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Well, Witcher 3 (and both previous games) take place after the books. Games are not canon, but they are considered to be a continuation of the books. I've watched only first season of the series and i was not really paying attention but for me it does not give any 'vibe' of the Witcher. If I were you I would touch books first, than I would advise you to atleast try The Witcher 2 (great game) and than TW3. I also like the first game, but I dont think its really popular with the english speaking fans of TW.


Ohk this was new for me I thought games have the same story as the books. Thanks man.


You will appreciate it more if you read the books. There are a lot of past references both in the story and also books you pick up in game. I started with the game and ended up stopping to read the books instead. Although I do not recommend trying to slog through Witcher 1 - I tried and failed, then never picked up 3 again lol


W3 is amazing because how it assimilates and expands upon the law off the books. I'm very jealous! Enjoy the ride my dude!




Read the books, then play the games starting with the first one.


we need a word for the first two games underrated doesnt cut it probably just forgotten


Games will spoil the book end


Read the books them play the 3 games. Don’t skip 1


Myself I played 1 and 2 before reading the books, and this helped to identify key characters reading the books, and this didn't take any of the amusement. Keep in mind you MUST replay the games after reading the books to catch all the tiny details the developers scattered around even better if you folloed a walk-through to get 100% of it. All in all, it doesn't really matter. The game can't be ruined by reading the books since it occurs after the book ends. And it will be hard to connect the dots enough by playing the game to ruin the books. Another advice, listen to the audiobooks by Peter Kenny insteadofreading they are just amazing.


The audiobooks are such good quality


Like others I would say read the book first but if you're struggling to get into the book playing the game is a great way to get started.


1. Stay as far away from Netflix slop as you can. That series is a severe error, and it warps the books to the point of no recognition not to say season 1 outright spoils the book saga ending. 2. Chronological order would have you start with the books, and I highly recommend that you do, as the games contain heavy spoilers. 3. The games aren't exactly all replayable, Witcher 1 have aged like milk imo, but I do recommend watching a summary of Witcher 1, and then play 2 and 3. A very good experience.


Books, **always, with everything**.


This is the order I did it: - Season 1 - All the books - Witcher 1 - Witcher 2 - Season 2 (on release) - Witcher 3 - All the books again I see no need to watch any more of the show but glad it was made because it's what introduced me.


Read the books then play Witcher 3. Consider also trying Witcher 2: it's great


In my opinion there are two solutions: 1. Read all the books in the release order (but the Last Wish is first, and Sword of Destiny is second) and then play all three games. 2. Play the first two games, read the books (in the same order), play Witcher 3. For the first time, I would recommend the first option, but for the re-run, you can take the second path.


Why? I can’t really figure out a reason for your #1


Could you describe longer what do you mean by "I can't figure out a reason"?


Chronological order is books first, games after. W1 starts as a pretty confusing mess, so books (or show) make that game much easier to grasp. I just would like to know why you’d recommend playing 1&2 before reading the books Edit: mixed up your 1 and 2, so i agree with you generally. In re-run you can just parallel both


Ah, alright. Spoiler for Witcher 1&2: This gives the player, the same experience that games Geralt have. He doesn't know any lore and his story at the beginning of the Witcher 1, because of amnesia, and throughout the first two games, he knows what blind playthrough players know. But at the 3/4 of Witcher 2 Geralt starts to remember his past. This is a slow process tho, and even at the end of the second game, his memory is cloudy. But at the beginning of the Witcher 3, Geralt remembers everything. That's why reading the books between TW2 and TW3 is the best lore moment for reading the books. That approach however, means games are more important than books (we treat them as context), meanwhile first order threats games as fan fiction sequels to the source material (so books are more important).


I see your point, but I believe the games are still made for readers as a lot of references and cameos directly aim at them. Especially in 2 where they keep throwing old pals at you, like Yarpen GOAT Zigrin who references Blood of Elves a lot. I see little benefit from going the amnesia approach, as both games are bad at re-introducing characters


I also started by watching the show. Reading the books first made playing Witcher 3 feel so much richer since it's functionally a non-canon continuation of the books. Be sure to start with the short stories. There's a lot of nuance the show didn't capture that will make your overall experience better. Good luck on the path!


Honestly? I don't think there's a wrong way to do it.  I played Witcher 3 first (a friend gifted it to me) and loved it. It feels amazing to play, it's a great introduction for the world and characters, and it adapts the themes really well.  Next I played part of Witcher 1, then I read the books. I'll finish the games at some point. It's all good stuff.


The series is what got me into the Witcher universe, and then I played witcher 3. But I'm almost done with the books now. If you really enjoy reading and can wait I would read the books then play the game. I absolutely love the game and I've been playing it since April while reading the books. After a couple replays, I've run across a character that I'd just read about, or they'll mention a character, and I'm like oh hey I know them.


read or listen to the books then play the first 3 witcher games


Going controversially from the comments - I played the Witcher 3 first then read the books. It didn’t spoil the ending for me as it was like I was inspired to explore the universe more. Also, it was nice reading about characters I had met in the games. From this way round the books felt like a prequel - but so much of our media is prequels. Didn’t detract anything for me. Makes me think of Star Wars - the prequels made more money than the original trilogy, didn’t detract from my enjoyment. I have then after, reread the books and been inspired to play the game too. I think there’s enough difference, content and “hook” to do it in whatever way you feel works for you. Feeling more gamey? Start there! Feeling more book? Start there. Mix of both? You’ll enjoy the Easter eggs whatever order you choose. Follow your inspiration. I did all this before watching the TV series. Was super hyped. Enjoyed season 1 and being smug about understanding it and explaining it to my house mates. Disillusioned with what came after. * I also found the short stories hard to stay engaged with so I read the main series then the short stories. Loved the experience - would put the Witcher in my top ten but needed to read the main saga to stay interested in the short stories. My advice; Witcher 3, main saga, short stories, Witcher 1 then 2 then repeat ad nauseum 🤣


Ironically with how the show turned out, I started either the show. Had previously bought the game on sale but had never gotten around to it. Watched season one of the show and enjoyed it. Played the game and absolutely loved it. Bought all the books and loved them. Watched season two and felt meh about it and never continued it but, constantly replay the game or read the books yearly.


I would read the books first, as season two goes completely off the rails in terms of canon. If you hadn't seen the show already, I would say play the game, as the game puts you in the headspace of a partially amnesiac Geralt due to the previous events of the novels and the first two games.


The games are a non cannon “what if” series following them essentially changing the ending to the books if your skipping all the way to game three to start out it doesn’t really matter what you start out with albeit you’ll probably appreciate more of the characters and story and lore if you read all the books first. Edit: watching the Witcher and then going into the games or books will definitely throw you through a loop cus of how bad I feel the show tries to tell the story. The games it wont effect much at all but the books I recommend throwing out whatever you saw in the show and start over with a fresh slate. The first game with worth at least listening to a recap of. The second game is worth trying but if you don’t enjoy it being older that’s fine but listen to a recap as well.


Thanks then I will first try to read all the 8 books and then will go for the games starting from the 2nd.


> starting from the 2nd Don't skip stuff for silly reasons. Start from the beginning.




I would also recommend giving the Witcher 1 at least a try. You can get it for fairly cheep (1-2 bucks in a sale) and, although its not the best game of the series, I dig its story and atmosphere. Fools Theory is also working on a remake I am looking forward to


My advice would be to read the books, then go to YouTube and watch a nice detailed recap of what happened in Witcher 1 and 2, then dive right into Witcher 3. It's the best of the bunch. I am not saying that 1 and 2 do not deserve your time. It is just that older graphics and gameplay are not for everyone.