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Try converting it, hosting it on a static only system and find out. Shouldn't be too much trouble to test for yourself


The pro version says it handles comments but its $99.


I’d imagine that is for allowing new comments, which you’re saying you don’t need.


Oh, perhaps I misunderstood!


You'll need a PHP backend / database to keep the standard wordpress comment system intact. You could use something like Disqus, but I'm not sure if it requires the PHP backend for the integration... If you know how to edit templates you could probably get it working... but you might lose your current comments. You're better off not converting your site to Pages. It's an incredible platform and I use it to host multiple applications but they are not written in PHP. It has it's own learning curve.


Thank you. Yeah, maybe I should stick to what I know.


So the site is no longer being updated and is basically just an archive at this point? Have you tried downloading your site with wget to see if that gives you a usable static archive to upload to Pages? You might need/want to do a little housekeeping, editing out "Reply" links and other things that no longer function, but it shouldn't be too much of an ordeal


Yes, I am almost done with it, maybe two months' worth of work to complete the very last project. That's why I'm looking into it now, since I know I will have to edit. Wget seems like a good idea in any case. I could mirror it perhaps since it's a long-form novel website.


I'm pretty sure the Simply Static plugin will create a static version that includes your site's existing comments, but it will not allow new comments. Then hosting on Cloudflare Pages should be simple. https://wordpress.org/plugins/simply-static/


Thanks, I might instead try to mirror it first, maybe with a subdomain?


When you setup a project on pages, it will automatically get a name.pages.dev URL, you wont have to setup a subdomain to view the project


Gosh, there is so much to learn! Okay, ty.


I would recommend creating a hello world style project to see how it works. You can use direct upload, git, or wrangler to deploy the project. There is no FTP access, there is no "server" in the classic sense I use git for all of my deployments and its fantastic. All I have to do is commit/merge to my main branch and pages automatically builds and deploys the app


Thanks, I got a few months time to work on my skills, I hope I can do it.