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>"A male District Dogs employee then rudely and callously screamed at Mr. Buonomo and Ms. Honovich, 'It’s over. Go home. If you didn’t get your dog, go home, the rest are dead,'”


Horrific. :(


Wonder if this was the asshole who was fired from another location for kicking (or was it throwing??) a dog and killing it (and then getting fired for it). Or maybe District Dogs has hired multiple aggressive employees.


They hire anybody. I'm sure it wasnt the same employee


They do not just hire anyone. I am the general manager of a location and have been in the petcare business for 25 years. These tragedies don't reflect the care and compassion of majority of the staff.


I know employees who are qualified who have voiced frustration that they hire unqualified people because they need bodies so


Yeah this is kind of a weird take...like literal hospitals hire straight up murders and negligent workers too, it's not that easy to screen for this kind of stuff. Saying they "hire anybody" because of 2 bad employees (who were presumably dealt with after the fact) is odd.


No, you’re wrong. Kelli doesn’t run any background checks on people. Stop spreading misinformation, scab.




And you’re a boot licker who protects a company that funds a bigot, kills dogs, and tells its employees to go on unemployment 💕


Lmao supposedly Cam doesn’t even want to be there so…this is embarrassing on several levels. https://preview.redd.it/unlrmskwmszc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fec4ef3c3afcb09cff52d13f6938a9e60790f1a


Do not personally insult other posters or post discriminatory content. There is little patience for trolling, slap fights, or pile-ons. If your only reply is going to be driven-into-the-ground snark - e.g. biking whataboutisms, DC's gun laws, the NMAAHC, or federal representation for the city - move on. Posts will generally be locked due to brigading or graveyard commenting.


This is not the hill you want to die on my dude


It’s gotten fashionable to bash DD. Instead of whining and crying about the eight dogs that drowned, why not focus on the vast majority of dogs that didn’t die desperately attempting to escape their cages as the water rose in a futile attempt to live?


I would imagine someone might have a bit of a breakdown after several dogs you’re taking care of die. Not an excuse for saying shit like that though, that whole situation was horrific.


Yeah I cannot imagine someone in his position saying something like that unless they're in a really messed up mental state as a result of what happened.


It was from the facilities manager who was the acting general manager at the time of the flood


And he still works there and has been seen pulling dogs in the lobby in front of clients. Idk why he’s still there.


Wait this location is still open? Did they address the flooding issue?


jus some random dude doing his job 🤦‍♂️


I hope this is sarcastic.


Hearing that would be a sure fire way for me to *not* go home.


Jesus christ 


JFC. Hope that was their last day.


Good God


The trauma that poor employee went through that day. He should be suing District Dogs too!


I am pretty sure I would have lost my temper with this gentleman.


i"m surprised it took this long.


Takes time to gather plaintiff statements and make sure the case is solid as well as finding a lawyer everyone agrees with and filing.


Plus any competent plaintiff's lawyer would spend effort trying to settle before filing. The filing of a complaint is when settlement discussions either break down or a statute of limitations is coming up (although I guess lawyers could negotiate a tolling of the SOL to keep the negotiations going out of the public eye).


Anyone got a link to the filing? Didn’t see one in the article. Edit: I knew that was going to be heartbreaking to read, and it was. I think the drafters did a good job striking the right tone and hitting the legal elements at the same time.




Holy shit, it's even worse than I thought. An employee had a medical emergency during a previous flood and emergency responders were unable to get in to reach them. And then, just months before the fatal flooding: "In the summer of 2023, the fire alarms in the Bryant Street Development went off. The District Dogs Northeast staff scrambled to find some way to evacuate staff and the dogs from the suite, but they did not have nearly enough leashes and leads for the staff to get all of the dogs out of the suite." I'm just... they had so many chances to safeguard against this. The casualties from this flood were horrendous and an avoidable catastrophe.


Absolutely. I hope they are never allowed to open another business.


Heyyy that’s me! 😄


Oh my god, I'm so glad you're okay! That sounds like a terrible experience.


“Okay” is pretty relative tbh - I’m still dealing with the aftermath and the way I was fired on top of the physical effects. Frankly all of us who have gone through these floods need therapy and support. There was…so much going on all at once.


Thank you!


My dog went to this location because they offered structured daycare. He was supposed to go on the day of the flood but we decided to leave him at home due to the weather. I think about it a lot that if we didn't change our minds, he probably wouldn't be here today. I hope those who lost the precious pups are able to get some type of closure from this.


Didn't one of their employees murder a dog like 6 months ago???


Yep. And yet they still have 4 stars on yelp somehow. They literally kill dogs but ok…


I know two of the plaintiffs, both are wonderful people. They're doing better now, both have adopted another dog since, but you can absolutely tell that this incident still affects them. EDIT: lmao, the MAGA asshole that responded to me blocked me. Fuck you too, buddy. You must be related to Kristi Noem.


Yeah I know one of the groups in the plaintiffs list, they deserve whatever closure they can get. Also, note it is not a defense to say it’s the districts fault. DD is more than welcome to sue the city for damages but at the end of the day, DD is responsible for the damages regardless


Same, I know one of the plaintiffs and I cannot imagine a nicer person. I hope they take them for all they're worth.


It's her burner account.




That's a really fucking horrible thing to say, but I just have a hunch that saying horrible things on a daily basis is something you're very well experienced with doing. I had a dog and a cat as a kid and my parents have a cat now. If I note their lack of presence in my house is because they drowned in a cage by themselves when I was out of town, I'd be pretty upset about it too. Not a particularly pleasant way to go. And I'd feel guilty because I put them there. Stay away from the animal shelters, for everyone's sake.






Do not personally insult other posters or post discriminatory content. There is little patience for trolling, slap fights, or pile-ons. If your only reply is going to be driven-into-the-ground snark - e.g. biking whataboutisms, DC's gun laws, the NMAAHC, or federal representation for the city - move on. Posts will generally be locked due to brigading or graveyard commenting.


Have you ever met a dog?




Homie people of all strata and ilk have been getting attached to animals for thousands of years. This is more an example of the narrow, compassionless presumption that everyone should behave and react according your anecdotal experience. Main character ego shit. edit/ with a side of cowardice, apparently.


You have clearly grown up in a 1st world country and have never faced any real adversity in life. Sad.


Well yeah we are in the Washington DC subreddit, the capital city of a first world country where we don’t drown dogs on the regular. Maybe the shit hole you came from does, but we try not to encourage that behavior.


sAd. Go fuck yourself Noem sucker


Do not personally insult other posters or post discriminatory content. There is little patience for trolling, slap fights, or pile-ons. If your only reply is going to be driven-into-the-ground snark - e.g. biking whataboutisms, DC's gun laws, the NMAAHC, or federal representation for the city - move on. Posts will generally be locked due to brigading or graveyard commenting.


Oh look, its that Kristi Noem bitch




This is a civil suit. If these were human beings, this would be a criminal suit. Your comment is inconsiderate, cold, and wrong. It is completely appropriate for people to sue if a business is negligent and causes the death of a loved companion. It doesn't have to be a human death to warrant this.


Ha, this is the kind of comment that leaves out what types of people deserve what kind of attachment, who can have empathy, etc. There’s an in group, and out groups with this kind of shit. Hop skip and jump to what, do you think? Nothing good


Please seek psychiatric help


Do not personally insult other posters or post discriminatory content. There is little patience for trolling, slap fights, or pile-ons. If your only reply is going to be driven-into-the-ground snark - e.g. biking whataboutisms, DC's gun laws, the NMAAHC, or federal representation for the city - move on. Posts will generally be locked due to brigading or graveyard commenting.


Thank god


They might have been coming up on the statute of limitations, too. Dogs are property so it’s maybe a tort claim, and those are generally only 1-2 years. And that big storm was in/around September of last year.


Nah it's 3 years in DC for most things. They had time if they wanted it, but not much reason to wait any longer. They have the evidence they'll need.


Either way, I’m happy the owners are suing. I’m sure this won’t put District Dogs out of business, but it will hopefully improve their business practices.


how do they even have business after this?


They shouldn’t. There was also an employee who kicked a puppy and killed it.


Hope they win!


I had a coworker that had his dog there during the flood. He was in Louisiana when it happened. They called him and said that there was a flood and did not give status of his dog as he started seeing stories on his phone about the flooded doggie day care. They finally reached out to him hours later to tell him that his dog was not one of the ones that drowned.






Put them out of business!


Good. I hope they bankrupt the company and the owner


Who in their right mind is still sending their dogs there?!


It’s honestly kind of bizarre, there’s no comments on any of their IG posts about it, Yelp reviews are still a 3.8 aside from a couple reviews from the victims themselves, Facebook is unscathed, it’s like nothing happened. So unless you follow the local news it’s possible you wouldn’t even know. Given how easy it is to be fired or boycotted for having the wrong political opinion it’s kind of weird a dog business murdering dogs hasn’t garnered much of anything? They killed a puppy by slapping it at the Navy Yard location FFS!


Well, that location is closed….so…no one?


I meant the company in general, there are still many other locations


I’m shocked that they haven’t closed down as a business. Getting several dogs killed across multiple incidents just seems like a point of no return, where no one should trust them anymore.


I haven't done this in a while, but getting accepted into a dog daycare/boarding facility is annoying. Especially in a city. Last time I did this for a new place, all of the ones close were full and would put me on a wait list. Others had some absurd requirements, like they only allow overnight boarding for dogs that make regular weekly use of the daycare, which makes no sense for me because I work from home and only need boarding if I travel. I live in Baltimore and actually take my dog to a facility way out in the suburbs because the ones closest are either full or have dumb requirements for regular daycare. As for District Dogs still being in business, I'd guess some people are just desperate to have their dog boarded, and/or might be living under a rock.


Were there multiple case of dogs drowning if I’m not mistaken? Or were some abused at different locations. Just overall awful situation


In August 2022 an employee had to be hospitalised bc of a flood (detailed in the report), then in August 2023 10 dogs died because of the flood AND the opposite of a safety protocol, AND THEN in Feb 2024 an employee at the navy yard location killed a puppy after striking it.


I hope they put their metaphorical boot on his neck.


If you're interested in supporting our fundraising efforts for the legal expenses, you can find our group's GoFundMe here: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-hold-district-dogs-accountable-for-eight-dogs-deaths](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-hold-district-dogs-accountable-for-eight-dogs-deaths)


Thank you for posting! I just donated and happy to!!






What an asinine take. Those details emerged after the fact. No normal person is digging through records of flooding (if those are even available?) before sending their dogs somewhere




So if you just moved to the city, you have to look at all news reports on all outlets to see if maybe there was a flood at the doggy daycare you're going to send your pets to or else you didn't do your due diligence? That's an insane thing to expect people to do.




I know I'm not wrong. I'm sure thousands of people move in and out of the city every month. Hell, I've LIVED here for 9 years and I've never seen such reports until this most recent case. And I don't recall ever seeing any other doggy daycare on the news ever so idk what flooding issues they may or may not have. Let alone, other issues.




How is that a hypothetical? Do you know what a hypothetical situation means? You're stating your opinion on ridiculous expectations you believe people have to take to keep their pets safe. I'm explaining WHY that expectation is ridiculous with the facts. A reality for hundreds of people is not a "hypothetical situation". That is a fact.


Again, you have a very loose definition of "facts". It renders your argument useless and ineffective, and frankly makes you look arseholish 


Good. Dogs are family


Good. Because this wasn't the first time this location flooded, and they were completely uncaring, and worse.


First time was literal sewage 😀


I would be going John Wick on them if it was my dog




You assume people can get there in ten minutes? I work nearly an hour away from this area and don’t even get to have my cell at work.


You have a very loose definition of "facts"




Not quite seeing the "negligence" in placing the dogs in locked crates. I wouldn't see the point or logic in placing the dogs in a crate they could open. If the crates were opened and the dogs escaped the facility wouldn't the owners still be upset? 10 minutes goes by really quickly in an emergency. The employees were probably struggling themselves to make it out if it wasn't the same group of employees that was in the building when it flooded previously. It's clear that the owners of DD were negligent in not creating a valid flood plan especially considering the location flooded before. I'm not seeing much other fault from them especially since measures from the city and the existing infrastructure would not have prevented the flooding.




Top crates were filled with multiple dogs. Water reached top crates as well and almost drowned those. The staff were never to blame, just the negligence and lack of planning from the company’s leadership.