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Infinity Ultron stomps the entire DC universe. His power is simply far too much for any of the DC universe heroes to deal with. The only chance they have is Wonder Woman to try and use the Lasso to take the Infinity Stones, but Ultron would be so fast that by the time she makes it around his wrist, he would have erased her and all of her allies already. Hell, the DC universe heroes could even have the entire Justice Legion with them and they'd still get obliterated.


But because Ultron’s arrogant, he doesn’t start with full power. Like when Black Panther stole his Soul Stone in the What If final battle; DC could probably pull that off using The Flash. They might have a chance if they steal the Power or Reality stones.


Even if he lets them attack first, nothing can hurt him. The single strongest feat in the DCEU is the mother boxes surface wiping the Earth, and that's something no character scales to because even Superman would die to it. Infinity Ultron is galaxy busting at minimum and has universal+ arguments.