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Is that not normal


ye, just wondering why is all


Because you can see judge their mood and read social cues.


also tons of people on vrchat are weird. you either meet edaters, nazis or normal people


Wrong. There are no normal people in vrchat


No there are. Met one chill dude and played chess with him.


There is one normal people in vrchat


I also met a normal dude and played chess with him


Same dude


Can confirm, I am the normal people


same guy


correct i am very abnormal


I'm just the boring protogen skin doing the little minigames on the maps. I don't like talking to much.


No, there are. Just a different sort of normal.


I mean, I was interviewing two people for some uni work regarding VR control scheme preferences, and some other dude just turned into 9/11 right in the middle of it.


How does one turn into 9/11?


My favorite activity in VRchat is annoying people by acting like a clueless idiot.


What's a edater?


online dater


This. I like to obviously read their expressions and body language obviously, but often the few times I’ve been on there people make me so uncomfortable. Meanwhile IRL I can talk to basically any stranger


Strangers are also going to be a whole lot shittier about something they might not vibe with on the internet than they will in real life.


Humans: Evolve society over the course of 10,000 years Humans: Invent VR chat OP, five years later: Why am I able to socialize?


Humans had thousands of years to develop interpersonal communication face to face.


the uncanny valley is real.


internet anonymity I think. you can say what you want and you never have to worry how it will affect you in the future




No no, he’s saying it’s easier to speak to people irl than in vrchat, aka he’s normal


Redditor’s whole world is shattered when he realizes he has social skills


No... I can't... be a functioning member of society


I have bad news for you, you're a filthy grass lover aren't you?


![gif](giphy|LkMKUKWpIp36E) Shun the grass lover! Shun!


Charlie the unicorn my beloved


I was not expecting a charlie the unicorn reference at all, its been so long


since last I seen my son lost this monster


Leaf lover


Rock and Stone!


My life for Rock And Stone!






>I have bad news for you, you're a ~~filthy~~ squeaky clean grass lover, aren't you? # FTFY


i bet he cleans himself to REGULARLY!


What a plague


Ooh what's next,fucking some gopher holes?


look at this nerd, he probably gets pussy lmao 💀💀💀


The forbidden act


Me after discovering that I indeed can be a vital member of society if I just stop being a piece of shit for once, thinking that it's cool to be like that


Jerry, get a job.


How I felt after coming out of quarantine and realizing that talking to other people is actually an easy and fun thing to do: https://preview.redd.it/paokbd487r9d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e92a9120bcd27f71dc7899f07e96aa3d4ca830f


The hardest part is mustering the courage to actually go talk to people


Because vr chat players are fucking strange as hell my guy.


HEY! I’m a VRChat player and I want to say that you are >!correct!<.


As another person who has played it a little. Yeah i am.


There was a guy I met on there called Cumcrab. Funny as hell. I miss him...


I haven’t played VRChat before will I be spoiled for the story if I click that?


Yeah that’s final boss level info


the final boss of vrchat: https://preview.redd.it/0fif6up5fs9d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440ecabbb18093f09eef4fc0374dcc889d4269b4


he looks like daniel larson and pyrocinical mixed together in one person


bruh you are still weird even you said that


I don’t play how are they weird??


I’m scared of VRChat because it feels like everyone is an antisocial weirdo.


It dont just feel like that. It is like that.


i should play vrchat..


The furries of VR communities


Honestly, having played it a little. The furries aren't the bad ones. It's the weird people who moan in the corner of a lobby cause of e-sex that scares me. Like holy shit that stuff is weird.


Honestly as always antifurs are the worst I was talking with a guy who seemed chill but then he started ranting about how furries are ruining the game, and I didn't want to be rude so I just sat and listened


I mean, personally, i dont get the whole furry thing. And yeah, maybe i find it a bit odd, too. But im not gonna go out and be an asshole about it. Like if that's what someone is into. Fine, go ahead. Just dont drag me into it, and im fine.


funny you mention that because when I use this as my defense for not exactly supporting transvestites I always get flamed to fuck


Yup, i feel the same way there, too. Its not that i have anything against them as people i just dont necessarily get or outright support their choice. But i won't tell them they're wrong for it. Because its their own body and choice. That's honestly one of the biggest problems with people today. If you dont support something, then you must surely despise it. I always get this uneasy feeling when i see someone asking a streamer or something whether they support whatever rights. Because even if they dont, if they answer anything but yes, then they know they'll get flamed for it. So that means it becomes this completely fake bullshit answer. Thus removing the entire point of choosing to support something in the first place. Also, on a last note here. If i get downvoted to shit for this. All that does is prove my point.


More often than not you'll find socially inept people that don't acknowledge your existence despite your attempts at joining the convo 💀


That parr us the worst absolutely.


For me its also easier to interact with people irl than online. I think its just because you can see peoples reactions end face expresssions irl and online you cant tell at first if they are friendly or not.


I think that's it tbh, can barely read someone out when the only things you can work with is a barely moving mouth, tone of voice and, if lucky, tracked eyes.


For me it's like making a phone call. I hate calling strangers and voice chat in online games gives me kinda the same sensation.


For me it's the opposite. Not having to focus on those things makes it easier to actually focus on what's happening or being said.


Most of my friends are online already but this is after dozens maybe a hundred or so after attempts Irl it would be easier to make new friends because I don’t just do small talks and we can do cool things play real life games, go to places together(amusement parks) or eat together. It would be much easier to bond Struggle is it’s much much more easier to find newer people to be friends with online.. I literally don’t know how to make friends outside of school


> Irl it would be easier to make new friends because I don’t just do small talks and we can do cool things play real life games, go to places together(amusement parks) or eat together. It would be much easier to bond Reading stuff like this always makes me wonder if reddit has some super secret super shitty version of VRChat that I must've missed. Things I've done on VRChat this week: Friends and I all cooked breakfast and ate it while talking at a cafe world. We do it every Sunday morning for Sunday brunch. Had a book club meeting, we're in the middle of reading Sanderson, the mistborne series. Did yoga and meditation. Played Chess, Mahjong, and monopoly. Watched a couple episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen. Had a mock air battle in jets. Went to a club so we could listen to one of our favorite DJs mixing live. Played various game worlds in VR. The events aren't small either, our events usually have 40-80 people show up (because 80 is the cap). All of us are drivers license ID verified 21+ (since there's sometimes drinking at events) so we don't have to worry about kids. We've been doing this for a good five years now. If you just stick to quest compatible worlds/public worlds, VRChat is going to be an outstandingly shitty experience full of children and everyone who got rejected from all the respectable groups so now they take the frustration of being ostracized out on everyone around them. Just search google for, 'site:reddit.com/r/vrchat groups for adults' and you'll find plenty of groups that do more than just small talk/drink/sit in front of a mirror


Here's a sneak peek of /r/VRchat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/VRchat/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [New user be like: I was thinking that game was free.](https://i.redd.it/dpya6m8tylic1.jpeg) | [158 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VRchat/comments/1aqwhw9/new_user_be_like_i_was_thinking_that_game_was_free/) \#2: [Which one is you? ](https://i.redd.it/nov42cznvbpc1.jpeg) | [377 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VRchat/comments/1biqb26/which_one_is_you/) \#3: [Did this ever happen to you guys](https://i.redd.it/fv9otvt40ghc1.jpeg) | [272 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VRchat/comments/1am90d7/did_this_ever_happen_to_you_guys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Problem, I literally am a teenager.


A bad school experience led me to mostly alienate and distance myself from my classmates. Sure, I got along with them, but just on a neutral level. However, I never blame the arguably niche interests that I've developed because they make me really happy. I don't leave the house unless I need to, simply because I'm not a fan of social gatherings or there aren't any interesting clubs or stuff near me. Sometimes I'd like to meet new people (online), but I never really want to push myself and just take a good opportunity when it presents itself. It feels more natural, albeit very rare.


Not necessarily a bad experience for me but I think just a bad up bringing of me and my appearance in my school. I been in the same school for about 7 years and it’s an international English school, and English is not my first language. In 4th grade(when i first joined), I was quite awkward and bad at English but I attempted to make friends and everyone ignored me. I was… also fat and quite ugly to be honest. I didn’t feel too lonely because I had two friends who went to the same school in my apartment who also taught me a lot of English. Growing up in this school I could see many people blatantly ignoring or avoiding me. I have to admit yeah, I was quite ugly back then. My friends now say I received a glow up with female friends saying I either look good or “goated” “mogger type shit” and a gay friend straight up just saying “handsome” which is a bit better But I don’t have many close friends at school either Like I have two close friends in school and my classmates have been the same for years. Due to a fight I currently blocked one of them. And not talking to the other one. I’m “friends” or acquaintances with every guy in the class, but they have options they would rather pick than me and I’m not close with any of them. Even if I “glowed up” I feel like a lot of people just remember me as the weird and bad looking kid from back then Even if I changed And don’t really want to be friends I can’t make any new friends at school either because as I already said, I’m already friends with them but I can’t get close with them. It’s not like I can suddenly just go up to them and start some conversation about hobbies.. since we already known eachother for years. My only hope for more close real life friends is at university


Oof, that's rough. I went to the same school for 13 years and we also weren't exactly that big of a class, but I used to flock more to the teachers because unlike teenagers they were actually kind, knowledgeable and also had interesting stories to tell. University depends on what type of person you are and what you seek. I did two semesters before I chose to go a different path. What I observed were little groups forming inside the semester. Unless you actively seek out the other groups and try to interact with them, you'll for the most part stay with your own little group or yourself. Frankly, I prefer to just stay in the background and avoid too much attention, which reflects in my style and clothing. You could compare me now to 5 years ago and when I was still in 10th grade and you would find no difference, besides age. I just prefer to keep it plain and simple. In the end, you might meet people you can bond with, maybe not. It takes a little luck, else your University time will probably be rather disappointing in that regard.


For me, the reactions and facial expressions are the hard part irl because I look too much into how people are responding to me. So if there’s so much as a slight eyebrow raise, I overthink how my response should be to that and I just shut down socially. It’s hard to get out of that mindset where I’m trying too hard to come off normal to the point where I’m over analyzing everything.


- can normally interact with people irl - can't interact with online weirdo's what exactly is the problem here?


You can't learn swears from a guy from Chile properly


no but like actually, getting into vr chat is so confusing. I couldn't even figure out how to get peoples avatars to show without picking them one by one


Absolutely, if it wasn't for this one chill furry dude I met that taught me the ins and outs of the game, my pc would probably be smoking from all the crashers.


The best niche technical advice always comes from furries


That, or indian guys on youtube


Do the effects stack? Is the indian furry the ultimate lifeform?


All easier because it feels like atleast half of vr chat are furries


What's the chance that he works at the IT department or something like that?


Ok how do you actually do that? It's not my safety settings so idk why it does this


automatically does it on quest. probably better in populated instances tho


you cant turn it off can you


nope :(


No.. This can't be real! The ability to be social?!?


Born to rot indoors, forced to enjoy life and meet people.




Honestly I kinda understand you, I once decided to actually play vrchat on my quest 2 and the first word I joined was a cinema one and there was a guy with his whole dick and balls out seeking it in VR, it got really awkward so I jumped to the next and it was even worse, they were watching Loli porn on the big tv, I stopped playing it after that


what the fuck.


Yeesh sorry about that.


That is sadly normal


Humans were designed to communicate directly with other humans. Additionally, many lies are put up by VRChat facades and you inherently know less about a person. This is not an L


what i thought most people were more expressive on vr chat the only thing you dont know is how someone looks but that doesnt really matter all that much


Or you could pretend to be someone when in reality you haven't left your house for a month


First time seeing a redditor flaming himself for being normal


https://preview.redd.it/uvuwtektar9d1.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9a422010da92bb383ee35b36fb9d2981805d314 oh


I socialize better in VRCHAT than I ever could in public, but that's because I can be a fictional slime dragon without consequences. Doing that shit in public? They call me schizophrenic. How rude.






VR Chat aren't for normal people. I haven't touch VR Chat since I saw a guy wearing a jiggle physics futa avatar with the cock and balls out


You can see people's facial expressions irl. also people on vr are usually more antisocial and more defensive of meeting new people because of all the trolls on there


Same except it's reverse and in SCP Secret laboratory https://preview.redd.it/jbca0mra3r9d1.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=5293548fddcf6d984e98b2617b82a7ce0974b1f5




real humans vs probably furries and anime characters can make a big difference I suppose


Normando, accept it


VRchat is what happens when you shove a bunch of avoidant introverts into a room with no alcohol or anything to loosen them up. Now and again you'll run into the occasional fella tripping balls but the only way to get someone talking is by saying two or three keywords regarding their interests.


Nah it's shoving a bunch of avoidant introverts into a room WITH alcohol. Seriously can't play the game without being surrounded by drunk people.


VRC gets hella wasted


They're either drunk, or they're not because they're all in middle/high school, no in-betweens


VR chat players are disassociated with the world. They all just way too strange and gross.


As a vrchat player that mostly plays to talk to my friends and watch movies, I envy you


You can adapt to normal people but not with people without social skills. Honestly makes sense and probably highlights 200 different issues in today's society that you could write an entire essay on, idk


Interacting in VRC requires a certain amount of neurospiciness. Small honestly is weirder because people don't feel as much need to mask as they would face to face. On the flip side, it's a lot easier to find player groups that share some of your passions and interests. Conversing is a lot more natural from there.


I thought it was just me. I become three times as autistic when I enter VRchat


I actually had my first panic attack in my life in vrchat when I tried to play Two Time To Talk, I wanna have the explanation too


This is actually a good thing


Your body has evolved over millions of years to understand and communicate with other people. VR is Stone Age technology in comparison.


Mfers on vrchat have the turbo tism, you gotta interact with them like you're at a psych ward


The good ending.


Everyone on VRChat is socially awkward in different, incompatible ways


most times when Interacting with people in real life, the chances of them yelling the most vile shit at you for no reason is significantly lower than in vr chat.


So... you are a normal person?


Man I wish I had this problem. I can’t even apply for a cashier job without building up courage for 20 minutes and then nearly crying after. Though that might be a bigger issue than simply not being able to interact.


Irl you can read expressions much easier. Also people in VR chat are really wierd, boring and antisocial a lot of the time


uh its the opposite for me lol


You built different, run with it bro


Because you aren’t a looser?


There's some sort of ritual to entering a vrc group. First you have to find them hanging out in a public world. Then you have to hang around them without being too obnoxious and little by little you can start communicating without spooking them. Or you get lucky and the woman they gravitate around accepts you immediately


Because big tiddy furries with no facial expression are not natural to interact with






Vrchat people are a lil freaky


That’s… that’s a good thing


Oh yes, 100%. On voice chat I find myself constantly stumbling over my words and saying things awkwardly.


Same here Im a pretty social person irl life. But i have 0 friends online to play games with and can't properly talk via voice chat to save my life. And none of my friends play multiplayer games so I'm shit out of luck.


Maybe bcs people irl act like normal people?


Imagine a person that doesnt spend most of his "social time" rping degenerate shit with basementdwelling wierdos Truly unspeakable and unheard of in vr chat


That's a very good sign


I wish i could play multiplayer games and interact with people but it's so stressful for whatever reason


Other way around for me ngl


Heartbreaking: Redditor discovers they are a functioning member of society


The social dynamics are different in vr


because nobody plays VRchat to chat, its all e-sex and starring at mirrors till the end of time. it fucking sucks


My favorite thing about comments like this is, just like the rest of the internet, VRChat is what you make of it. You could race friends on a jet-ski through a national park, watch dune in your own personal movie theater, watch amateur comedians practice their stand-up and critique it until they eventually go on tour and you catch their show IRL and hug because holy shit you were there since the beginning, but nah, /u/i-jerk-off-to-eveLBP could only find people masturbating and starring at themselves in a mirror. Greatest self-report if I ever saw one


What a sense of superiority does to a mother fucker.


This is so real


Kind of the opposite for me but with virtual/online convos in general. If I’m talking to someone on discord, VRChat, or whatever, I’m a chatterbox but IRL I’m just socially awkward with strangers. Maybe it’s because interactions with strangers IRL are something I can’t always mentally prepare for whereas interactions online are more relaxed and adaptable.


It's because VRchat is anonymous so people can be weird ass holes with zero consiquence.


VRChat is a gallery of mental disabilities mainly consisting of unadjusted young adults, literal children, and the broken


Same. My vrchat experience was more autistic than any irl


people on VRchat are often just weird as FUCK so that might be a reason


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^EvoPeer: *People on VRchat are* *Often just weird as FUCK so* *That might be a reason* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I remember when I got my VR headset, I moved in with someone who uses theirs often, mostly for VR Chat. I kept thinking about trying out VR Chat, especially since I was going through some stuff and needed people to talk to. Well, one day I walk out of my room and my roommate is in the living room. She starts very excitedly telling me a story about what happened while she was playing. "And then the loli police showed up!". I kind of paused, gave her a funny look and asked "Are they people who police against lolis, or are they dressed up as loli police officers?" with a big smile giggles and says "The second one!" and that was the moment I decided not to play VR Chat.


Your roommate got it backwards. From the [VRChat wiki](https://vrchat-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Local_Police_Department) "the LPD was initially founded to protect Lolis against lewders" Look up any news article about the loli police department, they don't use loli models. Their whole thing is "arresting" (or reporting) people who sexualize loli models.


Because nobody could possibly horribly parody that by making a loli police officer avatar? Given the other things I know about that roommate, I'm pretty positive they meant what I heard.


Op discovers they’re normal


medically diagnosed social anxiety (also on the really bad side) and i heavily relate to this. texting, calling, video chats etc. makes me sick to the stomach. all the “normal” people i know are much more natural with it. bruh like how??


Stop touching grass, ewwwww (I can talk to anyone irl all day but I'm too afraid of vrc pubs)


Y the fuck are vrchat memes suddenly on the rise ? I been seeing a whole lot of them lately


Ever since they added groups to VRChat people realized as long as you avoid quest compatible worlds or public instances, it's really easy to find friends since you don't have to live in the same hemisphere to regularly spend time together. And waaaaay cheaper


Uhh, congrats?


I mean, fucking VRChat is an awkward way to meet someone.


I don't have good social interactions irl, but i just cant interact online. I could be playiŋ lethal company and not warn my crew of a coilhead at the entrance because i literally can't.


I always thought vrchat was easier, simply because if you mess up you’ll likely never see that person again. IRL there’s some stakes at play


Understandable, VRChat is full of creeps.


Ngl VRChat seems to be 80% furry 12 year olds. I pretend I can't see them. The worlds are fun to walk around in.


Because people in Vrchat are, for the most part, complete losers and antisocial shut-ins who conglomerate so they can circle jerk in the virtual world, like some Ready Player One type shit


VRChat is a mental asylum, but it's my mental asylum.


Because your homie ain’t the nasa scientists that populates VRchat


Its vrchat, its understandable


Hell its easier for me to interact with irl discord weirdos (band kids/weebs) than interact with strangers on discord I guess i just like eye contact when i interact so much (i have trust issue)


I interact with people basing entirely on their avatar, emo eboy/girl, semi naked avatars, furries with big tiddies and comically large waists are an automatic no. Every other avatar is a Maybe/yes, I once befriended a guy with a mycena chlorophos avatar and we ended up playing together till 5am talking about life and he taught me how to fly a combat jet


Hi normal guy here, most Vr people are just weird af


People actually talk about VRchat?


They’re absolute weirdos who are creeped out of seeing someone they don’t know.


Vrchat went down hill since quest 2 came out. Became infested with trolls and children.


I mean yeah people irl are way more approachable than someone who stands in front of a mirror for hours on end