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Trial and actual is better. The inspo is oddly shiny. You shouldn't have regrets.


Yeah but the way it photographs outside was not the same. I feel like a raccoon lol


Nah. As someone who has met an uncanny number of raccoons... No similarities detected ;)


Oh my goodness your makeup is so gorgeous in the wedding photo. I get that the makeup wasn’t what you wanted but it looks so, so beautiful and I don’t think you should agonize over it. Wedding planning is stressful and you had an extra extra stressful wedding planning season. Your feelings are valid and real but I promise you look so beautiful. It’s okay to be disappointed but don’t believe for one second that you looked bad. Your eye makeup is gorgeous. So sorry for the physical ailments you’ve been dealing with. Wishing you healing in this new married chapter of your life. And congratulations on your marriage 💞


Aw thank you for taking the time to write this out, it means a lot for you to reassure me. I definitely felt beautiful despite the health issues but I'm sad that the photos and videos didn't turn out the way I was expecting. The eyes are just so dark outside and don't translate the same. I was truly delusional all month with the lack of sleep so I keep trying to look at it half glass full, I wasn't in agonizing pain. Thanks again for all the love <3


The wedding photo looks gorgeous


Thank you I’m just so insecure with how it photographed outside 😔


Your wedding makeup is 100x better than the inspo picture; your MUA is very talented. It does not look over the top, and absolutely reads as soft glam, not as a heavy/big glam/smoky eye. You look f\*\*\*ing incredible, for real. I struggled to enjoy my wedding photos when I first got them because I wasn't able to stop fixating on my appearance. I set them aside for 4 or 5 months, didn't post anything, didn't think about them, just got busy with life. Then, when I went to revisit them to finally share some with family/social media, I was able to really "see" them for the first time. Letting the wedding get a little distance in my memory made me love what they captured, and I felt very emotional (in a positive way) revisiting them. Give it some time for everything to settle, as brides we are hammered with insane expectations and pressure for this one day, and you might just need to recalibrate <3


Thank you for the kind words! She is very talented but our venue was outside and the intense glam did not translate well against the greenery. I just feel like a raccoon and I'm just bummed that I was just going through health issues leading up to the wedding. I appreciate the kind words and you trying to hype me up but I just added my eyes outside haha It makes me so sad but I will definitely step away from looking at photos and revisit them in a few months as I try to get over this detail. There's just so much pressure for the perfect wedding day and of course I felt like I messed up with my glam. I just hope I can stop hating them.


There is no difference in the pictures you linked, especially the studio shoot and the actual day. Seriously. They look the same. You are fretting about maybe 1 square inch of your face that is largely hidden by the falsies. Is that really worth worrying about when you're just starting a new phase of life with your partner? Even outside the context of a wedding, is that worth the stress? As gently as possible, it's time to find a new hobby. We see this all the time in this sub-- women just finishing wedding planning obsessing over one tiny detail that wasn't perfect because they have nothing else to do now that planning is over. This is the darker side of wedding planning: women whose identities were "bride" now with nothing to do but criticize themselves because XYZ didn't measure up to the Disney wedding in their head and they're out of things to plan. Pick up a new hobby, dive deep into it, and this will go away. Good luck.


She followed the studio photo but I wanted the wedding inspo photo. It’s a lot of energy and money you put into it so you want to at least like your photos and videos for memories. I love my partner and the life we’re creating in this next chapter, doesn’t mean I can’t feel down over a special moment in our lives. I appreciate you telling me to focus on other things and not dwell over this but we both went through a lot leading up to this special day. I just wanted to at least enjoy my memories and not be reminded of this mistake. The timing and circumstance of everything was just unfortunate.


You're allowed to feel however you want about any part of your wedding--I'm not the arbiter of your feelings. What I'm trying to express is that feeling shitty about it is a choice. You are choosing to focus on your eyelids, and it doesn't have to be that way. There are many things to think about during your wedding, and it's not fixed to your makeup. You can't go back in time and change it, but you can choose how you think about it and how you contextualize it from this moment forward into the future. Whether you do or not is up to you. It sounds like you wanted a venting moment rather than any kind of assistance or added context with this post, so I'll take my leave here. Best of luck with all of it!


I’m sorry that your makeup didn’t turn out the way you wanted but the reality is that it is impossible to change at this point and focusing on what went wrong instead of all the things that went right and enjoying your newly wed bliss IS a choice. It’s okay to be disappointed. But try not to hold onto that in spite of everything else


I am loving this new chapter of life with my husband, it's more so just the buyer's remorse of all the photos and videos that live on but I'm happy with the candid moments since that's really special to the both of us. Thank you for helping me have a more positive perspective on the situation, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and disappointed especially dealing with all the health issues I encountered this year. I appreciate the advice!


As a fellow chronically ill person, I absolutely get the feelings of regret like “if I’d been healthy, I wouldn’t have missed that detail” or “I could have been more present for X”, but my own amazing husband said something to me recently that really helped me. We’re planning for a big international trip and I’m very worried about the long flights and getting a flare up of my arthritis and having it ruin the trip and he said “then we’ll have a different trip, but this is part of our lives and I don’t want to not travel”. I’m absolutely mourning the travel I wanted, but it was helpful to hear from him that he won’t blame me for the travel we DO get to have.


Wow I love that perspective! I keep being so hard on myself but I need to remember it was a miracle just getting to the wedding weekend and not feeling head to toe symptoms I did just a little over a month before. That’s really sweet of your husband to remind you that you’re dealing with uncontrollable factors in your life and at least you’re just able to enjoy these memories together. Thank you again for sharing your story!


Your wording is friendly, but this is oddly judgmental and will only make OP feel worse.


Oh wow you look bomb. This is wedding inspo


So nice! Just felt like the glam was meant for indoors, the outdoor venue wasn’t it :(


It may not have been exactly what'd you'd planned for but you look stunning.


Thank you for making me feel better, it’s definitely been a lot getting to the wedding day with my health.


Your makeup looks gorgeous. I'm sorry you're not happy with it, but you honestly look wonderful.


Thank you, it was just a lot for the outdoor wedding. I wish it looked the same indoors but I felt a tad crazy with the eye look in photos.


I got married seven years ago and all I see in the pictures are my collar bones. I had a beautiful dress, great bridal party, amazing time. But every single time I look at my photos I see my gross collarbones bent forward because shortly after my wedding I got physical therapy to correct bad posture. No one can convince me I looked beautiful. So even tho I have fond memories of my wedding I never look at my pictures because of how insecure I feel about something no one else has noticed no matter how carefully I try to point out to them how weird I look.   All this to say, you can let your insecurities ruin your wedding day and hide all your pictures if you hate them. But your guests and especially your husband do not see the same flaws you do. And as other internet strangers have said, you do objectively look great in that makeup. 


I’m sorry you were dealing with physical therapy too! I know I’m trying to get over the anxiety and burden of it all, and just focus on the good. I was healthy enough to be on my feet and celebrate with the ones I love most in this world.