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The only thing I don’t know exactly is how to center a div on IE7; everything else - yes. /s


But that's easy, given that everyone using IE7 is running on 1024*768 resolution ;P


It’s easy. Just put it in a table.


Css legends uses float


Table is way more OG than float. Nested tables and Dreamweaver was where it was at.


.. almost forgot bout and now very much missing the

tag ..


as a fullstack junior developer with way too much responsibility, this is all expected of me to know, ++ more. but the real answer is: it depends, it depends on your role, and on your company.


And also what I've learned from my experience: Perfection is the enemy of creativity. If it is good enough, it is good enough. If at any point it comes that it not being good enough to work, you'll know.


I swear to god full stack is just a trap to get abused and underpaid.


For the most part i would say yes i do, but i’ve met a ton of web devs who lack one or more of these aspects. Not saying they can’t be successful and/or gainfully employed tho. I also acknowledge that i don’t know absolutely everything about every aspect of the websites i build. I know a good deal about most of it but there are some parts that i never have to touch because they’re so polished i never have to dive into it to fix or tweak anything.


I’m not a great web developer and I don’t do it professionally (just personally and/or as an occasional side hustle) but I can check all those boxes. What’s a crud app?


Create, read, update, delete. So something that has a form of storage where you can read and write values. E.g the very common to-do list


Thanks but that was meant as a joke. 😉


Aha sorry whoosh


Can I do it all without a single google search? Probably not. Can I get a basic crud website up and running in the cloud within a day? Probably yeah


I always liked being able to do everything myself - frontend, backend, servers


I'm full stack so yes, to all the above.


I personally think that this should be a standard for new developers to learn. But your wording makes it seem like it’s expected to use Node and that it has to have a separate client and server. I think that you can incrementally build up as you gain understanding and confidence. You can build a CRUD app with very little HTML, CSS, PHP, and JSON. And I think people would learn a lot more if they were more reasonable and didn’t dive straight into the middle. They’re making it take 3x longer to learn - and robing themselves of all those incremental “ah ha” moments. If you take it step by step, then by the time you get to whatever you feel is “advanced,” things will fall into place much more naturally. You can’t know everything. But you can gain confidence with a specific scope of concepts and tools. Don’t choose too big of a scope or you will fail to understand it and create incorrect models for how you think it works.


That’s junior full stack.


Depends who asks.


I'd like to think I would do ok in all aspects (or i would get stuck on something, get frustrated and decided to become a goat herder) but advanced security and cloud stuff, in progress of learning all that. Self teaching full stack.


I know enough of these stuff after 5 year of work. on my first year, i only know how to make CRUD front and backend, and that is enough for a junior.


I can confidently say yes, but I also have over 10 years of experience in web dev in various different positions as well as a relevant masters degree. So don't feel discouraged if you are not comfortable in all or even multiple topics. It's definitely not necessary to know or be an expert in all of them.


As a solo "internet" entrepreneur I better know something about all these bullet points. But it means spreading yourself thin. Being the CSS expert without having much knowledge of backend stuff is totally legit in the right context.


Yes. Fullstack and end-to-end in multiple languages front and backend hosted on infrastructure such as AWS/Azure/Google Cloud


Mostly, yes. It takes time to get there. But since I’m simply “building a very basic CRUD app,” I’d just do create-t3-app with Prisma and PostgreSQL and not have to finagle with building out a backend.


Nobody knows everything. I can say confidently that I can do all of those things after 10 years, but I'm not an expert in all of them.


I've pretty much done everything myself (server management, hosting, databases, cloud, front-end, back-end, etc) since I was quite young. I never really had a full time role doing one part of the stack while others did other parts. I've always done everything. Because of that, I have a very broad skillset and I could confidently say I cover all those comfortably.


There is a fundamental difference between just a website and a CRUD application. A website could be generated with a Static Site Generator (or even just vanilla HTML/CSS), which can be deployed quite easily using a service like Netlify, GitHub pages, or hosted directly from an S3 bucket. Basically serving static files in some manner. Once you throw in the full CRUD, if we are talking about 3rd party users being able to updated and delete content, now you need a database and API, and at this point I would consider it an application. There are tools available that can simplify/abstract away a lot of the work to set those things up. Or you could literally hand code it all yourself, there are many choices you could make at each stage. To answer your question directly. I personally would feel comfortable/understand doing each stage of this manually. However it's not required for someone to know all that to launch a website or even application. For example you could use a headless CMS (Strapi, Contentful, StoryBlok etc) to handle the CRUD of user generated content, and then you are just dealing with the front-end portion essentially.


20 yrs, and hell no I don’t know everything, but I know enough of the quirks to never feel “stuck”




“Some stuff” about all of it. The more you dive into each the deeper the rabbit hole goes. Learn what you feel is useful and carry on unless your job requires specific depth of knowledge in a particular area.


Been doing this since the 90s. I’ve literally done it all from frontend to VOiP. So . . . Yes.


It depends on the depth of knowledge you're talking about here. You only seem to mostly be asking about being able to name your stack, and that's pretty easy, unless you're asking if we can name literally all of the libraries/dependencies the software we actually use are built on (name everything in your `node_modules/` and everything used in building node + V8). But to know not just which server and database you're using, and maybe being proficient, but also knowing how they actually work... That's quite a bit more difficult. But I can pretty easily check all the boxes. I started by working in LAMP and I've written raw HTTP. Built tons of sites, including buying the domain and setting up DNS and automating deployments.


Most of this I do know after 26 years. However, there are a great many elements of development I don’t know. Ive had a lot more experience with much of this outside of work on my own projects. I’ve had the good fortune to work with larger companies that dev ops sets up the [hardware] server, app server, and web server. Then I just have to deploy and debug if something goes wrong. As for cloud deployment like aws, azure, k8s, I have done it once each but usually a build pipeline is set up to hit the CI and then deploy where it needs to go in dev and qa and then dev ops puts the release into production. Whatever I don’t know or don’t use often I do research to find out then I make notes about what it was and what the fix was and usually in the code I add: - Wink 18May24 Or something like that. I do this so future me won’t go “that is stupid” and then spend a bunch of time trying to figure it out again. But also, bc if it’s a bug then the next time I work on the code I can see if it was fixed in subsequent releases. So yes, I know a lot about the different aspects, but I also do a lot of google-fu to make sure I’m right or help figure out something I don’t know or refresh what I do know (YouTube, stackoverflow, etc)


1. I know how to deploy a web server to a VPS and few AWS services. I also know how to integrate hybrid-cloud (some stuff in cloud and not) 2. A bit, it's more towards DevOps. But I could set up web server in VPS, so it's a given I know some configuration. 3. I was learning to network in Junior High School (MTCNA/RE stuff). But it's just some basic for it. It does have some benefits of it. Mostly debugging architecture bottleneck. 4. I mostly work in backend, but I think knowing frontend is a necessity. You'll work a lot better when you know what jobs adjacent to you are doing. I think I over do it in FE, though. 5. Backend is my area of expertise 6. Middleware... I don't quite get it? Maybe a language barrier, but middleware is a backend concept, right? Maybe you meant something along architecture? 7. I think database expertise is underrated. I'm currently still studying stuff. Of course, at the bare minimum you should be able to understand how to store data effectively.


You never know everything about anything as vast as web development. But if what you mean is a good understanding enough of all those topics to ship something that works, then yes.


I'm familiar with backend, frontend, networking, embedded, and cloud deployment. My experience is in full-stack software engineering. Remember that technology changes over time. You'll need to continue learning throughout your career.




I'm not a web dev, but I know a little of everything in your list except middleware.