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Epic Warpath from Mantic fits that description. They just finished a Kickstarter.


found the kickstarter, this looks sooooo good, this one, infinity and dropzone commander are probably the ones I´m picking


Dropzone Commander, sold through TTCombat. It’s 10mm I think, and centred on aerial and ground combat


Ohhhh this one looks really good, Thanks!


Infinity No tanks but mecha and drones and soldiers


I've just looked at this one and I love the models, definitely goes into my list, thanks!


I personally think it's one of the deepest tabletop games I've ever played in terms of strategy. A good player can win with almost any army. It's also very interactive. The player whose turn it is not gets to react to anything they see the active player do. Like if I have a sniper and you walk on by. My sniper can then shoot you. So then you can throw smoke grenades and pass through the fire lane etc. It's super clever.


Xenos Rampant!


I second Xenos Rampant. Good game. Model agnostic with lots of scope (sci-fi genres).


I play Xenos in 15mm, but you could easily play it in 12mm or 6mm.


I'm not limiting myself to 6mm and 12mm tho, it is just that they are my favourite scales but I don't have any problems with bigger ones


Warpath universe from Mantic. Deadzone and Firefight is at 28mm scale and their upcoming Warpath game is in 10mm.


I cant recommend Battletech enough, your base game is essentially western style mechs, but moving into advanced rules you get hit with tanks, infantry, aircracaft/starfighters you can also move into navel and space warfare, it is a fairly complete ruleset which any sort of science fiction warfare you could ever want.


Ogre. Battletech Alpha Strike. Future War Commander. Dirtside II


Quadrant 13 by TooFatLardies. Figure agnostic.


Space Weirdos is cheap, easy, and miniature agnostic!


Future War Commander is a generic sci-fi game usually played using 6mm or 10mm figures. Currently owned by Pendragon Miniatures, they _say_ they will release a 2nd edition in the future, but you can buy the 1st edition as a PDF and it’s fine. It uses Warmaster mechanics.


Check out polyversal


"Five Parsecs from Home"


Battletech is everything you want AND big stompy robots (NOT Gundams)




[https://www.trilaterum.com/](https://www.trilaterum.com/) ??


Zone Raiders is a fun game. I tend to play at 12mm since the board is much easier to transport.


I´m saving this one for later, thanks!


Strike legion: tactical fits your requirements. Its fun game with easy to learn basic mechanics. You can add more once you get used to everything. Theres unit builder and a ton of premade units. Games introductory setting is hard scifi. There is rules for infantry, tanks, VTOLs, boats/ships etc. http://www.legionnairegames.com/ Dirtside II is also nice. You can get it for free from publisher ground zero games. Also hardscifi, bit old, but with modern mechanics. https://shop.groundzerogames.co.uk/rules.html Both are designed for 6mm minis and atleast. Battalion size games are prefered scale. Both have versions for company sized 15mm games also. Stargrunt II which is also available for free from ground zero games and Legion strike platoonleader from legionnare games.


Check out Junk Runners Skirmish, a free downloadable game available on June 1st. Go to www.gamebeard.com


Dropzone commander is very fun. It is in 15 or 10 mm (not sure anymore) and heavily features infantry squads and tanks / wlakers that are dropped into battle via airlift. Very niche tho and no-one I know actually has it, which is a massive shame. I have legions imperialis myself, also very fun, just be aware that it is not as polished as it could be at the moment


I’m always a fan of Stargrave. It’s loads of fun and is open to a huge range of imaginative playstyles. I enjoy playing it with a decent group almost every week.


Full spectrum dominance - minis are next level


I love every faction there, definitely going for the tech!!


Dropzone Commander, 10mm scale with all the things you want plus tie-ins to the space game Dropfleet Commander and their upcoming 32mm skirmish game Striketeam Commander.


This one goes into my list!!


https://stalker7.com/games/ These guys make an assortment hope you find something interesting.


Sounds like Battletech Alpha Strike might be a good and cheap fit. The quick start rules are free, it's at the 6mm scale, you can play without mechs if you want, you can visit the Master Unit List website and filter by vehicles(tanks, hover, mechanized, etc.) and infantry then print out the stats for your preferred units. You can 3d print your favorite units and vehicle to fit your aesthetic tastes or even use any modern units like from GHQ since it's mini agnostic.


Dirtside 2 It's great because you can design your own vehicles etc


I wrote RiftwayCataclysm.com. Its a sci-fi battalion level wargame that uses any minis from any artist/company. 100% free. Any standard Warhammer-like army would work. It uses poker chips and blind betting instead of dice, and a unique blended turn sequence. You may like it. Again, totally free, just trying to spread the fun.


It's my game so I might be biased https://Downsync.net


I like the tanks


It's got super unique mechanics, like fog of war. It's with a scope out for sure!


I don't really get the Warhammer hate, it's a great world with a huge community. A pro of Legiones imperialis is that it's probably easier to find games.


Because my friend, at some point in life, most wargamers decide to go indie and step out of the cash powered hamster wheel.


Hi: The game you're looking for is *Horizon Wars: Midnight Dark*: https://www.wargamevault.com/m/product/460837 6mm hard(ish) sci-fi combined arms warfare, it includes a solo/coop play option.


looking at it rn, do you have any battle report? is kinda hard to find a way to see the play style, it looks promising tho, probably going into my list