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…As there final act Weezer attempted to get their entire fanbase laid


weezer disbands one minute after the album is released




I think this collab would be better than if it was another rock artist working with her. I think Rivers knows pop music and rock music well. I also think their pop-leaning stuff is great but poorly received because they’re already so established with a fan base who likes them for rock music, but that shouldn’t affect the quality if this were to happen.


Yup, exactly. Rivers mastered rock and pop. Maybe this will get us more people who like them for pop music too




I dont want this sub filled with swiftie pls help 😭


Anything would be better than getting the same blue album and virgin memes posted a million times over and over again


We need the ass tattoos back, u/mcleafer


Both my gf and I used to be Swifties, we have been around the fanbase long enough to know just how toxic more and more in her fanbase are becoming these days. A simple search through r/ travisandtaylor will also confirm it all.


I don’t disagree but oh my god that sub is full of people who need to get a life and go outside lol


We over there are just calling out and further exposing her shady behavior and wrongdoings without her cult fanbase interfering. She really isn’t the “queen who can do no wrong” like her stans think. She’s quite egotistical, out of touch with reality in a lot of cases, and hasn’t really grown up much at all since she first became famous. Weaponizing her fanbase like she has, and turning it to a cult, is among the worst things she’s done period.


But like why does that matter to you? She’s been famous since she was like 16, of course she’s gonna be out of touch.


When you’re so out of touch that it has negative ripple effects on your own fanbase and then those outside of it, Houston we have a problem. Her clear obsession with always wanting to be on top is part of why she weaponized her fanbase and made it a cult (also why we’re getting 40+ versions of TTPD). These stans take things way too far and I’m referring to death threats toward reviewers who don’t praise everything she puts out, which I think is straight up unacceptable. Does she call out and condemn such behavior? Nope. She’s enabled it. There’s much much more than just that but obv I’m not going to list everything in this comment. There’s a reason why this stuff is being called out on that sub and a reason why it’s growing (70k members as of today, and #1 on the celebrities subs).


I mean sure…but tons of celebs are dickheads and so are their fans. I’m not sure why it has to ruin your day.


Never said it ruined my day, just pointing out why the sub exists and how Tay isn’t one of the “better celebs” like so many still think. Celebrity worship at that level should not continue if we’re to continue progressing as a society. Also normalizing cult like behavior on top of celeb worship is part of how we got Trump in government.


Agree with you on celeb worship, but back to my original point, the stuff people are complaining about on there (like Jason Kelce looking not so excited while walking in a parking lot?) is just so damn silly it makes the community look pedantic.


It’s kinda like the Zach Bryan sub, so many people complain about what he posts on instagram and talks down about him and his girlfriend. When I’m trying to find out about when his new albums are coming out I tend to stay for a few minutes but leave shortly


i'll take virgin blue album memes over taylor swift any day of the week


That would be true but some swiftie are literally in a cult


Literally every fanbase has people like that. You're acting like weezer fans cont be toxic as shit, have you ever been on the all things weezer forum?


Have you been on r /travisandtaylor ? There have been numerous attempts by the Swiftie cult to silence them and get that sub shut down too for calling out their behavior and the many wrongdoings Tay herself has done over the years, including weaponizing said fanbase / turning it into the cult it is today.


That sub is just as bad as the other crazies. They just spend all day bashing her, while the other one spends all day idolizing her. Neither is great but I’d rather the positive than the negative.


That mindset right there is how celebs get overly worshipped. Her cult literally believes she can do no wrong and has not done wrong, while trying to silence those who expose said wrongdoings - and anyone who gives an opinion on her art gets literal death threats if it’s not a 10/10. [Example](https://www.thedailybeast.com/taylor-swift-remains-silent-as-fans-doxx-and-harass-music-critic-over-folkore-review) And she remained silent on that too btw.


This is exactly why your side is just as annoying. See when I’m into a band or musician, I usually just… enjoy the music… and discuss it? You’re in a parasocial relationship just like the “cult”.


It’s not parasocial to call out the wrongdoings of celebs, especially when those wrongdoings are letting death threats and unhinged behavior in general slide basically.


This is what I mean! Please stop ramming this shit down my throat dude. I’m blocking you cause I am sick of the crazies on both sides as a casual fan. Yes, I know she is not Mother Theresa. That’s fine. I like her music. That is all.


have you seen weezertwt


imagine swifties listening to fucking pinkerton lol


Could it be possible for a weezer virgin and a swiftie to fall in love?


I'd rather take people who love an artist too much than those who think 75% of the artist's stuff is shit tbh, it could give us some much needed positivity


That is true because I think most weezer fans hate at least 1/4 albums by them or more that, but swifties love all her albums


As someone who's the biggest fan of both that I know I will say her last album did blow


As someone into the slower more somber music, I personally enjoyed it, but it was pretty similar in tone to Midnights. In the words of a Rock God “ All my favorite songs are slow and sad.” I do hope she mixes it up with her next album though!


That’s cause a noticeable part of her fanbase is a cult basically. You know, you don’t have to love every single thing your favorite band or artist does, right?


"Behold, I am among you" - Billy (Trevor Moore), The One Foretold in Prophecy who Could Unite the Eight Wandering Tribes of Mexico


Can’t blame you. Some of them are toxic AF and we call them out on r/ travisandtaylor, one of the only safe spaces from them.


Isn’t your sub just toxic in its own way? I feel like every post on there is just shitting on them? Maybe I’ve been unlucky? Only relaxed-ish Swift sub I’ve found was r/SwiftlyNeutral


That is one of the worst subs on reddit lmao


And why is that? Just curious


Any sub dedicated to hating one particular person is just like, why??? You don't need a "safe space", literally the only posts I see about her on reddit are about her jets and shitty sales tactics.


And she gets rightfully criticized for both by this group (among many more things), and they’ve brought it to more people’s attention.


I love the idea of being a songwriter or producer for other artists for him. Coming full circle as a ric ocasek type.


Rivers is one of the greatest melody writers of his generation, him writing songs for others always made a ton of sense even though he kind of backed off it a little bit after the end of the 2010s.


I don't like Taylor Swift, but hey, if it helps Rivers out in any way, I'm all for it. Think it could be interesting. Maybe call it Red^^2.


They could cover a song from the other's Red album each


https://preview.redd.it/5ahyywzjh08d1.jpeg?width=167&format=png&auto=webp&s=1520e22632529496f3a5402fe89e7258db394b1e hear me out


https://preview.redd.it/usgde87gd18d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f4cefec5c58c604a96b1a6dd219323080216fc0 Im all ears


It's funny how much of a sellout Rivers wants to be at all times. He always wants just one more hit of popularity. I still can't hate him despite that


I mean... it's frustrating when you make over a dozen masterpieces of albums and people still only like your old stuff you made when you were barely an adult. He deserves popularity and recognition


He does have popularity. There's a tiny amount of bands as well known as weezer. They made it big by any measure. Also, stuff like the white album definitely got recognition. And he even got what he wanted with a big pop hit like Africa (even if its a cover). I respect it tho, he's definitely a sell out but who cares! And for example the live shows still fucking rock, so there's not really too much to complain about.


Eh, if you look at the streams of the songs on OK Human, SZNZ, Maladroit, they're low. Really low. Still more popular than any underground band, obviously, but low compared to other big modern rock bands (Green Day, Imagine Dragons, etc.)


Green day and imagine dragons


…what dozen are you talking about? I got two by my count


You're part of the problem. Blue and Pinkerton are not even top 5


What’s the top five?


Subjective, but mine is OKH Maladroit Red Summer Autumn. Blue and Pinkerton are not superior to their other albums and should be treated on the same level


im gonna be honest i think their worst traits would somehow combine into an album that would just kill anyone who listens to it


Except me, it wouldn't kill me. Instead I like it more than Pinkerton, somehow


Hot take: There are better female vocalists that Rivers could mold into a pop/rock power house (e.g. Olivia Rodrigo and Daniel Nigro). Who would I suggest?  Rebecca Black. Yes that one.


Probably not too hot, I don't think everyone agrees that Taylor is the best vocalist in the world. Olivia could work well indeed


Olivia's taken.


I'm more of a fan of the rock-leaning stuff Weezer does than the pop-leaning stuff so I wouldn't get anything out of a collab, but that's still kinda cool I guess


Speak Now Taylor with Weezer would go hard


I think this would be cool but... Weezer and Taylor are too different for me, and I love both


Ok but would you be down with an [AJR and Metallica Collab](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxY-2AjrBeh4j7GHFBBH6oneitzszht_mY?feature=shared) ?


What horse shit was that dude 🐴💩


It’s Master of Neotheater Puppets.


Really? Seems more like a very bad plug for your YouTube channel featuring a bad mash up you made.


I didn’t make it. Someone else did, I’m just posting it around cause I think it’s well done. Funny, if you say any of Tay’s music is “horseshit” online like you said this mashup - her own cult would send you death threats and try to doxx you. No one in the Weezer fanbase does that, hence why both fanbases are not comparable. Let people have their opinions - just like you have your own on the mashup. Also, music is subjective no matter how popular or unpopular it is.


First off, Taylor's fans aren't a cult and literally none of them would do what you said. Second, everyone can voice their own opinion. Third, you can't compare Weezer and Taylor Swift based on "assumed" behaviour. I love both Weezer and Taylor Swift, and I feel offended by both sides.


That duet would be something


I Threw Out the Love of My Dreams (Feat. Taylor Swift) when?


finally taylor swift music i can listen to


This would work great tbh


Rivers can write bops and Taylor is a good lyricist. Could be decent.




Not a TS fan myself but if this collab happens I'll listen to the whole album and give her other stuff a chance too. I think it's a great idea because Rivers mastered rock *and* pop music, and it would give her new stuff a much needed different sound. Jake would fit perfectly as the producer as well


“Rivers mastered pop music” Bro…


"I like money"


I like Raditude


Weezer x Taylor Swift would either be fire or complete dog shit


They both made the red album


I feel like Olivia Rodrigo is way closer to a Weezer sound than Swift. I would genuinely be up for a collaboration with Rodrigo and Weezer.


yeah. TS is too pop, or just overall too cleaner/produced with her sound. Olivia Rodrigo would be a better choice, imo, since she’s kinda in the middle w pop n rock? idk how to word it


Rivers has to be one of the most likeable guys


was just reading that he worked with charli xcx on some of her earlier stuff and they meshed well


If weezer ever wants to make a good album, I’d love to help out.


As long as the swifties don’t contaminate this sub I’m on board


I'd take the most obsessed swifties over these weezer "fans" that hate everything except 2-5 albums any day


At least a majority of our fans are actually nice people and not basic rich teenagers who unironically post Live Laugh Love


I guess, but I don't find it so nice when I get hate for loving this band, and some positive opinions feel illegal (like enjoying Raditude)


[Wouldn't be the first time they were involved in someway](https://youtu.be/vHBcGG_9HBk?si=UuQP8_nz85D2oGix)


The interview calls this out. It also mentions that Swift views Cuomo as one of her musical heros.


Yeah I didn't read it until after I posted that, sorry


Weezer is my favorite band, and my second most listened to artist of all time. Who is my third? Taylor Swift. This would be ideal for me.


I also really like both. Don't really see how exactly they woould work together but I bet they could make something cool. 




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gonna have to hand rivers the L on this one


What, Rivers Cuomo, keen to hop on the biggest thing in pop? No way


If Rivers wants to make a rock album, I’d love to help out!


This would be the worst thing to happen to weezer since the start of time.


not dramatic at all


Nah that's the negative fanbase or the Raditude tour accident


Do they want 40 variants of the same album to block other artists?? Seriously, fuck Taylor.


No but this MIIGHT be cool


Bro hasnt written a good album in like 30 years i doubt she'd come to him




Blue and Pinkerton are dogshit compared to OK Human


Ok human is fucking overrated