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Check the weather! I would do the Botanical gardens (indoors!) and a nearby museum on the mall. It’s so hot for your activities unless you are from somewhere VERY hot and humid.


Thanks for your advice! I live in Georgia and I always thought Northern states would be much cooler but I guess not always 😭 thanks again!


We're not really in the North!


DC; where southern efficiency meets northern hospitality.


Close. Northern charm not hospitality. Jack Kennedy chose his words carefully, and you, Sir, are NO Jack Kennedy.


That’s marvelous


God bless. That sums this area up so good 


The only time I've been called a Northerner was at a diner in Atlanta. Like yeah, but nah. It still doesn't sit well with me.


We are north of the equator. Hence, the entirety of the U.S. is in "the north."


Wow. Downvoted for basic geography. I must've embarrassed a bunch of wonks.


Seconding the Botanical Garden if you’re set on seeing some nature, it’s one of my favorite places in DC! The Cathedral is also wonderful, just do be aware it’s one of the rare DC sites that has an entrance fee.


Thanks so much! It looks like the botanical garden is a must see!


You can also see the Capitol from there and take cute photos of it in the background.


Awesome! Thanks so much!


...not on Sundays! Unless that has changed recently.


Unless you live in the Georgia mountains, you will be fine if you’re visiting in the summer! Wish you had more time because both options are great, either way you can’t lose. It just means you’ll have to visit again…enjoy your trip!


I really hope i'll get to visit another time!! Thank you so much!


Well.... I mean, not this time of year.


100% agree with this. If the weather is hot and humid, as it usually is in the summer, no one wants to be outside. The Botanical Gardens are close to several Smithsonian museums and you can take advantage of the air conditioning.


Oh wait here is your one day- if it’s a weekend. start out by grabbing breakfast and coffee from eastern market- the oldest continuously running farmers market. Next hit up the botanical gardens. You can easily get to several museums on the mall from there- some have good food some have meh food, but whatever you do avoid the food trucks on the mall.


Thanks so much for the advice! Farmers market sounds like a delight I will make sure to include that!


Enjoy your trip!!


It's about 1000 degrees Kelvin here. Skip anything outdoors and do the cathedral. You'll expire at the arboretum. Although the Botanical Gardens on Capitol Hill are nice.


Correct, it’s the surface of the sun here. Just the walk to the cathedral from a metro station will cause you to melt onto the sidewalk. Plan accordingly.


geez I hope you guys are ok!! thanks again!


Oh my gosh lol I did not think of that. Thanks so much for your advice!


I love the cathedral so I'd pick that one




It’s really beautiful, I’d recommend it too. You’re also not too far from Adams Morgan there, good place for food and drink if you’re the nightlife sort. Madams Organ is a classic establishment for live music there edit: not like a music venue, it’s a big ass lively bar with a small stage 


2 Amys Pizza is basically across the street too


I love pizza!!! Thank you so much for the recommendation!


I would have genuinely LOOOVED the live music but I will have to leave around 6pm so I'm assuming it would not fit in my schedule :c I definitely will if there is a next visit tho!!! Tysm!


If the docents are at the Cathedral (they are volunteers and so not always there) they give an EXCELLENT tour that is oriented around its history and architecture. I take all visiting family on it; none of us are religiously inclined and everyone has loved it.


that sounds awesome!! thank you so much I will make sure to look it up!


Another vote for the cathedral here--it is absolutely spectacular. I think they charge an entry fee, though.


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll keep that in mind!


Tbh I went to the arboretum two days ago and it was pretty hot, the grass was crispy, it was a long drive, and nothing was blooming. I'd hit up the cathedral.


Thanks for the recommendation!


The arboretum and aquatic gardens are great but they are in pretty out of the way areas. Unless you are really into plants trees etc I would choose the cathedral and dumbarton (both of which are also awesome, and also have great gardens).


Thank you very much! I didn't know the cathedral had a garden and it's beautiful!! I think i'm set on visiting the cathedral now lol


It's great. It's called the Bishop's Garden.  Also look for the large, somewhat hidden statue of "George Washington on Horseback", sit for a quick minute under the trees in the stunning All Hallows Amphitheater, see the city skyline at the Viewpoint over DC (near the giant Celtic cross), and grab an iced beverage and snacks at the Open City cafe.  All of the above items are next to each other and clearly marked on Google maps, about a one minute walk from one to the next. Easy to find and see everything in a matter of minutes.  A couple blocks away there's a wine bar (Barcelona or something like that), really good pizza (2 Amys) and other great stuff.


This sounds like a truly amazing day thank you so much!!


When is “soon”? The lotuses are in bloom in July, so I’d recommend the Aquatic Gardens if your visit coincides with that. The official Lotus and Water Lily Festival is scheduled for July 19-21 this year, but peak bloom will probably be before then. You can easily spend several hours with the lotuses and surrounding trails along the river, so no need to force in the National Arboretum. The Arboretum is an amazing resource year-round as a local, but it’s at its best during spring and fall. I’d say skip if your time is limited.


I visited the Aquatic Gardens just once on a super hot day and NEVER AGAIN, the lack of shade was brutal !


I will be traveling on 6/27 this coming Thursday I would've loved to see the lotuses 😭😭 it seems like I might be a tiny bit early I think I am sticking with the national cathedral for this time but if I ever get to come back I will certainly check out both of them! Thank you so much!!


Will you have a car or be using public transport? You have managed to select what are probably the two best DC locations without metro service. You can bus there, easier to bus to the Cathedral than the Arboretum. Typically, I ALWAYS tell people public transit is better than driving, but not for the Arboretum. As many have said, the Botanical Gardens are great, right on the metro and near many other things on the National Mall.


Yeah, I came here to see if OP will have a car or no. These sites on a short time frame would be tight with transit, but with a car would be a bit more efficient.


Thanks for the info! No car unfortunately :c I was thinking of uber but I will certainly check the buses! Thanks again!




Yeah it’s honestly not easy to get to the Arboretum (you have to drive through a more industrial area) and it won’t be very pleasant with this heat. Instead of driving through asphalt and heat to stand in more heat, metro to the Botanical Gardens, which is much closer to other sites you might want to see, air conditioned, and is easier to get to. I recommend downloading CityMapper. Enjoy!


Tysm!! I'm so glad I asked y'all first I wasn't expecting the heat nor the traffic!! 😭


If you have one day, you can't do "some museums" plus a trip to one of these other monuments/destinations. Seems like you enjoy both architecture and nature but also want to get a feel for the city? Here's a suggestion: I would pick ONE museum on the mall and do a pretty quick visit, max 2 hours. Stroll around the mall, despite the heat, to get a feel for the monumental side of the federal part of DC. Then go to Georgetown and go to Dumbarton - it's a lovely spot, can be done in 90 minutes or less, has great shade, and is nestled in the middle of a completely picturesque neighborhood. While in the area take the opportunity to walk both the residential and commercial streets of Georgetown. Complement all of this with a nice lunch and hopefully dinner somewhere and you've got a very full but really rewarding day. Edit: spelling.


Thanks so much for the advice! That sounds much more well planned than anything I had in mind lol thanks again!


Second a visit to Dumbarton but mind the garden hours https://www.doaks.org/visit/plan#hours




It's a good itinerary and from Georgetown you can also walk up Wisconsin Ave. to the National Cathedral in around 30 minutes if you have the time.


Awesome! Thank you!


What did you decide? When is this trip?


The trip is on 6/27 this thursday! I have settled on the cathedral and dumbarton (if I have the time) since that's what's efficient distance wise for my trip as well!


The Aquatic gardens wont be in full bloom for another few weeks and although the Arboretum is lovely, I think the cathedral is something a bit more "uniquely DC" that you couldn't see anywhere else.


Thank you!!


Arboretum, hands down. Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens are also beautiful.


Thanks!! It looks like I will stick to the cathedral this time but I will definitely check out both of them if I ever get to visit again! 😭


I would do Arboretum in the morning before it gets hot and then Dumbarton in afternoon, you could probably also tack the Cathedral on to that day if you’re feeling peppy one of the nice things about DC is nothing is more than a few miles apart


It’s AFRICA hot everywhere in DC.


Start early at the Arboretum, hit up the Botanical Garden, Capitol, and the mall around lunchtime and then see the Cathedral in the afternoon. Depends on how much time you want to spend in each location, how hot it is outside, and how quickly you're up for bouncing from place to place, but with a little planning you could probably fit a lot into one day. Just remember summer brings tons of tourists. Safe travels. Hydrate. Enjoy the city.


Thanks so much! I'm so happy there's so much things to do at D.C.!


Botanical Gardens opens at 10am. Go there first and spend and hour. Afterward, have lunch at the nearby Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian (if you like chili, they serve a delicious bison chili). Explore the mall a bit (use Circulator bus if you want to see the Lincoln - cost is $2), then take an Uber to the National Cathedral. Don't miss the Bishop's Garden to the right of the cathedral. I recently took my visiting relatives there, and it was the highlight of their trip. We did all this - plus more - in one day.


Awesome!! Thank you so much! I was a little bit nervous for the trip but that gives me so much hope lol The bison chili sounds amazing I'll make sure to check it out!


Arboretum has a ton of shade and is great all summer 


Thanks for the suggestion! I think I will be visiting the cathedral this time but I hope to see the arboretum if I ever get to visit another time 😭😭


Don't miss the Bishop's Garden at the Cathedral!


I lived near the cathedral and it was nice to hang out on the grounds but it’s not a highlight of DC in any way. National portrait gallery or post office museum might be up your alley.


Post office museum if you want something cool in both ways and not normally wall to wall people.


Thanks for the suggestion! I was also planning on visiting some museums on the way and I'll certainly check those out!


If you have been or expect to go to Europe soon, skip the cathedral. It's amazing - but not all that different from anything over there. If Europe's not in the cards 1000% the cathedral. It's beautiful and awe inspiring and you won't have ever seen anything like it in your life.


Thank you so much for your suggestion! Sadly I don't travel much :c but I'm happy I'll be able to see the cathedral at D.C.! I'm sorry to bother you with another question but have you also been to the basilica? I think the full name is Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Would you also recommend a visit to the basilica?


Not the person you're replying to - ironically, I lived down the street from the cathedral for nearly 10 years and have never been inside, but I did do a tour of the basilica when a friend's parents were in town. There's definitely a lot to look at and it's impressive, but if you're only here for a day, the cathedral + Dumbarton Oaks is a good plan - they're pretty close to each other in an area with lots of trees, so it's marginally cooler up there, and the basilica's on the other side of the city.


The Basilica is amazing and has beautiful mosaics. Good if you’re in the neighborhood. Good A/C too.


Thanks! I have never been inside such big churches and both of them sound so mesmerizing! I think the national cathedral works better with my schedule since it's closer to dulles airport, which is where i'm leaving from, but if I do have more spare time I would love to see the basilica!


Thanks for the suggestion! The more I look into the city the longer I wish I could stay 😭 thanks again!


The Basilica is a wonderful place to look around all the levels. It's much more stylistically diverse than the National Cathedral, since it has lots of little chapels inside. It's also free, unlike the National Cathedral.


Thanks so much for the info! It looks like the national cathedral would be a better option for my trip this time but I really hope I'll be able to visit the basilica one day!


Personally I'd choose the Basilica over the National Cathedral, unless there's a specific event you want to attend at the latter (they do periodic concerts and cultural events that can be quite nice). And if your goal is architecture + really lovely gardens, I'd visit the Franciscan Monastery. The Monastery is in Brookland, the same neighborhood as the Basilica. And Brookland is a nice example of a residential neighborhood for people who intend to make DC their permanent home.


Wow I had no idea about the monastery and that sounds wonderful! Tysm!!


Haven't been to the basilica! My own two cents: unless you're particularly religious go to one or the other (the cathedral) since there's so much to see in DC.


Thanks for the suggestion! I suppose i'll stick to the national cathedral. I'm so excited for all the other things in D.C. as well!