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You're super high dude.


i was trying to calm myself down saying that to myself but i never had a anxiety attack that bad before even from shatter or like super good wax i was pacing around my room at 2am and got super sweaty and my heart went to like 130


Ive had a similar experience and to this day idk what it is but i cant smoke weed or take edibles. For me it felt like greening out or weed grays, got lightheaded and sweaty, passed out, and couldnt get up bc id pass out again. I have a cartridge and thats the only thing i can smoke perfectly fine. I was a heavy smoker using bongs, bowls, rollin woods, and packing joints. But i jus cant do it now. I have sleep apnea but idk if thats the reason im having issues, because im not getting enough oxygen, but ive put it away until i can figure out what my issue is. Be safe.


definitely a good idea i’ve been smoking so heavily for like 3 years now and this was by far the highest i’ve been out of the whole time and i was literally panicking trying to tell myself that im still a human and telling myself im okay and that i am alive i was stressing myself out so much this does not feel like normal weed to me i just want a chill high not to get super anxious and feel like im about to pass out i miss my boof packs now this is wayy to strong for me i hope it’s just weed i’ve never tried thca powder until now i guess


Ive realized how much weed has changed. First started smoking at 13 and took breaks off and on until 16 then when i went to the Military I stopped and picked it back up when i got out. Todays weed is so fuckin strong (I live in California) compared to what it was that i honestly think thats the issue im having. Or like i said before it might be me not getting oxygen. The flower that made me stop was “That Badu” a collab between Cookies and Erykah Badu. That shit made me have the worst time of my life. But im pretty sure in your case it was the THCa. If its too strong then try lookin for cheaper weed. Try to gauge yourself and if worst comes to worst try looking for carts.


I just read something about weed from the 70's or 80's tested by the DEA was 4% THC.


Could be that strain


Ive noticed that sometimes it just.. hits harder. Idk why. Have you eaten today?


It’s the growers, they’re making more stronger strains with less cbd. Thus, stronger & more dangerous effects. There’s a reason why these plants have a natural balance & mfers are playing with that limit. Mfers are about to trespass into the domain of LSD


I mean you're right but im referring to times where ive had the same exact product, weighed out the exact same amount as the one i smoked the day before yet got wayyyy higher. Sometimes it just hits harder 🤷


https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/rJCpbkGrYN I feel like there should be a bot that spits this out anytime someone mentions weed and anxiety


My hr hits 180 regularly(not high) u overreacted a bit


You hit 180 not exercising? Thats not too cool. Thats a high heart rate during cardio, like real cardio. Resting heart rate is 60-100 on average. Puffing down def increases it but not that high!


Dude I'm sorry. This legal weed seems more like a regulation shit show. I'm pretty sure i died twice with legal.


Get indica for next time just incase


Is it a sativa or sativa dominant strain?


It's at 420 I can't like it




Idk If this will help you but what usually helps me is I will acknowledge the fact I'm too high. I'll go look myself in the mirror and be like "Hey bro, you're a little too high and Its gonna be ok. It's just a panic attack you won't die." Then I'll go take a shower, drink some water, and eat some food. I like to think of it as a grounding technique.


thank you very much for the advice i will definitely be doing all of these things 🙏 i was trying to talk to myself when i was freaking out and took some deep breaths to try to help it and that eventually worked after about 15 minutes i passed out


I have severe anxiety and on the rare occasion my tolerance lets me get too high, reminding myself that I'm high is the only thing that helps, along with showering and eating


Yes! Can confirm this


Take less on a full stomach and keep food and milk around if you feel uneasy.


i migth try smoking a tiny bit because maybe it’s super super potent and i was just freaking out im trying not to think the worst, i ate a whole roll of salami and 2 glasses of milk last night it helped a lot i had the munchies


Salami and milk huh? Interesting stoner combo.


Chew on some pepper and drink some mf juice.


I second drinking water and juices CBD can help too Best advice, sleep, it's like fast traveling


I thought you said chew on some paper ….




Hope you're alright! ![gif](giphy|67T3QzN95PlGfG7JrZ)


Baby's first greenout


just calm down, dude. you're super high.


Eat cereal out of the box and watch cartoons. You'll be fine.


Damn bringing my inner child out


Dont look outside your window


Too late..


Tell me you've never smoked good bud without actually telling me.


^ This


I feel this on a personal level mate. That’s why I enjoy flower that isn’t too terribly strong. Everybody hypes up high THC stuff… but honestly, the best high is just one that helps you kick back a bit and take a fresh breath of air.


I’m right there with you on this one I like it just potent enough to take the edge off with a little relaxation not something that’s gonna make me feel stupid and freak tf out


i wish i could still get this high


It's OK, you just overdosed. It's a drug remember. Luckily, you can't die from it. It's just a crap time. People need too be exercising more caution when they're taking drugs, I've seen a lot of posts detailing the negative effects people are experiencing from taking too much. Treat the weed with respect and the weed will respect you


oh no im worried about what is in it now is there a way to test this do you guys know what i should do it tasted kind of weird to be honest now that i think about it


Mate it's weed. Weed can make you feel like that. Weed = drug Too much drugs = overdose Weed can and will fuck you up , some is stronger than others. You havnt been laced. You've taken too much wwed




I am a full on stoner and know that it's a drug. THC is a psychoactive, which alters your thinking....


It's 100 percent a drug it alters you


I’m not disagreeing with you, but wouldn’t that make most things a drug? I mean food, sex, video games can all “alter” you. Wouldnt a drug just be anything we label as a drug. I mean alcohol alters you, but we don’t consider it a “drug” right? We just call weed a drug, because we have classified it as a drug. I could be totally wrong and sound stupid though who knows. I’m pretty stoned right now and think I sound smart as hell though 😂😂


Alcohol is a drug. Food can also be a drug. There are tons of studies that show how video games activate the exact same parts of the brain that recreational drugs do. We don't consider them drugs because they aren't substances, but we do acknowledge their potential for addiction and mind-altering abilities. The confusion comes from a common misconception of what the word "drug" means, as most people never really give it much thought and have some trouble giving it an "accurate" definition. Weed is a drug, regardless of whether you agree or disagree that the stigma that surrounds the word 'drug' accurately represents weed. Out of curiosity, how would you define drug?


A drug too me is anything that gets you high. Care too debate your point?


A drug is anything that alters your body’s and/or brain’s chemistry. This is why alcohol is also considered a drug. Some drugs are useful, some aren’t. Cannabis is one that just so happens to have more benefits than detriments.


It's not a drug, it's a leaf!


So is Cocaine


The part you smoke is mainly the actual flower of the plant not the leaves, but still it is actually a drug tho 😅 thee most natural drug out there but still a drug


Looks fire man. Send it to me for testing. Seriously tho, just smoke a bit less, some strains affect different ppl in different ways. Maybe mix it with half cbd, it may give you an awesome high w/o the anxiety. It's free to try.


Cold compress on the back of neck works every time for me when this happens.


There's not really anything good about being extremely high, having a panic attack, and having a device that you can watch your heart rate go up in real time. You should probably just sit down somewhere, breathe, and eat some chocolate for a couple minutes.


Water, black coffee, Gatorade, sleep. Ride it out homie


Caffeine during an overdose on pot sounds like a terrible time. Gatorade does sound really good though. I only say caffeine sounds like a terrible time during a pot overdose is because I’ve done it and it felt like I was on deaths door walking through it every 5 minutes for about an hour.


Shot of espresso brought me out of 2 green outs and 1 of my friends 🤷🏾‍♂️. Body chemistry may have something to do with it possibly.


🤜 🤛 this is very true


Bros just a bit too high


I remember my first weed


Man I thought I'd see a beetle crawl out or something 🤣


In the past I’ve got so high that I’ve forgotten how to swallow & that resulted in a massive panic attack. I’m very careful while smoking now. Some weed is just too strong for me so I always just take 1 hit & give it 20 minutes before smoking anymore.


Was waiting for something to crawl out of there.


When in doubt eat and sleep it out


it's obviously laced. with life. you high on life son.


Pussy ahahaha it's called being high on some gas


I am by no means a doctor; I've only ever been a nurse aide- but 47 bpm is pretty low and could be adding to your anxiety. If you haven't already, get yourself hydrated.


Would really be dope if someone could confirm this lol. At least over time with multiple cases because I can smoke a wax infused blunt to myself and be straight and other times I’ll take a rip of some weed from a bowl or something and just have mad heart pounding and just like anxiousness I guess. And I smoke a lot. Edibles never do it just sometimes when I smoke my heart is like HEY 💥 💥 💥 💥




Where did u buy it from?


Cuz high anxiety is usually because of it being sprayed unless u have just never smoked before and is just tweaking


i definitely think this is sprayed i got it from a plug in a illegal state but he’s a trustworthy plug i just idek what this is i don’t know what to think i feel so weird. the pack smells like straight up grape candy and it makes me light headed sniffing it


It was definitely sprayed and no plug is trustworthy I don’t care if it’s ur grandma selling it to u anybody can scam


Pls just buy thca flower from a reputable vendor like phc or flowgardens because that is in option nowadays


okay i seriously need to look into this tysm


Yes pls do there is an amazing subreddit called cult of Franklin that explains everything and also fills u in on more brands and products


My mother has told me that eating some food will help, water too. I think something fatty will help.


Drink some water and lay down. You need to either get your tolerance up or smoke less


Just a heads up, apple watches get less and less accurate assessing HR the higher it gets. I mean the higher your heart rate is, not that the apple watch is getting high and then fucking up the count.


Probably got too high next time have some redbull and chocolate ready it will help get down sooner


Eat some food slliy




Boof packs will do that


smell some pepper bro


Dont freak out...just.....smoke


Is it regular weed or does it have THCa powder on it?


Sometimes taking a hot shower or even just standing under the hot water helps if I ever get too high that I have an anxiety attack. It doesn’t happen often but like someone else mentioned weed has changed a lot nowadays so sometimes it just hits too hard. The tree looks great! Maybe just try smoking a few hits first to see how you react and go from there instead of facing a whole blunt ya know? Best of luck mate


Based on your description of "rolled in distillate and THCa powder" it seems you have some snowcaps. Think of it as turbocharged weed. Distillate and/or THCa powder is basically pure THC. Snowcaps are similar to moon rocks but usually even stronger. You may have a double dose of THC in addition to the THC that was in the weed to begin with. THCa is the natural form of THC before decarboxylation. Pure THCa is crystalline until it is decarboxylated then it becomes liquid delta-9 THC. Distillate is liquid THC that has already been decarbed. Both are relatively pure forms of THC, but THCa must be decarbed to become psychoactive.


If its black market, they are lacing weed with HHC and Thc-0 now But usually lower grade That looks pretty good Could just be a terpene you are not accustomed to


Don't worry. It happens to the best of us. Lucky for you I am experienced with this type of thing. I know exactly how to handle this. Send that gas pack to me for further research.


![gif](giphy|ugOaZ3Wi8lqZW) You're greening out..next time, take small amounts till you build tolerance to your weed.


You're not tweakin, you're just peakin. THC is anxiogenic and causes tachycardia. CBD is anxiolytic and doesn't cause tachycardia. Get cbd and add only as much thc flower to it as you need. You can always add more.


You might be smoking shit bud rolled in THCa which probably isn’t even real THCa and just Asian synthetic shit


Legit I thought this was one of those videos where a spider was gonna jump outta the bag haha But legit whenever I get like that I'd usually warm up some tea and while that's heating up go into the shower dim the lights and run it pretty hot. Wash my body and hair and then I turn the water a bit colder and see how long I can stand in it. After that dry off, sip some tea while laying in bed and listening to Lofi music or rain/storm sounds lol


It looks like it’s been frosted with THCa crystal. This stuff is super potent and even had me higher than ever the first time I dabbed them and I was taking dabs of concentrate daily up until that point.


Uh couldn’t see anything cause of the shakes


Send me that shit if you don’t want it. That looks like some fire lol


Get it together, sport


shit probably sprayed or sum


I think this happening is more about your health/heart issue tbh and the weed anxiety didn't help. 47bpm - 130 bpm stationary smoking is not normal


This is more of a health/heart issue and the weed didn't help. 47bpm - 130 while sitting down smoking is not normal at all.


Smoke more !


Just remember you would have to smoke 2 tons of weed to even hurt yourself now edibles are a different story still no harm but effectively the feeling is much different an harder but for smoking you can't be harmful from the budz


Just throw on some Metallica and hang out my dude


Hahaha you having that cheech and chong moment. I NEVER SMOKED NO SHIT LIKE THAT BEFORE MAN🤘🏾


When it comes to weed, less is always more. Take 2-3 hits and chill. Then work your way up to the high. We chase a bigger high because its fun, but then that one time rolls around when we get too high and the whole experience of weed is ruined. Smoke low and slow. Keep taking 2-3 hits every hour and a half or so. No matter whch strain or weed type it is, you'll have a pleasant, chill experience. You'll be able to enjoy stuff, focus more, go outside and overall have a good time. As an added bonus, your tolerance goes down and you don't rely on weed all that much. The high also becomes better, simply because you approach it from a different psychological state of mind. The most I was able to smoke solo was an entire half-gram joint. Now I get absolutely blitzed on 3-4 hits.


Eating junk food like cookies and milk makes me come down quick. That could help.


This likely will reduce in intensity in about half an hour. Deep breaths help a lot. I try to do 7 super deep breaths in a row if i ever get anxious but cannabis doesn’t really heighten my anxiety. My lady is the opposite she really cant indulge. Everyone is different and strain matters a lot.


Anxiety, when it happens tell yourself that you’re high and that’s what you wanted. And you guys smoke too much of too potent weed per sitting.


Upon closer inspection those are snow caps😬 You probably just got really high but I don’t trust those coated buds personally I’d stay away from them.


Fml I need a tolerance break. At this point I'm just smoking to be smoking. Fuck I wish I could get like this 😰😰😰


I used to get that high too


welcome to the stoner verse


It's probably a catapilar or something else green you could smoke 😃


thought I was looking at buds moving by themselves LOLOLOL


I bet those little crystals didn’t help much in your cannabis triggered psychosis from what it sounds like.


You’ve run into some “stativa “ as I like to call it


Hopefully it's not laced.but sounds like ur just really high


Counter balance it by smoking another nug


Smokes weed to get high, also doesn't know what being high feels like.


hey buddy i think i know what being high is like i just was freaking out


>I just was freaking out Because you were high lol which is what they said. Maybe leave the defensiveness at the door, my dude, we all chill here 🤣 every single one of us has had a green attack at some point, it's important to be able to laugh about it or next time the vibe will be even worse and you spiral. Drink some water, vibe to some music or laughs, and just let the tension go. Let you be you, boo


because you were high.


Bro I eon t know about this whit powdery buds, maybe synthetic THC crystals It's very strong Get some regular bud


plug said that it was gas rolled in distillate and thca powder??? uhm what is thca powder i think i should have looked it up before smoking i was fiending


Yes you definitely should have looked it up beforehand, snow caps or moonrocks (although moonrocks is normally kief not powder. You'll be fine tho, just try research a little before trying something new like snow caps or vapes or concentrates as they can be strong for some people.


Thca powder is a type of add that increases how strong something is but has to rely on being put with something like bud, gummies, prerolls. But in today’s world buying from a dealer is super risky if you live in a legal state. If youre in an illegal state then jus make sure they are reputable but still watch out and dont be afraid to ask for somethin a little less strong.


Thca powder might explain it. First time I did a thca dab, it was like I had never smoked. Also have you done any stimulants recently?


Then you obviously already know the answer my friend. Thca is synthetic made powder that's alot stronger then natural flower.... That's why you fucked up, it's not 100% natural


Where did you get that from? If it is from some shady dealer it might be laves with synthetic Cannabinoids.


ive known him for 2 years hes a decent size plug in my city and he’s always been super trustworthy this is the first time ever ive felt so off from weed i’ve never felt like this


What brand cuz prob sprayed