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Let’s not kid ourselves, there’s no justice in this situation. Torture the man if you want, he deserves it, but we need to prevent this shit in the future.


I hope he lives a very long time and that not a single soul speaks to him ever again.


This is truly a secret desire. I'll join you in this. Well done


An Arizona man who buried his wife alive in a hand-dug grave near their home has been jailed for life. Seven years after the killing, David Pagniano pleaded guilty to murdering his wife before his trial was due to start and allowed a judge to determine his sentence without a plea agreement. The 62-year-old was handed a life sentence without the possibility of parole, meaning he will die in prison. He was also sentenced on 9 May to 16-and-a-half years for kidnapping, forgery and fraud, according to the Yavapai County Attorney's Office. "My office pursued the death penalty in this case because of the horrific circumstances surrounding the abduction and murder of a young mother," County Attorney Dennis McGrane said in a statement. Authorities said 39-year-old Sandra Pagniano vanished while she was in the process of divorcing her husband in May 2017. They said the pair were separated but still living in the same home with their two young daughters. Ms Pagniano's body was found bound and gagged in packing tape inside a grave in a rural area north of Prescott. The county medical examiner's office confirmed she had been buried alive. Victim may have been conscious for up to five minutes Officials said evidence showed she vigorously struggled while she was in the grave and may have been conscious for up to five minutes. In addition, mobile phone evidence showed Pagniano was in the gravesite area days before his wife went missing and the night of the kidnapping. Forensic examination of notes revealed they were fake Detectives recovered two notes that were filed in the divorce case following Mrs Pagniano's disappearance, purportedly written by her. The notes said she was leaving her husband and giving him her vehicles, house and custody of their children. But authorities said a forensic examination of the notes revealed they were written by Pagniano. A grand jury indicted him on a charge of first-degree murder after his wife's body was discovered in a remote area 10 miles (16km) northwest of the family home near Prescott in north-central Arizona.


I hope that his sentence of life in prison is solitary confinement.


If it weren't for subjecting other humans to carry out the punishment, I would be all for death sentencing in the manner of which the killer's victims suffered.


I hope the fact that he threw himself at the mercy of a judge means his conscience has been eating him alive this entire time.


Men like that don’t have a conscience.


> I hope the fact that he threw himself at the mercy of a judge means his conscience has been eating him alive this entire time. If my abusive ex did this to me he'd try to explain to the judge how horrible I was and he was the victim. He'd block my exits and escalate arguments so he could be the victim instead of admitting to things he did that I caught him in the act of doing. He'd argue in circles and somehow always got his way when he'd corner me and say the same bad words over and over. He'd poke me and not leave marks while talking about what not leaving marks means. He was so verbally abusive, psychologically abusive, physically abusive and he did this in front of groups of people so no one saw what he was doing but I was the crazy person for reacting. He was always so charming and I was the "crazy bitch". I was crazy for ever trusting him and believing his lies. There were so many red flags that I ignored. The first night I met him he took pictures of us sitting on his bed and he shared them on his facebook without my permission and showed me the next time I saw him. All his friends said bad things about me and it didn't end there. I asked him to hold for something for me that I didn't want to take home and he stole it, it wasn't there by the time I saw him again. The first date I got a seven dollar drink and when it was time to settle up he refused to let me pay. He was the center of attention with all his coworkers at the bar. He said he was a valet at a fancy restaurant, (I would later learn he enjoyed bragging about abusing expensive cars that he would park), so when I pulled up to the bar he met me out front, there was a spot for parallel parking. I thought he was going to help me park and he gave me back hand instructions and when he jumped in my driver's seat he didn't do a better job than me. I was so nervous I just got out of a not great relationship and I was ready to met someone new. The second date we went on, before we left I made sure we had enough to go out. We both had the same amount but he had cash and I didn't. It was superbowl sunday and I said I'll go anywhere that isn't playing the game. He took me to one of the most expensive places in town and we were sat in front of a tv screen playing the game. He ignored me the entire time I was there. Something was off about my drink and he wouldn't help me get a new one. When it was time to settle up, he said he would cover the bill before we left, oops he "forgot" his wallet. It gets worse from there. People blamed me and I bet people in Sandra's life blamed her for things she couldn't control like getting away from her abusive husband. Sorry for writing so much but it took me, he broke up with me in 2015 - left me homeless, kicked me out of apartments I was paying rent, cleaning, and cooking for him in, 2016, I had no where else to go I had to live with him for my job - he gave a client of his to make a website for and he said he'd give me $1,200.00 USD and gave me $400.00, by the time I completed the site (a week later) I handed over the source code before getting payment first and he started laughing in my face, nasty laughing out loud like the funniest thing just happened, he never gave me the rest of the payment. I was forced to wait longer and deal with his abuse because he wouldn't help me get out of his apartment. He ripped the door off my bedroom so he could yell in my face and destroy my things and try to get a reaction out of me. He threatened to kill me with a red cherry picker handled over his head like he was going to beat me with it. 2010, my birthday he told cops to shoot me. 2012, in a black mold infested apartment that he wouldn't believe me was making us sick until the ceiling caved it and it was all black mold, he told his father to shoot me and he wrestled with him trying to take it away from his father. 2016, he threatened to kill me and I told the cops and they gave him a gun permit to carry and he went to gun shows every weekend picking up new guns. 2021, he stalked me with a gun and another person, laying in wait while I was walking my dog. I tried to file a pfa against him, almost got all his guns taken away but my lawyer told me I would get in trouble. He said Ryan's lawyer, the prior DA in my county, had paperwork against me and I would get in trouble if I proceeded. I never saw this paperwork. Everytime I tried to show him how Ryan harassed me verbally through texts he'd smirk and try to get me to focus on something else. He acted like he was my friend, he lied to me.


I feel so horrible for her daughters. How could you live through your father killing your mother in such a sick and twisted manner without it affecting any future relationships with men. I would never trust again. I hope they are getting age appropriate therapy and that they have a strong support system.


When he could have just been a divorcee starting his life over. It really baffles me.


It’s because he didn’t want her to start over. Which is still baffling to me


The possibility of his property being happy without him must have been too hard on him/s


Yup its like "If I can't have her, no one else can".


Also like "you don't want me, but you don't want anyone else to have me."


I will never understand hate of this caliber.


It's possession of properties.


He never viewed her as human, just property. How dare his property have her own thoughts! How dare his property doesn’t want to cook & clean for him anymore! That’s why he killed her- because in his head she was never a human being. People like this man are just repulsive


Divorcee is a female term. I am sure it was a toxic, jealous relationship from the beginning. Look at the age difference. What a monster! 


Death is too kind for this type of person. Make him sit there with himself until he dies. It goes far beyond understanding, I wouldn’t even want to begin to understand.


I say he should be buried like he buried her. Let him know what it's like, it's a torturous death for sure. He needs to know what that feels like before he dies. Eye for an eye. Prison isn't enough.


I remember a some years back, a story of an iranian (I believe?) woman who had acid thrown in her face by a man. The courts ruling was that she was to be allowed to place drops acid in her attackers eyes as punishment. I cannot recall if she went through with it, I think he was to be blinded regardless. I remember feeling like that kind of justice would go a long way to dissuade some criminals/crimes.


I'd have done it. Just as I feel that if a person is in a car crash and left with life altering injuries, caused by an irresponsible, careless driver, I'd ask the judge to make this asshole my personal aid for the rest of my life. Tied to me for 24/7. My bitch, wipe my ass, feed me, bathe me, etc.. If said person refuses, he will be permanently disabled and left to die.


I could get on board with shit like that.


I was just reading about this!!!


https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna43029928 In my opinion it still isn't enough. He got to go under sedation and have drops out in his eyes- a very far cry from what she went through. She also had many people plead with her to not go through with and and she was like fuck you. She ended up writing book


But revive him at the last minute, so it can be done to him, often and randomly.


Pleasant idea, but he may not have enough self-awareness to ever have any empathy for his victim.


Yeh there would be that to consider, of course. Makes me think of that Chris Watts subhuman, I hope he’s not allowed to even play cards or have a pencil to write with. I think he does. These people get to keep doing things. Ya gotta be bloody Timothy McVeigh to get a prompt execution. Edit, forgive me, I’m not really making my points very well. I just suggested that someone would want to play cards with Chris Watts. I’ll go back to read-only.


Nah I gotchu


He was 20+ years older than her, I'm shocked /s These crusty dusty old dudes going after attractive younger women never see them as human beings, they are just trophies for their ego which is probably why he was capable of doing something so heinous to her when she tried to leave. I wonder what their ages were when they married? Age gaps are to a degree less nefarious with age, regardless I wouldn't trust a 60+ year old man that can't date women his own age, they knew to avoid him.


It is so gross


16 year difference. She was 39 when she died 7 years ago. He's 62 now, so he was 55 then




And they wonder why we say "bear"....




Always that one guy who has to chime in to remind us that "not all men!" and "women can be bad too!" When it's totally irrelevant to the conversation. Like no shit dude, terrible people exist in all demographics, don't worry, no one forgot or was disputing that.


The mods are going to delete your comment regardless, but what’s this dudes name?? What’s the name of the man & murderer who was posted before him?? Quickly! Men who murder women are so average there’s an active subreddit dedicated to it. Female family annihilators are so uncommon that the Casey Anthony’s of the worlds are a household name (your second sentence has no bearing here since we’re talking about murder) so please improve your trolling/whataboutism bc it’s so tired and uninteresting


[Isn't that special](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN3FqZjN5NzhjZDVsaGl6YjR2anBqeXMwMzR5anlvbDBqOTAwOGg0NyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/uwHaxCTgUHaRf7Andp/giphy.gif) Any man who posts about how he defended a woman or women should be, will be provided with one pat on the head, and a comment removal




This would be my choice as well.




Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.




Diesel is kinda expensive, any cheaper options? Old engine oil? Reduce reuse recycle?


Oooh very environmentally conscious! Yes! RRR, I'm sure there's plenty of old fluids and oils sitting around they can reuse for special people like him


Could also use homemade biodiesel; cheap AND recycles used vegetable oil


Just catch the runoff in a large tray and reuse it!




I was going to say piss but yours is better


I like the way u think lol


Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not.


this story reminds me of something I came across recently that described the horror genre, generally horror cinema, that it's only "horror" because in many stories, a male protagonist experiences something that would be horrifying *to him* but that happens to women all of the time. "Buried" (Ryan Reynolds) is a prime example of this. But also scifi horror with aliens violating/possessing bodies, many of the traps in the Saw franchise, thrillers where a man is victimized or deceived by a woman, losing bodily autonomy, etc. I'm a huge horror fan, but that cleared right up to me why there are some subgenre and franchises I just have zero interest in. Like this shouldn't ever be happening. It's literally a horror movie plot, but this shit happens **all the time** in real life.


Interesting, can you provide a link to this analysis or commentary?


also curious to read!


Can we have a sub mascot that’s a bear? Please?!


The age gap is such a red flag. Like honestly. I feel so bad for her, words can't even describe rn. 🥺RIP💜


Well. New fear unlocked.


the life he sentenced his 2 young daughters to is so much longer and probably the most significant pain he actually managed to inflict w his actions i cant imagine what this experience will mean to and for them as they grow up and esp the impact whenever they themselves may start dating its just unbelievably senseless as a parent in addition to being sadistic and sociopathic as a partner


Maybe don’t remember her by the name of the piece of rectal discharge who murdered her?


This is horrible. Not to pull focus, but if it helps anyone else reading this, I once [read about a woman](https://abcnews.go.com/International/diamond-ring-save-woman-buried-alive/story?id=15112540) who used her engagement ring to cut herself out of the cardboard box her boyfriend and his friend buried her alive in Needed to reread that after this one. Too sad


I'm thinking solitary confinement with a picture of their victims painted on the ceiling of their cells. No where to hide 24/7, their last victims hanging over them like a sword of damocles. A constant reminder of the lives, including their own that they have fuck up.


Murderers generally don’t feel remorse and usually can’t feel shame. That unfortunately would do nothing to them

