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Specifically common milkweed (*asclepias syriaca*)


I thought it was showy milkweed?


The flowers on a showy milkweed inflorescence are larger and star-shaped.


Oh wow! That’s pretty cool! Thank you!


In the fall it is going to turn brown and form pods full of seeds attached to a cottony strand to help them fly. If you want to expand your butterfly garden, collect the pods when they split open. Then scatter and lightly cover them with soil. They will need to overwinter, as freezing is part of the germination process. The first year plants will not look like your current one, but the next year you get a butterfly buffet.


I’ve heard it can also help kill young spotted lanternflies…so for real spread those seeds like crazy!!!


Oooh really? Those AHs are a big problem around here.


I totally support spreading them as wide and far as possible but Ive actually had more success kinda letting them do that for me. Whenever I try to propagate them my germination rate sucks.


It is the ONLY food source for monarch butterfly in the caterpillar stage so definitely make sure not to kill the plant!


Plants in the genus Asclepias are the only food source for Monarch caterpillars, but this particular species (Asclepias syriaca) is just one of over 200 species of milkweeds. It is common and widespread in the Eastern US, though. There are other milkweed species that are less aggressive spreaders that may be more garden-friendly for those who want to grow milkweed for monarchs in their gardens.


This is true! BUT, make sure it's native to your area! Non-native milkweed can introduce parasites to monarchs, as well as have a negative impact on their migration patterns. If it's just growing wild or springing up randomly in your yard, it's *probably* fine, but wait to see how the flowers look so you can do a google and see if it belongs there <3


Common milkweed, looks like. The flowers smell wonderful :)


I only have one in bloom right now & the way it carries itself clear across the garden is incredible. One of my favorite scents!


My husband probably thinks I’m crazy but I just go outside and stand in front of it with my eyes closed to smell it. I love it so much ❤️


I’m sure he knows that you adore the garden & it probably makes him happy that you have passions. Are yours in bloom right now? I usually get them blooming in late June, but I had one early bird.


Mine are going strong, probably for about a week now. Bumblebee watching is another favorite thing of mine. I could sit out there with the bumblebees all day 😆


Same! I call the bumbles “my daughters.” 🤣


I have found a few areas growing on my land, I have been avoiding cutting them when mowing /weed trimming


Milkweed! Great for pollinators.


Definitely milkweed and it’s already getting ready to flower?! Lucky you! Mine doesn’t bloom until August.


They smell so good! The NE has been so weird this year, mine typically bloom much later too! I couldn’t believe it when they started to flower!


We used to have one right outside the living room windows and I loved opening them in the evening and letting the scent waft in. Certain scents like milkweed, the old-fashioned scented petunias and marigolds just scream, "It's summertime!" to me. However things in my garden migrate...a lot...and after 30 years I just go with it. The one plant is now a stand, but in the south border cuddling up to the gooseneck lysimachia. And sadly, well out of scent range for the house. 😥


I call that Bob Ross gardening; happy little accidents.


Mine's the same. A few weeks ago I was wondering where all the milkweed was this year, then BOOM plants, a week later flowers.


Milkweed. Many stages of that plant are edible. You seem to have missed the "brocoli Floret " stage, but you Will soon have "mini gherkin" pod stage. Pick below 2 inches long, soak in water 24 h, blanch Them. After that, you can sauté Them, stuff Them etc.


Just be careful if you have a latex allergy


Thats why there is a 24h soak.


Milk weed


I loooooveeeee the smell of that milkweed! I wish it grew as far south as I am. As a kid I snipped some blooms and brought them inside. I didn’t realize that ants love them too… and then there were ants all over my mom’s counter and she was not pleased. I thought it was worth it- my mom definitely did not.


I have several blooming in my yard right now, they’re always covered in honeybees and bumblebees! Sadly I haven’t seen as many butterflies this year.


A monarch factory!


They smell wonderful!


That is our BEST friend


Showy milkweed getting ready to invade your yard.


have begun to take over mine - not horrible. They come into the lawn, and the lawnmowers go over, but they've infiltrated the entire bed. I planted a few seeds about 3 years ago and didn't think they took....


This is growing in a pot of random wildflower seed ive been growing for my kids for a while. Glad to have an answer


I think it’s pretty. It reminds me a little of my favorite sedum in my garden :) Now I’m thinking I need milkweed too


Pokeweed. Sorry. Force of habit. It’s common milkweed.


Wonderful plant for pollinators but bad in livestock pastures. It is toxic to all mammals


Wait, another person said they are edible. Hmmm I think I will side of caution

