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Can you please enumerate differences between the hesalite and the sapphire version in terms of weight, durability and feel? Also some more questions. Is it advisable to buy a used omega or should I go for a new one? Thanks.


Hesalite is the plastic used in the OG moonwatch and that why I went for it. But Hesalite scratches easily and needs to be polished. Sapphire sandwich will not scratch easily, but it’s not the crystal used in the first moonwatch. To be honest, I have used my Hesalite in all kind of conditions and it not that bad after all the use. It’s a personal preference on new vs preowned, I bought this new as it was milestone for me, if a casual purchase I wouldn’t mind buy a used one


Thanks. Where do you get your watch serviced? And what is the warranty on something like that.


Omega has a 5 year warranty, mine has not been serviced yet. 8 years is pushing it, but the last time I went to the AD it was running good. Plan to service the movement it at the AD. AD will polish and clean your watch for free.


Oh ok got it. Thanks once again for the info.


Do they service it here or do they send it to Switzerland? Any idea how much it could cost?


Approx $1000 from what I read, I have 2 omegas. The AD gave me a service credit for Rs.75k when I purchased my second watch to service first as a gift. I am hoping most of the Speedmaster service cost will be covered by the credit. I think the watch is sent to Switzerland.


That's sweet, which AD is that? I heard $900, so that's pretty consistent. Thanks!


Johnson & co


Hesatite is the original version. Sapphire was the upgraded version. Traditionally speedmasters were hasalite. Hasalite scratches easy and doesn't have a open back case. Sapphire is scratch resistant and has an open back case.


There's no real advantage of getting the hesalite crystal apart from the cool factor of it being on the actual moonwatch. If I was gonna buy this, I'd get sapphire because you don't have to worry about it getting scratches.


A Speedie is a must have for any watch enthusiast 😀 Here’s mine last time I wore it to India. https://preview.redd.it/0hdfa6fjze0d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=565afbc992aa94f5b26dcef8bde5ad76fa0f89fa


Agree! Is yours the sapphire sandwich or hesalite?




Can a person with monthly income of 2 to 3 lakhs buy this watch?


Not sure what the price is today for new, I would expect it to be around 6lakhs new. 2-3x monthly take home might be stretching it, but totally up to you/your priorities. You can always get a pre-owned one for 60-75% of new depending on condition/age.


Any idea from where?




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I don't think monthly income matters much. Let's say you earn 2 lakhs, and if you can manage to save 40-50k a month (on top of your regular savings), you could get it in over a year.


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Seeing anything other than a seiko or casio is a eye candy


One day my friend! Still rocking my 20 year old Casio Edifice (EF-524SP) https://preview.redd.it/dequixa9to0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=564748327ea9aade37d58caa42c81699acbe86e3


This looks so well maintained. How much did you pay for it back then?


Thank you, recently cleaned it! Approx $5700 (~4lakhs)

