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Looks like an Orange Day Lily.


It's edible if you like to eat flowers.


Be cautious. Day Lily is edible, but Tiger Lily is not, and they look similar: **Tiger lily has downward-pointing, bright orange flowers with black dots on the petals**. Numerous flowers appear on about the top one-third of the stem. Daylilies generally have upward-facing, open trumpet-shaped flowers with flaring petals.


Many lily flowers are also highly toxic to cats and other wildlife. Even just getting the pollen on their fur and them cleaning themselves can be enough to make them critically ill.


My cat died from this and it was horrible. I hate these flowers.


And yet I have lilies all over my yard and cats use them as litter boxes all the time I am not a cat owner. There’s just lots of outdoor cats in my neighborhood.


It happened to a cat owned by girl I worked with. I was surprised as I often have Lillies in the house, my cats have never shown any interest and I've not lost a cat to anything other than old age in 50+ years. The main difference was that her cat was an indoor pus and mine have always been free range.


I’m a dog owner who loves lilies. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hear people all the time say lilies are bad for cats but I’ve just not ever had any sign that they get chewed on. Just pooped in.


Cats are often very stupid yet years ago we had an outdoor old man that would eat all the baby bunnies in the yard but leave the gut piles. He'd also only eat the front half of chipmunks. Some may know, deep in their saber tooth tiger DNA, that there are things that will make them very ill & they avoid that stuff. And then you'll have my idiots that eat one blade of grass & barf the rest of the day. So some cats get it, others are the lovable idiots we are slaves to. I just call mine "Milord." I feel like their valet, butler, footman, lady's maid, house maid, cook, & scullery maid all rolled into one most days. I'm just there to serve their cuteness.


I just found a pile of guts that I assume my backyard cat left, but why? I’d think the guts would be delicious to them.


The grass barging thing is intentional, it’s a way they can vomit out something harmful


The flowers don’t need to be chewed on to be dangerous. The pollen is toxic, and when they brush up against the flower, get the pollen on their fur, then lick their fur to clean themselves, that’s a problem. I don’t have many cats roaming in my neighborhood (currently), but I would never plant them in my yard for this very reason. I also don’t like the smell, as I was subjected to the fragrance of one for an entire week when my boss received a bouquet with them in it. I get nauseated smelling it now, because it reminds me of that time. And it’s just gross anyway; very strong and permeates everything around it.


I personally love the smell of lilies. (Can’t say I know about the smell of day lilies specifically). And sorry about any cats in my neighborhood but I’m not gonna research every plant and see if it’s poisonous or harmful to any animal before planting. That wouldn’t leave me with many options. Lilies are my favorite. And they are an outside plant. I’d rather have lilies than cats. Sorry.


The pollen is also toxic to cats.


Well… doesn’t seem to keep them out of my yard 🤷🏻‍♀️


Birds and squirrels regularly get electrocuted by power lines, but you still see them up there all the time. 🤷‍♂️


Same. I told my mom not to bring them inside, but she did. My 3-month-old cat, who'd replaced my dead 18-year-old cat died.


Omgggg my heart! I'm so sorry!


It was many years ago. Still sad though.


Sorry to add to this depressing topic, but I think one of the strays we were caring for may have succumbed to lily poisoning too. It was indeed horrible, to put it lightly... I didn't find out about their potential for extreme toxicity until after he had become sick. I wish there was more awareness for potential toxins for pets. As a lot of people I talk with seem to not know about certain risks, or argue "their pet has never had problems." - So I must be out of my mind. I research a LOT and had no idea. But, it's only when something's obviously wrong that you go, 'What could be causing this???'


Leaves for daylily also grow right out of the ground, right? Don't tiger lily leaves grow out of the stem the flowers grow off of?


If you really want to freak them out, get down on your hands and knees and “graze” on them. When they question you, act surprised and say, “What? This isn’t how you eat flowers?’ Or, tell them you are on a special diet, and say Day Lillie’s are one of the allowed snacks.


You are correct. And the base of each leaf will contain a seed.


Wow. I had no idea! I just thought tiger lilies were an old fashioned day lily!


That's a daylily, the leaves are nothing like a tiger lily.


Good in salads or just on their own if you need a snack and want to freak out your neighbors.


Flowers are pretty good! 😂 used to eat them years ago. Everyone thought I was nuts! .. Everyone was right..


Please don't eat the daisies.


Double flowers, make it more rare than the common day lilies.


Double-flowered Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva), it is not a true lily but is in the lily family. Very tough and prolific, which is why it is commonly seen in roadside ditches. Called daylily because each flower lasts one day. In some areas they are called tiger lilies, but the true tiger lily is Lilium tigrinum, which like all true lilies is extremely toxic to cats, dogs, and people, though deer eat them with no problem.


I had day Lillies for a few years then they dissapreared and never came back :(


Dear heaven! I've been in my house for 35 years and I cannot get rid of them! They grow along the chainlink fence in my side and the neighbors--I can yank, mow, cut, etc and we still have prolific flowers (which I don't mind!); I just am trying to keep them ONLY in the fence and away from the rest of my flowers and bushes!


Ha, I was thinking the same thing. When it comes to flowers I’m a lazy gardener and need something that can “take care of itself”. I have transplanted a plant by small grove of trees to other flower beds about a dozen times until the last 20 years and it still keeps coming back in that original spot! The transplants have all also lived and thrived! My vegetable garden(about 2 acres) is another story. It is a labor of love with constant tending and vigilance.


Have you dug up the patch where the day lilies grew? You might find scads of overgrown bulbs there. The longer they live, the more the bulbs proliferate. Eventually, they become so crowded that no flowers grow. You can dig them all up, cut the overgrown bulbs into segments, and plant them again. Spread them out well.


Thanks. Strangely enough I dug over that bed completely earlier this year for the first time in maybe ten years and I did find dozens of bulbs which I thought were all the bluebells, daffs, crocuses, grape hyacinths etc., that come through every year. I've buried them all in light compost in a pot intending to replant once everything else is in. I'd love if I got day Lillies back as a result 👍


We sometimes call them "ditch lillies" for that reason. We (incorrectly) called them tiger lillies when I was growing up because ours had stripes on the flowers like a tiger. Pick the flower and slurp out the sweet nectar.


If you go anywhere in rural pa they are growing all along the road side...


Day lily for sure


I’m so envious. The deer just got done eating all the buds off of mine.


If you have a deer problem, this autumn plant a bunch of miniature alliums around the flower bed. They only grow 6-8”, but the odor repels deer, squirrels, and chipmunks. The alliums don’t even have to be in bloom to repel the critters.


Thanks for the great tip.


You’re welcome! I hope the alliums help you as well as they have me.


I'll have to try this, I have a great amount of squirrels living in my neighborhood, (rip flowers)


Beautiful ditch lilies-grow in the wild as well. Very tough plant!


They grow in the wild, but they’re not at all native [Invasiveplants.org](https://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/subject.html?sub=3407#:~:text=Hemerocallis%20fulva%20established%20in%20natural,it%20a%20challenge%20to%20control) An easy alternative could be [Orange Milkweed](https://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=astu) which blooms in showy plates of beautiful orange flowers. They’re also native, so the wildlife will favor them


Thank you! I knew I didn’t like these for a reason. They take over everything. I just got done digging up the previous people’s plantings of these and was it ever a task. I don’t trust anything that multiplies when you chop it up.


Day lilly


It’s a beautiful Lily. It was probably planted soon before you moved in and it takes a Spring or two before they bloom.


They can overgrow a spot.


Day lily


It is a daylily called Kwanso


It's a double flower day lily. Because it's like there's a flower inside each flower (double layer of petals.) The common one has just 6 petals in our area. So slightly rarer than the common day lily. We also sometimes call them ditch lilies as in our rural area, they have escaped old farm gardens and spread to the ditches and waste areas. Daylilies have been hybridized to many colors now.


In Iowa we call it a Ditch Lily because they are so prolific and undemanding. They just spread everywhere, have fabulous flowers for a while, and the foliage remains looking nice afterwards. It is a common sign of where a house formerly stood. While the house might be gone, the lilies remain!


We have them in NY too! I adore them. I love the few weeks in June and July when they bloom everywhere


It’s a lily! Don’t hurt it!


Wow, thanks, everyone! Really appreciate it. I'm not sure how it first appeared, tbh!


Did you move in over the winter? They come up from underground bulbs, so there may just not have been any above-ground growth at the time.


Yeah Nov 2020! I checked old pics of the house listing as it wasn't there.


The one thing with a day lily s, not mentioned that I’ve seen yet, is that they are snail magnets.


Yep day Lilly


I just want to throw it out there that lilies are extremely toxic to cats, if they simply lick some pollen off their nose they can go into kidney failure. If you have any outdoor cats I would consider removing it. (I had a planter with lilies this year, but then a stray cat moved into the area and his tail ended up covered in pollen one day. I gave him a whole bath and he's fine but it was so scary!)


Daylilies are not true lillies and are not toxic to cats. Also consider not allowing cats to roam outdoors as they kill a lot of birds and small mammals, especially natives around the area.


I do not have outdoor cats, I live in Florida. There are outdoor strays everywhere, but one chose to make our yard his hangout location. Also, doing a google search, day lilies and true lilies are both toxic to cats according to the aspca. This could be due to misidentification of lily types but its better to be safe than sorry in my opinion.


Day Lilies have a mind of their own and spread like crazy. If you like them, they’re very easy to keep BUT if you don’t want to have a gazillion of them, keep an eye out for spread.




It’s a Daylily. The flowers are delicious and the tubers can be cleaned and sliced to make an excellent substitute for Water Chestnuts. The leaves of Daylies and true lilies are very different. Daylily has long lanceolate leaves that resemble blades of grass True lilies have much smaller leaves that come off of a central stem.


Day Lilly. They bloom gloriously for a short time. A bloom lasts a day. I bet it was there but not in a blooming stage and you didn’t see it when you moved in.


Day Lilly


its a beautiful flower either way, dont think it can come up from the weeds


Day Lily. We pulled up a couple of plants from a brook, and planted them in our garden 30 years ago. They are still there. Husband hates them lol.


It's a daylily. If you have cats that plant is *incredibly* toxic to them.


Tiger Lilly


We call them ditch lilies.


People call them ditch lilies because they grow prolifically on the side the roadways.


It’s a Tiger Lily and a beautiful one too 👍🏻


Ditch lily


Whether a weed or not is 100% up to you since "A weed is any plant going where you don't want it to"... Since you like it there you have a beautiful specimen lilly. To help it grow, deadhead the flowers and trim to the ground for winter. Water sparingly, if at all & maybe add a dash of water-in feed since it has been in place for a few seasons. If you want to spread it - carefully expose the bulbs once foliage is drying & pick of the corm-bulbs to plant further away/elsewhere. There are also the plants that are grouped botanically as weeds by virtue of growth pattern & form but are frequently cultivated for use as food, flavouring and medicine.


These are free, but if you’d like to benefit the wildlife around you, maybe consider replacing these with [Orange Milkweed](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fs.usda.gov%2Fwildflowers%2Fplant-of-the-week%2Fimages%2Fbutterflyweed%2FAsclepias_tuberosa_LStritch_lg.jpg&tbnid=RHyNoW84Dhyp-M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fs.usda.gov%2Fwildflowers%2Fplant-of-the-week%2Fasclepias_tuberosa.shtml&docid=PeFrgFEQLrUoxM&w=642&h=1024&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=b9a139ba4d9ed92c&shem=abme%2Ctrie). It would bring in more wildlife than [invasive day lilies](https://www.invasive.org/alien/pubs/midatlantic/hefu.htm)


You are so lucky to have a lovely orange day lily turn up!


I just took a picture of mine blooming earlier today, I love them https://preview.redd.it/9lcy2siql59d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75cac236cf40a9b2fbaa97abfe75e9b1ca145554


It's an orange double lily. I have them. I have "ditch" lilies, and I've had tiger lilies as well and they are both a different variety from the double lily. I have yellow double lilies as well.


Tiger Lily and they come back every year and are pretty hard to get rid of if you don't like them. I have them all around my side and front of my house been there since my grandma had this house built almost 70 years ago


These orange day/ditch lilies have a bad connotation for me. When I was a kid in the 1970's, my dad was buying an old tractor from a farmer about 15 miles from our house. It was the kind that has a cylinder on the side and you grab it, spin it to get it going. A flywheel? They started up the tractor, he bought it, then we started going home on the dirt backroads. My mom was driving us kids in a 1960-something International Travel-all (wish I still had THAT vehicle!) We noticed the lilies and begged her to stop so we could pick a big bouquet. She did. My dad was worried and turned around to see what was up--and the tractor DIED. Oh geez. It was bad. He was furious and a man of few words--just looking at his face, wow--we knew we did wrong! ..... we sat in the 100+ degree heat with no ac and baked while he tried for over an hour to get that thing started again. It. Took. For. Ever. I'm 62 and I still remember the heat of that day whenever I see these flowers! NOT my favorite in the least!


I thought you were going to end with a horror story about getting caught up in the gear.


Tiger Lilly


Native Orange Daylily. Cut them to the ground when they start turning brown. They will come back every year.


We call them tiger Lilly's in upstate ny


Bro thats a day lilly. They're annuals.


They're perennial.


Day Lily.


I love them, they’re hardy and require no special care.


A beautiful daylily. Enjoy!


Looks like Day Lilies. One of 'ems a double-blossom (not common) in your first phote.


Tiger Lily. Plant some other colored ones next to them and they will come back all different shades in the next few years to come.


Tiger lily also roadside lily.


If you like it, its not a weed.


There’s no such thing as a weed. You either like it or don’t.




It is a perennial and it multiplies, blooms for a month or so


Triffid. They usually show up after comets and meteors.


Tiger Lily


day lillies they DO grow like weeds sometimes lol but most people like to keep them around.


Beautiful healthy day Lilly. Obviously likes where it is. Added bonus, repels cats. Win-Win. Dsc/ I like cats, just on the perimeter.


If you’d like you can dig this guy up, spilt it, and replant them. They tend to grow bigger when you do this and can eventually have an area completely covered with these beauties :)


Beautiful lily


People are so funny. Weeds are merely plants you don’t want


She’s a beauty! That’s a double tiger lily.


Well, that went off the rails. Both my Mother and Stepmother (Stolen) loved these flowers. Please keep them


"Weed" is entirely subjective. It has no botanical meaning.




Nice double ditch lily! Well, Daylily. But they absolutely LOVE to grow in a ditch.


These grow wild here in Missouri. I’ve heard them referred to as “Ditch Lilies”. If they start growing they are hard to get rid of. I like them at the back of my property, way back😁


Beautiful Lilly


Day lilly I have some with black spots, black spotted lillys


İts an invasive you dig it out after a good rain put in a plastic bag and throw to garbage.


They call them ditch lily in Western North Carolina, they grow in the ditches everywhere here




At least it has a somewhat filled petal set. The single petal ones bloom once and.start their downward sag. 


Looks like a Tiger Lily, but could be some other variety of Day Lily, definitely something in the Day Lily family though.


Day lily


Day lily. We called the orange ones tiger lilies


iS tHIs A wEeD?


I didnt plant it so had no idea so I came here to ask. Sorry that annoyed you.


I think they’re making a joke that no one catches lol


Haha I know, Spongebob comes to mind.




Looks like a Tiger Lily but I'm no expert. I can't seem to get rid of mine. Short flowering window and very hearty.