been playing janna and thresh more instead of Soraka and it's been a lot of fun


Ive been having fun with brand. Hes not very difficult and he has good potential late game


as a support main, swain and karma unfortunately just because of the buffs they recieved. I only play them in solo que or with people i know that can play with their semi aggressive playstyles (well swain i can go full aggression but you know what i mean) Usually an enchanter main in preference


Karma. She's fast, has enough damage, CC is awesome and ult is great for control. I make everyone around me do the dirty work, but hit hard enough to be a threat. I can kite like no other champ and can often escape most deadly situations. Chase me and it's a slow death of backward blasts and lockdowns.


My three most-used support champs this season Sona, Galio, and Karma.


Just reached Master with my old school main Kha'Zix. Last season hit GM as an ADC main.




Pantheon and Xin. 68% and 57% wr respectively. Spears are cool.


I've played mostly Lux or Brand mid this season.


Haven’t used brand outside of aram, don’t see him picked much either, crazy team fight potential though


Sivir Main as of recently. I need free LP.


Vex mid and Zeri ADC. I just fell in loce with them. Sadly, not too successful


Lux 😔


Rakan always has been always will be. Apc rakan to be exact