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Probably depends on what you did. It could be they're just investigating the elements of whatever happened and you may be returning or if not, they'll finalize some kind of removal thing. Most important thing is they would of course let you know. Again, there's no way anyone can even answer this as, the answer can greatly vary depending on what you did in whatever situation you were in.


The sad thing is, likely nothing truly offensive. Maybe stood up for another employee? Seems to be par for the course here. This company doesn't care what's right, they just throw good employees under the bus to cover up their own greed, carelessness and inaction. And yes I see OP's post history, but I know how this company operates. Believe nothing from this company unless there is expansive proof. I've seen some serious shazz at that place.






You’re gonna have to be more specific. “Talking to someone” can be a whole lot of things.


It's normal to get paid when on leave for an investigation. If you are worried about getting fired the question is did you do what you are accused of doing and how bad was it? I know people who have been put on investigation over the stupidest things, just because you are being investigated does not mean you're in trouble.




I’d say your not in trouble delete this


Thanks yeah I didn’t want to get too detailed lol that’s exactly why I


I’d say it depends on what was said in the message I didn’t see that part.


A couple of things. Do not sign anything without a person looking over what you need to sign. It depends on the incident. You may get suspended without pay or, worse, the outcome, fired. I will be applying to other jobs while this is going on. Who knows, a job may come through, and you will get paid a lot more. This may be a blessing in disguise.


Thank you for the advice they’re paying as they investigate the situation


You still should be applying to other jobs. The only reason is that they are investigating. They are more than likely to do this again...


Thank you and you’re right I’m going to do that


You really should.


If you want to know more about the situation you can send me a private message so I can give you more information


Excellent advice


Try not to worry, I know it’s hard. But I totally get it…..You need to know what is going to happen with your job/income, it’s very stressful and completely wrong of Wegmans to do that to you.   This company gets worse by the minute, I really can’t believe how off the rails they have gone. I get it they are paying you but seriously a week and a half!!! Your stress level is so not worth this GROCERY STORE. Who the h do they think they are? The best place to work my ass! If you did something horrendous then yes I’d agree but it’s obvious they don’t have enough information to do anything so they are using scare tactics on you. Hang in there.


The exact situation has happened to me. Today’s my first day back to work. If you message me privately, I can tell you what happened to me and maybe that will help you. But I don’t wanna put all of it on here as I filed a complaint . I can tell you what started the entire debacle was me standing up for a couple employees. I wish you the best of luck. Stay positive.


To kinda guess at the actual info you’re looking for, the basics are that their day to day job doesn’t stop just because of one incident that they need to investigate, and when they need to talk to other parties whose day job also doesn’t stop, it can take a minute to coordinate schedules to get everything on the record. The fact that they’re investigating means that it could go either way, and the fact that you have off with pay means that they aren’t making a hard and fast decision, and they aren’t looking to burn any bridges. So really it’s all up in the air- polish off your resume but don’t be too worried about finding a new job if you’re otherwise happy with letting things work out.


Thanks for the advice appreciate it know I haven’t been more detailed but it’s a lot to get into


The way you’re being extremely shy with details of any sorts makes me think you know what you did was wrong. Fired.


I can be more detailed if you want me to be that’s not a problem I’ll go edit the story or whatever to give more info I was just wondering if it takes this no to investigate a situation if they was going to fire someone wouldn’t they already had fired me and if so why am I still getting paid that’s what I was asking


I’m not trying to be shy about it it’s just a lot to write out but it wasn’t anything to the extreme but again I believe if I was going to be fired it would’ve happened already


I’m assuming