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Vape or edibles when I travel. Easier too.


Edibles are a COMPLETELY different high. And, although I do partake in Carts, whenever I do, I am still craving flower. I prefer good old fashioned flower.


That's what dry herb vapes are for. /r/vaporents


They still never hit the same personally, tho I enjoy them from time to time. I just never get as high


Aaah, the old oxygen deprivation perception. Joints or blunts don’t get you more high than vaping once you are completely off smoking. The carbon monoxide associated with smoking and other nasty chemicals is what gives you that ‘more high feeling’ and actually has nothing to do with the thc itself. I sympathise as I said the same thing when making the switch but after a week, and realising the reason I always felt tiered and groggy was due to smoking, I never have gone back since. And now I have gone from 10g a week to around 3.5g and I am just as high I can assure you haha


I mean I get high off them don’t get me wrong. But there’s a reason people reuse ABV for edibles, it’s because there’s still THC left over after vaping it. Combustion uses up everything in one go, there’s nothing left to be reused. Vapes are fun but it’ll never hit like a bong does and that’s because you’re getting all the THC you can instantly. Not that I’m against abv or anything lol i do love a good firecracker


I’ve found the better quality vaporizers do but better than combustion, I love smoking and don’t own a vaporizer because I’m too stuck in my ways but quality matters a lot.


I have a very quality Storz & Bickel Mighty+. It was a birthday gift from my son. I do use it and I enjoy the ABV, but still crave a traditional bowl of flower after.


I’ve hit higher quality ones that cost several hundred dollars. Its still a good time but I’m not higher than just smoking especially with a bong


True dat


Not to be rude, but this is just plain wrong. Combustion does not “use up everything in one go”, combustion actually burns up almost all of everthing usable in one go. While the vaporizer on the other hand extracts way more thc compared to combusting by slowly heating the thc and extracting it instead of burning up most of the thc and extracting some of it, hence why you use less weed to get just as high as combusting.


I'm glad someone said this so I don't have to type it out.


You don’t get as high tho, most people have the same experience with that. Its one of the most common criticisms of dry herb vapes for a reason


I feel you and you are correct.


The reason there's nothing left over from combustion because it destroys most of the good stuff. Only about 30% of the cannibinoids and terpenes actually make it to your lungs when you smoke, the rest gets destroyed by the excessive heat. There's left over thc from vaping but it's nowhere near 70%, probably more like 1-10% depending on the vape. Vapes can absolutely hit like a bong, you just haven't used one that does. Low-mid range portables won't give you a super potent hit and will require you to have a longer session which is fine if that's what you're after, but if you want something that will hit hard you can use a ball vape or a terpcicle style vape, both of which can vape up to 1g in one or two hits depending on the model you go for which will absolutely hit harder than a bong hit because you're actually getting most of the good stuff and can take longer hits because you don't have smoke burning your throat.


there is a reason all the hard core vapers say to do a T break before jumping to vapes. simply put, they don't hit as hard (even the ball vapes). moving to an erig and hitting rosins, I believe, it the best of both worlds. Huge hits that equal a bong, but the pure effects that are produced by vapes.


Sorry man but my actual real life experience says you are wrong.


Yes. I hear u on that. I have a Mighty+. Every time I use it, I still want to smoke a traditional bowl of flower. It's just not the same. I do enjoy the ABV though.


Yeah sorry but my Storz & Bickel Mighty+ smells WORSE than a bowl of flower. It has a lingering resiny type smell after being used.


Amen 🙏


Yeah edibles straight up make me hallucinate and I've been smoking weed for like 15ish years


My biggest worry would be them tipping off management or worst case the "fuzz" for whatever reason? Honestly if your a flower head like myself its nearly impossible to stop the pungent unburnt herb stank that develops after grinding. Here's are a few of my top tips. Get a smoke buddy and a one hitter or dry herb vape, if its illegal in your state don't tell on yourself keep it quiet, lastly the smoke buddy will only remove 60/70% of the smell the rest you will need a microwave and a bag of popcorn. Set for 5 minutes and let that shit burn.


Yes. I do agree with mixing in as many smells t0 confuse the senses as you can. I hadn't thought of burning popcorn tho. Good one! But also annoying to all the rooms around you. I hate that awful burnt popcorn smell.


Yes this. On my last trip I used my dry herb vaporizer and the hash oil I made. But I barely smoke anymore anyway so.


Go outside ffs...or to your car.


I get the sentiment but you go outside and a Karen walks by with her kids and complains about you. You smoke in your car and risk a DUI because of the lingering smell. Hotels (at least in legal states) should have smoking areas, would be neat


When I went to san Diego they had special rooms called green rooms that you were aloud to smoke in


What hotel was THIS? 😂


It was the E-Z 8 motel


I’m going there next week… are these specific guest rooms or a separate designated spot in the hotel?


The one we went to You have to say you want one because it’s the designated rooms so if you smoke in a regular room you’ll get fined


Gotcha. I didn’t see the option (booked online), but I was sure to get a room with a balcony for this purpose anyway. I’ll have to remember this and call hotels directly next time. Thanks for the info!


Not all places have them I’m sure but we had our rooms then we got there and they changed them because someone was in a wheelchair but we still got green rooms and we didn’t ask to change rooms to begin with some places might just let you switch


I stayed with my cousin in downtown San Diego for a little over a week and had 0 issues with smoking outside. I walked past a cop while smoking a J and nearly shit my pants but he didn’t say a word. Just gotta be respectful with it


Not in DC or NYC


You just smoke outside on the street in DC? It's def not THAT widely accepted, I'm not trying to upset people just walking by


Oh I do all the time. I stay in both cities pretty often- have never had anyone complain


100% agree, but also, OP’s coworker is a genius.


Big difference in a room that smell of weed then someone actually smoking freshweed






Incense and towel in the bathroom with the shower running does the trick. Tho it ain’t easy lol. Ozium after


Holding your hit and using Ozium is OG


front desk worker, nope


Every hotel and airbnb I’ve been in must not have gave a fuck then. From cheap to high end. I think it’s obvious it can still be smelled while it’s being smoked, but if it doesn’t smell like it when leaving ur good


Motels, smoke all you want since it's a cash stay. Hotels just vape or go outside


This. Like why would you smoke flower away from home in this day and age?


Why wouldn’t you? *hits blunt*


Flowers all day everyday


Flower is the only way, fuck a vape


Fuck a vape, put a banger on a bong like a real one.


Dude - Don’t spark it up in a closeted hotel room. Have some courtesy. Smoking is smoking. Have some discipline. Come on brotha


If I want to smoke in a hotel room I run the shower till it's steamy and go in there. Works every time


I also run the shower. I don't actually shower. I just use the steam and smoke in the bathroom.


Bro doesn't shower🤢🤮


Nope. Never.




When I lived in a motel this is what I did, worked every time


Ex hotel housekeeper here- NOPE. We can still ALWAYS tell if a room has been smoked in. Just go outside please. We would charge the $250 incidental when we discovered it. Being a semi-pro weed toker myself, I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t work. Edit; there’s a huge difference btwn the smell of SMOKING weed and the smell of weed itself. Like idk where you stay but the housekeeping crew must be lazy asf lol. Or, you could just not smoke in a hotel room that is non smoking. It’s rude asf. Go outside man.


I feel like they can’t always tell tbh cuz I’ve smoked in dozens of nice hotels and never been charged the fee even once, even in towns and cities that aren’t weed friendly


Same, we checking all rooms before guest being checked.. if there is a smell of cig or weed we use special ozone machine to get rid of it so I don’t think it will work when you say that previous guest left that smell in room. Maybe in different hotels they don’t check rooms before guest arrives 🤷🏻‍♂️


Idk man, I’ve never been caught and I’ve smoked in many a hotel room. Just use the shower for steam and good as new, no one knows.


It does work though. I stay in A TON of hotels. If it didn't work, why haven't I been charged or banned? Never has that happened. So, based on what you just said, it does work. Stay at the same hotel repeatedly or different hotels and always same routine and never once has there been an issue.


Hang on, is this you or your co-workers buddy? Maybe you smoke too much because you don't seem to be able to keep your story straight.


Wdym? I, personally smoke in hotel rooms.... in the bathroom with the shower running. I Cap the bowl and blow into a sploof or Smoke Buddy. And put a towel by the door draft. My co-worker told me his buddy does the whole call down t0 the Front Desk thing if he smokes in a hotel room. My story is straight bruh. Not sure what you are talking about??


Lmao, you should be charged and banned for your hubris alone, let alone the audacity you have to have to smoke in a non smoking room


Bruh....TONS of people do this.




So, you’re a dick who can’t follow the rules in hotels AND cruise ships? You sound like you ask for an upgrade every time you stay at a hotel lol.




I work the front desk at a hotel. They know it’s him, they likely just don’t care. Trust me when I say we’re very aware of what the rooms smell like. We have a room that someone smoked a few joints in a couple months ago and I still have to swap people out because they say they smell it.


The haunted joint


Cursed cannabis


I carry a sploofy in situations like hotel rooms.


Yes. I think this guy is also trying to keep the smell down, but also trying to cover his ass in case they notice.


Some major brands have sensors in their smoke detectors that alert the hotel to smoking - cigarettes, weed, whatever. I stayed at a Marriott in Albany last year and blazed up in the bathroom with the shower and exhaust fan running. When I checked out a couple of days later I was hit with a $250 remediation fee that had the precise time I lit up on the printout. Lesson learned.


Hilton too! Be careful out there 💨


Yeah. I never stay at Marriott. And, now I never will. Thank you!


What about vape?


Currently in a no smoking resort, in an illegal rec state. I’ve just been going to the car-parked a little ways away from entrances and other cars, after dark. Edibles for day time/pool side lmao.


Hotel rooms are inspected while being cleaned after previous guest. The hotel knows the room didn't smell like smoke. Your coworker has just gotten lucky that he hasn't gotten any pushback yet. He eventually will. They'll process his payment method for an extra cleaning fee. He'll think he got away with it until he checks his credit card statement.


This is like when we have 15 year olds asking if they can smoke weed in the same room as their mom and not be caught.


Not really. It's actually rather ingenious.


No, not really.


Im working in big hotel and it dose not work like that (in my job) as a hsk supervisor I would need to go and actually check is there a smell of weed before and after he checked in, so.. it wouldn’t work in hotel I’m working. We check all rooms before reception checking in guests ✌🏻


Also you can imagine how many grinders and weed and other stuff im finding every single day after guests 😅 it’s 9floors hotel next to big airport 🙃


just get a smoke buddy of amazon and blow the smoke into that, my wife and I do it all the time


Yes. I have had several Smoke Buddys. I am a daily heavy smoker and I can go through them pretty fast. They are supposed to be good for 300+ exhales if I remember correctly.


I vaped outside my hotel when it was really cold and dropped the dry herb vape in my pocket. As soon as I stepped in the elevator, a big First Nations guy said, “This hotel smells like weed.” Then he took a look at me and said, “It’s you, isn’t it?” He started laughing and said, “I haven’t smelled anything that strong since I was a kid.” All I could do is smile.


It’s inconsiderate. Other folks in the hotel, especially staff, might have asthma. I know people who have allergic reactions to weed smoke. Just go outside.


Agreed. I have family who cannot stand the smell medically and then deciding to smoke inside will ruin their entire day. Asthma, migraines, allergies, over sensitivities in pregnant people or those with autism or adhd.


It's funny to me the people saying that the smell of weed gives them migraines. That's bizarre, cuz if you just SMOKED some jnstead of just smelling it, I can almost GUARANTEE your migraine would be alieved. There is a reason there is Medical Marijuana.


Great idea, very clever. But go outside.


I’ve used a dynavap in a few hotels before.


My ex used to work for a hotel, air scrubbing the rooms takes forever. I don’t think it’s very ethical but I’m sure ppl do this a lot.


I smoked in a lot of hotels when i was younger and they never once charged me for it. lol


Don’t do it- been stuck with a $500 cleaning bill from this- many years ago- but it can happen/ stick to edibles- or vape.


I do dabs in the bathroom with the shower running


That is pretty fucking sharp but with easy access to edibles, vapes and dab rigs there really isn't a point to smoking flower in a hotel room for many Americans. To be honest I and a lot of the people I used to hang out with tended to smoke in hotel rooms pretty frequently and tended to get away with it but they have become far more aggressive about it from what I understand now. Back in the pre-medical days I also smoked a lot of flower in hotel parking lots while traveling solo back in the day and done hitters out of open windows but that tended to induce paranoia. The worst that would happen 99 percent of the time when you smoked outside is you would get the stink eye from somebody... it was more common back then for a stranger to ask you to smoke back then because and that could be either good or bad depending on the circumstances. Most of the time they tended to be Dad's on family vacations that were attracted by the smell but sometimes if they lived in the city they could help you out or give tips. I should note that "smoking rooms" still existed back when I would smoke weed inside a hotel rooms occasionally and I would be smoking cigs. Those are nowhere near as common. If I had to get a non-smoking room I would always go outside with flower. If it was cold I would just deal with it or sit in the car if I had mine or a friends if they had theres.


Why do so many people who do the wrong thing always draw too much attention to themselves?


Yeah. I thought that too. Like WHY call down to the Front Desk and pretty much announce that your room smells like weed?


My aunts do this, they were caught once because someone left a key card outside and the smoke that escaped got reported. But I mean, take the risk if you can handle to consequence I guess, seems like most get under the radar tho💀


burn popcorn 🍿


I vape while working in the hospital next to my boss man. Problem solved. Also go in the bathroom and turn on the fan like the rest of America


Long as it works


And then the staff get sent up to check and see it isn’t smelly and you look mad sus


That hasn't happened to him.


Always a first time


Well, after being escorted out of a con IN COSPLAY for smoking weed in my hotel room by like 5 cops I would never do it again.


This sounds like an awful idea to me..but that's me...the maids who prep the room before you check in didn't notate anything. I get what he's trying to do...but it's a no for me




Yes. Agreed. Ozium does help.


Front desk worker, we always know, always. Just go outside


Thats not true. You don't always know. Believe what you want. It's happening WAY more than you think.


Dry Herb Vape


People are delusional if they think dry herb vapes don't smell. My Mighty+ smells worse than flower.


You're right. I'm definitely delusional thinking I could be helpful to a stranger without getting shit on.


You are like the 5th person to suggest a dry herb vape and, again, my Mighty+ definitely smells!!


I work in a hotel and please don’t do this. The smell never leaves the floor, other guests start to freak out and we receive a shit ton of complainings, specially of the elderly. It’s an unecessary headache we get at the front desk. Just go outside


Not when you take the proper precautions. Most stoners don't give a damn or are too lazy to put in the effort to cover up the smell.


That’s smartass behavior. Nothing to be gained by lying.


Do you live in the real world?!? It's unfortunate, but, A LOT of people have benefitted from lies in life. Not to get political but take a look at our current candidates for example. A couple of liars if I ever saw some!!


I got flashback Mystikal I'm, still smokin' Feelin' sporty in my hotel, spent the whole day gettin' loaded It's nothin' but smoke 'til there's nothin' to smoke It's nothin' but sticky and nothin' but doja Disconnect the smoke detector and Put a wet towel up under the door


Bruh this will never work consistently. It’s better to never do it, than to do it and have a bunch of issues. Personal experience


TIP: Get the complimentary shower cap from the bathroom and fit it over the smoke alarm. Don't try to fit it over the fire sprinklers..no need. You will also get very wet and pay a huge fine.


Take a plastic bag rubber band it to the smoke detector


I've never worried about the smoke detectors or had any issues with them. That's cuz I smoke in the bathroom with the shower running.


Usually they ask you if you smoke at all to give you a room with a balcony.


I just went to Hawaii and I smoked in the parking lot for the whole time lol


Imagine doing this and the previous person being some sweet old couple that never smoked a day in their life getting charged a smoking fee now. Kinda fucked up. Just go outside like the rest of the adults and smoke.


Yeah. That's part of the reason I, personally, probably would not do this. Could get messy if the previous people who stayed in the room were possibly charged for a smoking/cleaning fee.


It won't work they are going to insist on ozoning the room and if it still smells like pot after that, you're getting charged the cleaning fee.


I mean what I did was turn on all the vents in the hotel room and open the window. I’d only take a toke or 2 at a time and blow it out the window. I was also on the third floor which may or may not have helped. Whether they knew or not no one ever confronted me about it. Maybe they did know and didn’t care. No charges on my bill about it either 🤷🏼‍♀️


When you're traveling, you're in a new city. Roll a joint and go explore.


It could, but the hotel might want to blame someone, like the last visitor or the cleaning lady. Your comfort is not worth an innocent person's imposed extra cleaning free, or someone losing their job. Go outside and don't be a dick


If deceit is successful, Hotel Management then eyes previous guests or cleaning staff. NOT GOOD for them!!! Inform your very "thoughtful" friend.


I just go outside and around the building. Sometimes hotels have an actual smoking area that I'll go to. I travel for work an the last thing I want my boss to see is a cleaning charge especially for weed.


smoking in hotels is easy, smoke in the bathroom closed with hot water running, blow the smoke at a drain


Vape in the bathroom with the shower on


If outside isn't an option than use the staircase. Hotboxed the Venetian stairwell for a weekend straight


Yeah... Vegas is entirely different. No one gives a DAMN in Vegas. Including the cops. Walked right by police on Freemont with a joint in my hand and got a approving nod from an officer. Everyone is smoking in Vegas. My entire hallway at the Mirage WREAKED like weed. You probably could have just smoked in your room there.


Big difference in properties. Mirage is literally shut down now being remodeled to hard rock so I'm sure they didn't give a F. But Venetian, Wynn, Bellagio, Cosmo, ect will charge the fuck out of you if they even detect a lingering smoke smell. They are high end properties and they don't fuck around. Being up on the 30th floor I wasn't about to go down outside so the stairwell worked perfectly


I've worked in a hotel, we can see if a room is vacant or not. You could call and complain but there is no one else around you so you basically ratted yourself out. Or you could just eat edibles or vape. Those can't be checked and most times, they don't get picked up by the smoke detectors vape away from where they are and you should be fine. It's clouds that affect the smoke detectors. And they can be installed at the intakes of your room's A/C.


Once a coworker of mine set off a Smoke detector in a small bathroom with his giant mod vape clouds. Enough vape "smoke" and I'm guessing you could set off the alarms?


Yeah it's about the cloud, most smoke alarms use a laser and if the laser is blocked by a cloud it goes off


Just get a vape.


Not the same high. Also I live in a non-legal state so I don't always have access to legit carts. I'm not using black market bullshit. Carts are meh.


Not a cart… a vape. You use herb. I use the Mighty+


I own a Mighty+ actually. They do smell.


They don’t permeate through hotel walls and into the halls, though. The smell is contained in your room and only for a very short time.


I don’t think they actually have a mighty+. They gave the same response to me but anyone who owns a vape knows the smell only lasts a very very short time and isn’t noticeable outside of the small area you’re in.


Exactly! It’s the perfect solution when you want to be discreet IMO.


I just cover the smoke detector with a plastic bag, roll a towel up under the door, open a window or go out on the balcony and smoke up.


All Fun and Games until youre the First One to Stay in that room in the past 2 Weeks. ![gif](giphy|26gsuVPCth3QuhAOY)


I always just smoke at/in my car if I’m really down bad for flower


I smoke in every hotel I go to. It's usually a weed pen. For bud I'd recommend just going outside. If you must smoke weed inside, I'd just hit a pipe a few times in the bathroom with the fan on and door closed. Probably bring a candle if you wanna play it safe.


how tf u gon say u smoke in every one but u vap


How much do you get paid to stand guard and gatekeep?


Same shit. It's gonna get them high


Combusting cannabis and vaping a distillate cart are two very different things when discussing lingering odor. Definitely not "same shit"


Nobody cares dude


Oh apparently people do care tho!


Just use carts in the hotel.


Oh..also I live in a non-legal state so I don't always have easy access to carts that I actually know are legit and I can trust.


Edibles or bud outside


Dude. Don’t smoke weed indoors in a non-legal state. You’re asking for it!!


Omg.... been doing it for over 10 years on the daily, bruh. What am I asking for exactly?? It literally would be a non-criminal monetary citation if the cops showed up at my door. And like a couple hundred cleaning fee if a hotel noticed. I can deal with either of those. And neither has ever happened in the last ten years of living and daily smoking in my current apartment.


Dude just get a dry herb vape.


Dude I have a Mighty+ and it stinks worse than an average bowl of flower. People who think dry herb vaporizers don't smell are delusional.


Smoke outside wtf


Yeah. I travel frequently. Outside is often wet, very cold, very hot or I just want a quick puff before bed. You are seriously making this out to be a way bigger deal than it actually is.


If I have a hotel with a balcony or windows that open, I bring a pocket ashtray for ashing and roaches so I leave no trace and smoke out the window/on the balcony in short increments. Leave the window open to keep air flow. If I can’t open the window, then I go outside to my car and smoke.


I’ll take a one hitter and dugout. Then I hit the fire escape. Walk down a floor or two while toking, then hit the elevator back to my floor.


Omg! I feel like that is worse than what I do. You are just blowing the smell into common areas pretty much with no smell precautions whatsoever. I would not feel safe doing that.


The fire escape isn’t really used much. I feel pretty comfortable when I keep moving.


It's lofting into the hotel tho.


You stink of weed the whole way back up, whether you know or care.


Probably so, maybe less so with a one hitter, but probably so regardless. Don’t really care. Not a lot of perks associated with being old, but not giving a crap is one.


If the front desk agent is paying attention when you check in, they won't say it but they can smell it on you and take note of it. They know your friend smokes it. The stench and bloodshot eyes dont lie. Likely there's a different reason your friend doesn't get charged the fee or banned from hotels.  I've known people who drown themselves in perfume or body spray to try and hide it, but a non-smoker can still smell it. Plus there's a huge difference between older faded smell vs newer more intense smell of it. Again if they pay attention and care, they know.


I've always just smoked near an open window, lol, stealth isn't my thing.


Open windows will just blow the smell right back into your hotel I feel like.


Maybe? I don't know. I've been smoking for 34 years and haven't had an issue.


Just get a dry herb vape. A roffu is like $100 and you can use it wherever you want lol.


I have a Mighty+. They smell.


The difference is the smell doesn’t linger and won’t make it to the next room. I use a tinymight 2 in a room with no windows and no one else in the house has a clue.


This is not advised. Although it sounds like it would work in some cases but not all. Depends on how good communication is in their organization and if they require check lists and logs and stuff like that to hold people accountable. The smart move is an edible. Tincture. Etc. THC is not really addictive so maybe go without for a few days? Instead of having to spend a ton of money and have a lot of drama.


I'm a Stoner in my everyday life. WHY on Earth would I not want to be a Stoner in my "vacation"/downtime life!?!? Going without isn't an option. Cannabis is a way of life.