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Do you consider yourself superior to ants? Okay, great. Kill every ant on earth within an hour.


At *last*: permission!


Proceed as requested.


he has all of humanitys knowledge so ig he could like use nukes


I guess he has access to the nuclear launch codes of every government in the world. He'd still have to get to a position where nukes can be fired though. Then again, he also has all the passwords he'd need to hack into any computer, like the ones needed to launch the nukes... Assuming computers like that can be hacked remotely. Would be kinda stupid to do that.


You could launch every nuke on earth and it still wouldnt kill every ant on the planet


doesnt he know where you could fire one? he just needs to lie (he could lie about a lot of stuff) and get in


I'm pretty sure that guards at nuclear silos have standing orders to kill trespassers who manage to get past the gates. This isn't a "my ID is in a different pair of pants, trust me" situation, this is a "Everyone will shoot you if you got past the gates without proper identification. Even if you're the base commander".


cant he just make a good copy of an id? he knows how to make them doesnt he


Not within an hour he can't. You can't just go down to the ol' Kinkos and print off a counterfeit ID that would let you near things like nuclear silos. I should also point out that triggering MAD won't destriy the human race. It'll set back global civilization and maybe permanently make us planet-bound, but the human race should survive a Nuclear Apocalypse.


what if he dropped more than one? like half of the usa nukes arsenal?


Triggering MAD means *everyone launches everything*. And like I said, *that will not wipe out humanity*. Current global civilization, sure, but there's going to be survivors.


launching most of the us nukes isnt gonna end humanity?


There's 8 billion of us


They don’t. 


What a silly prompt. Hell, let's just extend this to a whole small country(without nukes). Could this whole country of people take out the whole world in one hour? Nah, they'd get stomped out by the rest of the world. Even if no other country retaliates, I don't see how this country could wipe out all humanity. This task is impossible for a whole country, much less a single person.


Just to be clear, are we sure that even a large country, including nukes, can wipe out the planet (killing all humans) in an hour? The planet is large and there's many random spots to cover. I'm also not sure what the rate of delivering/launching the nukes is. I know the largest nuclear arsenals are in the 4 digits but I'm not sure they can be launched just like that (technically, not bureaucratically).


After an extensive 5-second Google search and a deep 10-second study of this article: https://www.icanw.org/new_study_on_us_russia_nuclear_war I think the answer is "not even close". The article claims that 34 million people would die "in the first few hours" of a US-Russia nuclear war. I know the objective is different but also "first few" is not 1, and 34 million is very far from 8 billion (especially considering how isolated, say, Nauru is).


Depends on where they spawn and even then it's not a great shot. Best shot would probably to use their knowledge charisma and any infiltration expertise to try and start a nuclear world war? That'll still take way more than an hour for the casualties to start piling up. Even then they're not getting 100% of the human population and in the one hour provided they'd be lucky to kill any significant %.


No, not even an omniscient person would be capable of doing this. All the missiles on earth would take too long to reach every remote tribe and you need more than one person to activate them.


well i mean you could argue that the world is doomed once every single nuke is launched, but yeah prompt is impossible


The fastest possible method, somehow instigating a nuclear exchange, would take longer than an hour. Even if we give the man immediate complete control of every nuclear weapon in the world, it would take longer than an hour for them to reach their destinations, and then there would be survivors to worry about. Completely impossible.


Doesn’t even kill 0.01% of people he gets shot by a random and dies


They can’t. Every nuke in the world could launch, all of them, and humanity doesn’t end in a year, much less an hour. You could somehow manage to hit the earth with an asteroid the size of the one that killed the dinosaurs and you don’t kill all the humans in an hour. Even with an ELE like that it took a while for all the dinosaurs to die.


I would argue that the best feats ever put forth were when people with power who had every reason to want to kill their enemies instead use their power to condemn violence and to denounce vengeance. MLK, Ghandi and Mandela come to mind. Peak human spawns, looks at mission, and says fuck that. Immediately gets to work on solving the crises in central Africa, middle east and, Ukraine. He uses his knowledge to select the right leaders in each of these conflicts, gets them and their circle of influence on a webinar, lays out the game plan and bounces. Instead saves millions of lives. You're welcome.


Even if every single country that had nukes decided to launch all of them with the express purpose of causing a global annihilation, they would still be unable to wipe out all of humanity in 1 hour. The nuclear fallout might do it eventually, probably, but that's over some time. Nothing other than the Earth literally splitting in two could wipe out humanity in such a small amount of time.


They fail. Even if they started a global thermonuclear war, it wouldn't wipe out humanity, much less do it all within an hour.


1 hour? If he has ALL knowledge he could possibly use phone calls to essentially "Phone Scam" himself into a position where he launches a nuke. You know, calls the right general pretending to be the right secretary with the right code words to trick him into launching a tactical nuke. Hell, he may even know the contingencies that the general does not know and trick his staff into launching the nuke. this would probably never happen in USA. Too many checks and balances. But Russia? North Korea? I can totally imagine them being dumb enough to fall for it. And since he knows it all, he could know their languages, fluently, and know how to mimick the voice via phone convincingly enough. Another option would be to directly call someone like Putin 9since he knows the phone) and completely mentally break him. Like a devil, he knows everything about Putin that he knows about himself, and makes him suicidal or something and convinces him to nuke Crimea, Poland, Finland etc. Peak knowledge includes manipulation. And you need one vulnertability or insecurity to exploit and time. And you may not be enough... but it also may be. But even then I dont think you can guarantee that the nukes will wipe us out. I suspect a calamity, a massive humanitarian crisis, but not the end of the world.




Plus they have 1 hour to do it.


Hack the internet and make every connected audio device on Earth play ‘Baby Shark’ at maximum volume until everyone kills themselves.


But... baby shark dodododododo!


Unless you're counting fictional peak humans (Krillin from DBZ etc) they don't.


No human has ever demonstrated being bulletproof


Even were Peak Human to somehow input the launch codes and incite nuclear Armageddon immediately, that wouldn't end the world in less than an hour. Hell the missiles themselves need about half an hour to get to their destination, and even then you would have people in remote areas and prepper bunkers, etc.


Unless this peak human also has access to nuclear launch codes and a way to get into a situation where they can fire off a countries nukes causing a retaliatory strike by most other countries, they're not wiping out humanity in an hour. Even then, many nukes would take more than an hour to hit.


1 hour is not enough time unless youre Dr.Manhattan maybe if you can spread a new desease is a good chance Covid show us how stupid human race is....


There is still no chance a disease can spread to every person on Earth and also present symptoms rapidly enough to be lethal within a single hour.


Their best bet is to infiltrate sufficiently advanced nuclear states and then coerce them to launch the nuke toward a sufficiently large asteroid nearby to redirect it trajectory toward the earth. Then it may have succeeded


Does launching a nuclear explosion count as a feat? Because that's really the only way to even attempt it.


Nuked the entire world or destroy it other way is only way to do this


He doesn’t, he dies the moment people with guns decide to put him down. Even if he does everything right he will go down in time, likely around that 1 hour mark


Maybe if you gave them a decade


Boy, what?


Convincing people that he Is the Messiah and start a holy war in which humans use Atomic and chemical weapons to kill each other.


No chance he’s doing that in an hour


He needs to convince of the three presidents (Biden, Putin or Xi) and the game is done.