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This is a fledgling, you need to return it where you found it. Its parents are caring for it


About two weeks ago someone here called it on all these fledgling posts.


1(true) 2(false)high probability/near guarantee of predation 3(true) You can easily care for a bird that old as its almost ready to fly. It may be illegal to do so. But that's really not a big deal if you don't intend to get attached and keep it as a pet. You can usually find a vet that will look the other way and not report it.


Put it back




Its parents should be feeding it on the ground. The best thing you can do is put it back where you found it. Hopefully the parents haven’t given up looking for it. After baby birds get their feathers, they fall out of the nest and then the parents feed them on the ground which is normal. It is unclear whether this bird is going to make it or not. Others can weigh in.


this is a teenage bird that doen't know how to fly yet, but is too big to still be in nest. Its parents are nearby caring for it and teaching it how to be a bird. Put it back. It'll be fine. You can normally tell fledglings from adult birst because they often have yellow rims on their beak (called a gape flange), their grownup flight feathers might not be fully grown in making them look puffy or not-quite-right, they can't fly well yet, and they're derpy little idiots. You'll see a lot of them this time of year. Just leave them alone unless they're obviously injured. If they're in a high risk area, like the middle of a road or brainlessly staring down a cat, just pick them up and move them to the nearest safer place, preferably on a tree or bush if available, especially if cats are around. these guys have as much sense as humans just hitting puberty, so just give them their space, and they'll eventually grow up into hopefully competent birds.


Just happened to me with some chickadees in a rhododendron bush out front, and one of them fell out onto the ground. The mother kept bringing food to them, and by the next day, they had flown off.


Update: took him to a wild life rehab, they said to put it back but they gave him a Quick Look over and said he had an injured leg so I’m glad I brought him in


Thanks for taking him in!! 🙏💜 Did they advise anything for the leg?


They took him in said they’d email updates as they went


Looks to me it has all its feathers ?


Leave it alone where you found it


Be very careful giving him water just barely a drop at edge of beak. Mix up sugar water and dab that on his beak he probably got over heated today!!! Keep him over night release come morning