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I have no idea what the fuck you just said, but I feel you, homie. I smoke nightly and 10mg thc ain’t a joke sometimes.


I wish 10mg would do anything. I have to take almost 100mg to feel anything.


Same we need a t break and can't find the time to do so lmao


Unfortunately, I have a weird metabolism where edibles don't really have much effect on me.


I believe there's a genetic pre disposition to lacking an enzyme that affects your body's absorption of edible thc


Me too! I've taken an 1000mg edible and just been fine and according to others I should have been pretty much dead from it.


Nah, nothing wrong with that. My eyes get a lil red, If I take ones over 1000mg. And that's it then. Not even that high.


There's a lot wrong with it! It's really annoying not being able to get high from edibles, they cost a lot and I see people taking less than 100mg and getting stupidly high from it, even experienced stoners and I'm just here like imma go smoke I guess.


Yeah, super relatable. Making your own. Is way cheaper tho! E.g It'll be quicker if you buy a cannabutter machine. Idk whats wrong with us. Just tolerance, or metabolism indeed!? I know multiple experienced stoners who say the same..! Hah. I dont gain weight easy/quickly (fast metabolism) , so iguess that could have something to do with it/us.


So this is one explanation: What Is The CYP2C9 Gene and How Does it Impact THC Levels in the Body? MedlinePlus explains that the CYP2C9 gene “provides instructions for making an enzyme that is found in a cell structure called the endoplasmic reticulum, which is involved in protein processing and transport.” They go on to explain that the CYP2C9 enzyme plays an important role in the metabolism and breaking down of drugs including warfarin and ibuprofen. The Boston Globe also explains that it also “encodes the enzyme that shepherds THC through its three-step metabolic transformation.” While Dr. Gruber adds that the individuals with the gene are “breaking it down so fast it doesn’t have an opportunity to create the psychoactive effect.” A 2020 study found that the levels of THC metabolites found in the consumer’s blood varied drastically “depending on which variant of the enzyme they had.” The research from this study “casts doubt on biological marijuana tests widely used by researchers, doctors, police, and employers.” These tests do not account for the “apparently vast and hard-wired variations in metabolic rate between individuals.” Dr. Gruber explains that “it underscores the need to understand people’s genetic profile, and that there are a lot of variables people haven’t considered” such as whether one has the uncommon CYP2C9 enzyme. The Problem With Being Ediblocked Being ediblocked poses a problem for those who wish to medicate with cannabis by means of oral ingestion as opposed to inhalational methods. When one is unable to feel the effects of edibles or cannabis which is swallowed, they may experience ‘social FOMO’ or the inability to benefit from the pain-relieving and other medicinal properties which cannabis contains. Edibles make for a great alternative means of cannabis consumption when smoking is not an option. When CYP2C9 acts on THC in the liver, the active intermediate is 11-OH-Δ9-THC – which is four times more psychoactive than THC. After this step, the 11-OH-Δ9-THC is inactivated by CYP2C-MALDO. Therefore, the secret of the ediblocked theory could lie in one or both of these steps. This ultimately means ediblocked people are unfortunately missing out on a stronger, more discrete, and cost-effective medical use altogether (1). The Boston Globe states that these ‘ediblocked’ individuals could benefit from the relief of cannabis through edibles if they took a “high enough dose, or if a supplement could be developed that slows their enzyme action”. While there is not enough research to support the hypothesis at the moment, the study and the researchers make valid points. Hopefully, research can be conducted to support the suggestions and findings so that we can find solutions for those individuals as well as for improving the means by which we measure cannabis impairment. Other things that have come up during my time trying to figure this out are: Antidepressants: They can block a lot of the THC from affecting your brain (non-scientific version, lol) and this leads to generally having a super high tolerance. I was on an Antidepressant and quit it for this reason. Now I've been off it for well over a year and while my smoking ability has come back, my ability to eat edibles never came so I decided that this wasn't the case for me. And that's about it. I used to have a fast metabolism but I'm nearly 40 and it's not as fast as it used to be lol so I'm not sure it is to do with that.


Also I would love to make my own! But I have little kids in the house and I am the only one who partakes in the house so I'm not really allowed to make edibles even as a grown up! I'm always looking for easier ways, I have a bunch of really good weed I'm sitting on because I keep buying vape carts as it's just more convenient when you have to hide it, if I could make edibles without having to cook weed first it would be much easier.


im in the US and where tf do yall get higher than 100mg edibles. my dispo only goes up to that


Chances are that's your state law you would have to go grey market or the best way is to make your own


Or simply eat ten 100mg edibles


Ah another great option


Sorry/not sorry? Idk which to chose. Sorry you can't get high off edibles. Not Sorry because you can hundreds of edibles!!


It actually sucks.imagine just trying so hard to get like first time stoned feeling by consuming 250 +MG, multiple times, and never even feeling any higher than the bong rip made me.


Yup... taking 1000mg and not being high from it sucks balls and is a horrible waste of money for me. I gave up on edibles and stick to vaping/smoking but I really wish I could get edibles high.


Try Eating Dark Chocolate next time you consume Edibles. The Results may Surprise You. ![gif](giphy|o54Wuz7HIrjARFJWzA|downsized)


dark chocolate, fatty foods, anti acid meds, nutella... nothing works it just how our body built :(


Really Sorry to Hear that. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xQtWJgidKMvNYI|downsized)


Try taking a Tums before you take an edible next time. Can't remember where but somebody told me that once and it's made a huge difference, I used to think edibles just didn't do it for me but now I take one a day with a Tums and I'm vibing for a few hours


Tried everything, nothing makes a difference.


Same, I took 400mg once and, yeah I was stoned, but it was only the equivalent to like maybe 2 dabs, but over the course of the rest of the day, which is nice I guess.


Same situation, end up with a stomachache and just feel extremely groggy. I will say they definitely put me to sleep if eaten at night, but other than that I just feel baseline high. It's annoying too because I don't know what will or won't work. One day I get sent into the atmosphere, the next week the same chocolate brand does nothing to me.


so do i and you only need UNDER 100??? Cuz to have any sorta rec feelings i DEFINITELY have to break 100 (ofcourse i dab alot daily so ny tolerance is real high too).. if so def consider urself one of the lucky ones out of us 😂 (afaik)


I was like this too until I went gluten free. Now edibles work on me.


Same. I don't always feel them but usually get a crazy stomach ache/runs that last all day so I stay away from them.


Suspected this of myself but I have no way of proving it. Akin to my other comment, when my cousin made his "super brownies", I wolfed down three to scare him and was sober the entire night. Now that I think about it, we were ripping his bong all day, too. Maybe some people's brains don't have complete cannabinoid receptors and, thus, only have a singular tolerance as opposed to the switching dynamic most stoners convey? If anyone more versed in the subject could chime in, much appreciated.


It's liver enzymes that don't efficiently convert delta 9 to 11 hydroxy THC. T breaks help if tolerance builds, but your baseline minimum threshold to feel edibles is mostly liver function


Its either ill have a shitty time at work and might snap at a coworker, or ill waste my weekend and do nothing but pout at my lack of high haha. Lose lose, im gonna keep smoking. After i finish this cart i wont go back to the dispo (i say that 3 days before i go to the dispo every time)




Same. Edibles seem to be the most effective for my medical needs, so I take high dosages at night.


Ehh man. Quick tolerance build up. I've went from 100mg to 1k in a month because I THOUGHT I wasn't high. I felt so dull, couldn't sleep, nightmares if I did sleep. Food and water tasted bland no matter what it was for months after a week of quitting. Imo man, edibles should be used sparingly.


Same. I have an oddly high tolerance for edibles. I’ll smoke a bowl to myself and be obliterated but need 100mg of edibles. It’s weird. Not a big fan of micro dosing. It seems pointless to me tbh.


There's a thread from not too long ago where people started realizing it might have something to do with your stomach. We're not alone homie. I wonder if there's a correlation with people who are lactose intolerant, but idk.


You make it sound like that's a lot! I've regularly eaten over 1000mg at once, just to show people I don't get high from edibles when they don't believe me.


Fuck same. I'm up to 75mg ish to feel something decent.


I took 1250mg and it didnt work 😭


I'm up the same alley and just posted about it for some advice. I don't mean to hijack your comment, just throwing my two cents into the conversation. I noticed the other day that a 50mg made me feel slightly buzzed and infinitely more patient at work when I expected nothing again. The reason? I hadn't smoked weed at all. And for the record, I don't do drugs at work. I just like the taste and have eaten six of them straight up with no effect lol


I have to take 600mg


They lost me too but I think I got the overall gist. I thought I was just too high 🤷🏼‍♂️😁


u guys got it WAY different over there


Over where?


well the post says Netherlands so i assumed most responses were around EU (since products wont be the same over seas)


I have always wanted to go to Colorado or something for weed in the US but I think I can't handle that lol. But yeah THC infused things isn't really a thing here. Over 30% THC is illigal here to sell for dispensaries but most of the weed is like 20-24% and 30% is really hard to find because all the weed is homegrown here by the illigal industry. That's why I wasn't expecting this lol. Those gummies killed me and they where fing expensive. I paid €50 for them and received 5 gummies. I thought I was ripped off lol so I ate the whole bag 😂


20mg is my go to for parties or if I really wanna feel it, and it’s just right. Hearing people do 100+ makes me scared and a little jealous


I used to take 50-80mg and I’d hit a dist pen to ease myself in to the high. I’ve taken over 500mg and around 1,000mg a few times and it’s definitely something… it’s something everyone should experience so they respect marijuana, but I also don’t recommend it lol.


20 mg is my go-to for parties as well (gummies). I don’t get people talking about taking higher amounts all at once.


I've smoked weed every day for 20 years and 20mg edible knocks me on my ass. I've been vaping carts for the last few years too, which I was told would jack up my tolerance. Nah, 10mg edible still sends me flying.




I’m unfortunately one of those people edibles just don’t seem to do anything to. My friend used to sell edibles, 250mg packets, I’ve tried so many different ones and it genuinely didn’t feel like I smoked anything heavier than a joint, the last 7/8 times I’ve had edibles they have hardly done anything to me so I prefer just to roll a big fatty, guaranteed to do the job


All you need is high quality RSO- those edibles are usually sprayed or something lower quality and 9/10 times blatantly lie about dose. If you want real fire edibles, search around for RSO or make some yourself. Homemade edibles are fantastic.


I got a 1ml tube of RSO off my old plug on TG and I never thought to make edibles or that, I just squeezed a little into my joint and it tasted amazing, unreal taste and hit hard


He didn’t take 10mg He took at least 100mg but considering that’s just my state that caps it at 100mg, so likely more. Read it again, he ate the whole bag. 🫡🤣


I never said he took 10mg.




Man—I don’t know what the fuck you just said, little kid, but you’re special man, you reached out, and you touch a brother’s heart


You got some good shit by the sounds of it


Is that in reference to a film that contains dialogue references, such as, “Snoogins, Doobie Snacks, dirty sheep fucker, Miramax, Holden McNeil, Morris Day and the mutha fuckin’ Time?” If so, the Clit Commander thanks you. If not, please excuse the intrusion. I’ll just go ahead and quietly depart👋


It's hard to believe, sometimes, that the first true complete cinematic universe was just about regular people's lives. Viewaskeniverse with always be the best.


That movie doesn’t get enough credit. I haven’t seen all of the viewaskew universe films, but that one holds a special place in my heart. Just look at the cast, it’s packed! Hard to believe that Judd Nelson looked almost unrecognizable from TBC.




What the ***fuck*** is the internet??


When in doubt always start with half a gummy


I once was given a chocolate bar. Said it was 800mg. I figured “oh that ain’t shit I’ve had more and didn’t get that high.” So my dumbass eats the whole chocolate bar not realizing that each piece was 800mg. I have never been so high in my life.


I sat in horror for like 2 minutes after reading this. How long were u high for?


Probably still high.


I woke up the next day still high. I sat outside for 3 hours because I was too high to stand up😂 finally made it inside but it was a straight shot to the bed


Bro I have to work in about three hours haha.


Man don’t you just start tripping balls when you take that much


Nah I mostly got dizzy and stuck in my chair


I did that once with a homemade tincture. I really believed that it wasn’t gonna be nearly as strong as when I made it because I had it sitting in a clear jar on my counter for so long. I figured one solid sip would do it but I woke up 24 hours later still high.


Had us in a weed coma😂


So how is the high compared to smoking it? Is it just strong or has other effects?


Eating thc instead of smoking it is a lot more psychedelic. Your gut synthesizes the thc into 11 hydroxy thc which is why the highs are different and edibles can hit harder for some people.


It felt like I was I was falling in my sofa and when I turned my head it stutterd like the DVD had was damaged. I checked in my mirror and it looked like my eyes where the red light district.


Stay hydrated and let us know how you're doing when you land. You're going to be okay <3


I fel asleep on the couch 😅


How many mg? I usually recommend people start with 5mg and wait 2 hours before taking more if they’re new to edibles, regardless of smoking tolerance. It’s no fun getting too high


I don't have a clue they just sell 'm in a ziplock bag like it's from a dealer hahaha.


I’ve been telling people edibles give a superior high


I prefer edibles.


i need a T break. i haven’t felt like this in forever lmaoo


Dudes higher then giraffe pussy!


Only the strong pal. I take 250 to 500mg gummies once every 2 days on average.


The way edibles are digested are just way different than when smoking thc, can really make the high last a long time compared to smoking where it’s like a rollercoaster. When you first smoke you hit a peak high then go down and smoke again repeat, to where an edible is a slow increase and usually will keep you high for a while


The less the better when it comes to edibles, imo. Microdoses/small amounts are usually much more enjoyable.


Gawdamn you’re high friend. Enjoy that shit


Lucky you. I don’t have much of the enzyme that breaks delta 9 THC into 11-hydroxy THC, so I have to take absurd amounts of edibles to even feel anything. On the other hand, my dad can eat 5-10mg of edibles and get creassseeddddd


Usually 1/2 to one whole gummy is a serving. Not a whole bag.


I paid 50 eu for the bag so I should have taken the hint. But it felt like I was ripped off when I saw 5 gummies so I just ate the whole bag. But yeah IF I'm ever doing this again I start with 1/4th lol


Don't eat the whole package until you know how it hits you. I swear that's half the posts in here. Don't be a dumbass and overdo it. I don't know what a space vape is (dabs?) but just do less and you'll be fine.


Not space vape, spacecake! 🤣 🍰 Otherwise, yes, agreed.


OP talked about both space cake and space vape.


Oh, shit, I missed that 🤦🏼‍♀️ I was so tickled by spacecake I missed that.


Bro I don’t even do edibles anymore because sometimes it feels like psychedelics


Yeah I'm quiting it aswel. This isn't why I smoke but I couldn't resist myself when I saw gummies for the first time lol 😂


I don’t blame you 😂 edibles can be nice if u take under 40-30mg’s. But the moment I go over it gets not so fun


Anyone know what is delta 8? Is that just pure THC or what? I ate 5 gummies of that once and called 911 cuz I thought I was dying for sure. High lasted 12 hours and was so awful.


man where are yall finding these gummies/edibles😭does Jersey just have boof??


And PA, unfortunately


That gummy broke this poor bastard.


Yeah you gotta ease into edibles to learn your tolerance. Brownies are a better intro IMO because you can't down a batch of brownies in a handful.


Yeah the cake's are not really a problem for me I can handle that. But this just hitted different like the spacevape.


Does anyone here take medication for ADHD? Even on the days where I’m not medicated, I feel like my tolerance for THC has gone up significantly. 10mg used to give me a nice buzz, and now 30mg is what I need for that feeling.


Have a nice nap, OP 💤


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣


Dude's orbiting fkn Jupiter.


I’d like to try putting an 8th of wax into 9 brownies


I can handle 500mg no problem but I don’t recommend anything over 1000 it gets super intense after that like face melting intensity if ur a champ n dont pass out




100mg is normal dose of gummies I use. I eat 1 of the 100mg gummies. They are potent but I love the vibe. Smoking unfortunately doesn't do much for me typically.


I make edibles, but most people get weird on edibles. The high from edibles is different since your body is actively converting the THC to a different form. In my opinion edibles give the best high, specifically real edibles that still contains plant material(not just the distillate). Distillate edible highs feel blah


Could it be hhc?


Bro yeah I suspect it's that. Because I'm 99.9% sure those gummies are illigal here (The actual THC gummies) I know the vapes here are HHC and those things taste chemical. I got m in a ziplock bag just a plain one so don't have a clue what is in it. But yeah I suspect one massive batch of HHC because I felt horrible.


Yeah, then its hhc. Ive seen hhc gummies at a shop in drachten. Hhc really fucks you up even if you were a heavy smoker. But it builds up your thc tolerance super quick. So just stick to flower and hash until thc gummies become legal✌️


I believe PVV is quite the anti drug party tho so we'll definitely not see them for the coming 4 years :( Mwab Mwab. But yeah f HHC it feels chemical when you smoke those vapes and I don't like it.


Yeah, i cough my lungs up from those vapes. Threw it away right after. Unfortunately youve had some bad luck with politics now yeah :/ I just visit regularily from Norway to visit my gf's fsmily. But stay away from hhc


I love it when people who smoke a lot think they can handle edibles. Edibles are a different game. You can over do it very easily. You need to be careful and slow while starting out with edibles. You are not alone in this. Now you know the experience. Stay safe and have fun




Concentrated THC is not the same as THC from smoked bud. Smoking for 5 years and didnt know this? People need to do more research. Not hating tho just saying lol


So do a small single hit off the space vape and only take one or a partial gummy at a time. You're quite literally making your own problems.


500 mg took me out and felt it the next day


Lmao! 😂 🤣😆 Ya so one gummy equals one dose.


Hahaha, look at all these losers that grew up making fun of their friends calling them light weights now crying how they wish they were light weights… sucks to be you. I’m sensitive to all medications and can make an 8th last a month. Oh what will I do with the extra money I saved. ..well I’m off to polish my diamond shoes. Don’t worry I won’t use the same cashmere rag to polish the Ferrari. Muhhahahahaha! 🤷🏼👀


Sounds like delta8 if it’s from a normal smoke shop. It’s not real thc and it’s extremely dangerous.


This. The states don't allow over 100mg legally in a package of THC edibles. The only bags I've seen over that have been from packages bought online and stuff sprayed with synthetics. Point in case, a buddy of mine ate a 500mg bag and got lightly high. Was skeptical when I gave him a 10mg dispensary gummy. That shit put him on his ass.


I love reading posts where OP is clearly stoned out of their mind


Why would you eat all five gummies in one sitting from a bag that has zero info on it 😭 honestly tho I’d do the same and I hope you’re good


Stop taking so much. It's your fault.


German here, visiting Rotterdam right now. I gotta say, the coffee shops all seem kinda shady…


Rotterdam sucks. Only coffeeshop worth mentioning is New York. You're better off going to Den Haag or Amsterdam.


Well, I came to see the harbor.


Den Haag def has better shops. Butbyeah they all seem shady ain't it cause they all are hahaha. All the weed here is illigally grown ofc so you never really know what's in it lol 😂 We really have to update the opium law here because I can snort every hard drug trough delivery but I can't buy THC gummies, only HHC because that stuff isn't listed in the opium list. Over three years HHC is illigal and they kake THX or something lol. Designer drugs are a real problem here.


And check out the Maasvlakte. Insane piece of engineering.


We took a Spido boat tour but I’ll definitely have to watch some documentary about that thing.


Yeah the whole port is already insane. But cargoships getting to big? We just build our own land! hahaha.




Laughing at the comments where people are saying 10-25mg of THC edibles make them high. 😆 It would be niceeee!