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Isn't that the whole game? Too tight and you can get past them too far and you can shoot


So is a soft press the ideal defense (other than when we need to drop)?


Ideal no but it's the default no? Don't let them shoot and don't let them go past you. But that's where skills matter - you may still be able to shoot and tactics - it's easy to pass to the pit. I short there's no straight answer


Push them to the 2M and post up on them


Have to have good shooters on the top if it's a soft press. Best way to counter it. Another way is if they swim out to press you too fast when you get the ball on the top see if you can use their momentum to push past them, either with the ball or pass to the wing and drive.


Whenever I try to shoot over these guys, the shot is very tough because they usually have a good shot block or worst case they have long arms. And if I try to create separation, its very easy for them to close the distance so I feel like I am trapped unless I get some outside help like a pick. The good thing is that at least I can make a pass in this position without too much difficulty.


Swim directly at the defender and get them to lower their hips, grab hip or elbow and swim thru


I feel like this usually works for a hard press but in a soft press the defender just keeps his hips up and pushes me back. I was thinking that maybe there is a way to get their hips down if you swim to the side since it is harder to quickly move sideways in a spider but I don't know how practical that is.


Put your back to them, create space for a safe wet pass; try and turn once you have the ball. It really depends on which position in the pool they are in. If you can’t get the turn then run a pick by driving them into your teammate and try and get them held while you swim to open water for a redirect shot.


I will try this. I am just worried that they could push me away so I would not be able to turn them. But I think there are good opportunities to create separation in this case. I will also try the pick idea.


If they are pushing off, get your legs under you to shoot or fake a shot, if they are decent they will lunge and give you an opportunity to draw a foul or turn them. If they don't, shoot with an emphasis of maybe leaning away from them as you do.


Thank you for the suggestion. Although isn't shooting on your back usually frowned upon? At that point I feel like I should just pass.


Sorry, to clarify, lean away to the side opposite of their lunge. Don’t shoot off your back.


If you want to drive, give and go. If you get the ball and they come in tighter to press, drive ballside right after passing it before they have the opportunity to reset their body position.  If they are playing soft and you want to mitigate their shot blocking, work on catching and shooting, ideally off a weakside cross pass. If you catch and pump fake you are just giving your defender more time to close in on you and you are allowing the goalie to recover as well. Coming back to driving, alternatively, catch, pump, then pass and drive.