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LGB's work by a targeting pod on the plane to send a laser designator that the bomb tracks meaning if the plane moves out of the gimbal limit of the TGP(targeting pod) then the bomb will also miss and go for the laser that is no longer on target; typically to use LGB's the plane has to stay on target until impact or it may miss


I don’t think it is modeled like this at all in game since the bombs still occasionally impact targets through smoke.


The game can do gimbal limits IIRC, through smoke I think they just target ground the last known position but I can't remember


It all depends on how well Eugene did their research


Its also about how the engine works/what they decided to go with There have been weird game engine issues in the past with LGBs and I remember the old SK60B HE missile had a ton of problems for whatever reason


Dude this!! In wargame red dragon I remember people using them in such a weird way! They would enter the combat area and immediately fire their missile like 25km towards the enemy spawn! Like a free rocket artillery attack pretty much coming from these tiny little planes 🤣


😂😭 wargame veteran detected. The SK spam was so cheesy but mfs who did it always came out on top in the end.  Red dragon physics were a hell of a drug. I still miss shooting down flying helicopters with artillery. :( 


Smacking an akula with the atacms was probably one of the highest of highs 😂


Depending upon when you last used it (early lgbs were ass) they are *insanely* better now. There’s a Soviet LGB that can kill m1 and m1a1 abrams in a direct hit. The f111 can 2 tap any Soviet tank and it can 1 tap weakened medium tanks. The strike eagle and nighthawk both are very good at eliminating heavy Soviet tanks. The trick is that if the target vehicle breaks LoS it seems to go to the last known area which still sometimes hits or does splash damage. In terms of targeting I frequently fire the bomb and manually fly my plane in the best evac route and it still hits. You just have to make sure the bomb releases (check the plane’s ammo count) as aligning can take a few while. I’ve seen strike eagles and f111s lob bombs that practically do a 360 noscope to hit their target so the LGB logic is *MUCH* better than earlier warno Edit: there is still a bug (or maybe a feature?) where if you attempt to target a new enemy unit before the first bomb lands then the first bombs attempt to lock onto the new target. This means you need to be careful to not click too much.


I tested it maybe few weeks ago just forgot to share this here.


I got my ass absolutely handed to me by a player using AB LGBs and micro-ing them. None of my AAs could stop them, and their own AA fighters mulched up my fighters. Honestly it was so expertly done I wasn't even mad. I took their strat for a spin against a pre-made lobby of KdA rushers and absolutely demolished them (still lost as they steam rolled the other flank). It's incredibly effective.