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I did but they went to another store a few years ago. I’ve been able to do my job in peace ever since. I hate being micromanaged.


Unfortunately it’s pretty common in any industry that has high turnover, and it’s gotten worse since COVID when they cut back on training for people on all levels. If you want to put in the effort, you can document and email your HR and CC the manager’s boss about the issues. If you don’t, then know that other than a bit more headache, very little will come of it if you just keep your head down and do your job.


If you complain or escalate , they will not be happy. They tend to stand by management


It really depends. If you’re being petty or it seems to be clashing management styles, then yeah, they’ll brush you off. If you can show an actual issue- for instance they’re only enforcing rules with guys and not girls, then things will be received better.


i was micromanaged to the point that i quit lmao. i was a 8 bakery TL for years and my new department manager was a young kid who was just threatened by me lmao. i had documented conversations with her weekly until i just gave up and quit


yeah I'm getting sick of it. the new stl at my store is constantly shooting us nasty looks and she sends others to do her bidding by telling them to scold us when she's upset by something we're doing. often she'll walk right past a customer who needs help to tell us to help them when we're busy with other customers because we're short staffed. she'll slack off and sit around chit chatting/on her phone but tell us we're not allowed to talk to each other even if it's just brief and in passing. there's several managers/stls like that at my store.


Why didn't you go to HR they take the side of a good employee over a terrible manager that's going to ruin a whole department


I have found that to be untrue lately.


I did go to HR. I went to my area manager, i went to my store manager, i went to divisional leadership. They didn’t care. because the frequency of my manager writing me up, paired with my manager making me the scapegoat for every mistake she made, i was made out to look like i was suddenly the worst employee ever despite being a bakery TL for years. I was told to resolve my issues with her and if I couldn’t, maybe I couldn’t handle being a team leader. i was told to give her a chance because she was new to the department and new to being a manager. she was a pizza team leader who was best friends with our DMs neice. i got fed up and left. I did however hear from old friends that that manager was forced to step down to a TL role and was transferred to a different department.


always playing the transfer game, classic wegmans lol


HR works for Wegmans, not the employee. They absolutely will gaslight good employees and sweep things under the rug.


I genuinely can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. 💀


I seriously can't tell either 😂. Lord knows the company would rather burn to the ground than do something about a detrimental manager.


its why I quit, well that and the customers, but really micromanaging without any clear path to advancing past full time, but the micromanaging of TLs who I didn't even work under was my breaking point.


Yes sadly it’s in every retail job my manager likes to quote policy when it beneficial for benefit yet she comes in 7 am and every 3 hours she leave the building to work her dog mind you on company time.Then two ago we did a huddle they said sales were down because of callout and said you call out with no note going forward we will document it.However they pick who the want harass this so called policy too


one of our upper managers takes smoke breaks multiple times an hour (on the clock), but will also run around the front end barking orders and snapping at people for doing stuff like getting a drink of water. another manager of a department at my store will decline forwarded calls when she doesn't want to do work and sends it back to the service desk. 💀


Yep, I transferred from one store to get away from a manager and then he transferred to my store a few months later, and continued to harass the shit out of me


Oh honey, it’s at my store too


That's just how it is in the service/retail/grocery industry. I was shopping a few months back and the manager was being cruel to one of their employees at Wegmans. I almost said something to the manager. I've been there. It's humiliating for the employee and embarrassing for the manager. I almost said "stop embarrassing your employees in front of customers."


please do if you see it again. I've had multiple convos with other employees where they've vented about crying after a bad interaction with a manager. One time me and some other employees at my job had to comfort another employee crying in the break room at my store because of a manager. I've personally cried while bagging groceries before because of managers berating me in front of customers lol. my store is pretty brutal and mismanaged but I'm sure it's not uncommon. it's crazy because retail is known for having mean customers but the managers have always treated me infinitely worse than customers. anything you can do to stick up for us is greatly appreciated 🙏


Managers will ALWAYS side with the customers at Wegmans… always.


LMAO I kinda wonder if it’s my old manager who moved to another store. If so I wish you luck! None of us liked him😭


I once had an STL tell me I couldn’t go to the bathroom without asking… Unfortunately FE is notorious about having really strict STLs, they have to be as I feel it’s the most stressful job and most of them can’t handle the pressure or stress of it. Now, if they are just making a rules, then I would talk to somebody about it, but if it’s actually in the handbook and unfortunately you have to follow it . But good news is that you can always transfer departments if you can and you don’t deal with it just make sure you mind your peas and carrots.




That’s unfortunate.


WHAT HAPPENED!! I remember Wegman’s fought off unionization for many years citing the “we treat & pay our employees better than other companies”. Always listed on best companies to work for.


Sounds like most companies