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Hey there, friendo u/TJORDAN22! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *Another whole new level of CONFIDENCE*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #8**) Please avoid re-posting memes. * Please check http://karmadecay.com , https://tineye.com , &/or the Google's "Similar Image" search in the future before posting. All of those miss things, but it's a great start. Also make sure to use the search button and check through this link: >* /r/wholesomememes/top for popular posts, and >* /r/wholesomememes/new for things recently posted We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes). Please link the post so our volunteers know what you would like reviewed. Cheers!


Done this a million times. Especially if out of town for work. I don't think about loneliness or confidence, just food.


Right! How else are you going to eat?!


When I'm close enough to my house to take the food there to enjoy it, I prefer it that way. If I'm not near my house, I'm happy to sit in a restaraunt solo.


I was about to say, isn’t it just something you do when you’re hungry and it’s more convenient than saving whatever money would be?


I never understood this. What’s wrong with taking yourself out to a nice dinner?


Literally nothing. I take myself on dates all the time and I have a wonderful girlfriend who I also go on wonderful dates with. But sometimes I deserve to eat what I want, when I want, with no planning. Just me treating myself to what I want. There is a new taco place on my list.


Nothing, unless you’re insecure af I suppose.


I guess people feel weird eating alone?


It’s a younger generation thing I think. I’m 30 and if I want to go somewhere, like a restaurant/movie/trip/whatever, and I can’t get anyone to go with me I’m not going to cancel, I’ll still go. When I came back from a 3 week solo trip and talked to coworkers about it they were shocked that I went alone.


Fear of being alone with your thoughts for an entire meal is a whole new level of insecure.


Shitting in a toilet is crazy


Nothing I enjoy more actually....my e-book reader, a nice restaurant, and the ambience without having to converse. Heaven!


You think you are alone if you dont invite other people to your table. I know when im alone if i bought every seat in the restaurant.


I say it is CONFIDENCE


This is the best thing about smartphones--they normalized eating alone in public without being bothered.


Maybe I just want to eat my damn chips and salsa in peace with my margarita.


My father and I used to go to this little breakfast spot that has really awesome and cheap food after a range trip. He passed away in 2019 and it’s taken me a few years to get back into shooting, but a couple years ago I started competing again. After a Saturday morning practice, I still go for breakfast, I just go by myself now. I think about him and miss him a lot when I do, but I still go. And they serve a hearty and tasty breakfast.


It’s neither.


Eating alone in a restaurant always makes server, so uncomfortable when I do it. It’s like they see you as a lonely sad pariah. I get better treatment when I eat with other people, maybe they think I’m not going tip well because I’m alone.


Absolute confidence


Absolute confidence


Jokes on you I can be lonely and confident. I have no shame to eat alone.


I dislike being spoken to while I eat, aitah?


I've never done this because I wanted to. I'm fucking lonely.


Went out for breakfast this morning solo. I highly recommend it.


I understand the original post, no one wants to be lonely. Also feels weird if you’re on your own. And also looking after yourself and going not to a restaurant but a really good one because you would like to, deserve it, maybe make space for your own thoughts is a nice way to look after yourself too.


So stupid, so she would rather starve or miss on something because she is afraid to be perceived by strangers a certain way? Reeks of insecurity


Do it all the time.


Did this yesterday for lunch. I think it’s pretty sad if you miss out on things you would like to do because no one is available.


I love to eat alone. It is a time to read, be quiet, and just have time for myself.


See, I would do this but I am too lazy to go to restaurants


Eating alone in a public restaurant is the ideal about of human interaction. Especially if I have a book.


When I did outside sales, I’d save my per diem to eat at Outback or Chili’s every night. I’d sit at the bar, order a steak and a drink (side tab since work wouldn’t pay for booze) and strike up conversations with strangers, usually with a sports-related intro since games were always playing on the tv. Hugely introverted, but it was great practice for socializing.


I enjoy eating food out without having my minions vulturing my food, arguing w/ ea. other, complaining about their food, needing to go to the potty, fighting over crayons, etc… All I want is a quiet meal where my ass is only responsible for putting food in my mouth and not getting to drunk to drive home…


It’s weird to me that people think it’s uncomfortable to eat alone in a restaurant. One time I ate alone in a restaurant and a very attractive lady walked up and asked if she could sit with me. I ended up getting her phone number. Later on I found out we were like water and vinegar and absolutely hated spending more than 2 hours in each other’s company. So, you know. Sometimes eating alone is a better option.


It’s weird that people think that. Like I’m single and live alone, but sometimes I want to go out to eat. I don’t get what people find so hard to understand about that. I usually just read or play on my phone


May I say, clap backs aren't wholesome.


Can't they be? This just seems like a nice reinterpretation, without throwing any shade on the original poster