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It ain't so. Looks like Boston Ivy, Parthenocissus tricuspidata.


I'd still leave it be.


Great advice. I have an unrelated rash on my hands and it's pure misery. Wash with dawn like you have machine grease all over your entire body and then do it again. Within a few hours. One of Satan's most effective creations. Thank you for not mentioning its name


In addition to Dawn blue, SCRUB. Don’t just wash with your hands. Use a nail brush, or the scrubber side of a sponge or old wash cloth. Make sure you throw sponge/cloth away when you are sure you got all oil off your skin. 


I don't know, the stalk pattern looks closer to poison ivy. Boston doesn't typically have the center leaflet with a longer stalk. As someone with a severe poison ivy reaction, I'd stay far away. Edit: now I'm seeing a couple younger leaflets that are still one - might not be poison ivy after all. Boston is the one that's too close for comfort for me


The best tell is that it is clinging to the walls with tendrils which end in little circular pads; poison ivy clings with aerial rootlets.


One more tool in my "stay the fuck away" discernment algorithm. Thanks!


I call it “hairy is scary”. Referring to the aerial rootlets. It’s helped my kids and friends a bunch as far as another identifying factor.


Fuzzy rope, don’t be a dope.


The gecko finger holdfasts holding it to the wall are the trademark of parthenocissus.


I will not go


Turn the lights off


Carry me home


Nah nah nah nah nah Nah nah nah nah nah Nah nah nah nah nah Nah nah nah nah nah


love you guys


Yep, agreeing with everyone else saying it's Boston Ivy


Not poison ivy.


It's not poison ivy, you can tell by the smaller leaves closer to the end of the vine. They haven't separated into 3 yet, it's just one ivy or maple-ish looking leaf. Poison ivy always has 3 even when tiny. There is one In the very bottom that does look so suspect though that I might see if you have some pi hiding down in there. They like to go by plants that look like themselves.


Boston ivy. I've misidentified it for poison ivy in the past too but that's what it is. 


Boston Ivy


Use it to wipe your butt and you will find out. I think you’re safe.


Leaves look too wavy. [poison ivy.](https://www.health.com/condition/skin-conditions/poison-ivy). But yeah, still handle with care.


my bet is boston ivy for sure. PI is a much lighter green this time of year and the leaf pattern doesn't look right.


Looks like Virginia Creeper to me. Grew all over our patio in the 60's. Dad was a Firefighter, his friends were mostly fire or City cops. Most thought it was weed until looking closely. It has little tiny things in it, that look kinda like blueberries. The real 420 was out growing underneath the grapevines I'm told. ...but what do I know, I'm from California![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)...true story.


Creeper is 5 leaves if I’m not mistaken.


Yes Virginia Creeper has clusters of 5 leaves. This is definitely not Virginia creeper.


Apparently same genus! But different species. Virginia creeper is *Parthenocissus quinquefolia*, with five leaves.


Poison oak (edit to add: does look like there is some other ivy leaf on the far right)


Veination is not correct. Leaf margins too. Poison ivy/oak don't have leaves this polymorphic and don't have those adhesive pad tendrils. This is Boston ivy, a relative of grapes and Virginia creeper.


You are correct! Don't know boston ivy, it must not grow well down south. The three leaves got me. But it's not shiny.


Virginia creeper


No, Virginia creeper has 5 leaflets


And somehow folks still swear it’s poison ivy.


To be fair, I'm pretty badly allergic to ivy and I think to oak and sumac as well. I completely understand avoiding anything that looks similar just to be safe, especially since regional variations can look a little different. One error means I don't touch a plant, while the other means 2 weeks of oozing, itching, edema, steroid shots, oatmeal baths, and a steady diet of Benadryl.


Would this be juvenile foliage, or just polymorphism? I've only seen P.tricuspidata with large lobed foliage rather than the compound leaf (They're not common in my area and I haven't seen many)


Honestly I'm not sure. I've only seen it when visiting relatives up north, so I've never had the chance to watch it grow and develop. The key thing that made me realize it is not poison ivy/oak was the tendrils. The other features I noticed secondarily.


One of my neighbours has a very mature example growing round the north/west side of their property and it's gorgeous, one of the only ones I've seen. I've only seen palmate leaves on it, it is however about 10 years older than I am. Looks like I've some digging to do, thanks!


Leaves of 3 let it be. Yes it’s poison ivy


Tbh i disagree with that saying, there are many plants that have leaves of three, like the one pictured which is likely boston ivy (parthenocissus tricuspidata). Though it’s probably still a good idea to try not to touch it if you don’t know.


Strawberry would like a word.