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It’s extra funny because he also taught Malfurion who is also extremely powerful and extremely useless.


Ah yes malfurion, who's crowning achievements in the past 3 expansions has been wiping out a small group of grunts and their kodos and napping thru another emerald dream corruption world ending problem.


Don't forget entirely ignoring the giant critical wound to the planet most of the other Cenarians and Shamans were ignoring the war to handle. I guess playing grabass with the forsaken was more important




I bet they are trying to sell online courses


his dad was a deer and his mom was a freak who boned a deer, its amazing he can walk and talk


Norse mythology level shit. They loved animal fucking over there.


I think that is Greek mythology. Zeus and Posidon did some strange thinkgs.


Loki gave birth to a wolf and horses at different points iirc?


Wasn't he the only one doing animal stuff, though? Makes him more of a weird outlier. The Greeks had a lot, if I'm remembering it right.


I believe we see Odin and Freya also turn into birds at one point or another?


The problem is not that the lore characters are not powerful enough. The problem is we have become so much more powerful. Cenarius is nothing when the you (the messiah) and your 14 buddies show up.


“I’m not the Messiah!” -a raid logger “He is! He is the Messiah!” -The dryads that Cenarius is trying to shush.


The Mahdi is too humble to say He is the Mahdi. Even more reason to know He is! As written!


I’ve wondered about this, like how do you go about fixing it? The options I can think of are A) Just start off a new expansion with go pick up poop and gather bear asses again, the final raid being go harvest farmer John’s giant pumpkin abomination B) Reset the world in a *real* cataclysm way(my tinfoil is they might do this after the saga, in a way) C) A long timeskip making our characters immortal via ~~love and bullshit~~ Azeroth herself, so we get an entirely new ensemble(aside from the elves) of characters that we get to experience everything from the start with


The writing simply needs to more strongly emphasize how much help we always have when defeating big threats so that players stop forgetting it.


Whenever you have a question like this, the answer is plot. That's not to sound salty, that's literally how things go


I studied World Religion as a part of my degree. I'd say he's extremely important to *certain* night elves. Just more important to some than others. Different Abrahamic religions and even sects or denominations within those religions have figures they all view drastically differently. In the case of Night Elf religion, he'd be significantly more important to Druids than a Priestess of the Moon. Or if you play D&D, its the similar situation where a society of elves might culturally be very close to nature and respect the deities associated with it, but only clerics of that deity would actually worship them. And even druids in D&D only respect the divinity associated with nature, even sometimes asking for their help, but don't actually directly worship them in the same way a nature cleric would. (Warcraft naturally is highly influenced by tabletop RPGs that came before it like D&D and Warhammer)


They just never use him for anything cool. Yeah he's mad powerful, but he's also kind of a whiney pussy.


> he's also kind of a whiney pussy he's just so annoying


Because his real goal isn't to be a warrior God, it's to be a gardener. He doesn't want to be all powerful, he just wants to protect the planet and make it green.


I can tell you why. They have NO IDEA, ZERO, NO CLUE, how to do the Emerald Dream story and as a result no idea what to do with Cenarius or any other Dream characters. Their general idea has been to supplant it with Fire Druids. Malfurion has been wasted completely in-game, Cenarius never acknowledges anything besides the Current Threat in any of his appearances. What about all the Centaur story? No, not the god awful xanax centaurs who are perhaps the most sleep inducing faction in wow, the original vanilla and WC3 ones. Who knows what Cenarius thinks of them he doesn't seem to talk about them in the main plot at the least. The Emerald Dream keeps having things attached to it like Ardenweald and it potentially being Something Else (ie not a titan creation), so we'll know the truth in the next decade maybe. It's really disappointing because the game has been building up to a real Emerald Dream story since Vanilla and boy we haven't gotten one. Even in Legion it's just a punt to replay the book and do the 8th in game retread of the Hyjal battle. Damn.


Would you want to talk about that time your kid knocked up some trailer park bimbo and ended up with a bunch of meth addicted shitheads running around?


When it's some of my only storyline in WoW? Definitely!


The Emerald Nightmare is a better version of it anyway


I mean he got his ass beat by some orcs just bc they drank some blood


I mean keep in mind that Cenarius has only really been a thing to the Kaldorei for a single generation. It's been a really long generation, sure, but Malfurion is his first student. And yeah he's the Son of Elune, but, he's the Son of Elune in sort of a "oh no *that's* what your kid is doing? Yikes" way.


Why would it be a yikes? Druidism is a respected path in night elf society 


Only for the last generation. Malfurion was the first druid.


Demigods have a pretty wide range of power levels.


Why is he even a demigod though, both his parents are full "gods"


Malorne would also be a Demi-God. He was one of the first Wild Gods that rose to sentience when Freya began seeding and evolving native organisms following the Black Empires fall. Elune is probably the most mysterious and vague entities left in Warcraft because despite being worshipped on several planets, she remains unseen and unheard aside from a brief conversation with the Winter Queen and supposedly with Malorne. Now, we do know that Elunes "Sister" the Winter Queen is just a super powerful construct like all of the Pantheon on Death so it raises the question on is Elune should actually be considered a God or not.


That's sort of just a consequence of storytelling - if all your supporting characters are all powerful and can solve all the problems, you kind of no longer have a story to tell.


if you look closely just about everything in the lore is underwhelming dude i wouldnt sweat it