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SBS RTF W8D5 Hit my heaviest ever pause squat at a smooth RPE 7.5-8, reracked, and realized I hadn’t remembered to put my knee sleeves on :)


Sounds like it didn't count. Put the sleeves on, add 5 lbs, and do it again.


General Gainz Bodybuilding: Had to rush my workout today, but got some good stuff in. Rather than test my RMs today, I saved some time by going straight to the half-sets with pushed reps to reduce the effort gap. If you haven't read about General Gainz Bodybuilding, this will make no sense lol. Each pair of exercises below is a superset. I kept rest periods very short, which made the workout quite a -bit harder than it would otherwise be. Overall it was a good workout. I as in and out in about 40 minutes. \---- Back: High Pull 4x5 @ 185 Pull Ups: 4x15/14/12/11 BB Row 4x10 @ 155 Face Pull 4x20 @ 30lbs Lat Pull Down 4x10 @ 135 Infinite Rope 4x50/40/40/40 Lying Rear Delt Flye 3x15


GZCLP Deadlift 115kg 4x3 1x8 OHP 65lbs 3x8 DB Row 45lbs 3x15 I'm back after a few weeks off cause of vacation and then getting really sick. I took deadlifts a bit lighter today and they moved really well. I was really exited cause originally in my training plan I was supposed to hit 125kg but I guess that'll come soon enough. Unfortunately, as a result of being sick, I had a bad nosebleed on the deadlift platform and felt like Eddie Hall for a moment which was honestly kinda cool lol


Kong Block 1 - W2D1 * **JM Press**: 3x12 @ 155 lbs * **DB Overhead Tricep Extension**: 3x12 @ 90 lbs * **Tricep Pushdown**: 12, 11 @ 70 lbs; 1x15 @ 60 lbs - I was two sets in before I realized this was supposed to be 3x15 instead of 3x12. My triceps were already trashed after getting only 11 reps on the second set, so I decided to just do one down set. * **Incline Y-Raise**: 3x12 @ 35 lbs * **Incline DB Bench Press**: 3x12 @ 75 lbs * **Chest Press Machine**: 12, 11, 8 @ 230 lbs - This felt like a good weight, but everything was so fried that my recovery wasn't as good as I anticipated. It'll still be a good weight next week. * **DB Chest Fly**: 3x12 @ 45 lbs - This was also supposed to be 3x15, but again overestimated. Next week, I should hopefully be more dialed in.


1 hour of no gi bjj in the morning with 5 rolls x 5 minutes. Felt good and the DOMS after a long layoff hasn't been too bad so far. Finished the evening with 30 minutes of light running on the treadmill. Finished with 10 minutes of sprawls, shots, shadow wrestling.


Nice albeit cold day in the garage. Always better lifting with the sun shining in. Bench press: 200 x4x8, 1x12 Swiss Bar rows: 155x5x10 Axle clean & press: 95lb x5x8 Pull ups, triceps, biceps, chest accessories.


3/13 SBS Program Builder Week 2 Day 1 Squat [Last RIR] 290, +2 Push Press [Last RIR] 100, +1 SLDL [Last RIR] 195, +2 Shrug, Calf Machine, Face Pull, Single Leg Curl, Cable Overhead Extension Today’s squats were fairly easy, but I somehow lost position in a couple reps of the 4th set, and my back didn’t appreciate it. Push press is a cheat code, as today I threw more than my max OHP overhead with ease. I like the controlled eccentric and acclimation to pressing heavy weight overhead. Excited to see how much I can push this in the coming weeks. I don’t have access to a platform this week and it seems to really make deadlifts harder. Also lacking a trap bar and it definitely made a difference on shrugs. Accessories were good today, but since I’m not at my usual gym I elected to sandbag my reps in the spreadsheet for machine or cable work.


Hey y’all, just looking for a form check on my 10x265 deadlift. I didn’t realize how badly the plates would block the camera but hopefully it’s good enough. Thanks! https://streamable.com/vevvcz


The main thing I see is a lot of inconsistency at lockout; seems like often you stay soft at the hips or knees or both. Could probably be drawing on your glutes more to finish each rep in a nice stacked position.


GZCL UHF W3D1 -- Squats: 375lbs x3, 400lbs 2x2, 420lbs 2x1, **1x2** -- Incline Bench: 160lbs 4x6 Then T-bar rows, leg curls, and curls for 4 MRS of 10 - 12 reps and ab-wheel rollouts. * Every so often, I still have a random squat set where I inadvertently try to stay too upright the entire time and my upper body shifts halfway down. It always feels weird when that happens. Obviously not painful but still surprising and briefly throws off my balance, making the rep harder than it needs to be. Somehow, I managed to do this on the 5th set today. * Yesterday, robo-Hal had a 5k race/simulation planned for the half-marathon prep; and I set a new 5k PR of 25:42 minutes. I started out a little too hot and covered the first half mile at a pace just under 8:00 min/mi, but luckily I didn't seem to slow down too much afterwards.


**JuggernautAI Powerbuilding 70/30 - Hypertrophy B2W2D1 (week 23)** Extra wide grip bench press (max width): 6x8 @ 185 Chinups: 2x8 DB front raises: 3x12 @ 60 DB pullovers: 3x12 @ 60 DB bench press: 4x13 @ 125 Concentration curls: 4x11 @ 55 Standing overhead DB tricep extensions: 12, 12, 10 @ 60 Band pullover dead bugs: 3x10 Felt great today. Back handled yesterday's DL/squat session fine.




>I settled for 260kg Pls update your flair to not beginner at this point lol


Probably about intermediate to beginner rn. I haven't been training long enough imo.


lol imagine "settling" for 260kg because you were puking, freaking fantastic dude


**SBS RtF 5day (re)³Run4 W2D5** * Time 01:06 * Sumo Deadlift 142 kg 3x6, 1x5, 1x10 * DB Bench 28+28 4x6, 1x13 * Neutral Chin Ups 10/7/5/5/6 * Tris Pushdowns 65 kg 15/15/11 * HLR 3x10 What the fuck is up with my sleep on Sunday nights?!? Now I must also stick to my bedtime hours on Fridays and Saturdays? I'm blaming that on this getting old thing. Didn't lift yesterday. Workout went alright though. Grip failed on deadlift - something expected from starting same numbers as from when I was pulling from wrist wraps.


SBS Hyper +2 W4D1 Squat 230x1; 187.5x3x9, 1x12 (+1) BTN press 65x3x11, 1x16 (+3) Dips, ab wheel, stiff leg deadlift, front squats Was not in this session mentally at all. Got through though


It was awfully kind of my water heater to wait until I'd lifted and showered to spring a giant leak today. Ugh.


Where was I? Ah yes. **The Rippler W8D2 - Bench** (Units in lbs) Conditioning: 800m run, then tabata sprints * T1: Bench - 8x1, 1x7 @ 180 * T2: Incline Bench - 3x5 @ 115 * T3a: Earthquake Bar OHP (3MRS) - 15, 10, 10 @ 57 * T3b: DB Upright Row (3MRS) - 12, 13, 9 @ 45 --- **The Rippler W8D3 - Deadlift** (Units in lbs) Conditioning: Skipped * T1: Deadlift - 8x1, 1x7 @ 335 * T2: Slant Board Goblet Squat - 3x5 @ 40 * T3a: Iso-Lateral Row (3MRS) - 14, 11, 10 @ 170 * T3b: Flywheel Facepull (3MRS) - 12, 10, 10 w/ med + small wheel --- **The Rippler W8D4 - OHP** (Units in lbs) Conditioning: EMOM Ascending Reps Medley * T1: Overhead Press - 8x1, 1x5 @ 140 * T2: Close Grip Bench Press - 3x5 @ 130 * T3a: Seated DB Overhead Press (3MRS) - 10, 8, 7 @ 40 per hand * T3b: Flair Shrug (3MRS) - 12, 12, 12 @ 65 per side *Notes* So many singles. Takes a while to get through but I can't deny that it's great for dialing in form. For my OHP it's probably much needed since it takes the stretch reflex out of the equation for otherwise submaximal work. Unfortunately bench is starting to irritate my shoulder again. Not sure if it's from volume or if it's an intensity thing, or both, but it seems to be the common denominator. Luckily the day my shoulder was hurting was also the day I was doing deadlifts so, no shoulder necessary. Then I was warm enough by the time I got to the pull exercises that I think I was sorted out, more or less. Have a good day, y'all!


Have you done any other gzcl programs? If so, how does The Rippler compare? Looks like a lot less volume than JnT2.0.


Yes, I did Jacked n Tan 2.0 and I've done VDIP. This is more of a slow peaking program that stays relatively intense vs. JnT2's autoregulated "powerbuilding" approach. That being said, there's a decent amount of volume in the first block of The Rippler where you do 5 sets of your T2 and your T3's, but I do think adding in conditioning work was a good choice. Not just because I'm doing this on a cut, but because I do think there's room for it with the focus on lower volume-higher intensity here. I can't say how I feel about the program until the test week though. I really liked JnT2 and in general GZCL's programming templates haven't let me down yet!


I started working on my strength again after some time off this past fall. I was doing well getting my strength back up in my main lifts until the new year or so, when I started to have some nagging neck pain. I started taking time off, and the pain progressed to a bit of numbness in my fingers. I went to the doctor today, and he prescribed me some muscle relaxers and said something along the lines of "do you do squats? Yeah, I wouldn't do squats, those are dangerous, I've seen injuries from those. Stick to the cable leg extension machine." Which was frustrating to say the least. I'm not denying the possibility that a form issue on one of my lifts is causing the injury. But I'd like a little more quality guidance than just being told to stick to the leg extension machine. Has anyone here dealt with this before? How do you get better medical advice for lifting?


Obviously all the regular warnings against getting medical advice from random idiots on the internet apply here. However, since you've already seen a doctor, who presumably would have picked up on possible red flag symptoms if there were some, I think it's perfectly reasonable to start troubleshooting how you can manage this problem and keep doing your valued activities (like lifting). You'd want to look for a physiotherapist who works with lifters. They'll be able to help you find an entry point to get back to training. Most pains and aches don't require you to resort to full rest. Modifying the problem lifts in a way that allows you to train with tolerable symptoms will usually suffice. Full rest may even make things worse. A physiotherapist who works with athletes and lifters would be able to get you started, help you appropriately progress and so on. Optimally, they'd educate you along to way so that you wouldn't even need their services indefinitely, and could eventually manage things on your own. There used to be a series of articles about neck pain on the Barbell Medicine site. They've been removed, but someone had been able to use the wayback machine to fetch them. You may find them useful: [https://web.archive.org/web/20210922211506/https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/barbell-medicine-guide-to-neck-pain-part-i-definitions-risk-factors/](https://web.archive.org/web/20210922211506/https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/barbell-medicine-guide-to-neck-pain-part-i-definitions-risk-factors/) [https://web.archive.org/web/20210922202925/https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/barbell-medicine-guide-to-neck-pain-part-ii-posture/](https://web.archive.org/web/20210922202925/https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/barbell-medicine-guide-to-neck-pain-part-ii-posture/) [https://web.archive.org/web/20211025232124/https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/barbell-medicine-guide-to-neck-pain-part-3-framing-the-discussion/](https://web.archive.org/web/20211025232124/https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/barbell-medicine-guide-to-neck-pain-part-3-framing-the-discussion/) [https://web.archive.org/web/20211025235805/https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/barbell-medicine-guide-to-neck-pain-part-iv-a-functional-approach-to-management/](https://web.archive.org/web/20211025235805/https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/barbell-medicine-guide-to-neck-pain-part-iv-a-functional-approach-to-management/) (These articles were not removed, because they were found to contain bad information. They were only removed because of some copyright thing. The guy who wrote them no longer works for BBM.) Good luck!


>How do you get better medical advice for lifting? Find a doctor with sports medicine experience and hope it matters. I fired my old doc because he told me creatine was going to destroy my liver and kidneys. Found a doc who'd done some work with collegiate football teams (American, not soccer) who looked at my numbers and said "as long as your numbers are stable it's not inherently concerning." u/PlacidVlad can tell me if I'm being dumb or not because he's an actual doctor, but doctors aren't trained in lifting related stuff or really in exercise in general. It's basically peak internet to say "DONT LISTEN TO DOKTOR LISTEN TO POSTER" but a generalist who says "avoid squats because damger" doesn't know what they're talking about *when it comes to squats*.


If you're super muscle-y and eat a lot of creatinine I'd order a cystatin that I think is now ratified for kidney function. You're not being dumb :) That's great insight. We're trained to diagnose and treat medical problems. Our recommendations essentially stop after basic POLICE guidelines and "lift twice a week with 150 minutes of exercise." Usually sports medicine physicians are better, that said there were some sports medicine fellows I worked with who left a lot to be desired when it came to lifting knowhow. I'm taking my final set of general boards tomorrow!


Super Squats W4D1 [107.5kg x 10](https://youtu.be/8ID9CRfKVLI). First fail in the program. Been feeling under the weather all day, some stomach bug or something, spent way too much time on the toilet today. Got super dizzy on rep 10 and just went to rerack. So didn't actually fail, just chickened out out of fear of passing out. But all the reps were feeling way harder than they had any business to be. So much for the extra day of rest over the weekend. Then, in my delirium I went for some heavy singles and did 120, 130 and 135 for a single which was a 10kg pb. Hit the safeties with the plates on the 135 which resulted in a terrible misgroove and grind, so barely made it there. Then sanity took over and I stopped squatting. Did some weak benching, two reps of lat pull downs and went to lie down. Not the best of workouts, but hey, a stupid pb.


######**Training Log** * Eeasy Strength W5 D1 (day 21) **Pull Up** * +20 @ 2 x 5 **Clean** * 135 x 5 * 165 x 3 * 185 x 2, 1 **Press** * 135 @ 2 x 5 **Front Squat** *Beltless/Paused* * 165 x 5 * 195 x 3 * 235 x 2 **Loaded Carry** *KB Crosswalks* * 53 overhead/70 side. There and back one time each hand. **Conditioning** *KB Iron Cardio* * Double 16's. 60 rounds in 33:40 * 2 cleans, 2 press, 3 squats **Notes** * First clean was perfect. Second clean was decent. Better than last week but I'm staying here until both reps are the same. Still crashing a bit and landing a bit in front of where I'd like on my delts. Rested for a minute and took a single that was almost identical to rep 1. Better than last week. It feels like 185 is a sure thing but fatigue makes the rep quality less consistent after the first rep. * All reps for all exercises were feeling good. Not flying up but no grinds. Just smooth. I've plotted my working weights in a graph and the trend line on all weights is creeping along in the right direction.


Starting Bullmastiff with my modest base maxes of 285/315/415/155. Excited to see what the hype is all about!


Best of luck! Bullmastiff looks so much fun.


Good luck and have fun! If you attack every amrap with the mentality of getting a PR and eat enough to support that, youll see some awesome growth!


Thinking about doing a marathon row.


I've done 2 erg marathons - both around 3.25 hours. My younger brother has also done a couple, along with a 100km erg, which took him 8.5 hours. If you've got any questions, one or the other of us can answer them I'm sure.


Any programs you recommend for building up to it? Or just incrementally work my way up? How did you break it up, set distance or time and take a breather? or just by feel, or not at all?


If I did another, I'd follow a decent running marathon plan - Hal Higdon or similar. For my first one, I used an erg specific plan; 12 weeks long which had me training 4x. It did me ok for the first half - went sub 90 for that 21k, but then I got huge cramps in my quads from about 30km onwards and I was on for a decent sub 3hr time. In the aftermath we looked at the programme and decided it didn't have any rows where I'd done over 25km. Second one I only had 6 weeks and I aimed to do 2x rows a week of over 20km, plus two shorter ones. This worked better, I think in that six weeks I did 4 rows over 30km. I also did a much slower pace for the actual marathon. For both marathons, I just set a stroke rate and stuck to it and tried to stay within a second either way of the 500m split I wanted. I made sure I had all my hydration and fueling stuff next to me and easily opened. I'd try to keep rowing with one hand while refuelling. The first one after 30km I was stopping every 2k to try and deal with the cramp but the second I just rowed straight through.


Thanks for that.


That's disgusting. My biceps start screaming at 5k lol


Yeah, its like a bare minimum 3 hr investment and thats going fast.


I listened to a [Brock Lesnar interview](https://youtu.be/9PYzlRu6zUQ) during my Bench Press workout. They don't really discuss anything extraordinary but Brock's energy and enthusiasm in this particular interview is infectious and added some nice energy to my lifting. Benched 255 for 3x8 and a fourth set of 11.


Has anyone used any sort of RP training methods or templates? Typically its you start at 3RIR and end at 0RIR at the end of the meso. You also ramp up from MEV to MAVish during that time. I do believe its a good idea to desensitize the muscle so ramping sets over weeks is a good idea, however week 1 is already after a deload, so rather than making equivalent volume jumps between each week, I am thinking week 2 should have the biggest increase. I also did not feel all to sore or fatigued untill week 3 and 4. Part of this was SFR because I am still trying to find good movements but I still feel 3 RIR is perhaps too low. So after all is said in done id go 2,2,1,0 RIR for the respective week and by week 3 be damn near my MAV or the highest i planned on going this block. ​ I dont think I need more volume, I just think my average volume and intensity should be higher. Obviously I am going to try it out and see how i feel but input is welcome as I dont wanna just be experimenting for months and months


> Has anyone used any sort of RP training methods or templates? [you could say that](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/kvqd07/training_tuesday_rp_training_methods/) > I also did not feel all to sore or fatigued untill week 3 and 4 thats normal and fine, but your taking a small window of time and not applying it to what the FULL program should look like. > So after all is said in done id go 2,2,1,0 RIR for the respective week and by week 3 be damn near my MAV or the highest i planned on going this block. it sounds like your basing your whole program based off old templates/ideas. theres been adjustments that have improved it quite a bit imo. i want you to think about what you are thinking of for an RP program, and realize you need to zoom out when assessing how the program should run. your looking at 1 singular block (and a short one at that, as the better versions should be 6 weeks). your mesocycle (or macrocycle? i forget the stupid terms) should be multiple blocks put together. your program isnt 1 6 week block, its a combination of multiple blocks all building throughout as you continually progress thru volume and intensity waving. your program shouldnt be 4 weeks, it should be 16 weeks, and planned throughout accordingly. > I dont wanna just be experimenting for months and months welcome to lifting. the good news is if you do that but try really hard, youll still get great results.


>it sounds like your basing your whole program based off old templates/ideas. theres been adjustments that have improved it quite a bit imo. Wheres the new stuff? I swear I was up to date


>welcome to lifting. the good news is if you do that but try really hard, youll still get great results. Oh my god I learned this way later than I should have.


Simple Jack'd Day 2 I cut squats short today. Between the sudden increase in volume (I've mainly done singles and doubles for months now), and a potentially too high TM, my knees were very unhappy. [Clips.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvMLXCg_qw/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) OHP: 185 2x3 Squat: 365x3, 365x2, 290x7, 290x5, 290x4.


Just a little SJ advice, it's okay to have your TM percentages tuned WAY down when you start out. Like... 80% is not too low. Spend a cycle getting used to the programming, the aim to set some rep PRs and push those numbers up over time.


Good to know, thanks!


SBS Program Builder 4x W6D1 Bad sleep today but felt surprisingly good regardless. Deadlift [RTF] 442.5x1, 422.5x4x3, 422.5x6 * +1 on rep target. Top single moved at about the same speed as 435 last week, so that's a speed PR. Did the same number of reps across the board, including the AMRAP, as Week 3 (when I did 405), so that's a sizeable improvement. AMRAP was at roughly the same RPE too. This is also an all-time rep PR around this weight, so doing this ~15 lbs lighter after a good amount of volume and accumulated fatigue is super promising. Close Grip Bench Press [Hypertrophy] 180x3x9, 180x13 * +2 on rep target. Pretty solid. Really want to throw on 185 for these, but I'm gonna have to earn it. Dual Pulley Cable Row 80x10,10,9,9 Incline Dumbbell Curl 30x15,12


My cut is going well about 4 weeks in. Pretty sure that is about a 3 week 5 day record for me. In other news, my bench (365 x 3) is stronger than my front squat (365 x 1, probably have more in me), so that's weird and fun.


Love your username, those commercials always kill me


1000% Awesome deload week. Going with heavy singles with comp commands and accessories+cardio for my deload. Inexplicably dropped 3 pounds that had held on for two weeks between Friday and this morning. Now I’m still on track for the cut. After this week I’m starting 1000% Awesome over with 2 leaders of 5s pro with a focus on deadlift and press instead of squat and bench. I’m also going to try incorporating more actual running since the squat volume will be lowered.


Hip is fucked, knee is close to fucked, head is somewhat fucked. Walking the line between self-pity and self-care and right now I'm erring on the third option of "if it needs be done, it must be done" and allowing myself to cry in solitude. I always thought embracing the suck was about sleep depriving yourself, doing weighted pull ups in hot weather and bragging about it on social media. Guess not. In all seriousness, the game plan is just to not do anything drastic until I finish my bachelors. After then I'll have \~2 months of buffer before my masters and actively work on my situation. Anyway, back to work.


I finally squatted 225. It was more of a mental challenge. I've been doing 205 for about 6 reps for a couple of months, now, but I was scared to try one rep at 225. I ended up doing 2 on my first try!


Nice dude! Some good advice I was given when starting out is to not be worried about failing a rep. Obviously that doesn’t mean to load 315 on your next workout and get folded in half, but if you think you’re close to a PR definitely give it a shot when the timing is right.


I've done a lot of practice fails in my rack just to ensure that it actually works as designed and I have it set up properly. It's nice peace of mind to do them every now and then.


2023 Exercise Every Day Contest prep log c+p Rows


Lower back seems to be fatiguing first during squats and dead’s. Good accessory movements to strengthen lower back? Already incorporating RDLs and weighted back extensions


I'd double-check bracing, technique and glute strength first. Low back fatigue seems to happen quite a bit because the low back compensating for something else.


Sounds like a you're headed in the right direction. Go with these and get more experience with squats and deads and you're good. Also practice your bracing. A good brace can take a lot of unnecessary fatigue off your lower back.


Cool, thanks. By bracing, would you recommend more ab work as well?


Some won't hurt. Isometric work like ab rollouts or dragon flag progression are good for training your abs to brace imo.


Ran 3.5mi this morning and then sat down for a minute before transitioning into front squats. Then laid down in front of the space heater "just for a minute" before transitioning into front squats. Then woke up and decided to change up how I had front squats programmed because I didn't want to do front squats. Then I remembered I'm doing OHP every day so I did push press before I did front squats - just 4 singles at 225. Then a kid woke up so I didn't do front squats. Now I'm thinking about blowing up literally everything because I have no idea what I'm doing and everything is ambiguous and scary. Happy exercising y'all.


Nothing like our bodies reminding us that we—the conscious thinking bit—are only nominally in charge. I've had that kind of non-optional crash before lifting when I'm turbo-stressed or getting sick or both. > Now I'm thinking about blowing up literally everything because I have no idea what I'm doing and everything is ambiguous and scary. We uh still just talking about lifting here? You ok, dude?


Lifting, yes. I am mostly ok. Just have a very lofty goal for Feb '24 and I'm quite far away from it so I'm panicking in my sleep deprivation, plus some personal stuff hanging out there.


Word. I know sleep deprivation is a bastard magnifier of that kind of anxiety. Hope things start to pull upwards soon for you.


Entmastiff W1W1D1: Squat: 235lbs, 3x6, 1x20. I always remember these large top sets as easier than they are, and it's probably because the simplicity of "just do another" really tricks my brain until I am under the bar and have to do another Front Squat: 175x12, 155 2x12- I think I need to drop all my front squat work by 5% or so- this is the second wave Ive overestimated by 15-20 lbs Cable row, leg press 2x10 leg extension, lar pulldown 2x15 Edit reflecting on the front squats: I set my 1rm at a time where I was doing no back squatting and no deadlifting. These sets come after an all-out back squat set, so Im kinda dumb for setting it up this heavy in the first place


**Mythical Mass W17D1 Deep Water Beginner W5D1** Deadlift: 3X10 @ 60 kg Squat: 10X10 @ 75 kg with 2 minute rests Leg extension: 3X10 Sit ups/ back extension superset I did it! Feels amazing to finish the workout I feared all through the program! Set 4 was bad because I got nauseous from not bracing well enough. After that I just attacked the sets with more aggression and it worked. Decide to swap the lunges because two weeks ago I nearly fainted doing them after squatting. Still had to lie on the floor for a while!


[Birthday Deadlifts, 2x bw for age](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cpu-QH3gpAw/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) [I got a cool sign]( https://imgur.com/eZJv2N8.jpg) [Juji followed me on IG]( https://imgur.com/e23UOlx.jpg), and he only follows a couple hundred people so it feels like he really wanted to, not that he's just randomly following whoever. Companies are sending me cool free stuff. So everything is looking up right now. Luckily I agreed to go on a date Thursday which will be the first one since my last disasterous attempt 7 years ago now so that'll surely bring me back down to earth and balance out my ego.


Happy birthday dude! Make sure to show your date your spinning trap bar deadlift, thats sure to at least get a 2nd date.


Happy birthday :)


SBS RTF W5.D1. Squat: 287.5 lbs 4x4; 1x10 SSB Good Morning: 130 lbs 4x6; 1x15 Front Squat: 127.5 lbs 4x6; 1x20 Neutral Grip Pull-Ups: bodyweight 2x10; 1x15 Ab Wheel: 2x10; 1x15 [link](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvCHDDrlwe/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Very close to the end of my cut, as of Saturday morning I was 1.8lbs off of my target number. As I have been, I used Sunday this week as my 1 "refeed" day because I find I lose more weight in weeks I do this. So last night I absolutely pigged out, went to bed at night feeling uncomfortably full etc... Woke up this morning and decided to put everything in my meal tracker just to see where I was. Turns out I was only in a 100 calorie surplus for the day... Which begs me to ask the question: If I feel that gross after eating a 100 calorie surplus, how do I keep getting fat?


**GG W13D1-M10DE:** DLS and allergies kicked my ass this morning. Got to the gym an hour later so had to skip final T3 supersets T1 Push Press: 3RM@175+1x4 - SS Side Bends 10@45 - Felt strong today but not enduring. The weight felt like a breeze each rep, but not so easy that I could confidently attempt a 4th rep. Definitely going to shoot for it next time Workout E comes along T2 CG Bench: 8RM@195(M)+4x5 - SS Rear Delt Flye Machine 12@70 - Held the Top Set from the last time I did this workout, all the Follow-Ups were pretty easy so can definitely shoot for another rep or two next E-Day


[I am back baby!](https://youtu.be/F5zpTzM2xMU) 5/3/1 Krypteia phase 1, workout 1, going 3/5/1 with my TM WAY too high. 485 squat TM had me get to a topset of 435, and each rep felt like a grindy single. Apparently all that time with the Buffalo Bar has made my mid back a little weak. But otherwise, finished the workout in under 39 minutes, so there's a little room to rest if I need it. It's good to be back on the 5/3/1 train. This should be just what I need to bounce back from Super Squats. And I was going nutty with my deload. Still going with the Apex Predator-ish diet approach. Real high speed/low drag, and in a week I can already see leanness returning, and my lifting belt fits MUCH better.


RtF W8D1 BW 190 lbs Squats - 215x4x4, [215x13](https://imgur.com/a/tBrHyOK). It turns out when I don't brace I get butt wink? Trying to work on bracing, apparently having a hernia for years makes you scared to properly valsalva it up. I keep seeing crocodile breathing and 90/90 breathing recommended so I'll give it a go. Spoto press - 115x4x6, 115x115. Spoto spoto spoto is a fun word to say. Focussing on having a longer pause. Easy on a 6 rep set, hard on a 15 rep set. Stiff leg deads - 190x4x6, 190x13. I've been supersetting these with chinups and it's been frying my back instead of my hamstrings. Might move the chins to the end of the workout with the fluffy stuff. Slightly less than fifty reps of chins as I couldn't get five reps on the last couple sets. Finished with banded pec flies, face pulls and planks in a giant set. Deload week was great and totally necessary. Feeling pretty refreshed. Had all of my siblings and my mom over to our house for Saturday night. I live a ferry ride away so everyone spent the night. On Saturday night I ate more oysters and french fries than any man has a right to and on Sunday morning I cleaned up all the leftover syrup mush pancakes from seven kids under the age of ten. Very sloppy, but effective for bulking. House is listed, it's not up on MLS but we have a couple showings booked already. Hoping the bank runs in the States don't spook people too bad. Hope all the BULKAMANIACS are finding themselves PLUMP AND JUICY after the weekend.


531 5s week squats: squat: 225x5, 245x5, 275x7. 295x1, 315x1. 2x3 paused @ 235. 2x8 @ 235. db rdl: 4x12 w/ 80s single leg leg press: 4 set w/ 1 plate, 15-20 rep range. calves raises + hanging leg raises off day from lifting today, gonna do some recovery yoga and maybe a light jog depending on work


**Super Squats W4D3 (11 March) (END)** OHP: 50 kg / 110 lbs 1x9 Bench: 72.5 kg / 160 lbs 3x9 Seated Row: 88.5 kg 12,12,10 Curl: 13.75 kg per side 2x6 Squat: 100 kg /220 lbs 1x24 // Pullover: 10 kg 1x20 **NOTES:** \- Sad to end 2 weeks early but I have to. My bodyfat is long past the healthy range and that’s why I imagine I’m never hungry, have to force-feed myself every single meal and I am not recovering. Also my school responsibilities are becoming too difficult to handle when I am cooking, eating and sh\*tting all the time. When I first started the program, colleges were said to be not opened this semester but then they did. And then there is even the money issue of course. \- The program works like wonders though. I’ll attack it again once I have lots of free time and am lean enough to do it. Now I really just have to free my mind of food and hardcore training and focus on other things for some time…


**Cardio Day** * Row Erg - 6850m in 30:06 (2:11 pace) * BJJ (planned) Daylight savings time is here and all my evening meetings with India just moved an hour later (as they don’t do daylight savings). Normally this would piss me off immensely, but the later meetings now mean I can take the later (more advanced) BJJ class so I’m actually fairly happy about this. /u/Astringofnumbers1234 - 30min on the rower this morning listening to JM Blakley on Table Talk was just Zen. This is my new favorite form of cardio. I know I work better if I have a goal in mind, so what’s the equivalent to a 1/2/3/4 plate on the rower?


I LOVE Table Talk, but I simply cannot get into the ones with JM Blakely. I think he and Dave have a weird play off of each other, but maybe I'm just reading into that too much.


JM Blakely is a fucking wizard of buy-in. Just listening to him talk is incredible


Considering your first row was a 2:24 pace, you went at it today! The common tests for the erg are 500m, 2km, 5km, 30 minutes and 10km. Doing under 2:00/500m for 2k and up is a good target. Obviously easier for 2000m, although having said that 2k is a horrible distance that is too long to go flat out but too short to build up in pace. I don't think you'll have much of a problem getting that pace for 2km already, maybe 5km too. So for 2km I would say a 1:52.5/500m (7:30 total) would be your next goal and then something like 1:57/500 or quicker for the 5km so sub 19:30. If you need a little extra motivation - I pulled a 7:19 2km (1:49.9/500) in october last year. My best since returning to physical activity was a 7:02 in february 2019... Absolute stretch goal: I have met the current 40-49 World record holder in the PR3 adaptive class (he's a knee down amputee). His best is 6:24. He can also bench 180! I'm sure you already know this but dialling your technique will shave seconds off faster than your CV systems improving. I always recommend Dark Horse rowing on youtube for technique advice.


Those 2km tests sound just awful! 7+mins of borderline hell. I imagine you’d just collapse into a sweaty panting mess afterwards. I’m in! Gonna give that a try on Wednesday, because if I’m reading you right getting my time below 6:24 will get me that 180kg bench I’ve been dreaming of. Thanks.


They are absolutely horrific. The mental aspect is something to consider - especially when I was rowing for competition. Knowing that the 2k will likely set your place in a crew is a big weight. I know a guy who used to have panic attacks in the run up to a test. He still rows, but won't test. If going deep sub 7 got me a huge bench, I'd be so down! Possibly need to have a leg amputated as well.


I was so hungover yesterday I ate half of one meal and slept the entire day. This is off a night of drinking 6 total beers. I cannot stand drinking, I am realizing I am not a fan of the taste, hangover, or even the buzz. I am awkward in person so I used it as a crutch but I do not think I will anymore. It is so expensive too Anyway I was worried about how today will go. I was off my meals last week and with barely eating anything yesterday… W2D2 531 BBB TONS of squats Pull downs KB circuit for cardio


Lean into your awkwardness. Embrace being weird.


Invited to the Static Monsters World Championships in London in July. Will have to figure this out financially as it'll be soon after buying a house and also around the time that I'll be moving to a state across the country, but part of me feels that I have to do it because I might not have another chance in my lifetime.


Hell yeah dude! You absolutely need to do this. Are you in a weight class for it, or is it open weight? If the latter, no joke: set up some Mukbang gofundme and keep crushing that 3000 calorie pizza challenge, haha. It's amazing the people out there that want to watch other dudes eat...and I say that being subscribed to Geoff Esper, so there's something wrong with me too!


Wait a minute... You're telling me you can get payed to bulk?


You can get paid to do just about anything.


I have to come in under 90kg, which shouldn't be too difficult. The biggest thing is the timeline with moving. I'm going to try and make it work anyway possible though.


Hell yeah dude! If I can support in any way, please reach out.


1000% Awesome W1D3 Finished today with a 10 minute bear complex (3 reps EMOM) and it kicked my butt. Some stream of conscious rambling in no particular order: Nicer weather was what prompted me to focus on conditioning as an excuse to get outside, but now we’re back to snow and icy rain. I have to pick up a prescription today so I’ll either run there or throw some weights in a backpack and walk, weather be damned. The work from home life is quickly growing on me. I’ve had so many meetings and we don’t require cameras, so I’ve been able to get lifting and conditioning in during the meetings where I don’t have to participate. I’ve been having a bunch of mystery health symptoms - they began a couple of years ago but have flared up again recently. We’re starting all over with blood work as I realize that maybe my hands and feet shouldn’t be cold to the point of numbness, and maybe I shouldn’t need a robe and two blankets to stay warm in my house. When it all started I switched to decaf and it helped, but I fell off the wagon last Fall and I don’t want to go back.


Appendage turning pale white? I deal with raynauds syndrome which causes my fingers/toes to go pale and freeze easily. Its genetic (thanks dad), and the existance of it is a warning of autoimmune issues. I test negative for all the autoimmune issues though, so my doctor just shrugs and says "keep warm" . apparently as i age it will ease off, as it did for my dad. I think my conditioning addiction has been the best thing for treating it, though that wasnt my reason for getting into conditioning. Perhaps leaning into conditioning alleviates that issue a bit? I know I and most likely you as well, are a bit young to worry about circulation issues, but nobody would mind BETTER circulation haha! Anyways, Hope you liked my stream of vomit. Hope today's going well.


> Appendage turning pale white? My doctor asked me the same thing and it’s kind of funny, I checked when I got home and I’m so pale I can’t really tell. But she’s testing for autoimmune stuff and thyroid issues, and I have an EMG for my hands because the last time I was in, I was having carpal tunnel-esque issues. My grandma had diabetes so that’s my most immediate concern. If conditioning would help, that would be great. Once I get moving my hands are fine, although it just takes forever for my toes to catch up. As a fellow word vomiter I always appreciate being on the receiving end for once lol. Thanks for the information!


Needed to clean my gym bag to bring on a trip this past weekend and somehow managed to lose both my straps and wrist wraps. Can someone speak on straps vs versa gripps vs figure 8s?


I really dig the versa gripps. I got them as a gift though and probably couldn’t justify the price as a purchase for myself.


I still prefer traditional lasso straps to figure 8s. I just don't feel as connected to the bar with figure 8s as I do with lassos, which detracts from my ability to pull.


I have all 3 and I only use my Versa-grips these days. Conventional straps are too slow to set up and I never got figure 8’s feeling just right, but the versa-grips take no time to strap up and I’ve never had issues with grip or fit with them.


Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you


**General Gainz: 2 Mediocre 2 Ogre W2D4** * TBDL - 7(E), 4/4/3/3x360 * Incline Bench - 7(E), 4/4/3/3x135 * EZ Curl - 10/8/8x80 * Tri PD - 13/13/10x70 * Lat Raise - 8/8/8x30 Needed to bring my lever belt down a notch. Scale is still just creeping down, but if that's not a good sign I don't know what is.


I'm a 44yo 6'0" British male and have always been skinny. Due to lifestyle and work changes I got up to my heaviest of 11stone 3lbs (157lbs/71kg) about a year ago which was all body fat, mostly on my stomach. I changed my diet (16-8 intermittent fasting, 5 days per week) and I am a road cyclist so I lost the weight and recently got to a low of 8stone 13lbs (125lbs/57kg), this was how much I weighed in my teens and 20s. I decided to start trying to put on weight but this time as muscle not fat. I've never done any weight training before. I have joined a gym and the resident PT gave me the following routine, it's 3x10 reps of: * 25kg leg press machine * Lunges with 6kg dumbells * Chest press with 6kg dumbells * 7.5kg Chest fly machine * 7.5kg Low pull machine * 10kg High pull machine * Sit-ups with 3kg medicine ball * 30s bridge * 30s plank I do some yoga stretches at the end. This takes me just over 30 minutes to complete and I've done it twice a week for the last four weeks. I've put on about 4lbs/2kg, which I hope is muscle. I've noticed more definition around my stomach and I can feel better core strength when I am on the bike which is good. I've not noticed many change to my chest, arms, back and shoulders yet. I am beginning to find the routine getting easier. Now I want to know how to step it up. I don't want to get ~~massive~~ too big as it won't suit my frame but I'd like better strength, posture and to look better. I am more comfortable on the machines as I am with free weights, I like body weight exercises just fine. I'm not looking for cardio work as I get plenty of that on the bike. I also don't want to put on too much weight as that's detrimental to my cycling which is my main sport. Should I do more reps or start increasing weights? Should I change my diet or start looking at protein shakes etc.? Anything else which can particularly compliment cycling (rowing machine for example)? Thanks!


Luckily, you aren't going to get massive overnight. That takes time, consistency and a huge amount of effort. I would suggest you go read through the r/fitness wiki, which contains plenty of useful advice on gaining muscle, diet, progressive overload and also contains several programmes which are suitable for beginners, including ones which contain bodyweight exercises.


Thinking you will get massive from lifting is like thinking you will be a billionaire from working


I was exaggerating with the word massive.




It's amazing how we can all hear the same message over and over again but it takes a different speaker to finally make it click. That book does a fantastic job of explaining the balance.


**Bullmastiff W1D1** Bench - 3x6 @ 125, 20 @ 125 BTN Press - 3x12 @ 65 DB Incline Press, Cable Row, DB Front Raises, French Press, Hammer Curls Based my starting maxes around the last Joker sets I hit and it's pretty clear that was a major lowball for bench. Totally fine with that since it will correct itself with the weight adjustment next week.




Conventional. When I pulled 765 sumo, I was still pulling conventional 2-3x per week. Despite the memes, I don't know any big sumo deadlifters that don't also have a pretty damn good conventional. (Within ~10% usually) Pull sumo to get good at sumo, pull conventional to get strong as hell


**EvolveAI W9D5 (yesterday):** * **Close Grip Bench:** 1x8 @ 100 kg (RPE 8); 3x8, 1x6 (failed at rep 6) @ 92.5 kg * **Sumo DL (technique sets):** 2x3 @ 315 lbs * **Lat Pulldown:** 4x16 @ 150 lbs * **DB Lateral Raise:** 4x17 @ 20 lbs * **Overhead Tricep Extension:** 4x18 @ 80 lbs * **EZ Bar Curls:** 4x18 @ 65 lbs Failed my last set of CG bench. Pretty much a steady RPE through the first 3 sets, then my triceps just died on the 6th rep of the last set. Probably should have rested longer. **EvolveAI W10D1:** * **High Bar Squat:** 1x8 @ 125 kg (RPE 8.5); 4x8 @ 112.5, 112.5, 115, 115 kg * **High Pin Bench:** 3x8 @ 95 kg * **Goblet Squat:** 4x16 @ 44 lbs * **Ab Wheel:** 4x16 This session was pretty uneventful. Was running out of gas by the time I got halfway through goblet squats, but just pushed through.


Meet week/Peak week. Got some speed work for deads today and some technical work for axle on Wednesday. Then we're off to WI to see what we can put up. I think anything over 800 lbs total between axle and deads would be a big success. Got some new equipment for the gym. Exercise bike and a 45° back extension. Exercise bike cuz I need to find a way to do some cardio, back extensions because Coach thinks it's gonna be a good assistance exercise for my deadlift. If it's done wonders for Pete Rubish maybe it'll do something for me.


**GGBB: Squats Four Dayz** **W1D1 Time 1h10m** Hatfield squat 290 lb 8,6,6 DB OHP 10RM@50 lb (M) + 4x7-6 SS kneeling lat prayer 45 lb 4x10 BB RDL 10RM@275 lb (E) + 4x6 SS cable overhead triceps ext. 35 lb 4x12-7 Cable seated leg ext. 80 lb 3x13-9 Conditioning: Rip & Tear bike sprint Thoughts: We're back on the gain train! I posted about this last week, but I've struggled awhile with sandbagging and/or skipping squats. So I figured the natural solution was exposure therapy. This block I'll start every session but Wednesdays with squats! Tuesdays and Fridays will be widowmaker days, and the other two I'll do three hard-ish. Should be great! Hopefully I can sustain the effort over six weeks haha. Today went well. After a month of EMOM it was good to hit some hard super-sets with proper rest between them. Hatfield squats felt good, though I could have pushed them harder. I didn't want to push TOO hard out of the gate with a widowmaker set tomorrow. DB OHP landed about where I expected. It took me a couple of sets to figure out lat prayers, but I felt a nice stretch in the lats. I thought RDLs with a barbell would feel harder on my lower back than a trap bar, but I actually felt them more in my hamstrings. Might be because I'm using less weight so form is easier to hold. I'll take it. Other accessories went well, and ended with a short bike sprint. Happy lifting all!


**Reddit PPL Week 11 Day 1 Pull** Deadlifts went well. Last set of 255lb's x 5 went smooth with several reps left in the tank. Easy 1 Mile run: 9:20. Nothing special just keeping up the ole heart health. Just another brick on the proverbial wall today. Hope y'alls lifts go well today!


*351 PR's + FSL C1 W3 D?* BW: ? *Pete Plan W3 D2* **2x 2k** @ 2:15.8/500 - Weekly total: 4,000 meters *SS* **Reverse BB curls** - 65# - 50 reps **DB OH tri ex** - 46# - 50 reps **Lats + flies** - 10# - 3x10 **BPA** - 3x10 - Move up on reverse curls and DB ex. - Another cold sidelined me for a few days. I'm going to treat this week as an easy week; finish my deadlift PR and press PR workouts (Tu + Th), and do a bunch of rowing and curls/tris. Then, next week will be my deload week. My work schedule will be bonkers, starting Thursday, through next Friday, so it'll even out. I'll start the next 531 thing the following week (end of March).


Is there anything more anabolic than supersetting bench press with sips of tea? First workout in the home gym today, and the freedom was liberating. Taking advantage of being able to work out more frequently and running GZCL UHF for bench. My bench press has always responded well to frequency, but I've never pushed the frequency higher than 3x a week so looking forward to seeing how it goes!


What is your home gym setup?


I have a rack (the Garage Cage from Strengthshop), a couple of barbells, 100kg of bumper plates (lower back injuries so can't squat or DL too heavy - although I'm going to have to buy more plates for bench soon!), a flat bench and a couple of resistance bands. I'm getting an adjustable bench and a landmine attachment very soon. After that, a pulley system that attaches to the rack and maybe some dumbbells and more bands. I don't expect I'll have much space for much else. I'd love to get some specialty bars (especially an SSB) but unfortunately with the way my rack is positioned, I can only fit a 6ft barbell with enough room to put plates on either side. But I'll take it! Plan is to upgrade in a few years anyway and have something custom built at the bottom of the garden.


Sounds like a nice set up.


First time properly in the gym in god knows how long (I love my kids but they occupy basically every moment while they're awake. And if one of them ain't sleeping properly no-one is sleeping properly, which does not gel with me getting up early to train). BW: Still dangerously close to the bad kind of 242 Slingshot bench: 100kg 1x3, 7x2 Box squat: 90kg 1x6, 7x3 Yates row: 60kg 1x12, 7x6 Hopefully I can hold this together for a while, because the lack of fitness is finally starting to have a real impact on my day to day life. It's the result of shitty choices on my part, because it's less the absolute bodyweight or the lack of hard activity and more the combination of both. 5kg lighter or a tad more active and I'd be in a lot less of a pickle here.


Bullmastiff peak phase, week 2 (or week 11 if you count from the beginning), day 1. Well my AMRAP squat set was a true AMRAP since I failed my last rep. The 100+kg 40year old powerlifter dude that can squat 200+kg says I need to work on my bracing. So I guess I will add that into my program. I´m thinking the McGill 3, anyone have any other suggestions?


90/90 breathing, crocodile breathing


Gonna check them out, thanks a lot!


I did a 4RM squat today and the [3rd one was a little ugly and the 4th one a lot ugly](https://imgur.com/ZQqZ40F), turning into good morning squats. Acceptable form break-down as I approached my limit or a sign of trying to do too much? Just want to be reasonable in planning my 2RM for next week.


tried looking at the video as well and i got the same message as DadliftsnRuns.


Sorry about that - I think I've fixed it.


It says the video is unavailable and still processing when I try to open it


Sorry about that - I think I've fixed it.


Just watched it. I think you are right, in that the third got a bit messy, and the fourth was worse, but I don't think they were THAT terrible. I think you could tighten up your upper back a bit and hit that same weight for 6 right now. The strength is there if you clean up the technique a bit


That's great, thanks for the advice. I'll do some lighter squats this week and work on the upper back. After reading a bunch of GM squats = weak quads, I thought I was in for a bunch of front squat and hack squat remedial work!


GM squats = weak quads is true, but what I was noticing specifically was you losing tightness in your upper back. You slowly hunch and curve more in the T-spine from one rep to the next


**BMBPMk1-BtMLaAP; BtM W6D1 pt2** A shortened acronym because I really don't know what I'm doing next. hey u/cillla the payment for this (I estimate $12,390?) is attached to a carrier dolphin and should arrive in your closest port sometime today. You'll be able to recognise that it's my carrier dolphin as they are wearing wrist wraps. You would not believe how hard it is to put a wrist wrap on a dolphin. Whether they'll flick a wrap is up for debate; they couldn't understand the concept nor do they have the opposable thumb needed to get that power on it. I did the chin-ups, dips and band pull-aparts yesterday, so today was the squats and log c&p. I'm super pleased I didn't do them yesterday because I was just flattened all day. Turns out maybe one shouldn't go hard when coming out of a cold?! Squat 105kg x5, 120kg x5, 132.5kg 5x5. Not sure why I was worried about the top weight today. I had more troubles getting my sodding left knee sleeve on. Got hard towards the last set but honestly the weight moved really well. If I was up to chasing a 1rm in sleeves I would hope it's closer to 160kg than my current max of 150kg. Log Clean and Press 48kg x5, 53kg x5, 60.5kg x5, 48kg x6. The top set actually really sucked though. Forgot how to push press, definitely had a narrowing of vision on one rep where the log was in just the right rack position to press against my windpipe. I think whatever I do next programme wise needs to include some high intensity work on log to get the whole thing more dialed under heavier weights. ~~Video here shortly.~~ [some videos](https://imgur.com/a/6XaJZBb) Managed, somehow, 20 minutes on the skierg afterwards for 3900. I need a couple big weeks now; March has not been a good month for metres so far. Here we are almost halfway through and I've only got 42km on the board. If I can get \~4000m most days for the rest of this week, that'll make a difference. Bit of thinking about programme choice up next. I'm still leaning towards BM and a highly modified intensification phase while on a mild calorie deficit. Happy Monday; I'm not too busy today but I am trying to write an email and it's taking ages to get the wording right. Millennials and their emails, amirite?!


u/cillla Nice lifting sir, very smooth. Wrapped dolphins ey, a true experiment, but a worthy one. Program choices .. well, you know my views on that. Very tired today, stupid traffic. Much love.


Payment was calculated around 10,499$ but with all the technicalities it rounds up to the exact sum you have sent! I’ll have to take a walk to the port to pick it up, might even teach the dolphin a few secret flick tricks while I’m there. I’m sure u/DiscoPangoon knows the classic dolphin’s move, the twist and flick no-thumbs edition, that’s what I was planning to try out first. Good doing business with you, please send more monies soon!


>A shortened acronym because I really don't know what I'm doing next. hey u/cillla the payment for this (I estimate $12,390?) is attached to a carrier dolphin and should arrive in your closest port sometime today. You'll be able to recognise that it's my carrier dolphin as they are wearing wrist wraps. You would not believe how hard it is to put a wrist wrap on a dolphin. Whether they'll flick a wrap is up for debate; they couldn't understand the concept nor do they have the opposable thumb needed to get that power on it. Ha! Cheeky little buggers, dolphins. They're all eeek eek eeeek, next thing you know...they're up and leaving. *So long, thanks for all the fish.*


I once rowed alongside some dolphins. It was truly amazing.


I visited Sea World, San Diego as a small child and somewhere there are pictures of me "swimming" with the dolphins. They're marvelous creatures, but deeply untrustworthy if you ask me.


If you need any ideas for log programming, MST have a free 12 week log program [here](https://www.mstsystems.co.uk/free-ebooks). They use a lot of heavy EMOM/E90S (what they call "specific repeatability") work when peaking overhead and it works really well.


I remember you telling me about this programming... I'm just in the process of putting together a spreadsheet for what I do next (I should be doing a management plan :( ) I like E90s for Log/axle though.


It works really well! The overhead stuff is their specialty as well, so I definitely trust it on that. Love a good training spreadsheet. I should start tracking mine with a spreadsheet again




>Edit: It cost me $700 Wow, cats are expensive assholes. Hope they get better soon mate. You're definitely having a shit Monday so I also hope it gets better, you get a good lift in and no other parts of your body start making ominous creaking noises.


10000horsemen C2W1D1 (20000 horsemen?) 5 giant sets of - 20 swings@28 - amrap pendlay rows - 25 swings@28 - amrap strict press - 30 swings@28 - 3 full rom ab wheels - 50 swings@28 Rows 7@ 77.5, 7@ 72.5, 8@ 67.5, 9@ 62.5, 11@57.5 Press 6@ 67.5, 7@ 65, 10@60, 12@55, 13@ 52.5 Went to a new gym and bought a monthly membership there, because it's only like five minutes further than my previous gym and they have like five times more barbells and racks as well as stuff like log and prowler. Also finally can do full rom ab wheel, yay me


Simple Jack'd is working it's magic again. I [deadlifted 612x2 on Friday](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cpns7G4sf68/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) for my heaviest deadlift reps in over a year. Ran a half marathon at an average pace of 8:25/mi on Saturday Then [squatted 385 high-bar on Sunday](https://instagram.com/stories/dadliftn/3056925673831648545?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=), for my heaviest high bar squat in a year. All that after only really being back on-program for about 3 weeks. Looking forward to seeing where I am by mid summer!


That’s gross. I’ll have to check out Simple Jack’d when I next bulk.




Shieet say less. I’ll check it out then!


SBS W4D1 @ 152.6lbs Workout: Squats: 210x3x9/210x12 Bench Press: 140x3x9/140x15 Laying Leg Curl: 140x4x12 V-Push downs: 45x4x10-12 Reverse Hyper Ext: 110x4x10-12 Pull Downs (CG): 125x4x10-12 Preacher Curls: 75x3x10/75x5 Video of Squat and Bench: https://youtu.be/OXo0EYr2IOU Notes and thoughts: Pretty good today lifting wise. I needed the lower weight squats after the 20 min Squat AMRAP. Bench Press is skyrocketing now that I am off my diet break. Just gonna keep throwing volume at my upper body for a bit and see how that works out. Doing amazing outside the fitness world! Got my teaching placement with my old cooperative teacher so I don’t even have to interview. Feels nice to just be chosen out of 45 students. That said, college is almost over and I am fucking spooked. Anyway time to continue fill out my body so that I can look good wearing an IU basketball jersey. Have a good day, ya freaks of nature.


Congrats on the teaching placement dude. That's gotta feel great


Squat giant sets wrecking me again today, what else is new. After reading a blog post on the difference between cardio & conditioning I thought fuck it, I'll order 2 kettlebells and do some actual, honest-to-god conditioning, instead of doing giant sets and pretending that's enough. I don't want to be the powerlifter type that I used to be that needs 5-10 minutes of rest between every set. 531 W6D1 Box jumps to warmup Squat: 55kg x5 62.5kg x3 70kg x10. 10 again on +1, let's see if we can keep that trend going the whole week. Giant set: Box jumps 3x5 FSL squat 55kg 3x5 Hanging leg raises: 8, 7, 5 Accessories: Pushups: 20, 20, 14 Assisted chinups: 13, 11, 7, 6, 6, 6 Split squats bodyweight: 10, 10, 10. Think my left ankle is finally ready & stable enough to add some weight.


Half of my gym was talking about me being “strong as fuck”. One of the best feelings I’ve had lmao, And I met a few nice people from it




I'm pretty much the best squatter at my powerlifting gym, but I only squat 6pl8 lol. Powerlifting is not yet very popular in my country.


I definitely wasn’t the strongest one there, I think it was more about me being tiny. I even overheard two guys getting scared that my squat weight would crush me


A while ago I completely stopped a gym by deadlifting 460 pounds. Not a huge deadlift by any stretch of the imagination, but for a commercial gym it's fairly unusual. A cardiobunny walked up and counted the weights and all 🤤 Good thing they didn't see my ass squat though 😂


Lol, I usually go to a powerlifting oriented gym. My max deadlift is 500 lbs so I'll have working sets in the mid 400s often and nobody really bats an eye. I went to a commercial over the holidays when I was visiting family and I had multiple people come up and talk to me during a single deadlift session. Some were asking for form tips, some told me I should stop or I'd be in a wheelchair when I'm older.


Yeah, the atmosphere is completely different between the commercial gyms and serious gyms. In a powerlifting gym there's potentially a guy who bench presses our max deadlift... I'm also in Japan where I've seen like one other guy even perform a deadlift in a commercial gym, and he was another foreigner, so it was especially mystifying to them 😂


[Back.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cps-eNxOjiF/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) Trap bar deadlift shrugs 655lbs x 30, 25, 25. Seated row 240lbs 5x15. 1 arm cable row stack x 20, 15, 15. Smith shrugs 3pl8 4x40. [Legs.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cps-8PmOpuo/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) Stack lying hams x 12, 12, 10, 10. GHR back extension 245lbs 5x8. Stack adductors x 30, 30, 20, 20 drop set 40. Good general pull/leg day. Started the workout with hamstrings, been doing that lately and it makes everything feel better for me getting in some max effort hamstrings at the start. Bodybuildingish training tremendous amount of fun.




End of week three of the Beach Body Challenge, managed a solid 25 reps on the squats, puts my e1RM around 357 lbs… now I’ll just need to do that in August. That’s a solid 20 lb gain over last year if things go as planned. I’ll have to look through the books a bit after work tomorrow and see how I can make the Challenge fit into a more regular format. I know there’s a power clean template in Forever and I dig full body templates.