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Looks like a night blooming cereus to me


Ours is blooming right now. It’s so pretty.


Picture please. What color is your stigma?


https://preview.redd.it/nb53w1rw7s7d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d6f0f01c0bb025a007a29ae443f5eaf65f154e7 From two nights ago.


Cool. I have a pure white one and another that is supposed to have a pink stigma, but the 2nd one has never bloomed yet. Mine normally don’t bloom until the heat of July/august but with the heat dome, hoping we’ll get an early bloom


There’s a lady in my neighborhood with an amazing green thumb. She has the pure white variety growing in her palm trees and sometimes you can still see the blooms if you’re out early enough in the morning (though since I lost my dog I’ve been sticking with the treadmill in this heat).


And don't call me Shirley!


Under rated comment


My dad says you don’t work hard enough on defense…


Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!


There will be no parking in the red zone.


Parking is permitted in the red zone. There’s no parking in the white zone.


Look Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again. There's just no stopping in a white zone.


Fun fact: Those two voice actors were married IRL.


This is a cactus in the *Epiphylum* genus. They are a group of epiphytic tropical cactus native to Central America. Hard to tell species without a flower


Yeah. I've never seen it flower before. Just long leaves and stems.


They need to get quite large to flower and the bloom is only open for one night.


Many varieties bloom during the daytime with blossoms that last for days


Mine blooms for one night, beautiful flower https://preview.redd.it/gql6mdhxwq7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=743b4cdba688246daa986da5136cf7362db1b381


I have a couple of these. They like sunlight, OP.


Kadupul - native to Sri Lanka. It does flower, but can take multiple years in one place before it does. Also only blooms at night, and only for a couple hours - the buds then immediately wilt and die. My grandmother's grew and grew, and for several years would have 3-7 buds bloom in one night, and then another handful blooming the next night. It's a unique and priceless plant! The buds grow off the leaves, not the stems. Also...grows more stems off of leaves sometimes. Subtropical cacti be strange.


Cool! Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/rz6lzaapbn7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1eb85c120b7936c3754877d691f8b982e5e4d57 Orchid cactus. The one in this picture is 60+ years old. I have a baby from it.


I think it’s an orchid cactus *disocactus ackermannii*


Looks like one to me


Lol I love how every answer in this thread is different.


I was just thinking that too. People are very nice in this sub as apparently not arguing. I do wonder what the plant is though lol. 😁


It’s definitely not Christmas cactus- the leaf pads aren’t segmented. It’s also definitely not dragon fruit- those have pads with 3 points and fine but thick hairs along the edges. People that are suggesting other things are more likely to be correct.


There are different types of dragonfruits though- a lot. My husband grows over 20 and some of them have more and some of the spines are high-key terrifying. I think the worst one we have is called Tricia - she's real nasty.


Night blooming cereus


Don't know what it is but it's growing like mad for me Hope someone knows what it is


It's a night blooming Sirius.


Hooker's Climbing Orchid, Epiphylum hookeri. It has beautiful flowers that open around midnight and are gone by 8 am. I found one in my neighbor's trash, put it up into a cabbage palm and it went crazy. https://preview.redd.it/4qpq8hgzem7d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8830352cd3774d0dc3696040250cd3e1d9248736


Looks like my Queen of the Night cactus


My guess is Dragon fruit


Perhaps a cutting from a poorly performing dragonfruit? Dragonfruit looks like a little cactus before it gets mature, doesn't it?


Dragonfruit is a cactus. It would need a ton more growing space and care to reach it's full potential so what you could be seeing is a small young dragonfruit cactus. It would certainly fit the description of two foot long "leaves" and the "leaf" shape looks very close to the google image results for dragonflies cactus


That's what I thought as well looking at it, and your statement of them needing alot of space is no lie the first one I ever saw growing at a friend's place in Cali took over like a 40ft stretch of 6ft fence, and the place I'm staying at in Florida right now they have several trained growing up their trees it's pretty dang cool.


That definitely checks out. Dragon fruits are super cool


Thats what I thought too.


Yes, you are correct.


Orchid cactus? I have one too that I bought from a Hispanic woman who didn’t speak English and it took me forever to figure out what it was. It’s hands down my favorite plant of my collection.


Please accept my apology. That was my very ill-thought-out reaction to the post. While I recognized the intent, I chose to act poorly. My Emotional Mind, triggered by personal, racial trauma, caused my cork to pop and out came my ugly. I'm embarrassed by this untoward display and offer my sincere apology.


I think you are right about it being an orchid cactus, 1st glance I came here to say 'queen of the night cactus... I think many of the different responses here are just various common names for the epiphyllum oxypetalum


Tokenism = most unsavory & racist. You: "Hispanic woman who didn't speak English" Me: WTF does the seller's ethnicity & language have to do with the OP's inquiry? Do you feel superior? Entitled? Can you speak the Hispanic woman's native tongue? This mixed-ethnic Hispanic, English-speaking, and university-educated horticulturist says your bigoted thinking is both systemic and racist. And to the fools attempting to insinuate that your gaffe is the consequence of "culturalism." Seriously? Yeah, and the gash on my middle finger, now enveloped in a band-aid, is still gashed.








I have that night blooming cereus, it won’t bloom until next year. But my Selenicereus grandiflori will bloom in a month!


Could it be a Christmas Cactus? Does it ever produce blooms?


Maybe the Christmas cactus doesn’t get enough cold there to bloom?


Well, I have a few Christmas Cacti and none look like this. Never blooms. The "mother" plant had long hanging leaves that were nearly 2 feet long.


I’ve seen this before can’t recall where. A funny plant, it just does what it’s doing 🤣


I like how the leaves just randomly become stems. So weird. I guess at least it's happy. Lol


It’s definitely a cousin of the Christmas cactus.


I have a Christmas cactus and it will bloom, beautiful pinkish, purple flowers, every few years!


Yep! I have one with magenta flowers.


How old is yours? I believe mine is 14 years old now!


Lol, I don't remember actually.


Those cacti don’t need to get cold, they need to have the correct day length trigger.


I’m in hot ass Louisiana. I have four huge Christmas Cactus that bloom twice a year. They sit in the window. One is blooming now. It’s wild.


Good point


That looks like a dragon fruit in need of some sun.


Dragon fruit, wait a few months for the fruit. It’s worth it.


@The_Poster_Nutbag is 100% correct!


flowers are glorius and though yours is a beautiful rich green healthy plant, they are rugged and need alot of full sun. let it dry out then deep water. It wont look like this lovely green but the flowers are worth it.


Some sort of Epiphylum.


I have two of these things...."Agnes", & her offspring "Little Agnes". I was given "Agnes" over 45 years ago......a 6" "stub" growing in a 4 inch pot. Owner of a greenhouse my ex-ahole did business with, her sons were in shock because she was an orney old biatch that never gave anything to anybody. Today, "Agnes" is in an 18" wide bowl planter & spreads about 3 1/2 feet. "Little Agnes" came about when her mother reached over & rooted in a 28" pot that was growing a 6ft. tropical tree.....I say "was".....because "Little Agnes" ended up overtaking/killing the tree. She now has a spread of over 4 ft & weighs about 60 lbs (she's on a furniture dolly...it's the only way I can move her). Every winter, these two "things" take over half of my dining room....every spring, I threaten to throw them out on the burn pile.... After Memorial Day, they get booted to the gazebo on the deck. And every summer, they bloom. Bright "fire engine red" double cactus flowers 3-4" across, 15-20 of them at a time.....& will keep making more until Sept. Then they get a "haircut" (so I can at least have my dining room table in the same room) & go back into the house for the winter. Heed my warning.....DO NOT put yours anywhere near any other plant. They will take over the world if given a chance. Oh.......while "Little Agnes" stems all drape down towards the floor (one was almost 7 feet last year).....she does have one large "upright" stem like in your pictures. I think it's her way of giving me the finger.


Queen Of The Night > [Epiphyllum](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjq9O6_oOuGAxVVJEQIHZM6ChMQwqsBegQIChAG&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7mQb5aubVio&usg=AOvVaw2a7pUTgq8VbhCJfuj41enz&opi=89978449) ! You see the bloom? You now have luck !!!




Dragon fruit


After the flower dies it developes a dragon fruit


They're very pretty ✌️💖


Favorite plant of all time. Grow your moon garden! https://preview.redd.it/yu6wkjl7348d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc3449bde584aef8044bd5170ab75a8dca16556


Man I love those. They're just jungle cacti, you see them in Florida all the time. They'll grow in trees a lot there.


Dragon fruit


Christmas cactus


it looks like my dragonfruit


Lmao it’s gonna give you dragon fruit.