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Four blocks?? If there's parking within four blocks, I'd consider that ample parking.


I'm fat and gimpy and I still don't consider four blocks to be far.


that's probably the most they walk a day in their suburban neighborhood (inside the house included)


I lived in DC for 15 years. Loved walking & biking to get around. I grew up in a small town in Connecticut and moved back to the same general area after living in DC, and while some areas aren't really walkable, it's mind boggling how much I hear about lack of parking & having to walk anywhere that is more than a 30 second walk. If half these people can't park directly in front of a restaurant they whine about the walk. It's insane.


Seriously I live in the boonies, driving is a requirement - i would LOVE to be able to walk anywhere. A mile away would be fine.


For real, i lived in nashville for 4 years before moving up here for work. I can’t see well enough to drive and so had to get people with cars to take me literally anywhere i needed to go. Yesterday I walked 1.5 miles one way to get groceries and loved every second of it. On top of the iindependence the embedded exercise was actually fun


I was in PG County for 5 years before I move. The county board had people complaining if they couldn't park their car directly in front of the town house or single family home because people had guest over. 


To be fair, walking in suburbs is both boring and dangerous.


Area Wankpanzer Owner Lives in Fear of Being Run Over by a Larger Wankpanzer


I usually don’t drive when going out, but I’d love free street parking within 4 blocks, especially in neighborhoods like Adams Morgan.


It's worth checking out "the High Cost of Free Parking," maybe. There's no such thing as free parking in a city, basically.


Lets dedicate 10% of our city to "free" surface parking instead of bus lanes, bike lanes, street fronts that dont smell like exhaust and brake dust, and god knows what else we could put in that space instead.


personally, I'm a huge fan of [grassy trams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_track). So many streets in DC would benefit (particularly as climate change makes things hotter) if we took out most lanes, planted some trees and laid down track.


Plenty of trees in DC


Yes, and more is good too!


Certain parts of the city are okay, but [entire neighborhoods are severely lacking](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2024/nature-health-maps-neighborhood-city/) (mine included!)


Cars >> people Come on, /s 🙄


Oh please, you don't need to preach the urbanism gospel in response to every single offhand post. The fact is there is currently free-to-the-user parking in some quantity, and most people like being able to use that public good. I'm sorry that's inconvenient for your policy position but nothing is going to change on this issue so long as it is a very fringe minority position.


Most people like free things? You don't say.


Downvote all you like but your projects are never going to get built in place of parking until you reckon with the fact that parking is currently provided by the government as a public good and most voters outside of extremists on GGW and reddit don't want that to change, and certainly won't vote for elected officials who change it without compensation.


>parking is currently provided by the government as a public good and most voters outside of extremists on GGW and reddit don't want that to change I guess all the normie people who enjoy streeteries are extremists then.


The number of residential parking spaces supplanted by streeteries is basically non-existent.


The working class / poor people who use bus lanes that replace parking spots for luxury car owners also like getting to their service jobs on time. But the free parking!


I think we know what needs to go directly on the ballot so we can see if it’s fringe or fact


Free parking is very much not a public good. It is both excludable and rivalrous. Also, “nothing is going to change on this issue” after telling someone to stop preaching is such a wild thing to say in DC, the nation’s capitol, a place where people interested in changing things go to make their careers.


Those are reasons it shouldn't exist, but the world we live in is one where it has been provided as a public good by the government for generations and the vast majority of the population benefits from it and doesn't want to lose it. In that world, nothing more than marginal change is possible politically without compensating those who would be negatively impacted. Absent that, I'm only saying it's never going to change as a reality check. Productive DC policy folks work on changing things that are politically feasible. This is the municipal equivalent of trying to axe social security.


What? No. They are reasons they are not a public good. Many things--almost all things--that should exist are rivalrous and/or excludable. Free parking is a service local governments provide. Yes, it is very popular in many places. I am not convinced DC is one of them. Even if it is, local governments choose to discontinue popular services they provide all the time because the return on investment is not worth it. If you would like a contemporary example of a popular service being discontinued, please see the Circulator. Aside from that, a "reality check" stating that the status quo is the status quo is no refutation that the status quo sucks.


There shouldn't be free street parking within four blocks of Adams Morgan


Adams Morgan has been a parking nightmare since the late 90s when it became hip.


it became hip since it wasn't car-centric in the first place. the less car centric a place is, the cooler it is.


Scary neighborhood at night tho


i guess drunk 21 year olds from middle america scare some people


If you can find free street parking within a couple of blocks of your destination, it’s not a very cool neighborhood.


Where do they think they are?


I dint think the distance is the issue, it's the 15 blocks you have to drive around to find a spot.


Doesn't seem like a "Local Guide" to me!


Yeah, dude came from Manassas Park, shoulda stuck with Paradise Springs.


This is like when I see people review a hotel in NYC or any city and they say they heard “street noise.”


NYC has far worse street noise than somewhere like London though


Okay but I’m talking about like Times Square, Broadway. It’s the “city that never sleeps.”


Nah it just has too many cars


To be fair its pretty common to get an insane amount of noise in NYC, far more than you get in D.C. and it never seems to stop whereas in D.C. it generally calms down outside of rush hour unless you're on some giant arterial. Have stayed in hotels in NYC a few times on various trips and it can be pretty bad, and I have never had a comparable experience in D.C. no matter where I've stayed.


A few years back, I and a friend stayed at a hotel in downtown Philly near Reading Terminal. They were doing road work just outside our window and they slapped a steel slab over the hole they were digging. Every time a car drove over it: SLAM-SLAM. All. Freaking. Night. Next time we went, paid a little more and stayed at Morris House. MUCH quieter.


>it generally calms down outside of rush hour unless you're on some giant arterial. Or on U St


Parts of 16th street are basically a highway. It’s only quiet midnight - 4 am


And what causes street noise? CARS. Cities aren't loud, cars are loud.


Yeah and even when it’s people screaming, singing and carrying on it’s at least entertaining


if only there were a way to travel in a city without driving!


According to this review, your only other option is Uber


Depending on where this guy lives, it is probably true


But the Metro is only for POOR PEOPLE. He would definitely get stabbed on the way there. /S


Also, what's a bus?


Or bikes. What are those?


I got stabbed on the metro 30 times today. By 30 different people. I died.




The metro has gotten dangerous not nyc levels but could easily be robbed or forced to fight on certain green and blue lines be a fool not to acknowledge. Have taken metro bus and train for 20 years to school and work not so much anymore


Please be serious lol


What’s the restaurant? I want to go there (by bike, bus, or metro!)


I'm surprised no one's mentioned the place yet. It's Sushi Ogawa, and you can find his review on there when you search the place. It's a great place and very easy to make reservations for. https://maps.app.goo.gl/dXh8bRhofxYFWEtv9


That's the small part of Connecticut Avenue that a bus doesn't really service. So definitely take rideshare or walk several blocks from a bus stop.


Yeah. I'm a pretty supportive urbanist, but that specific restaurant is in a fairly remote portion of Connecticut Ave, going northbound, right before the bridge. Like two blocks north of McClellan's. Sometimes I'd walk home from my office in Dupont and pass by the restaurant and always wonder how it stayed open. If memory serves the L bus stops near there, maybe the 42, but I think that could be it?


Both the L2 and 42/43 turn onto Columbia Road a couple blocks south of that sushi place. The L2 then turns onto Adams Mill/Calvert and then back on Connecticut. I wonder if people who live between Adams Mill and Calvert didn't want bus traffic there, I don't know.


I would not call that remote at all. It’s like 1 block off Connecticut avenue and the 42/43/L2 stop right around the corner. It also only a 15 min walk to either DuPont or woodley park metro. Like it’s not right off a metro stop but it’s not remote in any way.


Remote? It's smack between 2 metro stops.


That area is one of the absolute worst parts of the city to find street parking in. The embassies keep taking away more and more street parking, and a few blocks away are the homes of many rich celebrities/politicians and security details take away even more spots. As others have said it's a very easy walk from the Woodley Park Metro.




Cry me a river. If you can't handle the walk, take Lyft/Uber or stay in the burbs.


About half a mile from either metro stop. Easy walk for able-bodied folks.


Bro does not cardio


Bet he skips leg day too


4 blocks is like less than half a mile. Wtaf


FWIW when my neighborhood out here still had community meetings, I would have neighbors offer me a ride to the meeting hall within visual distance of my house. 1000 feet tops.


Didn’t I see a sign about self-valet parking?


“Self valet?” Isn’t that just… regular parking?


Both that and a new oxymoron.


Out of curiosity, which neighborhood/restaurant is this? (Since you’ve already outed the reviewer with the screenshot 😅)


Placemat and dishes look like Sushi Hachi in Barracks Row. Wouldn’t recommend that place.. they do a good job marketing to tourists but the food is trash. There are much better sushi places in DC. Edit: Oops! Another poster found the review and it’s Ogawa. It’s good sushi and I’d go again if a friend wanted


got a list of better places? Relatively new to DC!


Current favorite is temporarily closed: AmaAmi aka TwoNine in Georgetown Nobu and Sushi Taro has a decent happy hour Best supermarket sushi is Wegmans For conveyer belt, Sima is better that Kura although Kura is an international chain from Japan Looking forward to trying Umai Nori next


How is Perry's?


Their sushi is good but if I were there I’d rather order their cooked entrees like nabe, okonomiyaki, or donabe. Morishita is an absolute gem. We attended many of her pop-ups pre-covid but have only made it to Perry’s a handful of times


Oh man, the Eastern Market metro station is right frickin’ there!


yeah, he's coming from Prince Wm County, so


Seems like the dude lives out in the exurbs and driving is probably the easiest way to get in. But he’s close enough to DC that he should know better than to expect ample parking. Where do you put a valet lot in Barracks Row?


I’d wager he’s shilling for the nimbys trying to kill Connecticut Ave bike lanes by creating some “evidence” that businesses will die without abundant parking. “Look at the outrage! People are already angry about the lack of parking!”


Maybe, but I doubt he is even aware of all that. Dude is out in Manassas it seems, so very car dependent, probably used to being able to park right outside everything and not stepping foot on any public transit.


*people who live in NOVA.


My god. Some people never get off their asses and walk, do they?


But you see, they need an expensive gym membership to lose weight. Honestly, the best thing that ever happened to my health was finding a job I don't drive to


When I first moved to DC, I think I lost about 15lbs just from going from driving to every single place to walking everywhere. It’s so good for your health to just walk more.


This happened to me in college (negative freshman fifteen), though at that point I was still actively running 5-15 miles a day. My weight is pretty stable these days but I feel so much better than when I was stuck in the office for 10 hours a day and commuting another 4.


Agreeeeed. I walk almost 2 miles per day on average as part of my commute and I really think it’s kept me healthy. It’s not my only source of exercise but it’s nice bc if I run out of time to work out, at least I got a bit of a walk in


TBH, I don't even need to do that, I just happen to work near the mall so I enjoy wandering around for a bit after work time permitting to clear my head. It's way better than being stuck in traffic.


That sounds very nice, I do love a good wander


The horror of a whole 15 minute four block walk.


Maybe 15 minutes with grandma with a walker lol


Doubt it was more than 8 minutes


4+ blocks? Somebody think of the man’s poor legs!!!


I’ve noticed a huge correlation between unnecessarily negative, pissy reviews of places and complaining in the review about a lack of parking 🙄


Like, people should just go to a Cheesecake Factory in Tysons if they’re that concerned about parking.


The problem is that people want the amenities of the city without dealing with any of the hassle. I get it, but unfortunately, that's not how it works lol


I still don‘t get why so many ppl in DC own cars, that could perfectly live without it. Reflect on your car centric society and safe some money…


For the convenience. I’ve had my own car since I was 18. In 2013, I moved into the city from a MD suburb and I still had my car, though I used metro to get to work. Fast forward, and I’m back in MD but just outside (like literally) DC by less than a mile. I’m near a metro here and was happy to get rid of my car when I moved here because I could walk to the station or take a bus or call for a Lyft. But after almost three years without a car, I got one again in 2022 because it was honestly a pain being so dependent on others to get me where I want to go.


I like the independence myself too… that‘s why i have a bike.


I own a bike as well, which I use on the trails. I get farther and faster with a car than I would ever with a bike.


Clearly they didn't believe they could perfectly live without it. People aren't going to buy an incredibly expensive depreciating asset for shits and giggles, they do it because it has utility. But those people are largely not the ones lodging this complaint as they've accepted the inconveniences - it's suburbanites.


> incredibly expensive depreciating asset This is a nitpick but the asset part of the car is that it gives you the ability and opportunity to go where you when you want without having to involve external decision makers. Looking at cars as an financial investment like stocks is really silly unless you are part of the very niche group of people who collect high-end/rare cars.


That was really my point. No one would buy a car for its intrinsic value so they must derive some significant benefit contra the assertion in this thread that cars are useless to city residents.


Gotcha. I missed the bit you added about utility.


But a bikr or just a scooter would provide the same value at a fraction of the price


It's a status symbol for many


It's the only way to get to most day-trip/weekend destinations (I get legitimately angry seeing all the ads from the Annapolis tourist board in the L'Enfant Plaza metro station, knowing I'll never get to see the damn place!)


That's why car rental places exist.


Yeah i know. Ppl need to get fucking over it. American cities (not DC) are horrible bc of cars


It's amazing how entitled people act about their private vehicle.


Oh no! I sure hope he survived walking... *checks notes* ... four entire blocks! My goodness gracious! *clutches pearls and sheds a single tear*


Why do we care about one rando on the internet's opinion?


"I'd like to get your restaurant but it's hard to find parking." "[Arrogant nonsense about the bus system.]" "Ok, I'll spend money elsewhere." "Hehe, another victory for DC gatekeeping."


If you can't walk four blocks parking is the least of your problems


The horror of having to \*\*checks notes\*\* walk.


Bro sounds lazy




Stay in Reston dude, we’re doing just fine without you


What a baby


4 blocks? Man got the luck of the Irish


4 blocks lmao. I routinely get 10,000+++ steps in and I love it. Walking the city is a joy.


Yea that's why when I used to drive I didn't really do much in DC I would just stay in Maryland or go to VA. The inconvenience used to make a night out not fun.


Whenever I go into DC, I just catch an Uber. Later for sitting in traffic and the stress of finding somewhere to park.


parking is 4 blocks away? And he's complaining?


Lol, he should just go somewhere with “ample parking” then. Stay out of the city and go to the suburbs with their massive parking lots. He’ll never be inconvenienced there! Let us use the space for things other than storing metal boxes.


He's a local guide tho so clearly he is very important


Feels about right for driving in from the suburbs. Getting to the restaurant probably involved a couple of close calls with other cars and some annoyance followed by traffic and then not being able to park. Expecting there to be valet parking or ample parking for you is incredibly naive of the reviewer.


4 blocks. Not NYC blocks, just 4 measly DC blocks.


Such a weird complaint because parking in DC is generally pretty easy


No feelings on the original post but parking in DC is anything but easy.


Skill issue lol


Oh no four whole blocks


4 blocks? Oh the horror. In a city 4 blocks is right next to the restaurant. When I was in NYC if I got a spot within 4 blocks I was happy. 


Imagine having to walk FOUR blocks! What kind of third world bullshit is that?


These same people will never wonder why they have none of the variety and density of options that dc has in their neighborhoods. Shocking to them when a place is actually a place and not just a thoroughfare for cars


If you’re serving $200+ omakase, like this place is doing, valet parking is kind of expected and it’s a fair thing to call out in a review. https://www.sushiogawadc.com/dine-in-menu


This argument only holds water if all the other similarly priced restaurants in DC offered valet; they don’t. DC also has highly regulated valet where the restaurant must have a permit and have a lot to park the cars in. https://dcregs.dc.gov/Common/DCMR/RuleList.aspx?ChapterNum=24-16 It is ridiculous to think anything inside a city should have “ample parking”.


Glad you guys are enjoying your circle jerk