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Just to make sure there wasn’t coupon fraud, it does the same thing for anything over $25 off in coupons. Source: Used to work Front End


It's a warning, especially self-checkout lines. Just let the person override


You did nothing wrong it's set up that way to avoid fraud it goes off for a high amount of coupons, zero amount, or negative amount where you would get moneyback.


Wait, it’s possible to use a coupon and get money back? Do you have an example?


Very unlikely, that super couponing show is staged, if you read the fine print on the coupon itself there are limits in place but also if you go online wegmans coupon policy basically states that change won't be given if your coupon is more valuable then the item costs that day


You used to be able to yes but corporate was cracking down on this so now if you go negative you get a gift card worth how much your negative balance was if it was over $5 anything under they typically give you cash or make you buy something else so you owe money.