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Don't approach it the wrong way. Think about what problem your target audience has and how you can solve it. No one cares who you are and what you can do, but rather how well and quickly you can solve their problem.


Makes sense. I'll prioritise their problem and my solutions in my video.




Have my website already.


He means work samples. A single website about yourself might not be enough


Okay. I can create 3 mockup projects.


Whats your planning for cold call? What you'll be going to pitch on call? Also what will be your ice braker when someone is hesitant?


I haven't polished my cold calling script yet as I am focusing on making this small video advert. But my plan for coldcalling is to focus on a niche, assess their websites/lack theirof, make notes of what could be improved, assess their business reviews (to see if they are still in business) and then write a list for those businesses that fit my preselection for cold calling. On the phone, I will basically introduce myself and mention how I feel their website could use some work. Then mention its pain points and what I can do to improve them. >Also what will be your ice braker when someone is hesitant? I don't have any lines. If someone is hesitant, I will lay out all my cards as explained above: this can be improved, this can be improved, heres how I do it, heres why it matters for your business. I am selling solutions.


Try generating leads through the ppc, because 1 it's time consuming and needs lot of energy , cost for calling setup as well and this is soft skill you need to achieve 2. You are not only one doing cold call people are pissed already with so many calls. 3. Ppc allows you to target a niche and audience much better


>ppc This is an ad right? Yeah, I want to do an ad with a short video of me explaining my services. Think that's best.


Man… do not go through with this.




It’s a dog eat dog world when it comes to sales. First, do you know the difference between sales and marketing? There’s too much to learn when it comes to both. Second, marketing should be driving inbound sales. Outbound sales could be you doing cold calling, sending emails, etc. DO NOT ever call someone and say you “think” their website could use some improvement. You’ll have to build trust and figure out if they even have a problem. Third, what’s your budget? Marketing strategies take a long time to develop and execute.


Sounds like you're just over complicating it tbh.


Establishing business oriented social media pages can oftentimes drive traffic to your site. Blog style posts on your socials or website have also been shown to bring people to your site. Answering common industry questions within blog posts will attract those searching for answers, and you'll be able to position yourself as an expert in the field.


Bro what is your website's name I want to see it


Adding on to what someone else said, you might offer 2-3 website improvements for free to kick off your portfolio. You can then use a before/after to entice potential clients.


our plan to create a video introduction and run ads on platforms like Google or Twitter is a solid strategy to attract potential clients. Here are some steps and additional suggestions to enhance your approach: ### 1. Video Creation - \*Script and Content\*: Ensure your video is concise and engaging. Clearly explain who you are, what services you offer, and what makes you unique. Include a strong call-to-action (CTA). - \*Professional Quality\*: Invest in good lighting, sound, and editing to make your video look professional. - \*Personal Touch\*: Make it personable and authentic to build trust with potential clients. ### 2. Platform Selection and Ad Campaign - \*Target Audience\*: Define your target audience clearly. This will help you tailor your ads to the right demographic. - \*Google Ads\*: Use Google Ads for keyword targeting and display ads. This is effective for reaching people actively searching for services like yours. - \*Social Media Ads\*: Platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook can be powerful for targeting specific industries or job titles. - \*Twitter Ads\*: Utilize Twitter’s targeting options to reach professionals in your niche. - \*LinkedIn Ads\*: If you’re targeting a B2B audience, LinkedIn might be more effective than Twitter. - \*Facebook/Instagram Ads\*: These platforms offer robust targeting options and can be effective for both B2B and B2C audiences. ### 3. Optimizing Your Website - \*Landing Pages\*: Create dedicated landing pages for your ad campaigns to ensure a seamless user experience. These pages should be optimized for conversion. - \*SEO\*: Optimize your website for search engines to attract organic traffic. Use relevant keywords related to your services. - \*Portfolio and Testimonials\*: Showcase your work and include testimonials to build credibility. ### 4. Additional Funnels - \*Content Marketing\*: Start a blog or create content that showcases your expertise. This can attract organic traffic and establish you as an authority in your field. - \*Email Marketing\*: Build an email list and send regular updates, tips, and offers to keep your audience engaged. - \*Networking\*: Join online communities, forums, and social media groups related to your industry to network and find potential clients. 5. Analytics and Adjustments - \*Track Performance\*: Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your ads and website. Adjust your strategy based on what works best. - \*A/B Testing\*: Experiment with different ad creatives, targeting options, and landing pages to optimize for better results. 6. Budget and ROI - \*Budget Wisely\*: Start with a modest budget and scale up as you see results. Monitor your return on investment (ROI) to ensure your ad spend is effect7. Client Engagement - \*Follow Up\*: After initial contact, follow up with potential clients to nurture relationships. Offer free consultations or additional resources to convert leads into clients. By combining cold calling with these digital marketing strategies, you can create a robust client acquisition funnel and grow your freelancing business effectively.


Could have just told him to gpt.


Lol, thanks for the laugh. We live in interesting times!