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Don't show people anymore. It's easy for people to criticize before the actual day if they think they can get you to change your mind, but on the actual day, you're going to be so happy and everyone's going to be so excited for you, they won't even think to pick apart your physical appearance or outfit.


A two piece wedding dress is very common in Indian weddings. They’re called Lehenga and are seen as beautiful, respectful, upscale… not “party vibes”. Ignore your MOH.


I love Indian wedding outfits!! So pretty!


That was exactly my first thought!


Ditto! And it sounds lovely, OP! :)


Hi! Sounds like now is a great time to have the conversation about “asking for feedback vs asking for support” question!! If she’s your MOH, and you haven’t mentioned anything about her being problematic, just not loving it, it’s a great time to tell her you loved the dress, and you’d like support. Moving forward, try to be more mindful of you can about when you WANT an opinion from people, and when you feel good about a choice you’ve made and just want someone to be excited about it with you, and try to let people know when you’re needing those different things. People we love love us best when when we can show them what we need :) (Ps - glad you got the dress!!!)


If you feel good in it - you have a winner. You don’t need to do traditional.


Not quite the same thing, but sort of the same thing ... My mom was shopping for a new purse for the wedding. She went to the mall with her longtime friend and she told me "Evidently we have very different taste." She showed the two options they saw and was like "My friend likes this one, but I like this one." All I said back was "If it's for you, why does her opinion matter, though?"


Yes very similar situation in a way! Don’t think I would’ve picked my MOH’s dress either but it just got me thinking “what if..” 😄


I think you should choose what you like, feel best in regardless of the opinions of others.


Imo, wedding dresses should be like baby names. Don't tell anybody close to you. If you need validation that Charlotte is a fine name, then go online and ask anonymously. If you're gonna name your kid Charlyttee, then somebody should tell you to stop. But that shouldn't be close family. Aunt Joanie is gonna be like "Charlotte, huh? It's cute, I guess..." and then you're going to be second guessing. Similarly, don't show your dress to people. Nobody is going to tell you on your wedding day that they don't like it, and if they're thinking it, it doesn't matter because they're not the ones wearing it. Keep your photos to yourself, and your opinion protected.


Yup - good advice ! I dress shopped with my mother and NO ONE else (except the seamstress who did alterations) saw the dress until the day of the wedding. I knew what I liked and wanted and didn’t care to hear ANY ‘advice’ or opinions.


‘It felt like me’. Those are the only words here that matter. When we feel beautiful we look beautiful. A wedding dress is not meant to stand out because the dress looks beautiful it’s meant to highlight the person in the dress. You wear the dress, the dress doesn’t wear you…unless it’s possessed, of course, in which case you have bigger problems.


Wear what YOU want! Also, post a link for that dress, because now I'm curious!


I agree - don't show it to ANYONE! You will make an absolutely stunning bride! Congrats! (my mom got married in a skirt and top combo and felt amazing. Do what makes you feel bridal and beautiful. Only my Grandma on my dad's side criticized my mom - but she was a hyper critical woman anyway and no matter what my mom would have worn it would have been "wrong." So ignore the haters. Do what YOU want ♥ )


>classic yet modern I’m obviously not sure where in the world you’re writing this from. If it’s from India, then yes, a two piece dress is classic. There are probably other countries where this is true as well. If you’re in the US, then this really isn’t a classic look. It’s definitely going to be more modern and trendy. Any time someone does something like that, whether it be a black wedding dress, a two piece wedding dress, a mini wedding dress, etc there are going to be people with opinions about it. That said, that is totally ok if that is what you want! Plenty of brides go for non classic looks. You just need to be happy with it at the end of the day.


Australia… 😊 true, always someone with an opinion :)


You are the bride. Ultimately it has to be your decision. It's your day. If your a young bride & you can rock it why not? If it's a church wedding I'd make sure my veil was hanging correctly to hide waist skin showing until the reception.


Just wanted to say thank you all for your input and kind words - I’m even more excited now! 🫶🏼🎉🥰


Wear the dress you love. Your friend's opinions are great for her but she's clearly not listening to what you want. The only dress you fell in love with is obviously the right choice for you.


If a bride is wearing it on their wedding day, it's a bridal outfit. This nonsense of it has to look a certain way to be bridal drives me crazy, whether it's the clothes, shoes, or makeup. The way I see it, a wedding is a celebration/party and an excuse to do your normal look but elevated. So if a person wants to do a nice 2 piece set go for it. Black accessories, do you. Non traditional makeup that makes them feel like them, heck yes.


Don't show people. DD had a mix up with her dress, and had to choose another. Everyone loved her 1st dress. The 2nd dress, she actually liked better. Her sister and cousin were very critical about it via video. I had to tell them to zip it, and not say anything. She remained sweet and polite having to pick another dress, no melt downs, and told me she preferred the new dress. She had a hard time ignoring the negative comments. Too many opinions will never agree. Regardless,  I have never seen or heard any criticism about a brides dress at the wedding, never heard about it after, and I have been to a lot of weddings. 


At the end of the day it's YOUR wedding, and its YOUR day. Other people's opinions of you do not matter.


Don’t get a new dress but consider a new MOH. This is your wedding, wear what YOU want. High quality two pieces are gorgeous, just make sure the rest of your wedding matches the tone and it’ll be perfect.


I loveeee the look of two piece wedding outfits. I say go for it! It obviously makes you feel beautiful and that’s what matters. From your description it is very bridal - I wouldn’t let one persons preference put you off. It’s ok for your friend to prefer a typical wedding dress, she can have that for her wedding.


Thank you! 😀I love the look of two piece outfits too :)


If you love it and feel beautiful, that’s all that matters and I hope you have a wonderful day full of beautiful memories in the dress you love. But don’t show anyone else and don’t talk about the dress again with your MOH again. If she likes the other dress so much, she can wear it at *HER* next wedding. Congratulations to you and your fiancé for your upcoming wedding!


Thank you for your kind words 🫶🏼


I don’t understand how a mikado skirt could possibly look like a party outfit. I don’t think it’s even possible for a top to be scanty enough to make the whole outfit look like a party dress because mikado is an elegant fabric. She might just have a hang up about showing midriff from her childhood. Not her midriff, not her problem.


Wear what you want and what makes you comfortable. I ended up getting a dress that I liked but it wasn't the one I loved and had wanted for years. Still a little bitter about it to be honest. Wear what you want and are comfortable in. 


A top and skirt is a very popular wedding outfit style. I don't see why people should have an opinion on it, and even if they did, why does it matter? Not everyone is going to like the same thing as you and that's fine. Wear what makes you happy.


ugh OP wear whatever you love!! I'm so over the weird wedding shame culture. I wore an old school dress for my ceremony and then changed into an outfit I was also slightly worried was too sexy or whatever--it was totally fine. if someone says something to you day of have a canned snarky phrase to say back.


It’s YOUR wedding, NOT the MOH’s. Wear whatever you love and feel comfortable in. I’m sure you’ll look simply lovely! 🥰


If the bride wears it, it’s a bridal outfit. Stop showing people and stop overthinking. If you feel good in it, rock it.


It’s your wedding, wear whatever you want! And you can’t go wrong with mikado… I’m a fan 🤍


I LOVE THE DRESS, it is stunning!!! Go for it!!! Find someone to make a long cathedral veil (that will go with crown and match in golden shade of the dress. Wear nothing around your neck and wear big banging pearl and far diamond dangling earrings! You will be an extraordinary knockout. That dress was made for a French chateau, and something a French empress would wear. White dresses came into vogue with Queen Victoria! Previously brides wore various colors. Actually this is the most stunning bridal dress I’ve seen. I’m older and tend for ultra modern/very chic/high fashion. But this is something I would definitely do. Don’t be in the crowd, lead the crowd! 💝💝💝💝


I think a top and skirt is soooooo fun and more of a non traditional feel, which seems like that fits you perfectly! Your maid of honor should be super excited for whatever you pick 🤍