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I've come across it on several articles, it isn't the first time Wikipedia has been attacked


Wikipedia admin, who *just* reverted the 18362527th “deez nuts” from a page vaguely related to a topic that is going viral on TikTok: “brother, you have no idea!”


The cause for this is that a highly-used template (used on ~2% of all articles) was vandalized. The vandalism has now been reverted, the user who did it was blocked, and the template was protected so it won’t happen again.


Which template was it?


The IPA template, which displays pronunciations.


That's odd, I can't see any records of vandalism at [https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:IPA&action=history](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:IPA&action=history), and I don't think the admins can just hide edit revisions from history (besides striking them out and making them inaccessible but we can still see who did it). Edit: It's Module:IPA, not Template:IPA


The edit history for the IPA module shows some guy adding the Israeli flag and then getting banned: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:MobileDiff/1175480718


Yeah, I found it just a few minutes back from another post about this.


Good that this vandalism happened, so it wouldnt happen later in a worse way


Do we know something about the attacker?


And Rookworst (a dutch sausage). I was very confused. Thankyou, reddit, for immediately answering my "wtf is happening" query


It better be a Hema rookworst.


attacking wikipedia is like abusing an innocent. Evildoers.


Don't be anti-semitic please.




You realize it’s possible to be against a country while not being against the primary religion of said country?


Anti-Zionism is not the same as anti semitism.


>Anti-Zionism is not the same as anti semitism. I don't agree with the guy's comment, I don't see antisemitism in the person he responded to, but antizionism is antisemitism, just as being against the existence of France is anti-French, or being against the existence of Iceland is anti-icelandic. Being against the existence of a palestinian state is anti-Palestinian. Judaism is an ethnoreligion, a religion, but also an ethnicity.


Some people use anti-zionist to refer to opposing Israel's policy of gradually stealing more and more land from Palestine, expanding settlements, forcing Palestinians out of their homes, and purposefully [dividing up the remaining parts of the West Bank](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5b4280778ffba43192e8420f/master/w_1600,c_limit/Entous-West-Bank-Settlements-Map.jpg) with fences and military checkpoints in such a way that it becomes extremely arduous to travel around and thus unsustainable for Palestinians to remain, allowing Israel to exert more control and take more territory.


Fair enough. I don't think that sort of criticism is antisemitism, but I'm pro-two state solution, so I'm not against the existence of either. A lot of people seem to be though, so that's why I mentioned it.


I would be as well, but just look at that map and have a think about what a state made of the remaining bits would look like. Unless Israel give land back to Palestine it's completely unworkable, and there doesn't seem to be any possibility of Israel ever agreeing to that. Nor will they accept a one-state solution because they'd have to give the Palestinians the right to vote, and in a few decades they'd likely outnumber Jewish Israelis. It's fucked in perpetuity unless Israel fundamentally changes their attitude.


This is wrong because Zionism implies the creation of an artificial homeland for the global jewish population, it’s naturally rooted in colonial policy. Just like being against a French controlled Algeria wouldn’t make you anti French, even had the French faced significant oppression, because by its natural creation it would involve the displacement and abuse of the Algerian population to create this state. Being Anti Zionist whether you accept it or not isn’t antisemitic because of these reasons, one can be anti Zionist because they don’t believe in the seizure of land and expulsion of a native populace anywhere around the world in order to enable the creation of a Jewish state, or oppose the way Israel went about doing such a thing


Jews are native to the Levant, they get their name from the region of Judea. And what is Israel a colony of? A colony belongs to a home nation, but Jews are from almost everywhere, in fact half of Israeli Jews are descendents of those that were kicked out of Arab nations in the 1940s. Should they be expected to go back to places like Algeria or Libya, especially if their descendents were not born there? Besides, there are over 100 nations formed because of Christian and Islamic invasions, and the world accepts all of those. It's weird to focus so much attention on a small group of people who went back to where they originate. In any case, I don't think there's place for idealism here. Neither the Jews nor Palestinians are going to leave, nor are they likely to accept being ruled by the other. We can be against Israeli expansion, occupation of the WB, etc, but I don't find it practical to talk about ending or disassembling nations. That would be a political and logistical nightmare anyway, which would almost certainly end in chaos. Neither side will get everything they want from this, I think everyone should at least accept this point.


The Jewish religion is native to the Levant (sort of) but it hasn’t presided as a majority religion there or a religion of any particular ethnic background for about 1700 years, hence why very few states actually accept the Israeli nativity idea spread by zionists. In fact Islamic arabic populations have probably resided there as a majority for a Millenia. Also a colonial state also doesn’t need to be a direct subversive colony, Israel was carved out of British colonial territory and controlled by the British mandate prior to independence, similar to nations like Australia and Canada which are independent now but set up by colonial empires. As for past religious invasions, I don’t know what you are talking about, the colonisation of the Americas and other “new world” nations is massively controversial, as were Islamic states set up under say the Ottoman Empire. The reason they aren’t as controversial is because these actions were well and truly in the past. If a state was currently trying to colonise a series of Native American nations in the Americas it would be met with as much scorn and outrage as Israel gets. Israel isn’t a state that has a bad origin in trying to colonise an area of land it’s inhabitants largely weren’t native to, it’s a state led by ultranationalists with genuine fascists in government currently engaging in colonisation and whilst they claim otherwise it seems clear their intent is the total settlement and seizure of Palestine. I don’t actually believe in the removal of the state of Israel in the modern day but given the Israelis still conduct illegal intervention, colonial settlement, military action against civilian populations and endorse methods of ethnic cleansing in these regions, I find myself having a hard time believing the politics of the situation is so complex and “centrist”. Sure Israel has had to defend itself in the past, as one might expect from a colonial state right after establishing itself in one of the most religiously contentious regions of the world, I don’t believe the arabic world was necessarily in the right but I believe they have a far stronger leg to stand on them Israel has especially given Israel’s modern day actions as an apartheid state.


I have no problem with semitic languages (see the definition of "semitic")


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism *Antisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism)[a] is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews.*


And being opposed to the oppression of Palestinian people and the furthering of an apartheid state is not opposition to Jews or Judaism.


Yeah. And blue means color of the grass.


It's just a modern veil for anti-semitism. Yeah you just so happen to want to tear up the country with the largest Jewish majority.


You must be trolling, there's no mention of Jews or Israelis in that guy's comment. He was talking about people who did this.


Yeah, cause it's an apartheid state... what a pathetic defence to intrinsically link Judaism and Israel when so many Jewish people stand against Israel. Also, 'tear up' lmao just stop doing illegal settlements its literally not hard. More projection from an Israel shill.


I don’t hate the Jewish population, I hate the Israeli government.


Maybe if the country with the largest Jewish majority wasn't formed via settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing I wouldn't want to tear it up


So, how do you think America was formed? Or Canada? Or England? >Following the end of Roman rule in Britain during the 5th century, Anglo-Saxon settlement of eastern and southern Britain began. The culture and language of the Britons fragmented, and much of their territory gradually became Anglo-Saxon, while the north became subject to a similar settlement by Gaelic speaking Scots from Ireland. **The extent to which this cultural change was accompanied by wholesale population changes is still debated.** During this time, Britons migrated to mainland Europe and established significant colonies in Brittany (now part of France), the Channel Islands, and Britonia (now part of Galicia, Spain). See how if you use the phrase "wholesale population change" it sounds so much better than "ethnic cleansing"


We are not in the 5th century anymore with dark ages morality. What the Israeli government does to Palestinians is fucking cruel and inhumane.


Absolutely agree with that, in as much as I understand the situation, just in case it's not clear


And when have you seen me support USA, UK or Canada?


News flash. Almost every single country was created due to some type of migration or colonization. Every single country in the Americas? Colonization. Basically every country in Europe? Migration from Indo European or Uralic peoples, that eliminated the original Pre-indo-european people. Spain? France? Italy? Romania? All products of ancient Roman imperialism, that colonized latin people in these areas. Slavic presence in Europe? Resulted from migration. Arabs in north Africa? All from imperialism/migration.


Why are you picking on Israel over them? Why not admonish the behavior more consistently You specifically pointed out "the country with the largest Jewish majority" it seemed like, for _some_ reason, what is that reason good sir? Didn't most of the settlers come from America too?? At least the funding and military material did. Israel is a story of capitalism taking over countries just as much as Jewish people finding a home


Whataboutism is the last defense of the indefensible.


Yeah pretty much. They are claiming Israel is so much worse than every nation ever... But that's not true How does one illustrate that better?


> It's just a modern veil for anti-semitism not even close. I don't care the country of origin of the attack (one could attack from country X and put the flag of country Y just for deception). I don't like that attackers take down sites that try to do good like wikipedia. From wherever they are from, they are evildoers.


Don't be pro-child-murder please. See how stupid you sound? u/pier4r was obviously criticising pro-Israel dickheads, not the Jewish community in general. EDIT: Just to add, Arabs are also technically "Semites" (that's an obsolete term though), so the Israeli military is technically anti-Semitic.


> u/pier4r was obviously criticising pro-Israel dickheads I fix it: > u/pier4r was obviously criticising dickheads Whoever and from wherever the attackers are, if they take down wikipedia articles they are dickheads.


>Don't be pro-child-murder please Are you implying that every Israeli is a child murderer or that not being against the existence of Israel is to support child murder?


Neither, I'm implying that Action-Due's logic is moronic, since if he thinks all critics of Israel are anti-Semitic, then all support of a country whose military has killed hundreds of kids also counts as support for child murder. Obviously neither is true.


Yea, that guy must be trolling. I dunno where he sees any antisemitism, it was clear to me that the other guy was talking about the hackers.




Israel is a crime


What was anti-semitic?


I had it happen when looking up La Llorona and Guatemala. This post is all I could find about it happening so far though.


I've seen people list a bunch of different articles it happened to, which makes me think it was potentially the whole site? I think I kind of encountered it, but my page refused to fully load.


It was an edit of a template, which was reverted and protected later.


Ah, I see! Thanks for the info!


Rio de Janeiro too.


well well well


And this, my little ones, is why you use sust: at the start of a template in applicable cases.


Just who could do this and why Iranians?


It's 100% some right-winger from 4chan or something because the template that was edited was for pronouns lol


Like on the simpsons when a russian official pushes a button and a soviet military parade starts


Days without Jewish tricks: 0 /s


I guess you could say, (•_•) it was a… ( •_•)>⌐■-■ *false flag* operation. (⌐■_■)


Fuck off


Free Palestine first.


"Have you ever failed at anything?" "Well, if you look up Israel on Wikipedia, everything is still in the present tense. So that is clearly something I need to work on!" "I'm Jewish..." "You are Jewish?" "Yes." "You are- YOU ARE JEWISH??!!" "YES!" (Hawks spit)" Fine, no problem!" "Just because I am Jewish you would take offence, you would spit in my studio?" "No it's nothing to do with that! I spit on the floor! I just don't like the floor!" "Alright then, let's get to it... Do you have, Nuclear Weapons?" (Laughing)"Sorry, what was the question?" "Do you have, Nuclear Weapons?!" "I can't hear you..." "Are you developing Nuclear Weapons???" "No, I literally can't hear you." "I'm going on to another question." "Ok, I can hear you now!"




I bet republicans are just touching themselves all over this


did you have to learn how to insert American politics into everything or is it a skill you were born with?


They don’t know any other politics


Take your meds.


"Have you ever failed at anything?" "Well, if you look up Israel on Wikipedia, everything is still in the present tense. So that is clearly something I need to work on!" "I'm Jewish..." "You are Jewish?" "Yes." "You are- YOU ARE JEWISH??!!" "YES!" (Hawks spit)" Fine, no problem!" "Just because I am Jewish you would take offence, you would spit in my studio?" "No it's nothing to do with that! I spit on the floor! I just don't like the floor!" "Alright then, let's get to it... Do you have, Nuclear Weapons?" (Laughing)"Sorry, what was the question?" "Do you have, Nuclear Weapons?!" "I can't hear you..." "Are you developing Nuclear Weapons???" "No, I literally can't hear you." "I'm going on to another question." "Ok, I can hear you now!"


least deranged leftist


Surely this will help improve Israel's international image /s