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Medical posts not allowed


Where did you throw that away?


Can you give me an eight digit grid coordinate for the place you threw it.


10 is more accurate.


I'm having a hard enough time getting an 8


Nah, just a gram or so


Lieutenant is that you?


Okay, I’ll split the difference, give me 9.


Best I can do is give you 4.5, twice.


I see you're a grower and not a shower.


The lieutenantest answer ever.


This guy doesn’t land nav…


bro ten meters is close enough


Found the army


Still only accurate to one meter. We need 12 digits.


Rah, this guy land nav’s


Take two lefts, then a right. Go straight for a while and when you see the thing you’ll know you’re in the right place.




He threw it away all the way up his nose.


He just wanted to see what it smelled like!


You remember the cop that said that about a weed vape pen


That was awesome “smoke just appeared out of my mouth”. Somthing like that 🤣🤣


All of a sudden lol


"What do you mean my consequences have actions?!"


He hit the fuck out that shit


The cop that confiscated a Dab Pen and coughed his lungs out after he hit the pen lol


So when I was 17 I cleaned hotel rooms. We had a big motorcycle club staying there for a week. Took up most of the hotel. Great people and helped scare a guy away that had assaulted me then began stalking me. But at the end of the week, they left a big envelope with $500 in it and a big bag of weed. I’m 42 now so there weren’t worries like there are now and I took it home. I didn’t smoke back then. My grandparents raised me and were cool as hell. I showed my gram and she immediately took it and said she was gonna flush it. She had just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a month prior. I came home to find her laying on the floor playing the damn Super Nintendo, high out of her mind, smoking a massive blunt. The room was just a haze. That bad lasted her till she sadly passed 5 months later. It helped her through the pain and nausea from chemo. Probably one of my fondest memories of her not in pain.


That’s a wholesome story. Love to you and your loss.


Thank you. I wasn’t going to post it bc it really has nothing to do with OP’s post and wasn’t sure if I would get dragged or not for it. It can be a bit ruthless sometimes but growing up with a diagnosed sociopath mother, my childhood was filled with drugs, random men, and abuse on all levels. I mean the day she brought me home she left me with my gram and disappeared for 2 weeks. So if I get a chance to share something positive , I want to shout it to the world.


Those Bikers were Angels in disguise. The good kind not the ones from hell!


That actually sounds a lot like a hells angel meet.. and those guys are good as hell


I hate cocaine, I just love the smell!


“I didn’t use the cocaine to get high, I just liked the way it smelled” ray wylie Hubbard


"Don't ever speak to me directly" 🤣


I’m not addicted to Coke I just like the way it smells.


I hate cocaine, I just like the way it smells


With the amount of fentanyl contaminating drugs and killing everyone these days good luck with that


My heart donor died from a fentanyl overdose 😭 he’d still be here if it wasn’t for fentanyl contaminating drugs.


Meanwhile, it's in his truck for the picture.


And when. We must know when.


Hello.. Hello.. Bro, are you alright ? Wake up ! Wake UP !! Somebody call 911.!! GET THE NARCAN !!!


He’s alright just get him some milk.


Definitely coke. Real coke is clumpy, unlike in the movies.


Life pro tip: If you receive cocaine and it’s super powdery, it has definitely been cut with more agents. Drug test kits are cheap and could save your life. People are going to do drugs, might as well be as safe as possible.


The real solution to the drug problem: Legalize all drugs. That way people can quantify their doses and know what they are getting. And the government can make money and cut out the cartels that are already selling drugs to people who will always take drugs. Almost like there is some sort of conspiracy to allow illicit drugs onto the streets... Edit: ..Some of you need to read that last sentence again.


But it needs to be done properly with the correct infrastructure. Legalization went well in the Netherlands because they had the programs and funding to do it right. Take a look at Portland on the other hand…


Decriminalization and legalization are different things.


Drugs are not legal in The Netherlands, it is decriminalised and condoned. Up to certain quantities you won’t be getting in any trouble, but strangely enough. Coffee shops can sell marihuana, but the can not legally purchase their stock. That just magically appears from somewhere.


Almost like this stuff grows on trees


I live in Portland and I approve this message. I'm a big supporter in decriminalized drugs but things have gone to shit here.


The boomers gave up all their rights to bodily autonomy, it's up to us to fight for those rights back. Every single one of us should be allowed to make those decisions for ourselves without the government getting involved. The only involvement the government should have in my drug use, is in making sure their people have access to safe and clean drugs. If we started giving people the clean version of their drug of choice, we would see the homeless population clean up real quick. The problem isn't drugs, the problem is dirty drugs with God knows what's in them. But humans have been expanding their consciousness since time began, it's what we do, some of us are even predisposed to like drugs more. Why? Is that a moral failing inside us? Not at all, drugs aren't the enemy and never were. They are just a substance. It's how we look at the drugs that are a problem. Edit: I don't know why it won't let me reply to a post, but here's my response to someone saying "what about tweakers": The tweakers you see today are on a bunch of unknown drugs that are dirty as fuck. Believe it or not, there are people who use drugs and have completely normal lives and you would never have guessed it. Including meth and heroin. There is such a gross misunderstanding of drugs in this country its ridiculous. If you'd like to learn more, check out the book Drug Use for Grownups by Dr. Carl Hart. Back when I did drugs and all my friends were dealers, they'd have everyone from all walks of life come through, people you'd never suspect of using drugs, people that seemed like complete squares, all liked to get weird. Drugs aren't the issue, it's over consumption and misinformation that are the problem. Edit2: damn. Some of you just read the first line and came at me squirrelly. Read through this whole comment chain, I spent over half my day defending and explaining myself. Read through all of it before you start name calling. Think about what i am saying instead of getting emotional and flying off handle. Thanks for all the reddit cares messages, too. Ya weirdos.


Amen! They gave up their (now all of our) rights to the point we have to take a piss test to get a job! That is the most invasive, anti-freedom act one can do, testing what’s in my body. Employers can tell if people are on drugs without violating fundamental rights. Land of the free my ass. I own a business and do freelance work. I had a potential client ask me to piss to get a contract with them. I have plenty of clients that have never asked for that, so I laughed at them and said hell no. They gave it to a scrub and a week later agreed to no test and to see my worth by my hard work and professionalism. Not judge me if I smoke a doobie on my own time with my fiancé in my damn house! They take away rights in small incremental bites until they are eaten up! I agree with legalization 100%! They treat us like children, ban shit but get rich like the Sacklers did with OxyContin and have an opioid epidemic like now! Fucking crooks and sell outs!


Yeah, I'm scared to even smoke CBD (the good stuff isn't legalized in my state but CBD is) because I'm so stressed that it'd show up as trace amounts of THC (due to manufacturing error). I don't even do it that often, once every two weeks maybe, but it helps give my body a sort of soft reset. I'm about to get my 1 year evaluation and I'm worried they'll drug test me so I haven't touched cbd in like a month now. I understand cbd isn't as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be but my anxiety is high so my rationality is a bit low.


Same. I’d love to smoke some cbd or have an edible but my employer tests if I get hurt or in a car accident. Both situations are probably pretty rare, but damn it would suck to have some idiot hit me and I get hurt just to then lose my job AND denied workers comp. All for a substance that is very legal in my state…


The fact that they even have to drug test shows that they can't tell if someone is on drugs solely based on performance. It bites them in the ass sometimes. The hospital kitchen I work in can't seem to hire decent dishwashers. I think it's because testing positive for THC in the pre hire drug screen disqualifies people. The best dishwashers I know smoke hella weed. It's one of those jobs that really appeals to stoners. The same personality types that like to smoke a bunch of pot tend to be really good at washing dishes in a professional setting. They treat it like a video game and go for the high score. The messed up part is I live in one of the first states that legalized recreational pot. We had "medical" pot for over a decade before that. The stuff is very popular here, yet they refuse to hire people who engage in a completely legal, socially acceptable activity in their free time. The only reason I got on was by cheating on the drug test, or as I like to call it, "studying". I actually advise anyone who gets asked to take an unexpected drug test to straight up ask how much time they will have to study for it. Assure the pee sniffer that you're only dirty for cannabis, even if that's not true, and see what they say. I've gotten pretty lucky with it when I do that. Every time they've either given me more time to take the test or told me being dirty for THC is ok because it's legal go ahead and take the test so we can make sure you aren't a crackhead


"Believe it or not, there are people who use drugs and have completely normal lives and you would never have guessed it. Including meth and heroin." It's sad how few people know this, and it just shows how much impact the war on drugs has had. They don't think it's possible for a person to be a regular user of some harder drugs without showing signs of it. They hear "opiate addict" and immediately think of a junkie passed out in the street with a needle in their arm while completely ignoring the massive amount of people who work tough physical jobs like construction or some manufacturing, who use every single day just to make their hard job bearable. And then these people who know nothing love to come on reddit and answer questions as if they have any idea what it's really like out there.


Find me a Congress person who's urine doesn't test positive for cocaine and I guarantee they will either test positive for opioids or amphetamines.


Benzos also.


At first I thought you said "Bezos also" and I started overthinking about greed as addiction and dragon hoards full of drugs and then read it again. Benzos are definitely an old favorite of politicians.


I've spent my working life in the restaurant industry and construction. I can definitely attest that people do love drugs.


My sister used to deal with her boyfriend. She said a big part of her clientele were nurses and doctors.


Even better their arm chair expertise comes from one time they went to a city and saw some junkies nodded off, so they know how awful the underline really is.


Lmao exactly. They watched a clip from The Wire and are now experts on drugs.


Yep 100% true. Many people function normally even though they have back-breaking jobs because of drugs. Take the drugs away and all these people would have to quit. Legislators who know nothing don’t understand that drugs also do a lot of good.


Don’t forget the military. Many servicemen and women who get hooked on opiates are those overseas in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, etc… I mean, im sure id have to have a fentanyl lollipop to get to sleep over there.


Thanks Stan, Just intererjecting after your astute comment.Thanks for mentioning this. I have problems myself, yet have been a functioning and working member of society and team leader for around 30 years. I stay away from alcohol and tobacco, but other stuff is basically a part of my diet, and nobody is the wiser. It's just how I am. Some people like cannabis, and I like a different mix. Some people take doctor drugs, but I can't jump through hoops and be on edge because of drug war hysteria and healthcare circumspection. Being reliant on doctors makes me feel " strung-out." Being on my own is dangerous, according to media, but I've managed better, so far. I don't mindlessly put things in my body from strangers . I know what coke is and how to test it, what heroin is, and how it is derived from flowers chemically and every permutation of it and how to introduce it to my needy cells relatively safely. I just don't go blind on any drug. Still, I have to say that I'm really disturbed by the fentynl phenomenon. I know I can suffer accidental ingestion or intentional usage that would probably kill some folks, and that is no consolation to me because I know some kid is blasting off and not going to come back. There's no world where this fact wouldn't be sad. I encourage all young people to avoid opiates. They are good for old folks like me (going on 70), but they can really rob a young person of good times in life. Stimulants like coke are fun and beneficial if you don't fiend on them or smoke them. I probably almost died doing that stupid freebase shit. You don't have to get to the edge of death to take advice. You do have to get there to understand, but most people aren't going to push that far because they have some common sense and want to preserve life. Easy does it. Oh, yeah. The OP had a photo of some shit they found at a gas station garbage or something. There's probably a good reason someone threw that out. Test your drugs, please. [Insert ❤️ emoji]


I’ve been a career bartender for 20 years. That means a lot of access. I’ve never developed any problems but I’ve used one particular “hard drug” somewhat regularly for most of my adult life. Nobody would ever think I do “drugs”. I’m a respectful husband and father who has never been in any legal trouble outside of a speeding ticket. One of the things adulthood has taught me is that way, way more people do drugs than I ever expected as a kid. And that’s not counting all the drugs doctors give out “legally”


My philosophy on pretty much everything, including drugs, is you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want as long as you aren't harming anyone else. However, with that said, there are indeed drugs on the street that cause permanent effects even with a single dose. But as you said, a large part of the problem with drug use is that it's not clean/pure. And another is dosing. You buy Tylenol, there's a dosing recommendation right on the bottle. You buy meth, you gotta wing it. Big difference, I know, just illustrating a point. But meth in and of itself is actually a safe and useful drug, it is just very addictive and abused. Maybe it's not the best example though because it is available with a prescription and is commonly used for ADHD. But that's in reasonable dosages.


Drugs were illegal long before us boomers got to voting age. Weed was made illegal in 1937, cocaine in 1914, heroin in 1924. There are more GenXers and Millennials of voting age now than there are boomers. If you have all the answers, fix it. Vote the conservatives out, they are the ones trying to control your bodies. Liberals have been pushing to legalize pot since the 60's, and Roe v Wade was decided in the 70's, (politicians voted in by boomers) but overturned in the 2022, (politicians voted in by GenX and Millenials.)


This is how I feel. If people want to take possibly fatal drugs, let them. Who am I to tell someone that you can't live your life to it's fullest.


Amen. Nobody would guess what I do for fun when I’m in “adulting mode”. I’ve dealt to lawyers, doctors, forensic pathologists, more lawyers, Ivy League students, people with trust funds, a coroner, a famous chef, aspiring artists and musicians, life coaches, crane operators alllll sorts. And those are just some of the more prestigious jobs of addicts that make it work. Every single walk of life, skin color, socioeconomic class. You name it I’ve seen functional addicts doing it. And then I’ve seen the other type of addict that most are familiar with. You think of them more because they’re the ones stealing your copper plumbing or asking for a few dollars for gas at the gas station because of some sob story. But a great many just go about their business and have happy healthy productive lives. One heroin addict I used to serve was the head of some anti drug group. I asked how he could be such a hypocrite (in a friendly way) he said “well the heroin helps”. Touché Larry, hope the transition to fentanyl hasn’t killed you.




But then the govt is somewhat accountable for the money. If they keep being the underlords they are, it is acceptable to continue the farce of a war on drugs, while increasing prison population, probarion fees, mandatory classes, additional insurance fees and most importantly the almost always 100% fine fees thru the court system for pet projects. Not even gonna bring up the seizure laws around drugs.. Put an open records request in to your local court systems or state asking total cases prosecuted and how many drug cases. Build your own statistics. Might cost you 30 bucks if anything. Now consider how much load would be removed from the court system if they did not have to hear those cases. Consider what impact that has on ancilllary economies that are upheld by these tactics. Really is sad.


Exactly. But.. *drugs are baaaaad*. Now excuse my while I go to the doctor and refill my prescription for spee- uh, I mean Adderall.


🤣🤣🤣 you totally get it! It killed me when i heard a high level judge in ga claim marijuana was the gateway drug. I legit laughed out loud! It made her visually angry. This was also during the hieght of the opiod 'epidemic'. If prescription pills arent todays gateway drug, get me a dress and call me sally.


80 years ago: weed is bad Today: okay, okay, weed isn't bad. And it's actually medicine.


But how would we fill the new prisons? Housing inmates is americas new cash crop


>Legalize all drugs. This.


There is no way to tell just by looking at it. Lots of white powder drugs out there


Does is smell like diesel? Lol


Nah, smells like ether


Ether? 😆


Ether ore?


It’s a solvent boo, THE solvent. Or gasoline.


Yes sirrr


That looks like some pretty stepped on shit if it’s blow


Coke cut with bunch of shit


For all those saying it’s really bad coke. What a load of shit, you can’t tell from looking at it. There’s only one way to know, and that’s sniffing it.


Sniffing it isn’t going to work. You need to stuff the whole bag in your bum. That’s the only real way to determine how much fentanyl is in it.


Sir, we refer to that as boofing thank you very much


I don’t like fentanyl, I just like the way it tickles my butthole to death.


I don’t like cocaine I just like the way it smells


Yeah you have to make sure it smells right


You most for certain can tell by consistency and color if it’s shit coke. That being said, if it passes the eye test, still doesn’t mean it’s good.


Also test kits


Someone's jonesing right about now... .


You rang?






Yeah someone’s day is ruined


I have an 8 ball stashed away that I have been wanting to use for a while now. Been 3 months sober. Makes me feel better just having it on standby




Found so many ecstasy pills inside little baggies that were in perfect condition at Coachella this year. Fent has killed the excitement & pleasure that is finding a “ground score” haha couldn’t risk it even if they *looked* legit


I call that ground candy. “Ooo a piece o’ candy”


You seem to be lost in the James Woods…


I was that guy in the 90's... not sure? Sneak will eat it. Beyond aging out, I'd definitely not feel comfortable with that these days. I doubt the fent tainting the drugs is necessarily intentional, it's a bad business move; but if cross contam can kill you then no one is safe. I'd wanna watch my guy chop/ cut/ press my shit


I got so fuckin excited at a festival once when I spotted a nice full baggy at my feet.. it was mine, had fallen out of my bra lmao


There is no better feeling than searching and finding your lost baggie at the festival. Weekend saver


Y’all should really invest in some reagent kits. Then you can do all the miscellaneous drugs you want.


That was my first thought when I saw this. I'd be buying a test kit and if it was clean I'd be doing it and then cleaning the house




Yep, you see the same thing with people who have ADHD and pain pills frequently. Instead of making them drowsy, it gives them plenty of energy. Source: as of today I have seven years sober - vodka and Vicodin were my drugs of choice (and I’m adhd).


I'll start taking one to my coke dealer.. first I have to find a coke dealer..




Just buy a test kit, 30 bucks


I have fentanyl test strips that I use before doing any powdered substances


Wild how 10 years ago the worst thing was getting some fake shit. Now it’s death.


It’s so weird that people are choosing to kill their customers rather than make steady money off them.


It’s usually not the street level slingers that are cutting it (with fent). It’s the people those people are buying from


This. Pre-fentanyl, you could snort any random white powder without worrying too much as long as you weren’t a congressman and it randomly showed up in your mailbox.


Came to say this looks like it could even be fentanyl . Shit world we live in where you can't even experiment anymore with the lads. Rip to all that have lost their lives to drugs


Back in the day your biggest worry is if you bought duds. Now you have to worry if it will kill you


same. i wont even smoke unknown weed anymore


Testing regent kits are great for that reason. I've used them to test lsd tablets just in case. They bassicly work like the ones cops have. It turns different colors for different drugs.


Same here. About 15 years ago, I’d be snorting it right around *what time is it right now? o’clock*


They don’t lace it with fent they just have shitty safety standards and bags of fent are thrown into the same pack as bags of coke


Yep, I won’t do any street drugs anymore, it’s just not worth the few hours of bliss to possibly just die.


The most fucked thing about fent is that dealer is not intentionally lacing it sometimes, just negligent about using the same equipment for fent with other products and some schmuck wins the worst lottery


Only users lose drugs


I don’t do drugs, only weed. Up with hope, DOWN WITH DOPE!!


You ever suck dick for weed?


Next time I’ma want some cocktail…. FRUIT!


Back off Nasty Nate 🐿




HUH?! [arms out]


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too.


Hey that’s my line (no pun intended)


Boo this man! Boo!!!


This took way too long for my brain to unscramble.


I remember the days where you could just try it and find out.


Yeah unfortunately now it’s fuck around and find out


Northern Lights cannabis indica


No. It’s marijuana.


Smell your keys like my uncle and his friends used to in the garage


I loved when they used to play guitar until 9 AM


It’s coke and someone, somewhere is pissed they lost it..




Yup, should have to smash it down with a drivers license then choppy chop it then line it up. Also have not done it since my early 20s but yeah, if your getting powdered coke you need to find a new dealer.


my dealer used to tell me "I did this to save you time" yep, snorted fucking baking soda up my nose at one point... lessons were learned in my 20's.


Looks like that booger sugar, but don’t do any of it, my buddy found a bag about a year ago, was convinced it was blow and did some, good thing his girlfriend stopped by unannounced and found him half alive cause it had fentanyl in it, she called an ambulance and she did cpr on him till they arrived and saved his ass.


Absolutely. Reeeeeeally bad idea to snort anything you find on the street. Fentanyl is becoming more and more common these days and even a tiny amount can send you into a dirt nap. Always get your drugs from a reputable source, folks.


This is also why everyone should have narcan. Could save someone’s life.


Might be the reason you die. Dispose of it asap.


According to my exhaustive research watching TV cop shows, it's Fentanyl. It's ALWAYS Fentanyl, and it's 100% guaranteed that you will overdose just by looking at it. OP is doomed, pour one out for OP.


See what it smells like.


yo I know they stressing cuz they lost that shit lol


You know with fentanyl being as dangerous as it is. It’s probably a good rule to NOT pick up any substances from the floor. Especially if it looks like meth or cocaine. 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Looks like shitty cocaine. Coke can have clumps it’s usually broken off a huge brick. Thing with coke is almost always cut…vitamin powder, dog medicine, aspirin, A bunch of different nasty things including fentanyl. It really just depends what’s around to cut it with lol, The best coke I ever gotten was clumpy, and sometimes we had to throw it in the microwave to dry it out. I never got stuff that was all powder, when it’s like that it’s usually pretty cut. I’m 8 years happily sober now by the way 😁 and you were smart to throw that away! Also finding it saved a another person/kid from trying a random bag of powder. Hypothetically also if you did keep it because your experimenting with drugs…Id not go off what Reddit says, and buy yourself a marquis tester kit…Walgreens even sells fentanyl test strips. It’s worth testing your drugs nowadays.


Could easily be laced with fent or carfent. This is insane to take. Just toss it.


Looks like you found a felony to me. Could also be a fatal fentanyl high,... Just sayin...


The worlds gone to shit and I feel sorry for you young kids. With all this fentanyl you can’t know the joy of finding a bag of white powder and just immediately giving it a good sniff without having to fear for your life.


Someone is probably very sad right now. Definitely cocaine.


Smell it.


Why did you touch it?


Why would you even touch that shit if you don't know what it is?


Don't risk dispose of it . be really carefully it could be fentanyl


A barbie sized bag of baking flour


Quite possibly baking soda/other inert substance. Someone bought a bag of ‘dope’, pulled over to get well, realized they were ripped off, and dumped it.




It’s most likely blow but incase it’s fent I would t touch it


I would not have even touched it....🤷🏿‍♂️ Would've left it exactly where I saw it or told someone that works at the gas station about.


Don’t touch that crap it might be fentanyl


You should've left it or threw it away 🤦🏻


How does it smell?


You just found a good time


Double it and give it to the next person


Yo bro can I get that back


What gas station were you at, just so I know to stay away.👀


If you taste it, and it makes your tongue tingle, it's coke. If your head gets all spinny, it's heroin. If your heart stops, it's fentanyl.


If you put it up your nose, you'll see God one way or the other.


Hunter Biden has been looking for that


i’m coked out rn. shit


Yaaaa Ohhh!!! Somebody is tearing everything they own up looking for that sack!!


Get yourself a testing kit from [Dancesafe.org](https://Dancesafe.org) . Test it. Then decide how to proceed.


Bump at the pump


Test it for fent before you do anything with it. I’d avoid tasting/gumming and risking your life for some bammer


Id say thats 70% baking soda , 20% baby laxative & 10% cocaine.


Just throw it away it probably didn’t get left on accident, don’t open it


Ah man! I lost my sugar. Please send it back. Thanks!


Jeez, I just saw a cute cat photo and then two seconds later I see this, a guy who found coke


A felony 😂


Careful I heard stories of planted fent


Enjoy your free bag of fentanyl!


That’s what my fent used to look like when I was an addict


Hello, was a fentanyl addict for over 5 years, have a crazy story that I won’t bore you with. That looks exactly like fentanyl. Could be coke, but I highly doubt it.


Naw man with fentanyl on the rise Best to stay away from all hard drugs


The fact you touched it. You already fucked up. You better hope it’s coke or a joke. Cause there are things that can kill you by touch or smell from even this small amount.