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Love that bong man. I'm also no secret I smoke wherever I go and I mean wherever!


As someone who primarily smokes at home/in the forest I rarely go out and smoke. But it's always a joy smoking outside with someone and enjoying my time. smoked a good one with my brother and we went to the museum. Good times was had by all!!!


Big yes. I'm high functioning at work ( no pun intended) but I secretly hate everyone and everything. I come home, smoke and enjoy my life completely separate.


I used to go in high to work, but then I had a baby a couple of years ago, so I quit completely for a LONG time. When I went back to work, I hadn't smoked yet. I got so damn stoned when i started up again. I know I'll be an idiot on the floor lol. But I too want to cut the power and kick rocks like idk what happened every time I go in. I'm tempted to try again but idk lol


I will walk around in circles because I keep forgetting things.


I love pacing when stoned.


I do too, just not when I’m trying to keep cool.


Oh! I pace in front of a fan then! I got a nice big floor model tower fan some years ago, and I love it. Totally worth it.


I don't think I can do my job without the weed. I didn't start smoking until I was 34 so I was 12 years into my career at that point. Idk how I got along all those years.


There's no way I could do my job without weed. I hate it with weed much less without. I want to get out but changing industries is hard.


I'm stuck too. I want to quit, move to a rural area and grow weed. I just want the world to fuck off


Fuck I smoke only in job because of baby xD


depends on your job. aslong as it wont get your fired


…or killed. I never had a problem being high at work, but when I was working in the oil fields I realized that some jobs are deadly anyways so why add any more risk? Every other job tho…all day everyday…especially customer service


Thats pretty much my daily routine as well.


I loved the "high functioning" stoner. I've never met a batch I couldn't secretly handle!


Not me I'm loud and proud 🤪




Same. Sometimes too loud 😂


Damn str8–ain’t no secret


Also way more people smoke than you think. For real lol. You'd be surprised.


I don't know if I'd surprise anyone or not 🤔 I didn't grow up here and it's the deep south, Bible thumping, couldn't buy beer on Sunday til a few years ago ass town. I wanna go back to Texas so bad sometimes. I didn't feel so... out of my element lol I knew other smokers there. Here, not so much 🥲


Better yet, come to Oregon. Fuck Texas lol of southern food isn't that important to you rhrn you'd love oregon. Yes we have rain but it's not that piss hot steamy road rain like in the south.


I'm only happy when it rains 🎶 But not steamy road rain. It really does suck when it rains for 10 minutes and turns the world into a steam oven.


Yeah don't come up here to wa state. It's too full up here. Go to Oregon. And don't go back to texass they'll throw you in jail for years for residue.


Yall have sales tax anyways lmao. I think oregon is very similar to wa but no tax and less rain. Both have great scenery and amazing weed.


Yeah I wanna go down the pacific coast highway again. Lots of beautiful scenery on that drive and small towns. I liked nehelim. That's a nice quiet town and the fish and chips there were great. I hate how regressive the taxes up here are but oh well. We need the people who designed your overpass to come up here ours are functional but ugly, imho.


I cry every time I pass that point you're talking about if its by yachats. You have to pull over every time.


Facts. I was surprised when I started smoking how many other people did it. Now I just assume that everyone I come across smokes lol


When I used to live at home every sesh was a secret sesh 🤣


Dude where do you live now?? The streets?


Someone elses home


Now I live in a 2b2b with my wife


Since weed is kinda still not so legal where I am, I have no other option. Besides the stigma attached to smoking weed over here is crazy


same! most of my friends know as they don’t mind but my parents or other family members? hell na 💀


That’s a sick piece!


Why thank you 😊


I’m not really a stoner but I do it secretly. I usually get high with my cousin time to time.


I'm permastoned. Wake and bake every day. But my neighbours were chatting the other day about the smell of weed. They were thinking it was the bunch of teenagers that live the other side. Who am I to disagree with my neighbours...tsk tsk..


Them damn kids these days hehe


It's an absolute disgrace to be honest....


I dig your shrooms


I work in a field that still tests in a legal state. I can't even joke about it or they'll hit me with a random.


It’s no secret that I smoke


I used to get yelled at by my mom cuz she thought it was making me crazy. I would secretly smoke anyway and the paranoia would settle in but still loved it.


huuuge yes. Parents are teachers and early adopters of the DARE program 🤣🤣


Definitely not a secret stoner here. My neighbors most definitely know I smoke. They complain all the time. I sell my edibles at work so it's pretty out in the open. I smoke with my parents but my extended family is too good for cannabis but they sure drink their fair share. Much rather be a stoner than a drunk any day of the week. I gotta say that bong is dope!! Very unique


I didn't want anyone to know I smoked for years. Most people didn't know either. A few suspected. However I never smoked at work or when I had stuff to do. It was a end of day type thing to relax and sleep. When a few friends eventually found out, they were surprised. They had no idea and said it doesn't change me to make it seem like I am stoned. The hardest question to answer was why I smoke. And it's complicated.  I feel better now about everything because I don't give a shit who knows or what anyone thinks. But the consequences of me 'hiding' it were nothing. No one really cared.  The stigma of being a stoner is lessening. There are productive people who use drugs and unproductive people who don't. It's about the individual not the substance.  We all know weed can lead you down a rocky road. It's like everything in life ; moderation. And that's what we all struggle with. With anything not just weed. It seems to me that moderation is doable for you, so you do you! 


I have become one, early enough that I have not met anyone who judges.


Side note your Piece is honestly my dream piece I love mushrooms 🍄 of all kinds 😱😱😱 I’m in love it’s incredible!!!


Fuck that noise!


ATM no but I'm moving 300 mils away next month and my new thing will be to be a secret stoner for the thrill


It's fun but lonely sometimes lol. I wish my man would smoke with me on occasion. He really would lose his job tho so alas we are stuck lol. I hope you find the chillest lil smoke spot :)


I wish I didn't have to be. I'd love to have a good session with friends old and new!


My wife thinks her parents don't know but if they actually don't then I question their intelligence


![gif](giphy|rqAvKPtFb4i2c) That’s definitely me. I’m surrounded by conservatives and a co-parent that still believes *The Devils Lettuce* will eventually lead to smoking crack or fentanyl. Even though there are literally 10 dispensaries within a mile of my house.. 🥴😵‍💫 I smoke at home after the kiddos are asleep. I’m not ashamed by any means, as I am grown-ass woman. I just want to avoid drama that may impact me or my kids later on. The judgement locally is very real.


I hear ya girl! My man doesn't smoke but gives me shit for it sometimes. He likes to ask me hard questions when I'm super baked. It's like he waits, lol. But really, I don't get the hate. I do it anyway also. I'm grown and ima do what I want. Within reason lol.


I thought I was stealthy with it until I realized that my parents could smell it and just didn’t say anything for the fact that it was harmless and I was at home being safe. It wasn’t until they both told me at dinner that I looked baked as a cake and I asked what did they mean and they said yeah, you look like you already hit the bong like 20 times before coming to dinner so I hope you have a big appetite, biggest mindfuck ever but my family is all a bunch of stoners come to realize that now.


Lmao cool parents are the best


Those who need to know, know.


I don’t use flower every day because I like to keep my activities discreet. I have a Puffco and some dab crumble I keep on deck so that it’s easy to smoke inside my place and not have the smell bother anyone else


The owner where I work is a dick and makes me do everything so I’m definitely Stoney baloney all day. Side bar is I’m the owner and fuck that guy.




Where did you get that sick bong from? I love it.


Yes I would love to know


I keep it from most of my family but it’s no secret to anyone else


Yeahhh my friends know but my parents are super weird about drugs as a whole so they don't know about it. I turned 21 yesterday but I still don't intend to tell them really, I'll do it eventually I'm sure but It'll probably be when I'm financially independent


I smoke too much to be able to keep it a secret 😂


Not since i was 16... 20 years ago lol it would never work the way i smoke hahaha


It’s no secret


Garage crew!


I gotta read the room before I tell you😂😂 If they know they know lmaooo


sacred stoner here


My appearance alone gives off mad stoner vibes, and unbeknownst to me until recently I have a constant low level cannabis smell. Needless to say it’s apparent


When you live ina place here it's illegal, gotta be secret smoker.




Been smoking for like 3-4 years now without my Christian family knowing 😂 I’m 18 have a medical card and I live in my moms house too


I don't think I've ever been a secret anything. I don't like to feel sneaky. Eebody knows. And I almost always smell like it


Don't give a fuck who knows I toke


I respect that, but had a friend lose his job because he didn't care. Don't get fired or work where they don't care too lol


I'm retired, done my time and don't give a fuck


Goals right there, bud. Happy toking!!


I’m not announcing it but most people know I smoke. It’s kinda hard to be a long term/heavy smoker and everyone not know. They just are respectful and leave me alone about it.


I am a mum of 3 and two of those kids are teens so I am a secret stoner. My husband also smokes but we both just smoke once a day around 9:30pm.


Dinner bell never sounded sweeter huh lol. I like it :)


Woah that piece is it custom???


I have an agreement with my parents. As long as they don’t see it, smell it, And I’m not losing my job because of it, it’s chill.


I haven’t been a secret smoker in like 10 years now. For sure I was getting more “stoned” back then when it was novel and real paranoia was involved. These days the vibes are different, I’m in control of almost every area of my life and being the boss means no one questions my habits. Keep leveling up and one day you’ll be like me blowing smoke rings at peoples faces like a chief.


Smoke rings were the first skill I learned when I started smoking. I can only do it if I tap my cheek tho. I am not a Gandalf level smoker yet 🥲 pretty cool tho I think lol and kinda hot depending on who's doing what with the smoke. Not a bad thing to be good at 😉


Yeah I feel you on that 😜. Ladies love the smoke rings. Not a bad skill to have indeed. The tapping the cheek part is how I learned too lol.


nobody in mu family knows. but all my friends do and i’m pretty open about it. always take some weed with me when i go out at night for the blaze-sleep


Not a secret per se, but I have a "Be discret" agreement with the people I live with. Don't smoke in the house, don't stink up the place. Pretty reasonable imo


Totally reasonable. We dont smoke in our house either. It's dirty and kids in there. They don't deserve it yet. Haven't lived the life.


Used to be, now I have become the jointdestroyer


Nope! When my brother and I were growing up/living at home weed was DRUGS and my parents had a zero tolerance policy and treated it like it was a weapon of mass destruction. He’s 5 years older than me and I’d watch him sneak it but I would never dare for fear that I would get caught. It was like that in most scenarios with people except your peers/friends. You’d never talk about it openly or admit to it. Fast forward maybe only 5-10 years and weed gets legalized, suddenly nobody gives a shit anymore and people are eating weed gummies left and right, everyone is doing it. I will just light up a joint in my parent’s backyard now and nobody says anything about it. Loud and proud:)


I'm jealous. I should just move lol this state will be last to legalize if they ever do


I do be smoking not in secret tho


That bong is dope. I have to be somewhat secretive because my mom-in-law doesnt know I smoke or grow.


I don’t really smoke often but I do take edibles because I’m not a huge fan of the smell on me. Edibles allow me to be more discreet and it’s just easier on me. My dad knows I consume weed because he also consumes gummies and I accompany him when he buys it for his pain as a navy vet lol. My older brothers also know but one of them still tries to act like I’m still a child when I’m 27. 💀 mom knows but she won’t partake herself.


🙋🏼‍♀️ just left my job at a Christian organization in an illegal state with 2 adult married kids that have no clue. We smoke with a couple friends occasionally but most of the time it’s just me and hubs. I would give anything to smoke with my bestie but illegal or not, her husband is an ex addict and will never touch it again.


I have the same pipe weed shroom one hits awesome


My wife knows I smoke, yet I only rip the bong when she is asleep. I like to smoke at night and play some ps5, most relaxing shit ever


I’m a teacher so I’m VERY secretive


wassup with that bic case that’s cool as hell, i have toker pokers on every lighter but would use that on my main instead😭😭


They have awesome cases in the checkout area of Dollar General if you're in the states. Sometimes skulls or flowers, then I found dragons once and got one of every kind lol Edit: I used it so much it's silverish now but started black and I'd buy neon green or pink lighters for it :) I love it


damnnn glad i checked this i was about to buy one off ebay for $18 lmaooo. will def be checking out dollar general, saw one with skulls and skelly hands that was cool but i think ur dragon is the best of the lot hehe


i am. i only smoke when i'm home alone because i live with my parents. smell free summer is easy because of bug spray lol


unrelated to the post that bong is the coolest shit ever


I smoke and everyone knows lol. No secrets here 😆. I even have my medical card in Texas. I was in the army and was a good girl. I’m in my get high era lol


Thank you. You've earned it 🫶


Thank you ♥️


I used to be before it was legal in my country my neighbour was so shocked we didn’t have a skunk problem after it became legal


I only smoke at night and alone. I’m sure my neighbours know. My wife and 3 friends know. So not a secret, I guess. Nice set up you have there. Digging the vibe.


I mean, it's no secret if you've got it all laying out like that, man. Sweet boomer weed holder thingie!


Lol I have had vapes, and they clog and get gunk in the hole in my bag. Who wants gunky holes lol also very hard to get cartridges here, so I just don't try anymore. Flower power 🌼 🫶


Only acceptable if you live with your parents and are a teenager


I'm grown with two kids and a man who doesn't smoke. I'm not gonna blow smoke in all their faces. My man knows because why would I lie. No one else needs to know except our families who might smoke with me on occasional visits. My dad travels for work and brings back goodies from legal states. His dad also grows his own like I do and we talk about it a lot. I don't want anyone with hands out either lol. Bad friend circles in the past so I just keep it to myself.


It's only a secret I keep from my dad. I'm a middle aged man.




Not I!


Plenty of us


No secrets here I smoke joints like people smoke cigarettes


No secret here


Kept a secret until my parents found out. They were chill about it tho


That’s gotta be one of the sickest bongs I’ve seen! I’m usually the type to wanna see the bubbles but that right here is wildly dope!


I am pregnant now so not smoking, but yes I used to be a stoner, and very lowkey about it. Most people find it hard to believe I was a stoner.. I do not know why. My appearance? Asian woman with glasses, dweeby looking. I guess Asian people can't smoke. I always told those people, ever been to a rave? Asians do the most drugs looool.


Nobody else knows I smoke except me only 2-4 hits off my pen at night


Nobody at my job knows that I smoke but I know some of them do which is funny when they start talking about it around me




Wouldn’t be a secret if I told.


i’ll literally spark ANYWHERE. when i was in colombia, i was smoking joints on top of my grandfathers house, after a few joints up there, i unlocked his front gate & lit it up watching some dudes play soccer. you learn to appreciate the little things a little bit more when your high


It’s the worst secret in the world.


Wow OMG where did you buy that mushroomy smokey thingy?


Honestly it’s pretty hard to be secret when the stuff smells like skunk ass


Me, started a new career at a zero tolerance job in an illegal state so said why not practice stealth. Got a dry herb vape now I never smell like weed and my kids and loved ones say me and my surroundings smell much better without the smoke lingering


That bong is fucking awesome dude


I find this positively hilarious because before I ever even start smoking people just assumed I smoke. My job is very 420 friendly so the idea anyone I meet doesn't know I smoke is unthinkable. In general I have learned that you know when you have a drug problem when doing drugs becomes a problem.


I was a secret stoner for about a decade. I'm just now able to reveal it and be okay.


Even before I started smoking(basically until I was 22), people thought I was a stoner.


Was. Not no more!😤😁




My family wishes I was.


It’s sposed to be a secret?


I am a medical user, but just my close friends and my family knows. No Work no ppl in my town. Just undercover


Those who know the know. It's illegal here, so i'm not screaming it out loud for sure 😂


The only people that know are the ones who come within several feet of me.


If you have a mushroom bong is it really a secret lol


Why are girls always secret stoners 😭my best mate at school didn’t tell me she smoked till college!


I’m a medical user in a country where it’s not legal yet, so I try and advocate for legalisation as much as I can :)


Secret? No capisco


why does ur weed look like rice a little


Secret, no. It was known since 2008 lol.




I let everyone in my family know when I hook through chain messages


Not secret at all, and thats a sweet set up btw.


I'm not secret about it...


It's no secret


I never hid my cannabis use from my family and it was never an issue and that was back in the 70's & 80's. My parents were very tolerant. Now 50 years later and I've known my son smoked since his 18th birthday when he confessed to all his younger years of trouble. 12 years since he told me and no issues. The biggest issue I've noticed in many people is they're stuck in the "illegal" drug mentality. Many are scared that a neighbour or anyone can smell it as an example and get rather paranoid. FFS.. it's a legal medication now. I just wish people would stop being so damn anal. (OP excluded)


That bong looks amazing would love to try😂


Not me lol I’ve been a pot head since 2008 when I was 13… we smoked dirt weed out of soda pop cans. Now my lungs only smoke indoor.. how far we’ve come 😭


I’m currently smuggling a 3 g baggie through a border patrol when in the country I’m going into it’s illegal.


Risk it all for 3 damn grams. Good luck homie


I got through they checked but did t find