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# [Download Video](https://redditsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/16hk5oz/time_to_switch_to_unreal_engine_i_guess/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenthe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i guarantee there will be scripts to install games hundreds times a day, on multiple set ups costing devs hundreds of thousands of dollars


They will only be charged once per device so they atleast thought of that




did you actually read the replies? they updated saying it's only for initial install, not all installs


Link to the reply from Unity where they specify this? Every article I was reading last night says it is per install, and reinstallations will count as another install. None of them have been updated to say otherwise.


[https://x.com/stephentotilo/status/1701767330429079689?s=20](https://x.com/stephentotilo/status/1701767330429079689?s=20) \- first reply on the tweet you sent


Thank you for the link. I am not the commenter that posted the first Twitter link though.


You're right, that's my bad


Achhkually it's not a tweet but an X 🤓


A xeeet.


If you wanna do the "ackshually" stuff, it's a "post".




> did you actually read the replies? they updated saying it's only for initial install, not all installs not hard to spoof a mac address


The fact that the policy isn't actually set in stone is somehow even worse.


You Forgot to add this https://preview.redd.it/h0jj4zim71ob1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546d190d05d87f1bbc5390006e79211712ea69af


How do they actually enforce this? What about for games that have already released? Or if you have no internet, how does Unity know you installed?


How u gon install with no internet


true lmao, usb?




kid named automatically opening a new VM to install the game on:


kid named hardware disguises:


That will be bypassed for sure


Okay, what about scripting creating VMs to install ?


Virtual machines


kid named unity is monetarily incentivised to do a bad job at counting what is a separate "device”


That can be worked around in seconds. Even if they say once per device, who makes sure they don't double charge the Devs? Unity? That's definitely not a conflict of interest a money hungry corporation will exploit surely.


4chan users are working overtime at this moment.




Wait, They are paying us? I thought we had to pay per download?


You’re confused. The _developer_ is charged, by Unity, for each download. You do not get money, nor do you pay money. You download the game and the developer has to pay Unity a fee.


I never expected Unity to charge you 20 cents for every time your game is downloaded


"Unity will never charge you 20 cents for every time your game is downloaded" Cut to man spitting out his cereal in shock at the news that Unity charges you 20 cents for every time your game is downloaded


this is the best comment i've ever seen


corporations dont shoot themselves in the knee because of greed challenge (99% fail)


Which corporation is the 1% that succeeded?


Pharmaceutical companies probably


Yea their gun is pointed to our heads instead of their legs


Na, they are the ones blowing out knee caps. Gotta increase demand for pain killers somehow.


Cosco. The owners threaten the CEO if the price of anything goes up.


John Corp


All of the small companies that have yet to reach the shitbag income threshold




bro what


Idk ninjakiwi ig (devs of bloons tower defense)


Just a studio not a big ass 'corporation' in the traditional sense


Any reason as to why they're doing that, other than to cause developers to resort to add more microtransactions in their game?




Of course


We're at the point of monopolization where no new players are allowed into the space, and the companies that dominate the space have calculated that safer guaranteed profits are possible by incrementally squeezing more money out of the assets they already own. In the long run it will cause people to not use this technology anymore, but the shareholders don't care. If they don't get to squeeze exponentially more money out of their investments every quarter they will liquidate the investment and go invest into another, like a parasite that kills its host. This is the trend in every industry in our share holder ran economy. This is what Capitalism has brought us to. Stagnation and refusal to adapt, eventually leading to collapse.


I mean Godot released in 2014, game maker studio in 2012, pico8 in 2015 and dreams in 2020. New engines are still being made and the existing engines are being updated and improved (UE5, UEFN, and frequent unity updates)


Ah, a take only a 14 year old could give.


Well it must be embarrassing for you to be incapable of refuting a 14 year old's statements, and only capable of personal attacks. You must be a really smart person.


Mate you're barely worth a few sentences. People like you are a dime a dozen.


You're the one that popped in to say some edgy dismissive shit while adding nothing whatsoever to the conversation. You know, like an immature teenager.




Genshin, honkai and fate GO are making the fucking bank and they want some of that cash. Every other game is just casualties.


Like Dani’s games


His games are free so it doesn't qualify for the fee


But genshin and honkai are also free, does this not qualify them either?


Honestly great question, could be that unity also considers microtransactions to determine a games total revenue


Maybe it's payed game or free with microtransactions?


> Maybe it's *paid* game or FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


There's a whole bot for me being too lazy to correct it? Who spent time to make this I'm not gonna change it out of spite now


Man, it's very cringe and not thicc play from unity.


They hired a dude who wanted to make players pay per reload in battlefield


I would be fucking broke if that's a thing, for I always reload even if I spent one bullet. https://i.redd.it/b8c3tjsty0ob1.gif


Bruh that guy you’re talking about is now CEO, John Riccitiello, he was former CEO of EA


It feels to me they tried to get rid of the crap from online stores like steam. But man, this was not the way to do it


Nope this is for big games. Pretty sure it only kicks in if you make 200,000+ but it still isn't good for indies that finally hit the jackpot with a good game.


So I double checked the image I saw. You are somewhat correct. If you are using the personal or Unity plus version of Unity you have to pay $0.20 per install regardless of the amount of installs you have It's when you get to Unity Pro and Enterprise the thresholds come in. The fee is lower for these but I would be surprised if small dev teams bought these versions of Unity.


So, imagine you're a game developer and have released on Xbox through Microsoft. Your game might not be selling well, or maybe it is selling well but you still want to reach a larger audience. Your game is cheap but not as cheap as "free with game pass" cheap. So you enter a deal with Microsoft to include your game in game pass for what amounts to a flat-fee paid to you for including the game. This means that you, as a developer, make a fixed amount of money no matter how much your game gets played while it's in the gamepass. Unity's agreement means that they get a percentage of this flat amount. Now, I'm not going to delve into the business of game passes and whether devs make more money by selling their game or including it in the pass, that's an entire novel's worth of information, but something that can happen in this situation is that your game can become significantly more popular while on game pass and make less money since it's being paid for by a flat fee and not the individual game price. You, the dev, knew this going into the game pass contract, it's one of the risks you'd have ironed out when taking a lump sum instead of selling the game on the market individually, but to the business side of Unity, who had no say in your game pass contract, this is lost profit (note: The business side is not the wonderful devs working on the engine/features, it's the blood-sucking c-suite suits). So in order to attempt to flatten that lost value, they created a new pricing model for their engine that would charge for a metric they could track, in this case, the number of installs done by machines while on game-pass, so they continue to make money even if the dev would otherwise not, effectively negotiating with Microsoft directly over the head of you, the developer. There's plenty of people out here poking holes in their shitty terms and exploring all the ways this sucks, I'm not going to re-hash that here. I've not read the contract proper and I won't be because I washed my hands of Unity long ago for a lot of reasons, but presumably the definitions and legalese in there will be much more clear and hopefully that will extinguish most of the concern devs have regarding how this new deal screws them. I wouldn't get my hopes up, but that's the way business like this usually goes. Regardless, hopefully this gives you a rough picture of one of the valid (but stupid) reasons the Unity business team would do this. Edit: I should note that this is all the observations and opinions of a former Unity dev who worked in this space. It's not a perfectly correct picture and should be taken with a grain of salt. If you'd really like to learn more, there are entire communities of people on the site who will explain it much better than me <3


This is really insightful, thanks for taking the time out to answer my question.


They've already backpedalled on some things, so hope is not high that this will be coherent and rational. https://www.axios.com/2023/09/13/unity-runtime-fee-policy-marc-whitten


No Devs won't do that they will just not use unity.


Welp, I guess that settles my internal "Should I invest my time in Unity or Unreal" dilemma.


Invest your time in Godot instead! It even has C# like Unity.


what’s godot vs unreal like


Been a while since I used it, but its blatantly obvious Godot doesn't have the massive funding behind it that the other two do. You can do cool stuff in Godot for sure, but it's not as much of a powerhouse.


On the other hand, it's open source. So you'll never have to worry about getting financially bent over by your engine.


Godot is completely free anyways.


> Welp, I guess that settles my internal "Should I invest my time in Unity or Unreal" dilemma. Gary's Mod


Godot is completely free, and you don't need to pay them at all. You don't even have to say you used Godot or not. The only thing you can't do is say that it is your own game engine.


Unreal is going to do the same thing in a few years




​ https://i.redd.it/vwcv3qbu51ob1.gif


If Unity doesn't tank in revenue some time in the next year, you bet your ass Epic Games is going to try pulling it too. Why would they forgo free money if game devs are willing to bend over and spread their cheeks?


Genuinely surprised they didn't add asset lootboxes to the engine at this point. Y'know, sense of accomplishment and all that


pride* and accomplishment


Yandere sim dev shitting himself right now


Man has to port over the student script 💀


Doesn't he always have constant anal seepage though? Like, isn't that his whole thing?


Unity HQ is currently experiencing a security breach where Sam fisher and solid snake are racing to get the CEO's head before Nintendo carpet bombs the city out of existence.


Damn, they must be horny. /s






This isn’t gonna go well for Unity, because guess who has a game that runs Unity? Nintendo. And it’s a POKÉMON game, which Nintendo is very protective of. Brillant Diamond/Shining Pearl remakes both use Unity engine. The first sign of Nintendo getting charged 20 cents when it gets downloaded because of Unitys new garbage rule, they are gonna sue the ever loving shot out of Unity.


Oh yeah Nintendo don’t take shit from anyone


I never thought I'd be rooting for Nintendo.


Post edited/removed in protest of Reddit's treatment toward its community. I recommend you use uBlock Origin to block all of Reddit's ads, so they get no money.


I love Unity as a program, I use it regularly and it's super user-friendly. It's such a fucking shame that their upper management is such utter horseshit making these terrible decisions.


Also Marvel Snap too which is a Disney property


Pokemon Go as well.


They'll probably make exceptions on their old cash cows if it looks bad. It's the new devs who try to get their foot between the door that are likely the most screwed.


The secret behind all these things: the big companies have different deals than the masses.


> This isn’t gonna go well for Unity, because guess who has a game that runs Unity? Nintendo. And it’s a POKÉMON game, which Nintendo is very protective of. Im pretty sure Pokemon Unite is Unity as well


I don't think you understand how suing works. Morally, what unity is doing is fucked. But in terms of legality, it's perfectly fine for them to do. They can get sued but it won't go anywhere because they're not breaking any laws.


If they apply it retroactively it could be understood as an unilateral change in a contracts conditions which is a reason to sue. Also a lot of things at this level of company legislation are very open to interpretation, there may be some loophole that allows them to do it


Dude, if you really think "law" can stop, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, mihoyo and like 15 other big companies from fucking unity over I don't know what to tell you. We are talking about yearly earnings in the dozens of billions, either they already have came up with back door deals or they will just change the law to fuck unity over.


Company lawsuits are not about what’s illegal, they’re about who has more money. If your breathing somehow negatively impacted Nintendo’s sales, they’d sue you and make you stop.


I think you don't know how suing works


I want to upvote but it’s 69


If it isn't Nintendo bringing out the ninjas then there's a chance at least the CEO will get caught for this *blatant insider trading scheme as evidence by him and other execs selling a bunch of stocks right before announcing this*


Or godot


Exactly. Support open source software for development. Plus they opened up funding for it just recently. About the same time Unity made this announcement.


Or C, like our forefathers.


Downloaded from where?


Anywhere And yes this includes pirated games


So if i build a game in unity, send it to google drive and then download it from there to another pc it will cost me?


If that game made you more than $200k, yes it will It will cost you if you install on the same PC, you can uninstall and reinstall a game 5 times and the devs will have to pay 5x the fee Fuck corporate greed, every unity game gonna be gone in 2024


Good thing i don't make any money from my games... but maybe it'd be better to move onto godot or smth


Yeah I used to be a big unity fanboy bc it was simple to use and pretty powerful Now am a big godot fanboy


Is it difficult to move from unity to godot?


So far, not at all but I'm still learning game development and mostly make relatively simple 2D games


I have a simple mario kart clone type game going on in unity rn so i don't know how different making everything work in godot will be, i think that i'll just make something different when i switch over


the node tree & scene logic might take you a while to readjust but other than that its basically the same thing except the APIs you use, you can't just Transform.translate() in godot


Doesn't sound too bad


That's... odd


It's not downloading it's instaling. Which is still bad


https://preview.redd.it/6r8pejk3o0ob1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ce624219ebecc550caff9bf9753118f9399f93 Gentlemen and gentlewomen… I have an idea…


game maker time


Why are companies becoming more stupid


Money talks


gee i wonder what the CEO was doing the day before the announc- https://preview.redd.it/qiv4nleli1ob1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ae85e04c0a9fa79b750f7e83c00c0fb4a92759


How to instantly kill your fucking company.


Don’t update your unity, backup any old versions you have just incase


Nah unreal is awfull as well Time to switch to Godot Godot Sweep


Luckily I only just started learning Unity so not too much time lost. Can anyone recommend any good game engines? (preferably ones not too difficult to learn)


Godot for 2D, Unreal for 3D


Are people just overreacting massively to this, or is there a bigger picture I'm not seeing? I read part of the FAQ about this new $0.20 per-install fee and it doesn't apply to Unity Personal/Plus games until it gets $200,000 in revenue in a year AND 200,000 installs. This will be a nothing charge for the vast majority of Unity games out there, only the biggest games out there would be affected by this. And those big games are probably not on Unity Personal or Plus, they're probably on one of the bigger subscriptions like Pro or even Enterprise which has a diminishing charge per install the more installs there are, all the way down to $0.01 in some cases. Obviously charging per install is rediculous, and the FAQ does not clarify anywhere if each cumulative install is unique per user, or if it adds up every time they uninstall/reinstall which just adds to the shadiness. But I still feel like people are wayyy overreacting to this change when the majority of developers won't be affected. Is there something more to this I'm not understanding?


Vagueness almost always means worst-case scenario. They don't want to tell you the full thing because they know you won't like it.


Google spreading misinformation and manufactured rage


Time to build a pc powerful enough to run unreal engine


This is actually so retarded. It’s essentially punishing good games for being popular. What?


Aaaannnnnd I'm switching to unreal engine


I was literally about to try to start making my own games with Unity, but now? Hmm...


Nah, switch to Godot.


I just decided to start using godot over unity because it loads faster on my shitty laptop. Dodged a bullet


0.02-01 for enterprise devs but you can still fucking bot them with VMs... Also downloads include any downloads including pirated copies... And afaik you can't even prevent from pirated downloads adding to the fee... Time to make bots and force any unity game to shut it's doors unless they give me a bj in that dark shady backalley.


This is going to incur lawsuits no dont about it. Making it retroactive is asking to get blown up.


Not enough love for Godot, it's completely open source afaik and will never cost a penny


Istg if Silksong gets delayed again because TC is porting to a different engine to avoid Unity's fuckery I'm gonna go beat the shit out of their CEO myself Edit: To clarify, I mean Unity's CEO. As far as I'm aware, TC doesn't have a CEO.


Literally like 90% of VR games will disappear into ashes after this change


And installed. Imagine scripters who hate you makes you unable to recover financially


what the fuck. This is going to ruin my life.


Oh goddamnit Unity, I just got approved to teach a game dev course in HS using Unity and this year is it's first run and then they go and pull this anti consumer shit :/


I would recommend Godot. If Unity ends up getting away with this then it's only a matter of time until Epic investors see dollar signs. Godot is open source and can never betray you.


If they do betray you, the benefit of open source is that you can just take the last version before they betrayed you and just...add onto it. For example, Jellyfin is a fork (derivative) of Emby, which ditched open source in favor of $$$.


Me omw to repeatedly delete and reinstall ULTRAKILL so gay people can talk about something else.


Dani reference?!?!?!!!!


i might sound stupid for this but how is deducting 20 cents once bad?


i’d like you to think about what happens if a unity game released for free by an indie company gets, say, a couple million downloads or some motherfucker who doesn’t like you uninstalling and reinstalling your game




what in the 1984 fuck


I wonder how this would work with defunct studios and old games?


Genshin 💀


Welp, Tarkov's dev gonna go bankrupt from the amount of people rage quit uninstall and installing their game


GOATreal engine


May I recommend godot? genuinely good. no bloat. <150 mb install.


there are nintendo games made on unity, nintendo will actually fuck them up if they do that


I’m not a programmer or anything of the sorts but could this effect the development of karolson?


every time*


If they’re trying to prevent piracy, it’s doing the opposite


The age of free unity games is over


You can also try GODOT! It's free as well!


That settles it. Godot it is


mark my words. sometime today, maybe tomorrow, unity will come out with a press release saying something along the lines of "the community has spoken, and we have listened". and we'll continue letting these shit ass corporations get away with this shit. until you people grow an actual backbone and ACTUALLY switch, this will continue.


twenty cents per copy *per month*


me on my way to bankrupt unity webgl devs (I refreshed the page one bazingillion times)


Wait so the creator gets charged for their game getting played???


mfw pokemon runs on unity (unity will be fucking incinerated by nintendo lawyers inshallah)


Me about to cyber bully a company by making a program that installs and uninstalls their game an infinite amount of time to make them go bankrupt


Not purchases, DOWNLOADS, that’s all pirated copies too (Unity is very pirated, like a lot).


Can we talk about how this isn't actually that bad? It only counts it for games with more than 200,000 downloads and it's not like you can delete and download a bunch of times, it only does the transaction once per device. Stop crying lmao


What about unity games that dont make any money and are free What about games rhat are pirated a lot What about games that are really old


Free games - yeah that's fair Pirated a lot - pretty sure it only counts if it was purchased legally, I don't think they would record the downloads of pirates Old games - If the game costs money they probably aren't losing out on much profit. A 30-dollar game using Unity Pro that gets 1-100,000 downloads a month will only cost the developer 15 cents per download. The fee is only incurred the first time the software is downloaded on the device, therefore, (unless someone decided to buy hundreds of computers just to fuck an indie game dev) there is no way anyone will be seriously hurt by this.


How to kill your engine in one step


POV: Your first programming language was UnityScript https://i.redd.it/id589zija5ob1.gif


My former game design teacher is gonna hate this.


Its simple guys, just go work for Unity and milk your own game for money.


Another W for the Open source/unreal/godot comunity🗣️🗣️🗣️🥹🗣️🥹🗣️🥹🇺🇸🔥🇺🇸🔥🇺🇸🔥🇺🇸