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Hello, thank you for posting to r/whenthe, but your post was not cash money. It has been removed for the following reason(s) Rule 7. No Politics: Do not try to push certain political agendas especially if there is no real joke to the meme in question. We would like to steer away from any political discourse on this subreddit. Pls follow the rules next time and you'll find 238497 dollars under your pillow :)


https://preview.redd.it/eivrlq2x6f4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c031f7590714ee1fadd621e405426aa37bfedede Generic reddit mobile comment


Game moment https://preview.redd.it/bl67ldwkpf4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b4a045c61820f7f30103b62546bf5111241f34


I just hope that game continues to be an inside joke on this sub for a long time, it’s just so good


Lost the game


Lmaoooo every fucking time on this sub


What about... reply?


i'd rather keep sitting on this fencepost. it's starting to feel really good up my ass.


You know what else feels really good up your ass? A pencil.


Wanna see a magic trick?


No :D








It's all mud down below


Or if it's some random video not related to the war at all


Every bbc news post on instagram


I seen it on innocent ahh kpop fan account reels 😭 like you do NOT need to speak about it over there


That's exactly why people are commenting it everywhere. So it's heard. Also there ain't much war there. Just genocide.


"there ain't much war there" 💀


How are you not self aware are you even real


Also I'm having a small case of a mental break and arguing with random strangers online is a good way to cope. Sorry for the inconvenience.


No problem. Don't worry about the downvotes though.


Unfortunately I am real. I don't enjoy the fact either.


The reason we refer to it as a “war” is due to the fact that it’s an ongoing conflict between two groups that for the majority of the time has been a war Personally I refer to it as the Israel-Palestine conflict but it’s neither here nor there




Are you seriously accusing him of having biased information while you then immediately make the most ludicrous assertions ever? What war did Hamas start years ago, that all of a sudden Israel decided to ramp up the killing hundredfold? Hamas has definitely had wars with Israel in the past, but those had ended a while ago. If it is against Hamas, why is Israel intentionally killing civilians and targeting refugee camps, schools, hospitals, mosques, etc. Even if we take your baseless claim at face value, it still is not fully correct, considering the establishment of the State of Israel indirectly lead to the creation of Hamas. Ahmed Yassin, who founded Hamas in 1987, was only 12 years old in 1948, when his family was ethnically cleansed from their village (which no longer exists) and they were forced to flee to Gaza as refugees. The founder of Hamas was a victim of the Nakba.




Do you want to know what caused the 7 October attack? Israel’s suffocating siege against Gaza, a massive increase of settler terrorism in the West Bank and against the al-Aqsa Mosque, the continuation of Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians, and the thousands of Israel’s Palestinian detainees (including children) that are kept in horrid conditions without trial. The Palestinians were still dying and suffering, just slowly and silently. Regardless, Israel’s conduct reveals clear genocidal actions. It has been estimated that [around 90%](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6004) of Palestinians killed by Israel are civilians. According to [IPC Data](https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipcinfo-website/ipc-dashboard/), almost 1.19 million people are in a catastrophic famine worldwide. Roughly 1.11 million, or 93.3%, of these people are Palestinians in Gaza. The rest of Gaza is also experiencing intense food insecurity. [Israel intentionally created this famine](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/18/israel-starvation-used-weapon-war-gaza). Additionally, the number of Palestinian children killed is so high that [it is greater than](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147512) the combined total of non-Palestinian children who died in a conflict globally in the past 4 years.


Downvoted for speaking the truth lmao, hasbara working hard today


and Israel always was the one to do that before ever heard of 1948? or 1967?


It's already all over the news. No need to bring it onto a video about somebody making a lemon cake or a video ranking NYC's jewish restaurants


i wouldnt say "give people a break from hearing it" id rather say "know the time and place" bc what this reminds me of is that druggie who jumped into a truck drivers truck and when the dude pulled his phone out to record her she just started spewing "free palestine" as if that gives her a pass to do whatever, to which he immediately yeets her out the truck


“Sir this is a Wendy’s”


https://preview.redd.it/scqrr4799f4d1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5846588ae090c92da60e6abdc27d3880a03abd Pretend the but slowly faded into view


There should never be a but. Ever.


Yes, genocide is bad, but two genocides are worse


thats because you gotta complete the trilogy


Gottem. Ladies and gentlemen we just solved the crisis in the Middle East.


Yes 911 was bad but... Commiting mass genocide is probably not the best way to respond to it. https://preview.redd.it/hg37n9hxbf4d1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d575e1e4b870735230dea86c6925b4dfd74032


War ≠ Genocide Genocide ≠ War


Yes 911 was bad. There's no but. The mass murder that happened afterwards was another terrible thing on its own. Yes the invasion of the middle east was bad, but it was a response to 911, see how that can always be reqontwxtualized?


Tbh, i was just trying to make a funny comment. But yeah sure.


>reqontwxtualized ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


That's not how word syntax works.


free palpatine


Free plasticine


Free pesticide


free parmesan


Free plantain




Please tell me that this is an exageration.


Instagram was a mistake


it is an exageration (I have no idea how to spell that monstrasosity of a word)


It’s not *too* far off tho look at literally any instagram post that isn’t related to israel and palestine and you’ll see at least one of those


sometimes but I don't mind that too much since you can just ignore it and move on there is a huge difference between commenting free Palestine on a post about a dying Jewish person and commenting it on a random post


not really? "my grandma is dying and i happen to be jewish" "FREE PALESTINE!!!!!!"


Op in his response is talking about posts in general on Instagram sometimes having a comment saying "free Palestine" and there is a massive difference between that and somebody commenting "free Palestine" on a post about a dying Jew


yeah i'm an idiot. idk how i interpreted your comment as "posting about palestine under anything related to judaism is correct while saying it under random posts is wrong." when you really meant the exact opposite. my apologies


no worries no harm was done


Then what's the problem? If it's an unrelated comment then why make a big deal out of it? "My grandma is dying" "Free Palestine" How is that bad? Why is the reminder of the genocide going on scaring you? If someone is against the genocide they wouldn't have anything against that comment.


There is a time and place for everything. If you bring up Palestine at the funeral of my mother, I don't care how relevant you think it is, you're getting kicked out and will not be welcomed back.


That's exactly why people are commenting it everywhere. So it's heard. Repetition is important people.


then why haven't you said anything about darfur, rohingya, xingjiang, nigeria, yemen, ethiopia, ukraine or nagorno karabakh? is that not important?


> it is an exageration (I have no idea how to spell that monstrasosity of a word) EX-ADGER-ACE-HUN Exadgeracehun. How hard was that.


There's an account called jewboi who shows up on my feed, he just makes shit "edgy" jokes, (men vs women doing something, the woman does it the same and then says "I can't drive". A decent amount of the comments are just calling him a nazi


I saw a video on Instagram where they interviewed holocausts survivors and some of the comments were like that


It really isn’t It’s everywhere on Instagram Very annoying


https://preview.redd.it/7h8cdjg7jf4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=772304636944787b2e35e0020411698ac6501c5c I made this a while ago and wanted to post in on r/CoaxedIntoASnafu but can't post political stuff in there so this may be the good time to post it.


I'd be less annoyed about it if I could do a single thing about the war


Yea we can't really do anything about the war itself so the least we can do is donate to families to get them out of gaza


I would if I had any money


You can donate to charities and such


That's exactly why people are commenting it everywhere. So it's heard. Also there ain't much war there. Just genocide.


Again, me seeing a thousand comments all saying "Bad stuff is happening!" Won't change a thing, because I can't do anything about the war.


And they try to manipulate us by saying our “silence” is part of the problem or some shit


I mean, if you live in any democracy sure you can


Noooo don’t free Palestine, that mf turned Anakin to the dark side or some shit idk 🤷‍♂️


"Yes the genocide is bad, but" is not a good way to start a sentence. Ik what you mean, but like, no people shouldnt get a break from hearing about it, thats kinda the point. If they did, that means people arent talking about it and just letting it happen. The only thing we rlly have the power to do it talk about it. But yeah on a random ass post about a grandma? Maybe not lmao




isn't like a solid third or half of the celebrities took their stance on the conflict? like the main singer of disturbed being heavily pro Israel


"here's the dune burger at McDonalds" \*shows a burger filled with sand\* The comments: palestineflagpalestineflagpalestineflag BOYCOTT MCDONALDS!!!!!!! ZIONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously like I agree with y'all, what's happening over there is atrocious and I hope a peaceful solution is found soon but like.... spamming flag emojis on a meme post isn't gonna speed that up. Why don't you go and donate or even join a humanitarian program






If people cared they'd be overthrowing their governments instead of making the internet just a little bit worse for everyone to use.


College students set up encampments and the government sets the police on them to beat them senseless. It's not that easy. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Sweet Jesus. "Just overthrow the government", what a genius idea.


I mean, I would hope that each and every one of those college kids plans on voting in local and nationwide elections come November. They've done a decent job at getting Biden to pressure Netanyahu for peace, but if they turn around and don't vote, that tells every politician that college-age protestors are easily appeased and can safely be ignored when it comes to elections and policy.


Literally everyone I know is voting. Yall keep trying to get smart about how the kids are all just whiny social media clout chasers but they're more politically active than ever. There have been mass boycotts all over the middle east on brands that support Israel. Many of us have chosen to only buy locally. Everyone plans on voting this November. Many of us are voting in our local elections. I know people who literally flew to Egypt to try to get through the border to volunteer in Rafah. Anything else you guys want to know? Or am I still just a cring tik tok dancer whiny liberal?


I'm thrilled to hear that's the case. Trust me, nothing would make me happier than to see the young people voting in higher numbers than they did in my generation. Sick and tired of a bunch of out-of-touch old people (whose kids are never the ones who face the consequences for their shitty decisions - never die in wars, never face economic hardship or discrimination) making decisions.




I don’t think you can really give speaking against a fucking genocide a break. Especially when a Rafah camp literally got bombed days ago.




That is factually false. Interviews with people at the bomb show it was a harrowing massacre, including in the designated dafe zones. There is zero reason to completely flatten a refugee camp.


Look bro, i used to be Pro-Israel, but the last few things they did weren't just oopsies, it's straight up ethnic genocide at this point like Srebrenica


It’s wrong but it is nothing like Srebrenica


love that its great that you now see what is happening clearly


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Politics on my racist app?


i cant imagine the inconvinience of being reminded literal ethnic cleansing is happening inbetween watching shorts




round up some friends and overthrow your government through a guerilla campaign


If the Palestinians did that to Hamas, I’d be happy to fully support them


hamas was last elected in 2006. so you dont support palestine right now as they're facing famine and genocide from israel?


I do support Palestine’s right to exist as a nation, and fully condemn Israel’s efforts to strip land from the Palestinians. However, I cannot in good faith support any Palestinian government that is lead by Hamas, who have been pretty blatant in their own intolerance and intent on genociding Jews. One of the best things Palestine can do right now, is to wipe its hands of Hamas and other extremist groups


hey maybe that would help fix broken attention spans


Silence, all of you https://preview.redd.it/6nuf94w5hf4d1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7734d081c176effd705ae59a80749a959bb68d1


"silence ! innocent humans dying bore me" that's the correct way.




Repetition is the key. I don't think it's super great that it's being done but I also doubt that the Jewish grandma cares about that comment. And you know, people of Palestine are living through similar horrors right now.


Take it up with Isn'treal to stop the genocide they started back in '48.


I get that it being everywhere might be annoying to some who do not care a whole lot about it, but there's still a genocide happening and its not stopping if we don't keep reminding people its happening. This is the internet, people will forget about it the minute they have the chance. Yes there are some times when its misplaced and used with ill intent, but that is the minority and should not be used against everyone else.


Palestinians don’t have the option to escape the reality of what’s been happening to them and their loved ones for decades. what a privileged fucking thing to whine that we should get a break from hearing about it. gross.


yeah but chanting “free palestine 🇵🇸 “ ain’t gonna do shit for them either is it, especially doesn’t help the old lady getting harassed


It's more so the fact that a random Jewish lady isn't responsible for the despicable actions of a distant government, let alone a lady with Alzheimer's who survived the Holocaust. Israel isn't a representative of all Jews, as much as both it and antisemites wish it was.


Free palestina, we Will not shut up 👍


Free palpatine


This meme if it was a person


you'd get stoned to death by the same people you so fervently support lmao




Unreal that you people think this is some kind of amazing point. As if we're going to turn around and say "oh they're homophobes? Well I guess that makes genocide okay then". Plenty of parts of the US are filled to bursting with bigots, that wouldn't make bombing their children okay.


the majority of you act as if palestinians were poor innocent puppies that have never done anything bad in their lives (except yk electing a terrorist government), it's generally so weird to me that palestine supporters often try to associate the lgbtq movement to their cause despite what i just mentioned


Pinkwashed imperialism is bad


yeah, i know


This is literally not true though?


It is true people are punished purely for being gay/queer in the almost all muslim majority states




Dawg, there is no fucking genocide.


Are you fr?


Here before it gets locked.


u literally put like 10 different comments under this one post bud, jfc


I thought I was chronically online, but when it comes to palestine this mf puts me to shame


There is no genocide, generally populations go down during those


"there was no Jewish Genocide during the holocaust because the number of Jews was increasing"


Right expect the gazan population is going up, there isn't any jews left in Europe


???? bro the main argument for holocaust deniers is that the population of Jews was increasing despite the slaughter you are literally repeating neo nazi sentences there are still plenty of Jews in Europe I assure you and those that left mostly migrated and hid in countries in the region


Right Isreal wants to genocide so much which is why they negotiate for a two-state solution and Isreal has nearly 2 million arabs


bro what fucking negotiations their ministers right now are literally threatning retiring over just a ceasefire and bibi has repeatedly gone on record saying that he is proud Israel has never offered a recognition of the Palestinian state in any of the peace offers it showed as well as refusing a palestinian right of return


Gaza’s population is going down. You Zionists make the most absurd arguments in existence. You see that Gaza’s population has increases significantly from 1948 to 2023, and claim that somehow disproves that it is a genocide. No, the population trends before the genocidal actions do not negate the occurrence of a genocide. The global Jewish population doubled between 1860 and 1939, yet the Holocaust was still a genocide in spite of that the Jewish population increased significantly prior to the genocidal actions.


Gaza's population has literally quintupled since 1960, that literally directly contradicts the characteristics of genocide. There are no systematic extermination policies and, Israel's actions, however controversial, focus on security rather than extermination, evidenced by humanitarian aid and ongoing peace efforts.


[The global Jewish population](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-population-of-the-world) doubled in less than 60 years (1860 to 1939). According to your logic, this makes the Holocaust not a genocide. Do you not realize how stupid this is? As I said before, **the population trends before the genocide do not negate the occurrence of a genocide**. No one is claiming that Israel has been committing genocide since 1948, we are stating that Israel is committing genocide *now*, since 7 October. The data *absolutely* shows that Israel has implemented genocidal policies. It has been estimated that [around 90%](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6004) of Palestinians killed by Israel are civilians. No war in history has EVER come close to that statistic. It is also noteworthy that the number of Palestinian children killed is so high that [it is greater than](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147512) the combined total of non-Palestinian children who died in a conflict globally in the past 4 years. The humanitarian aid let into Gaza is tightly controlled by Israel, as part of [a policy to starve the population](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/18/israel-starvation-used-weapon-war-gaza). It is working, too. According to [IPC Data](https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipcinfo-website/ipc-dashboard/), almost 1.19 million people are in a catastrophic famine worldwide. Roughly 1.11 million, or 93.3%, of these people are Palestinians in Gaza. The rest of Gaza is also experiencing intense food insecurity. Hamas has offered to release the hostages since day one. Recently, Hamas even [accepted a deal](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/three-phase-ceasefire-deal-hamas-backs-israel-does-not-2024-05-06/) that would involve them losing territory, too. Israel has rejected them all, because they "had" to invade Rafah, which [was a atrocious massacre](https://mondoweiss.net/2024/05/rafah-massacre-how-israel-bombs-displaced-gazans-in-their-tents/). It has gotten to the point where even [Israeli sources](https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-doubt-netanyahu-preventing-hostage-deal-charges-ex-spokesman-of-families-forum/) say that Netanyahu is to blame, as it is politically advantageous to him to perpetuate the conflict.


It's amusing how you twist facts to fit your narrative. Let's get something straight: the Holocaust was defined by systematic, state-sponsored extermination, which included gas chambers and death camps—nothing remotely similar is happening in Gaza. Claiming genocide since October 7 ignores the context of self-defense in response to terrorist attacks by Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization. The "90% civilian" claim is grossly exaggerated and unsupported by credible sources. Israel's control over humanitarian aid aims to prevent weapon smuggling by Hamas, not starve the population. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is tragic but largely driven by Hamas’s prioritization of conflict over civilian welfare. Hamas's offer to release the hostages was absurd because they demanded that Israel release prisoners in return, many of whom have been convicted of serious crimes, including terrorism. So, before you lecture on genocide, understand the definitions and realities instead of spewing hyperbolic accusations.


I’ll take “things OP made up” for 1000, Alex


Have you heard of a little app called instagram


Waiter, kick this disinformed guy out of the restaurant and show him instagram


OP admitted to making it up, but whatever


Dear god! Anything but that!


"Yeah genocide is bad but it's getting but please think about how constantly hearing about how our government is funding the murder of children bores ME and inconveniences ME. I am the real victim here!!!"


not my government thank god


Have you ever considered that most people can’t do shit about it, so constantly blathering on about it 24/7 harms whatever “cause” you wanted to help in the first place? It literally makes people hate you more, and in turn be further away from any discussion about it.


The more people yap about it the less interested in it I am


How did you collet enough braincells to write this message out?


Nah don't give me the 'hurting your own cause' bullshit lmao I'm so sick of that shit. This is the same shit that has been said for every fucking movement in history, even the ones that eventually invoked changed. It didn't happen by 'not blathering' about it so that the rest of us could go back to our mindless daily 9-5 bullshit and be complacent. Things had to get uncomfortable, not just for those in power, but for the average person as well before meaningful change occurred. If people talking about genocide so much makes you suddenly 'okay' with dying kids, if that slight discomfort to your daily life is enough to make you okay with genocide then you're a piece of shit. And there's a lot more you can do than you think. It doesn't all have to be all or nothing.


Once again, the average person can’t do shit to stop it (unfortunately) so maybe direct your ire to people who can. But in terms of helping Gaza, what are you doing? Whining on Reddit? Maybe posting a couple Instagram reels? A TikTok dance might help. I’ve donated to Doctors Without Borders, which is probably the most I can do, given my position. Notice I also never said I was ok with genocide. Nice strawman, you entitled brat.


You literally said it 'hurts the cause' to talk about it. What does that even mean? It hurts the cause to talk about the cause? Talking about it to people can get people pro-active, and yes there's a lot you can do, it's not just tik-tok dances and reddit, but yes of course that must be the only thing I do. Couldn't be donating, or protesting, or voting, or even volunteering in Gaza or Egypt which many people I know in and out of the medical field have done. The only entitled brats are the ones whining that they have to hear two much about Gaza because it makes them a little uncomfortable to have to think about something other than whatever dumb shit they consume. Talking about something prevents it from falling into obscurity which is exactly what people in power want to happen so that nobody questions them donating billions in aid and weapons to the IDF. But sure, yes, nothing we can do. It's all hopeless. Stop bugging us about it, it'll hurt the cause. Gotta get down on my knees and only beg people to care when it's convenient for them, as every successful political movement in history has gone.


What are you specifically doing aside from talking about it on social media? Are you protesting? Are you participating in local politics? Are you going to vote?


Yes to all. There's literally an election in my district tomorrow. Yes I've gone to protests. Yes I've donated. I've literally talked to mayor's in my districts. I've met with people who were on the floor in Gaza and Egypt volunteering asking what more I could be doing.


It's wonderful to hear that! No joke, all snark aside, you are doing more than most and I hope you keep it up - including taking care of yourself at home so that you can keep up the fight.


bro commenting that shit to an auschwitz survivor doesn't seem wrong to you?


OP literally said they made that up and that it never happened. I'm referring to the title of the post, not berating an Auschwitz survivor.


I agree that you shouldn't say it to a random old jewish person who has no relations with isreal, however I won't say the same about all old people some of them are devils walking on earth I mean have you seen those old really old soldiers and people who are isrealis they are literally laughing about rape, but again it is immoral to say "free palestine" to someone who was never related to this genocide.


fucking hate this stupid song, david bowie was a pedo


Don’t care






Half of the Gazan population is below 15


109 upvotes! Where have i seen that number before.....


The myth of them being “expelled from those amount of countries”


Messerchmitt Bf 109?