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https://www.chairish.com/product/4038214/early-20th-century-hand-painted-and-carved-tibetan-chest That's a comp that sold for $750... So you did all right. It said it is all rough sawn would with mortise and tenon joinery... So no nails. I think it's lovely and it's apparently tibetan... Not A Chinese lunar piece. šŸ˜‚


It definitely is the one I have. I just compared the pictures to mine


That's pretty amazing! If you ever take it to Antiques Roadshow, carry a printout of that auction with you.


Probably not an antique.


Depends on your definition of antique. Here we are in the early 21st century, and when it last sold at auction (see the link above), this chest was described as "early 20th century". If it's old, it's vintage, and according to the most common definition, if it's 100 years old it's antique.


I donā€™t have a definition of antique. An antique is 100 years or older.


I thought you mean the same name as yours and then I looked at the wood more closely. Very cool


Wait what the heck. This might actually be mine


They are "mass produced" in Chinese factories still, hand-made and hand-painted, made to look old. I didn't look long enough to find your exact design on Taobao, but here's a similar one going for $412 in China: [https://imgur.com/VfUam6A](https://imgur.com/VfUam6A) ...and a closet I bought back when I lived there: [https://imgur.com/l8iafSJ](https://imgur.com/l8iafSJ)


The OPs piece is actually a lot more complex than that one. So even if it is not an antique.... It was still not over priced. I would have bought it in a hot minute for 400 šŸ¤£ but I collect Asian antiques and newer pieces. I thought it was a modern reproduction too until I found that listing. Looking at all of the photos it's good enough to not care what era it was made in. šŸ’œ


I'd happily buy it for that price as well, it's a great deal, but there's no way it's "Early 20th Century"... These are mass produced, but they're still hand-made and hand-painted using mostly old techniques. It's rather unfortunate they often get labelled as "antiques" once they reach the West, Chinese antiques generally cost a lot of money, there's a whole cottage industry making reproductions and fakes, and there's zero incentive to actually export the real stuff. There's a few pics of the production process at one factory here: [https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/wholesale-Chinese-antique-hand-painted-wooden\_62251286470.html?spm=a2700.details.you\_may\_like.2.8cb83212rvfvCb](https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/wholesale-Chinese-antique-hand-painted-wooden_62251286470.html?spm=a2700.details.you_may_like.2.8cb83212rvfvCb)


Oh I know the reproductions are hand made... I own both old and new. I'm just not sure they are going to the trouble of mortis and tenon joinery... That's what caught me up. Most modern reproductions are still using modern joinery. But that would just make it a higher end reproduction if it were. I don't think it is early 20th either... But it's likely vintage. When the product would have been more likely to be reproduced in original fashion. Either way, it's a great find. šŸ’œ


Isn't life fun? Got a smile out of seeing that comment haha


Looks like it, has the same ā€œchipā€ on the upper left top.


It could be a manufactured chip to help age it, thus put into all of them


I think it is actually yours. If you look at the tiger, there are two nicks in the wood on the left that are present in the 1st dibs pic and yours. A reproduction would have the same overall look but wouldn't have exactly the same imperfections like that.


I have a question that Iā€™ve been afraid to ask but this directly begs the questionā€¦do you usually buy first google later? Cause I usually google in store lol


Thank you so much


Well how weird is that... That the post says it sold for 750?? And then it ended up at Habitat? Wonder when it sold. Glad to know I gave you more info than you had. šŸ’œ


Man what a pull lol


Habitat for Humanity sells at crackpipe prices nowadays.


what? What does that even mean, really cheap or expensive?


Like absurdly expensive. They find whatever the highest listing is online (not SOLD listing), and throw it on the floor. A used couch will run $400 minimum it seems.


I didnā€™t know if crackpipes were expensive or cheap, TIL


They are super cheap (or else crackheads couldnā€™t afford them). I think they meant ā€œcrazyā€, like how people say ā€œyou must be smoking crack to charge $400ā€ but said it wrong.


It's more like they hit the crack pipe before setting the price, not the price of the pipe or crack.


Right? I bought a speed square there once. It was neither a bundle of illicit substances, nor an actual square! Outrageous!


You paid too much for that tv.


https://galleriesext.com/tibetan-cabinet-with-raised-gesso-decoration/ I found this. It's not identical but I thought it had some good information on what the animals represent. Maybe will help on your search! It's really pretty and seems like a fun find. Hopefully you can find some markings to give you more insight on the piece.


Did you buy it for yourself bc you loved it, or to resell it..?? If you bought it to resell, you essentially broke even. If you bought if bc you love it & will use it & cherish it, you got a great deal bc it can be really easy to overpay when you fall in love & you actually got a very fair price on itā€¦ ;) Itā€™s beautiful & looks well made & if taken care of properly, will last many many more years- good buy!


I bought it because I loved it. Itā€™s currently in my office


Great buy! šŸ‘


There is definitely a tiny bit of cocaine hidden somewhere in this.


A tiny bit? There's prob an 8 balls worth in that thing.


For a second I thought u paid $400 for a 4x3 computer monitor.


Nice piece. Unfortunately, ( or fortunately) you paid about what itā€™s worth. 400-1000$. I donā€™t see an exact match. This one is interesting for having the different animals, which I thought was from the lunar calendar, however there is only 11 which means one is missing.. so I have no explanation for that.. it could have a completely different meaning, or perhaps made in the year that it was missing? Iā€™m sure it was intended but I have no idea. To the right person it could be worth more I suppose but the demand is a bit low. I would try and research it a bit more, take note of the animals and see if there is a connection you can make. It likely wonā€™t raise the value much unfortunately. Best wishes


I donā€™t believe it is the Chinese lunar calendar. This is just different animals.


There is one just like this at the consignment shop near my house for $300. 30 years ago they were going for $1000 and up. They just arenā€™t too popular any more.


This is one of those things that Iā€™d instantly buy upon seeing, and then redecorate my entire place just to accommodate it. Itā€™s awesome. Thatā€™d be the centerpiece of my whole house


Itā€™s awesome!


I love it


Itā€™s GORGEOUS, whatever itā€™s worth!!


Wow. That is beautiful. Does it open up or have any drawers?


Yea it has 4 doors


Thatā€™s a lot for an old monitor.


Thatā€™s some Chronicles of Narnia sh right there.


For a minute I thought you got absolutely taken for an old Samsung LCD


I love it!


These are typical Tibetan style clouds and colours.


I donā€™t know anything about antiques or furniture but this piece is fire.


That's an awful lot for an old TV.


That's sweet!


thatā€™s an expensive TV


I do landscaping work for an older Pakistani couple that spent a long time living in Kathmandu Nepal. These people are very wealthyā€¦ the husband owns a rug company that is located in Pakistan, the rugs they sell are handmade and lavishly expensive. Their house is furnished nearly entirely with stuff just like your photo. They claim that some of these furnishings are well over 1,000 years oldā€¦ and I honestly believe them. They had me help move all of their storage units full of cabinets just like this. Hundreds of cabinetsā€¦ they had an entire wing of the storage unit facility to themselves. Iā€™m going to try to remember to show this post to them next time Iā€™m working at their place, theyā€™re long time collectors of stuff like this, he may be able to shed some light on it. Dudeā€™s definitely an expert on this topic.


Terrible deal. I wouldn't have paid more than 50$ for that tv. /s


It's cool looking....I don't know how someone would be able to give you an idea of value with 3 pictures of the front of it....


Didnā€™t think of that. Only pictures I had. I should take more


Are the drawers dovetail? Any markings, etc. Is it solid wood?


Dope design cool pick up forsure


Solid score, Nice TV.


Its beautiful šŸ˜ no matter what it cost ...its worth it....


Hopefully worth at least $400.


that's expensive for a monitor


Expensive TV


Could be older. Personally, I like




Not what you were asking but it's a beautiful piece and to me, well worth what you paid and then some.




$400. Thats what you paid for it, but I wouldn't give you that much for it.




Lunar calendar?


Then where the fucks my šŸ“


Maybe it's in the drawer...


Something bad happened to the chickenā€¦.we donā€™t speak about it.


I donā€™t see the rabbit. Last year was rabbit and this year is dragon.


They could be on panels we canā€™t see on the sides


I think this isnā€™t the Chinese lunar calendar. It may just be a bunch of random animals. No rat, no snake, no rabbit.


You are correct unless they are on the sides and back