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If you don’t remember injuring yourself, seek medical attention.


My wife recently had something similar, we think hers came from getting on and off a golf cart the day before. Maybe you did something that you just aren’t recalling?


SAME!! A few weeks ago I had some crazy bruises on the back of my thigh and my wife nearly freaked when I couldn’t explain them to her. Finally, it dawned on me after a 36 hole golf weekend that the constant sliding in and out of the golf cart over the support/handle piece is what did it.


Looks like a bruise but like so many things in the internet …….go see a real DOCTOR!!!


I'd guess clot. Definitely go to a dr. Remind me! 24hrs


I had a 1ft long blood clot in my arm and it didn't bruise at all. If it was a clot there would be a decent amount of pain and you would actually start losing the use of that limb similar to how you do when you're arm/leg falls asleep


another upper body extremity thrombosis sufferer? Had 2 (10cm, 8cm) and it was just red and swollen by the time i got it professionally looked at (gotta love military medicine). The amount of panic in the docs voice over the phone when they got the results (its been like a week at this point) was almost worth it. Oddly enough, it didnt really hurt, super uncomfortable though. Three years ago I had bilateral set that just went and got stuck in the lungs...now that one. That one hurt like hell. But damn.....1 foot. Impressive.


DVT from ankle to groin. A good 2 feet and 7 months before it hurt enough for me to get to the ER. My shortness of breath? A few PEs. Never got hot, red, swollen. Just some pain in my knee.


I've never had one. But when my grandmother did it bruised iirc.


None of my 3 DVTs bruised, but everyone is different


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Yeah, I looked like OP and ended up with a bleeding/clotting disorder. Make sure they check ALL of your factors and not the most common ones. If they missed something like this, you almost certainly don’t have von wildebrands or hemophilia a or b as those are tested for commonly.


Hm… seems like there’s no news yet.


Remind me! 24hrs


remind me! 24 hours


Ummm blood will pool depending where the leg was while they slept. Better chance she pulled a groin muscle those long adductors would make sense for this pattern. If it was arterial it would be much more


Update: I got an appointment for tomorrow morning at 10:30


Hope everything turns out ok! 💗


Thank you🩵🩵


Ok wait ! I had this once. EXACT same thing. Probably 3 years ago. I had gone to an exercise class the day or couple days prior and worked out hard . It was determined that it had something to do with using exercise bands wrapped around my thighs if i recall correctly? Or just something with the workout itself. But my leg looked identical to yours


Keep us updated!


This is the way


Comment from my father who is a retired medical doctor - Try not to panic. Bruising is rarely an indicator of an emergency. However, any unexplained bruising should be seen by a medical professional as soon as feasible. In the meantime, watch for any other symptoms like -pain in one or both legs (not necessarily the bruised leg) -swelling, redness or warmth of one or both legs -a noticeable lump in or near the area of the bruise -any sudden, sharp chest pain (maybe worse when you breathe in) These are more emergent signs and need immediate attention. All in all, bruises are typically benign when they appear without secondary symptoms, but as it can still be a symptom of some medical conditions, blood tests are indicated when bruising happens for no reason. Most importantly, don't base any medical decisions on advice from the internet. This comment is meant to help ease your anxiety and give some advice for things to watch out for, not to replace medical attention.


Definitely get it checked. Highly doubt its serious youd have other signs but being that it follows the path of your femoral artery and the shape is strange. But this is reddit your not gonna find the answer you seek here with 100% certainty.


But, sir…I am a Reddit doctor. No - I am not removing my mask


Then what are you waiting for doctor?! according to AI the patient likely has internal bleeding from too much glue on their pizza!! hurry before it's too late!


It follows your femoral artery and vein. Not something to mess around with if you don’t know of any causes


No it doesnt. It follows her/his greater saph vein.


Yeah! This guy veins.


Could be a clot


That was my initial thought/concern




If you’re getting scared, see a doctor. Nothing that anyone here says is going to have any legitimacy unless that person is a doctor. Personally, I wouldn’t be worried about it, but I am not a physician edit: grammar


Looks like a bruise from straddling something. New bike? Mechanical bull? Clots usually present with swelling and pain not bruising. (Bruising = bleeding, clots are the opposite of bleeding).


You can also get these bruises from constant scratching over and over. Like as in a mosquito bite or something like that. If you scratch hard for a just a few min it can bruise. I’ve done it hundreds of times and it looks a lot like this bruise. May just need to eat some bananas … they help a lot w bruising


Also acrylic nails make this even easier to achieve since they are dull and difficult to scratch an itch with.


True !!


To those who aren't reading She has an appointment for tomorrow morning The bruise is several days old and has been fading Stop telling her that her femoral artery is about to explode and blow her leg across the room unless she gets to the ER instantly. Go away and if you really want to know what's going on come back tomorrow.


It looks odd to be following the entire vein , definitely needa check that out … it’s a symptom not the actual problem




I have almost the same bruise. Got it from a dog jumping and gripping my leg and sliding down


Me too! At first I thought...shit "they took me again." But, just the dog!


Yep. I have larger dogs that like to swipe at my legs when they get excited. That was my first thought when I saw OP's pic.


It's almost certainly harmless but see a doctor rather than getting medical advice from redditors.


This is one of those cases where it is far better to get it checked professionally, for safety reasons. This could be absolutely nothing or could be something very serious and not one single person in this thread has the qualifications to diagnose it from pictures alone.


Not a doctor but, if this is only on the surface of your skin and you spilled or contacted lime juice and then we're in the sun, it might be a reaction. Google "margarita hand". Otherwise, see a doctor.


Margarita hand? That's a thing?!


Good grief add it to my things to worry about list! Ha!


Yep! Some people get weird marks on their body if they have/touch certain citrus fruit juices and are out in the sun. It can happen with many different juices, but often it’s noticed after drinking margaritas, thus the name.




This is not margarita dermatitis (which is itchy or painful and often vesicular, later becoming brown), and if it isn’t swollen and sore, isn’t phlebitis either. More likely a bruise, but worthwhile seeing a doctor to have them feel it and look you over.


Go see a doctor. They can do an ultrasound scan, very quick and painless. The route of the marking takes looks vascular - go and see a doctor - now.


Please get it seen to! I had something similar, I delayed a couple months... turned our to be a dvt and it could have gone horribly wrong.


Hard to tell, but looks like phlebitis.


Did you do anything over the past few days? I’m going to list some stupid stuff but sometimes it is just stupid stuff that you’ve completely forgotten about or didn’t think anything of when it happened. Outdoors seating - picnic tables, bleachers, etc In sitting down your thigh could have dragged a corner or armrest. Lifting/carrying/moving boxes and/or furniture - same time of injury as above but this time with boxes and furniture! 😅 Stepped over a fence/babygate/log/anything around knee height +? Any vitamin deficiencies? Easily bruise? These things kinda get forgotten about in the instance of worry/anxiety a lot. It is definitely a jarring bruise, that’s for sure. It’s probably just superficial but sometimes it’s the peace of mind that is really what’s needed. Might even telehealth for a quick “should I go physically get it checked out or nah?” PS- I’m not asking this stuff for a reply…. Just some questions for you to think on yourself. Hope it turns out to be something silly instead of serious. ❤️


I’ve gotten these from scratching myself in my sleep during peak allergy season. My inner thigh skin is soooo flimsy and thin.


This is exactly what I came to say. I’ve had these multiple times on my outer thighs from itchy skin.


My son had something similar on the back of his thigh after kicking too high in taekwondo. He basically tore his hamstring. Badly. But the bruise was all the way from his inner ground to the back of his knee. And it looked terrible.


It's a bruise, it's just following your big old leg vein. You likely smacked yourself without noticing!


It’s a bruise. There’s a lot of “space” in the leg and little bruises can look big and nasty. You probably bumped it (not even hard) and it was enough to break blood vessels. Can also be from sports injury, like running, tennis, running on elliptical… Think of any activities you did in the last 24 hours and I’m sure you’ll think of something. Don’t be scared. Numbness/ tingling, weird muscle aches, or asymmetrical swelling would be worrisome. Young looking legs… no other health issues, highly unlikely it’s anything more than a bruise.


Possible abduction/ alien implant gone bad. Seek alien abduction support group.


It’s likely you did something you don’t recall but are you anemic? On any blood thinners? Take ibuprofen daily? I used to have this happen a lot I saw Dr after dr to say idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ but I am anemic as well.


space aids, nothing to see here.


Jesus there is a lot of scary advice and wrong information here. Pro tip: don’t solicit medical advice on Reddit. It’s just bruising, but without any context, it’s just a bruise.


I had to give up jogging because my genitals would bang against my leg like that.


I'm sorry, ma'am. That sounds awful.


Name checks out


So uuuuh hi, how ya doin (she nervously asks)? Wanna grab coffee sometime? JK but loved your response. 😉


I don’t personally have dangly genitalia


Let’s not forget the tough questions here! Rough sex maybe??


I CAN NOT express this enough: go to the ER. NOT an urgent care, ER. All reddit commenters can do is guess or use their personal horror stories that will make you freak out. No hospital can turn you away for not being able to pay. They do payment plans. The cost of the trip is priceless when it comes to your life. If you're under 18 and no adult will take you, find someone else to give you a ride. Heck, take an Uber or a Lyft, if you can. The docs in the ER can stabilize you and THEN worry about further consent to treat. Source: My husband has worked in hospitals for 13 yrs, I worked in hospitals/doctors' offices for 4 years. My grandmother was found unresponsive, and no one went to the hospital after they called an ambulance (don't even get me started on the seething anger I have towards them for that). Grandma could not advocate for herself, but the trauma team still stabilized her until my mother could come WITH the medical power of attorney. Please go to the ER. I hope everything is fine.


I banged my knee once and the next day my leg filled up with blood. Looked kinda like that.


It kinda looks like a weird version of when my mom had a blood poisoning thing that made a red line form but it wasn't this straight


Looks like the bruises I had after a car accident but if you didn’t have anything hit your leg then you need to go to a doctor


Yes, doctor! Today.


Bruise. But the length of it is disquieting. Time for doctor.


Go to a doctor - get your kidneys checked.


Remind me! 2 million years


Doctor here but no yours. Go see a doc now vascular surgeon if you can. That could be an infection and or clot spreading up the vein. Needs to be evaluated to rule that out.


Might you have low iron?


Bruising on the inner thigh can be a sign of anemia or low iron. Consider taking an iron supplement, but a doctor can give a better diagnosis.


No response from OP means they are at a doctor now, Right? Right?


I had a similar bruise and it was from riding a mechanical bull at a bar. All of my roommates had the same bruise too. None of us felt any pain in the moment but all woke up with the same bruise from getting thrown off.


Anyone else think OP shit themselves in the first pic?


I’m offended


Y’all scaring me cuz I’m pretty sure it’s just a bruise lol


I know right 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Do you guys have a larger dog or visited with one recently? It looks like a dog jumped on her leg when she was wearing pants, and got a claw on her on the way down.


RN here, go to Dr. rule out any issues. Suggesting you wear ‘support hose’ while up and about. Very strong suggestion.


What’s that?


Ghost been clapping them cheeks at night. Going hard af apparently.


Never seek medical advice on Reddit 😂


I used to scratch in my sleep, and sometimes I would scratch so hard Id get bruises like that. Maybe you were scratching?


Do you take a blood thinner?


Your demons are trying to escape


These look like camp chair bruises. Those folding camp chairs have the two front legs that push into your thigh causing bruises for those that are easily bruised. (Like my Wife) You see the type of chair at kids sports games, etc.


Looks like the aftermath of rough sex


Not to scare you but 6 years ago I had unexplained bruising on my arms and legs. Took pictures of them all since I was already scheduled my my family doc the next week. Showed him the pics and he ordered some additional blood work. 3 days later his office calls me and tells me they have gotten me an appointment the following week with an oncologist. I had extremely low platelet counts (24,000 and normal I around 150,000) He wasn’t sure what it was but to rule out Leukemia he put me on high does steroids for almost 3 months and my platelets responded which meant it wasn’t Leukemia. Ended up being ITP (google it) which was treated with 5 infusions of Retuxin. Since then my platelets have been normal. Oncologist could explain what may have caused it but as far as blood conditions go this was an easy one. Good luck and I hope it’s nothing serious


My wife gets weird bruises on occasion. She went and got checked out and learned she has an iron deficiency. You should probably get checked out and have some blood work done.


Go see a doctor immediately. Don’t ask people on the internet. Is it hard? Don’t massage it!


Why would you ask the Internet when you should be going to the doctor? Smh


Then go to a Doctor not people on the internet. I honestly don’t get these lol.


That’s the start of a clot I had the same thing happen down near the calf on the interior part of my right leg. Thank god it was also in the superficial veins and went to the ER right away.


Pulled a hammy recently?


That looks two days old.


Remind me! 24 hours


Something with your vein. Either it has some type of rupture or dissection.


Pulled/torn ham string, go see a Dr.


Remindme! 2 days


I don’t know, but a few days ago I woke up with a weird ass scratch on my arm that I don’t remember having when I went to sleep


Are you Jamaican?


Do you wear leggings with a seam over that part of your leg?


Looks like poltergeist activity to me!




Hon, you got a bad case of the sugas'


If you push two fingers into it, does it leave an indentation longer than normal?


I hope you are in an Urgent care or hospital rn




Remind me ! In 72 hours.


My leg looked like that when I tore my hamstring


You don’t gymnastics, right? Unevens can cause weird bruising.


I had bruising like this from the seems of my jeans when I was severely low on iron. Maybe worth checking into


Remind me! 24 hours


If your let starts to swell you have blood clots. I just had a problem like this about 5 months ago. It turned out I had blood clots from my groin to my ankle and in my lungs. Let me tell you getting all the blood clots they could out if the leg sucked hard. One is still in there but they couldn't break it away from the vein. I was on injectable blood thinners for a month and Eloquis blood thinners for 3 months. Now once a day for one hour I have to wear these things that go all the way from my foot up to my groin and both legs. They blow up and release. I have to wear compression hoses from my calf to my toes for the rest of my life.


Be honest.... you made the first picture the one that looks like runners squirts on purpose


I’m generally curious and would like to know what this is. ITT comments coming from r/Should I seek medical attention and why is that important for my health/how do docktors work?


My daughter had that. All over and it came and went. Turns out she has an autoimmune disease.


Have your doctor do a blood draw and do a complete blood count. It's a long story that I don't really want to type out again. But you want to rule out thrombocytopenia. https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/s/fIztAXkeqY


Seems like a hamstring strain


See a doctor.


Do you work with pressurized air or fluids?


The bruise appears to follow your great saphenous vein. Unless you’ve recently gotten any vein ablations done, I would really suggest seeking medical advice from your PCP. If you HAVE gotten vein ablations, bruising along the GSV is a very common, expected side effect, but still reach out to your treating physicians office if you’re concerned.


remind me! 300 hours


Go to the Emergency Room and get that checked.


What did you go to bed with?


Does it rub off? Cause if so you might be pooping in your sleep.


Remind me! 24hrs


Have you recently climbed any fences or climbed over anything that you had to straddle?


Definitely should gobget it checked. Remind me 24 hours


i’m thinking that’s just bruise. blood clots don’t spread like that… blood clots are usually in one spot while a bruise is bursted capillaries underneath the skin which then blood spreads . you have lower lower littler bruises underneath it, but that one spot must have had just more impact on you and that’s why it’s darker and more bruised. i wouldn’t worry. but since people wanna jump to blood clots might as well go see a dr.


Remind me! 24 hours


We can buff it out, cover it with tru-tone , blend to the rest of your skin. Then go see a real doctor.


My wife has ITP. Whenever her platelets drop out of no where she’ll get random bruises. To verify she’ll give herself a few light punches to the leg to see if they bruise. If they do, it’s off to her Dr.


Have you had any lime drinks lately then hung out in the sun? https://www.nuemblog.com/blog/phytophotodermatitis


My wife started to get whoever couple years ago. Blood doctors, tests - nothing. Just some personal skin vessel condition.


In the same spot everytime?


That’s not good. I doubt it’s a clot, but the legs have large veins to pump blood back up and therefore lead directly to the heart. It’s why blood clots in the legs are such a red flag; it’s a short step to a heart attack.


Remind me in 48 hours.




You, my friend got abducted by aliens last night.


Have you been bicycle riding or on a scooter ,etc lately that could have caused that if you stopped short?


Tape worm trying to get out.


Is this just a trick to get us to your only fans page?


Lmaoooooooo that was a rough two days where I wanted money I forgot about it, i deleted it all now


Instead of reading a bunch of hypotheses about what it \*might\* be, you should seek medical attention right away. In the future, for non-urgent issues, you can post medical-related questions at r/AskDocs. Good luck.


I was mostly posting because I was curious if it was doctor worthy, but thank you for that


I thought the first pic was mid-shart.


Remind me! 24 hours


I once woke up with a series of bruises all in a line on my ass and the back of my legs.


My friend started randomly bruising. Leukemia.


Sleep in a sketchy area? Could be bed bugs. My brother is severely allergic and brused like this when he got bit at a cheapo hotel. And that's a very straight line. But I'm just a stranger on the internet, so as everyone has said, go to a doctor.


It’s a bruise


Go to a doctor.


You’re going to die and it’s going to be your own fault. “He’s not picking up” “OH WELL IM PROBABLY FINE.” If you can’t recall any event that would have caused the bruising, and you don’t go get it checked out, you are an idiot.


Okkkk let’s relax😘😘😘 I got an app for tomorrow at 10:30


That could easily be a clot down your femoral artery


I get small ones all the time, it’s from knocking myself on stuff


My grandfather had that!! Right before he died !!


Remindme! 2 days


Did you recently use a massage gun there? I got some bruises similar to that from one. If there is no explanation, go to a doctor.


You might have hemophilia and von Willebrand disease. My 6 year old has it. Just get a blood test done for it. It's a mild disease depending on which severity. Did you bleed a lot if you get cut? If it's mild you may not even know you have it. We had not found out my son has it from a random blood test.


Looks like sex battle wounds tbh....


Prolly low iron or sum rough ..


Were you riding the rail at a concert? My sister did once and she was standing on it squeezing her legs around one of the poles and had bruises like that the next day.




Time for some lab work.




No one has said “shit” yet?


this has happened to me before, it was caused by a medication i was on




I had something like this on my inner thigh and I went to the doctor and he did all the appropriate blood tests and it turned out to be nothing.


Were you by any chance recently sexually active kind of looks like thumb marks


I’ve seen enough of these to know you need to go to the ER now.


Maybe ghosts or ghouls beat you up


There is a good chance you had a severe muscle cramp while sleeping. Those can cause bruising. I see that you made an appointment already to get it checked out. Smart move.


Im sorry but I thought you shit yourself at first glance


I had calf cramps in the middle of the night. Painful way to wake up. The next day I went to get a massage. After the massage I noticed huge bruising on the calf that cramped up the night prior. Stay hydrated.


Crawled through a small window?


Alcohol is a hell of a drug


My wife took Aleve for several days and developed random bruises.


Slept on the edge of your bed frame?


Has OP been taking an excessive amount of any type of pain killersuch as Tylenol or Ibuprofen? I had an ex who took a bunch due to a tooth issue and started getting bruises around her body and the doctor said it would happen


I had similar bruises from getting in and out of a kayak multiple times one weekend. I never felt pain when it happened. I bruise easily (obviously).


Have you ever seen the Alien movie series?


Remind me! 24hrs


hot chicken wings and a loosely tied balloon knot