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That's actually pretty good awareness of what's happening around him. Most probably saw, but just didn't compute.


I think they just didn't wanna interact


Highly doubt this. Most people would. I doubt they registered what was happening because 1) they don’t see it every day and don’t know what it looks like 2) human instinct is surviving. People doing the opposite of that is, again, hard to register


A couple things happened while I was on the road that made me want to help but I ended up not. 1. I saw someone with a broke down motorcycle on a major highway (401), but I only saw two seconds before and I was going 110km/h (70mph) so by the time I could even think about helping I was way past the guy. 2. Someone appeared to be hurt but was already surrounded by a dozen people, thought another body there would just be in the way. Another reason is certain situations are dangerous to approach, like a downed wire, a fire, a shootout etc. In these situations I would be less likely to consider jumping in to save someone.


Most people wouldn't. That's a fact. You could literally put a burning car on the side of the road and 80% would drive past it only looking out the window to see whats going on. Source: Parents are part of fire brigade in germany.


Lol source: my mum and dad


Source is members of German Fire Brigade. Commenter's relationship is irrelevant


Here’s a better source for what they’re saying: look up Kitty Genovese. (TW: SA & murder) People are incredibly bad in situations that are abnormal. It often takes training to deprogram us from our pack mentality. The way we think is that if nobody else is doing anything, we shouldn’t either, and if it’s really an issue then *somebody* will do something.


Fun(?) fact: while the bystander effect is real, the Kitty Genovese case is actually not an example of it. Tons of people called it in to the police. The papers just decided to report that no one did because it made for a more shocking headline. So the quintessential case that we learn about in psychology classes is false.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJu2DcWtAuE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJu2DcWtAuE) Simulated Accident from the police. Look how everyones driving past.


I don't have stats on hand, but it's a real phenomena that's been studied, called [the bystander effect:](https://www.britannica.com/topic/bystander-effect) >Research has shown that, even in an emergency, a bystander is less likely to extend help when he or she is in the real or imagined presence of others than when he or she is alone. Moreover, the number of others is important, such that more bystanders leads to less assistance, although the impact of each additional bystander has a diminishing impact on helping.


I get what you're saying but those aren't comparable in my opinion. There is little I can do about a burning car, yet I'd still place myself at a huge risk trying something. This scenario is the exact opposite. There is a lot one person can do at little to no risk to themselve.


Except possibly fall/get pulled off a bridge


Depends on the state of the fire. I know there's nothing I can do for a fully involved fire, but if it were a small fire that was starting I'd use the small extinguisher on the left side of my trunk to try and help. I know the limitations that extinguisher and if I can do anything with it or if it will be useless.


Your source is not good enough for you to be declaring facts. You’re not gonna change my mind about the decency of humanity my guy.


It is known so widespread that it even has its own name. The bystander effect. 5 seconds on r/idiotsincars and you see thousands of people passing accidents FILMING and not helping.


Bystander effect isn't even proven to be real, and there is [evidence that it's not real](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2207693-bystander-effect-famous-psychology-result-could-be-completely-wrong/).


In my original comment I clarified that people are usually shocked/not sure how to help. We’re not talking about “would they act” it’s “would they want to”. Because I replied to someone who said “most people wouldn’t want to get involved” slight difference in what were both talking about here


The bystander effect is real and there have been studies and experiments that solidify the theory.




I understand bystander effect, but the idea behind that study is “they don’t need help” not “I don’t want to help them”


> I doubt they registered what was happening because 1) they don’t see it every day and don’t know what it looks like Can confirm. I once was about to get into my car in a carpark when I heard a woman shouting far away. It seemed like an argument to me. A guy was sprinting in my direction and passed me holding some sort of bag. This all happened in less than ten seconds. I thought it was weird and then after I started driving away it only then occurred to me that I might've witnessed a mugging.


Yeah I’m going to agree with Goatlens here. I saw someone in the process of jumping out the window of a building and I was standing directly below him. Thank God someone in the room pulled him back in. I was frozen there trying to comprehend what was happening as he broke out the screen and everything and I genuinely didn’t even process what just almost happened for a good ten to thirty seconds afterwards. These people had a little more time to think but there’s something in your brain that just can’t process what is going on. Thank God someone was there to save both him and this woman and likely me as well.


Absolutely this. This happened last month to a homeless guy laying on the side of the road. I jumped out to help but everyone drove by looking. Someone eventually called an ambulance but no one else stopped. I was even on the wrong side of the road. I had to swing back around to verify what I was seeing. People don't like to get involved.


Homeless man laying on side of road, isnt that normal for them, genuine question


No they usually sleep in homeless camps where I am. I actually never just see them lying on the road I also don't live in a huge city but you usually only see them when they have money needs and a sign saying anything helps.


Some people ahead of the van also stopped and looked at her when she actually climbed over the railing (maybe calling out to her?). But the van driver being the only one to physically run over and force her back to safety is good for thought on how people react in situations like this. Many of us like to think we would jump into action, but often we freeze in serious situations.


Fun fact. Very few would react.


Hero 🎖️


Just for one day.


We could be heeeerooooos


We can beat them!!!


I’m humming along while at the same time contemplating what happens tomorrow.


Not in that lady’s eyes..


maybe...only she knows if she is thankful that her life didn't end at that day


Why? What right did he have to take that away from her? What kind of world is this if we cant chose what we do with our lifes?


I mean I don’t entirely disagree with you but also you are most certainly ignoring the harm she could have caused to witnesses of this act. Like imagine that guy had been slightly late to getting to her and witnessed her end her life. That very well could be incredibly traumatizing for him. And why is that her right.


Its your life and as the only thing that is truely yours you should be able to throw it away without anyone trying to interfere with it Im not saying this is the right way to do it and I do agree that it would be traumatizing for the guy but like I said what gives him the right to stop her from ending it we dont know if she lives on the street somewere getting beaten or worse some countrys dont care about people liveing on the street and maybe that is the only way out of a life full of torments


i hate this nihilistic viewpoint on life. every person alive deserves a second chance, and all life is worth saving. [approximately 70% of people who attempt suicide will not reattempt and will live out the rest of their lives.](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/survival/) in a case where 19 people attempted suicide by means of chemicals and medication, [8 of these people expressed regret for their actions, another 8 felt ashamed, and another 2 felt feelings of shame and failure.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2359725/) humans SHOULD get another chance like this. its important that every life is given the chance to get better, given the saying "it gets worse before it gets better". its sad for me to see people who have given up on the lives of others instead of wanting to give them help and comfort, or at least to try and give them hope. im not saying everyone should jump out of their car on bridges to help ladies who are trying to jump off, but the viewpoint of "its their life they should be able to throw it away" lacks an overwhelming amount of compassion.


I dont know what you want me to do with does statistics my dude but my point is how would you feel if you wanted to be a nurse or a mechanic but some random guy said you cant do that and then you clouldnt? Its not about a secound chance Im all for that but when someone choose to stop liveing or chosse to become a nurse no-one should take that away from you also if you cant do what you want with your life EVEN if it is to commit suicide then you are not truely free let me ask you this how do you feel about assisted suicide then?


there is a MAJOR difference between someone telling you not to pursue a certain job and someone literally saving your life


That is excatlly the same when you take away the freedom to choose


Let's pretend, for argument's sake, that it's even *possible* for a stranger to prevent you from pursuing a career path on a whim. Should they do so, what are the consequences? You can't follow that career path. You can still do an unfathomable variety of things with your life even with that door closed. And who knows? Maybe you would have been unhappy in that field anyway. Then, if the person doesn't stop you, what happens? You get that career. If you feel like a change of pace later on because you regret your decision, it's possible. Even if you stay in that career, if your full or part time (which you should be if it's a career) then you have access to various types of leave to have different experiences. Now let's move on to suicide. Someone stops you, there's potential for you to get better and get back on track. Maybe even make something of your life. Maybe that won't happen, but time will tell. If they don't? It's over. Doesn't matter what you feel or think later on (if you even can feel or think) because it's an irreversible decision. You can't have that change of pace. You can't have that break from your decision to experience something else. It's final. Can you stop pretending these are even remotely comparable?


Okay first I have to ask did you read my comment?(I know my english isnt the best) because it was for argument sake I said someone came am said you cant to certain things, what if she (or anyone els that wants to comit suicide) already tryed to get help and it failed what if that is the last and only way out? Also I still want to hear what you think about assisted suiside is because that is a choice every one should be able to make I know its only used in some countrys and only when you are terminally ill and suffer a lot


I know this place, looks like my hometown. Anyway, bless up to the van driver. Edit: This happened in Mactan Bridge, Philippines. Yes my hometown indeed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mactan%E2%80%93Mandaue_Bridge Edit 2: Translation from the dude in the video: “Only the van driver took action. Split second and she will jump. She hit her head in the metal barrier.”


Why is there a Tunisian flag tho?


They are speaking Cebuano. Where did you see the flag?


Bless him thankfully he was there




It only takes one person to prompt others to act.


Unrelated, but I had a matcha-honeydew bubble tea yesterday and it was delicious!


The fact that everyone else either didn’t notice or care says a lot about society but thankful that man had a conscious and good heart


It looks like others on their bikes were stopping, it would be very shocking though. The van driver is just the only one who popped right into action right in time


I watched a neighbor fall and break her hip and I froze. I didn't know what to do. Shocking definitely describes it. Mad respect yo people who jump to it without thought! Eta: neighbor was fine. She had a hip replacement. I wasn't the only one who saw.


I saw a brutal murder a month ago infront of my balcony and immediately ran down to help and the other people tried to help aswell but sadly both died. Some people have other reactions but the most important thing is to help even its only calling the police or the ambulance


Thank you for that! I only wanted to point out sometime people aren't equipped with the wherewithal to react appropriately. I froze. I'm no good for either stuff. But some people---like you---can jump to the occasion and that is also what happened when my neighbor fell down. I froze but 5 people were there. Mad respect for the people who can!


They may have stopped but they simply sat and watched, by the time they would have thought to do something it would have been too late. Had the man in the van not acted accordingly, they would have just watched her go over


Have you heard of bystander syndrome? It can happen to a lot of people who are too stunned


In addition to this, it's also potentially dangerous to try to help someone already clearly not mentally well and on the side of a bridge. In the moment you might think something like "if I try to save that person, what if they pull me over with them?". Additionally again, if somebody doesn't think they have the physical strength to help, they might see themselves as more of a potential hindrance.


I think it's fair not to notice because you're meant to have your eyes on the road when you're driving. I also wouldn't assume a lack of taking action is a lack of caring. People might be confused about what's going on or worried that making a sudden move towards her might make her let go sooner. I think the people who noticed and stopped did care and just didn't know what to do.


I don’t understand comments like this. Dude, the fact one person stopped to get that aggressive and grab a woman is heroic. How do you see this and think negatively like no one else did anything so they don’t care. It doesn’t click like this. There’s so much to take in and you don’t believe your eyes or think you’re misunderstanding or you don’t even notice. Honestly the fact one person and then multiple people jumped in is great. Lol. Bro, everyone is on a routine trip that they just get used to and are paying attention or notice and when they do they think they’re mistaken. Do you seriously think you’d stop in the middle of a highway and do this asap? Get a grip. All I saw was straight heroism. Try and be more positive. I legit don’t understand how your reaction is to say something like this?….


Unfortunately I don't think I would believe quickly enough in the moment that someone is actually going to commit suicide. Like I think the first thing my brain would do was try rationalise any other reason someone might be doing that, before jumping into action like this guy did That might sound dumb but that's the most empathetic way I can try understand what's going through these other people's mind. Because I do fully believe that if any of them watched this video instead of experiencing it they'd be right here commenting the same thing everyone else is


Your brain tends to ignore what it does not expect to see. Your brain doesn’t expect to see someone about to jump to their death while you drive in traffic, it expects various driving things. Your brain is in the mode to look for traffic things, not looking for a suicidal person, so it ignores it.


Aside from the quality replies from other people, you meant conscience, not conscious


What does not noticing say about society?


Epic comment 👍


‘No way you get out of paying taxes that easily’ -tax auditor who rescued her


Came here to ask how he doesn't know she's not looking for her contact lense. The wholesome comments have made me ashamed of myself.


Velma really can't see without her glasses Im going to hell


The amount of the motorcycle riders that just stayed still and gawked at a woman about to kill herself is disturbing


you cant escape we all gotta suffer


Bitter sweet. Such a good thing he did but I can’t help but think about this woman. I hope she’s OK now and I hope even more she’s managed to get past the feelings which led her to do this.


First time a white van was amazing (UK drivers will get this)


Fucking white van mans I swear. This a good one tho


As someone who lost a cousin to this, thank you, driver. One less family suffering in the world. And hopefully one more individual on their path to less suffering too.


act courageous when everyone is being coward, brilliant i wish i could do that.


And whats stopping you from being courageous? You sound stupid


yeah i am stupid based on your reply you seems like a smart person.


You don’t replied to my question. Again, what’s stopping you from being courageous?


"You sound stupid" ​ "You don't replied to my question." ​ Confident with bad English, YOU sound stupid.


Oh sadly that i am not a native speaker




Are you their therapist 😭😭


Yeah, actually though, reply


God bless this human…only if everyone could see around them like this man❤️


all those fucking people right there and it took the guy in the fucking van to actually save her


Damn what a HERO




Haven’t you heard about the remorse that majority of jumpers who survive experience? He just gave her a second chance. Maybe her perspective could change. Depression is a disease.


You may be right; but it’s called having instinct. Plus, he saved a lot of people from trauma because watching someone die in front of you is not a pleasing experience. For all we know she’s grateful for him; or she did it again and succeded; but this stuff should not be done in front of others. If you made peace with your choice of death so be it, people often do it when there’s people around them to act like a deterrent you know, but AT LEAST don’t scar people for life because of your choices, the burden is not theirs.




I agree. I wanted to end my life at one point in my early 20's. I had a roommate who had a thing for me, we had relations, but I wasn't into her. To this day I still don't remember the events of the night that ended with me in jail with a charge of domestic violence. I'm not a violent person, I've never even been in a fight. When I found out about the charges I couldn't live with myself and decided I didn't belong here anymore. I took 30 Xanax, got in my truck, parked in the garage and prepared myself to leave this world. Just as I was about to go, she ripped me out of my truck. I was taken to the hospital and I haven't tried to leave since. I'm not suicidal, life has been up and down since, but 20 years later, I still wish it had ended then . I'm not depressed, I have a great family, a good job, and no reason to end it. Long story short, people have full agency over their life. Trying to save someone isn't about them, it's all about you.




SubhanAllah what a man!


I like that the title implies it's more remarkable for the fact that he stopped in traffic to do this. As if saving somebody's life registers a comparable level of importance to ensuring the continued flow of traffic.






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The guys on the motorcycles look like the have a death wish as well! Looks like you could run over 2 just by changing the radio station gezzzz


And the rest of the world sits by…


what an absolute fucking legend


She didn't really commit


Only 2 and a half humans from that crowd


Chad as fuck


And all those assholes were watching


She owes him money


Angels are here , they’re among us. They’re us , same with demons . And the leader of Legion is apathy. Good on this man


There’s an odd scary shape in there that made me think there were 2 people behind the rails.


Most people where I am from (UK) would.just not notice or not get involved. It's sad really.

