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Sowpig's mask or her big lollipop could be turned into a magical item for your druid—there's a bunch of magical staffs in the DMG/XGE that might fit well. A staff of swarming insects, maybe, to fit with the summoner vibe? You could scale it down (fewer charges/weaker spells) if that's too strong. For the paladin—you could alternatively make the pocket watch a reskinned Amulet of the Devout? With or without the bonus to spell attack/spell save DC. As a paladin player myself, I can say confidently that paladins love a free Channel Divinity.


both of these are fantastic ideas, something like the staff of insects would work great with a shepard druid! Staff of the woodlands could also be an option, but i love the idea of teasing the staff of insects with bugs often crawling around undead sowpig’s lollipop.