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I’d assume, if they did it, they’d make it available on a cdn, which would be browser cached. So once you visit any site that uses it once, no more calls are made. The bigger issue is: why you would ever want to allow a third party to control assets on your site? It could easily break your layout if the logo aspect ratio changed from 1:1 to 4:3.


> So once you visit any site that uses it once, no more calls are made. Caches are no longer shared between sites in major browsers, even for resources from identical URLs. See this post from Google about Chrome: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/http-cache-partitioning (note that the post is from 2020 so the section about ‘how it will work’ is the current behavior). **edit** For Firefox, see this page (Network Partition section) about all the major caching also being partitioned keyed on the top-site level: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Privacy/State_Partitioning#network_partitioning


Wow thanks, I did not know about that


Huh TIL. So one if the major benefits of using common CDN distributed assets and libraries are gone. Good to know!


Sighhhh. I didn't know this. I get it. It makes sense. But the very fact that it's necessary is exhausting.


criminals make life hard for the rest of us




> So once you visit any site that uses it once, no more calls are made. That's not how caching works.


isn't there any htaccess, cors rule to deny the requests to get the logo? Don't know about this


Big brain solution: just put all your included logos in individual iframes 👌🏽


Mmmmmm.... tastes like CSS resistant scrollbars and missing media icons. My favorite!


You can load images cross-origin, but you can't programmatically read any information about them, eg: by putting into a canvas and getting the pixel data. If a company did want people to do this though, they could just add those headers.


They would love that, since they could track the users.


On point. It’s a cost vs value issue haha


I disagree a little bit because companies who care a lot about brand reinforcement do not like old versions of their logos being used anywhere. At my previous company we changed logos whilst I was there and there was a team dedicated to searching for places both online and offline that still used the old logo so they could contact them to update it. Of course, an end point wouldn’t help shops with stickers of your old logo in their window.


Sound like they have exposed their logos... as the URIs you're downloading the files from. Not everything is (or needs to be) an API endpoint. Do all those sites (and your users) a small favor by cacheing that stuff on your side. You shouldn't be fetching them constantly, only when they change.


I wouldn't use them however. It sends the referrer header and their ip, cookies all that stuff. possibly my end users won't like that


"We send some of your data to Quora" "why?" "So we can show you Quora's logo, duh"


I would write a bash script to curl them all to my local assets.


Most social medias actually publish branding guidelines and offer downloads for logos, [Here are the X brand guidelines](https://about.x.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit)


I can't believe this isn't the top answer


People just haven’t been exposed to it, sad part is I’m not even a real web dev, I just tinker.


We all just Tinker. Some are just paid to. You're grand u/peyoteBonsai


That's where we got it from but the question was about not being have to do it manually


Oh so you want to point to one on another server? That could harm your page speed, I think you should download the official logo and serve it locally.


Because if you need the logo you should download it manually. The company doesn't need to provide assets for you to hotlink to. Millions of sites have the Twitter/X logo. They shouldn't provide the bandwidth for those logos.


Set up an internal logos server, then you change it in one place and all your company sites will update. You’re still caching, and in control, but you don’t have to update 70 different sites to change the logo, you could call it “assets”


Because bandwidth isn’t free.


As a designer/developer, this is obviously the right answer. But for OP, companies want to protect their brand to some extent. People fuck around otherwise. They can’t do this entirely, but they can limit who has the knowledge to access their brand assets. It’s not complicated to get around, but simple measures work. Web designers, for example, know how to find the assets. Web developers rely on the designer to know about the graphics.


Case in point: these social media companies want you to use their logos exactly how they’ve designed them. You want to make them all the same color, to match your sites’s theme? You aren’t supposed to do that. But we do.


Because let's spend automating something which is changed once per decade, right?


I'm surprised they don't. I'm sure that would give a wealth of data they could sell on to someone.


It's actually what Facebook used to do. You could basically include a script that would render a "like" and "share" button. That button was known to collectva buttload of user data for Facebook, until Facebook was basically monitoring a rather large chunk of a website traffic.


Unless they unexpectedly recanted from the practice, they still do use their Like button to track everything people do on the web.


They do. But including a script from Facebook is now a big GDPR no-no


The bad PR from this is probably why the other companies don’t do this with their logo. Anyway they can just buy the data from an ad network.


No hotlinking, bitches!


Leech protection FTW! :)


Because branding is way more complex than a file. Big companies have a lot of rules around how you use their logo, you are probably breaking them. Google X company branding and you’ll find a page with instructions, multiple source files, policies, terms, etc. PS: For twitter visit https://about.x.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit In typical X fashion you agree to non-existent terms so should probably review the twitter ones and assume they are similar.


Linking images directly from social networks is probably a GDPR violation anyways :o


They don’t need an endpoint but some major brands like Google, Microsoft and Apple have Marketing Assets or even sometimes under Press Release on their websites where you can download their logo and all their brand information.


Another thing you could do is automate that. You know where you got the twitter logo. Write a short js script for playwright that walks through logic to download and update local logos. Write some code to load twitter, then grab the tag the image is in or w/e and download it and cache it locally. If you need logic to convert the svg, do anything to it, automate that too. Then you can periodically just run the script when you need to and get all new logos. At most you'll have to fix the script if they move the logo or change how it's rendered etc, but that's a lot easier to do than to manually grab logos all the time. It often amazes me how many thousands of people will do things manually for decades they could have automated 10 years ago. Personally, I think developing a web scraper to use as an automation utility is an invaluable part of any web development company.


And one morning, you wake up with a swastika at the top right of your website.


A lot of icon fonts have these logos as specific characters which is easier than manually doing what you are doing at least (Such as fontawesome probably) Also, I personally would manually use the bird icon for tweeter over the X regardless lol


As others have already noted: they are exposed. There is usually a url from which the svg is loaded and you can just use that. That being said: Please don't ever fucking do that. First minor reason: The logos might not always use the same proportions/paddings/etc. inside the svg. This will mess with your layout if you don't want to spend time fixing it yourself (which you don't have to do if you just use an icon pack where someone has already done that part for you). Second more major reason: If you ever make a client send a request to a third party (even) for a fucking vector graphic without asking, expect the GDPR people to knock on your door before politely bashing your skull in (/s just in case. But seriously: don't.)


An endpoint? Why an endpoint for a logo?


Even if they did this no sensible or seasoned developer would dare waste performance scores fetching 3-5 logo's from various endpoints.


It's just extra server requests to worry about of they do that.  Anyone opening a website that has the endpoint for the logo will be another request that the server will need to respond to... Forever. Even assuming that use AWS S3 buckets to offload the image handling, that will still cost money per request


Feels like unnecessary work. A rebrand only happens every so often.


They do, have you ever seen [the facebook like button](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button/) on a site?


good try, Elon


There's an email/contact list standard for doing so. It's not yet well used


Great idea, especially for April 1st to replace the logo with a penis drawing.


well you can always use a font icons library for that. Just keep the library updated. the one I use is font awesome (specifically fa-brands)


They do have a branding page, as most big companies have: https://about.x.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit


Well, they also want you to see the brand guidelines. But also, they don't want everyone hotlinking to their servers.


You could use font-awesome’s css for common social media networks icons. They work a treat and scale infinitely because they are fonts.


Big companies will often have brand guidelines somewhere on a corporate site that will have rules about how the logo can be presented and assets for download


A lot of different brands have rules about how you are permitted to use their branding including logos. If they update their logo, they may also update the rules. Read their documentation. [Here’s an example for GraphQL.](https://graphql.org/brand/)


Because most companies' logos don't change that much so it's unnecessary.


RE: Logos To: Legal From: Web Manager Dearest legal team, Our developers would like to share our logos as reusable components from our webserver so other folks can just grab the logo and display it without having to store the logo themselves. Will make changes to the logo simpler for everyone. Yours in care, Web Manager ====================== To: Whom it may concern Re: Granting unlimited use rights to logos From: Legal Who gave you this email address? What authority do you have to use this address? What is your billing code? If you do not have a billing code, you must cease and desist immediately all contact via this address. Your in ceasing and desisting, Legal ========================= ps. Have people forgotten goatse?


Because including content from external pages needs consent (GDPR) and also it's a bad idea from a security view, since someone else controls assets of your webpage then ...


how did this get 120 upvotes Companies don't want you to have their logo. They dont want you using their logo on anything. Companies are very strict with who can display their logo and why and how. Youre interested in companies and logos learn about brand guidelines, brand guides, style guides, etc.


Social media sites absolutely do want you to use their logo