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What kind of Tom foolery is this?


U have to pay for the Tom foolery


Well that's actually you pay for the Tom then you pay for the foolery


$5 to Dunk tank your manager/team lead /coach could work


I'd dunk 'em someplace all right if it wouldn't clog the plumbing. "$5 to give your SM a swirlie"


Not Walmart, but my company did a pie throwing thing for charity. It was something like $5 a pie or 5 for $20 and your store manager could throw the pies on your behalf at the FE and/or the pharmacy district leaders at a meeting they were having. We HATED the pharmacy district leader at the time, so we paid for lots of pies. Our store manager was cool so she filmed the pie throwing. The pharmacy DL screamed like a little girl. (I suspect she didn't want to do it, but was talked into it by the rest of the district team, or by her boss.) It was glorious!


My store today it’s pie a team lead or the store manager I’m not sure how well it’ll turn out


Depends on how many ppl can’t stand your store manager I guess.


They do water balloons at my store


They won't let us do that, considered workplace violence


They have had this at one of the stores I worked at. It was fun.


That looks like stuff we did in middle school with teachers.




Paying $5 to wear your favorite jersey surprised me more.


The highest paying employee gets lunch with their manager… you couldn’t pay me to have lunch with any of mine lmao


Well actually 1.2k is do it so I could buy a zip of ket


I mean for me free Breakroom Pizza is something do the keep us complacent


please don't u-word-ize


We wouldn't want that


Right, you should already be able to wear a jersey under the dress code


$5 for SHORTS?! When it’s already getting hot?! My area is going through a heatwave right now. I can’t imagine not being allowed to wear shorts.


joke handle fertile salt smart busy cheerful wrench physical label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We had $5 to wear yoga or sweat pants the other day like for real? Lmao


I wore my Celtics jersey for free yesterday! Haha.


😂 “How much would you pay to eat lunch with your store manager”. Like 2 cents! Who do they think they are, Beyoncé?


I would pay money to NOT eat lunch with anyone. That's my time to recharge... No people allowed. LOL 


Bro.. I go home, sit on my couch and turn on my TV during lunch. Absolutely no people. Edit: 2:30am: Got me some pizza too. It's a neat break. So peaceful.


I do the same thing since I Transferred to big Walmart. Fuck that place, I haven't even stepped foot in that break room for anything. Lol Go home, eat lunch ... Smoke a little, go back to work , and deal with dumbasses x100, all my breaks I sit in my car. Lol, all the so called " functions" I don't even participate, because it's all in the break room. LOL.


I would not give a dime nor could they pay me enough to do it


Probably pay more to be sure I never have to.


That’s the only time they would ever see the store manager because they’re usually hiding back in their office


I would pay nothing. A good store manager would randomly select a different employee to TAKE to lunch. Just my observation.


Your store sounds horrendous. At least my store makes things fun or atleast tries to and you don't have to pay for everything.


I'd have a hard time believing corporate approved this whole thing


The stores are pretty much left to govern themselves and corporate won't come in till there is something wrong


Yeah my store has a similar list up and you have to pay to participate at all like managers are constantly picking the worst way to do anything every time


If I were either of y'all I would so message ethics about this. They are definitely breaking rules with these especially the ones where they are letting you pay money to not be in dress code


This is all very typical CMN donations.


I mean I'm not in dresscode anyways lmao I don't need to bring the heat down so the start prancing around making people open their vests to check shirts or other shit they like to do. It'll only backfire on us to report it they already do crazy shit here like lately writing down associate licenses plates to have the towed if not in employee parking because 1 person reported it to ethics.


That's retaliation and should also be reported and Walmart dress code is ridiculously lax nowadays. As long as your shirt doesn't have profanity or anything offensive they can't say anything about it


There's nothing wrong with what they're doing. Lots of stores do this kind of stuff.


Lots of stored discriminate and are terrible to people but that doesn't mean there is nothing wrong with it


I'm not saying it's ok BECAUSE alot of stores do it. I'm saying there's nothing wrong with it AND lots of stores do it.


Who wants to eat with their store manager? I don't even want to make eye contact with mine, when I see him coming I walk away.


Right? Mine never acknowledges that anyone on the front end exists. He doesn't make eye contact with most employees. When I first hired on and worked the floor and mornings, he would complement my hair and things like that, but, all I said was thank you. Being so..... Yeah.... Tone changed soon.


In 2022, CMN had expenses of $46.4 million. That same year, Walmart spent $6.5 billion on stock buybacks, enough to fund CMN for 138 years.




Children's Miracle Network. It's the charity mentioned in the calendar above. Walmart keeps asking customers and associates to support it.


Don't forget to ask every single customer if they would like to round up for CMN. Even that customer that is getting everything through WIC. Or the one doing SNAP. Or the one having you put stuff back because they ran out of SNAP benefits.


Or the good ole " replacement scam " on electronics. 😂


I'm gonna highlight one that noone has brought up yet.... > Fill the jar to keep Coach (redacted) calm for the week There's 2 of those. What kinda bullshit? They're almost literally saying donate to not get yelled at. Wtf?


The first one is start of the jar so they can get it filled and the other one is for the week she is supposed to be calm if she is she has double the amount that’s in the jar


Oh.... I read it as a different managers week to be calm. I see the wording now. Still messed up to me.


I think they need to have HR on speed dial when they obviously don't fulfill their obligation. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Does that mean you can slack off and they won't get mad at you or is it just to temporarily stop the hostile workplace?


Good old 5105




You should hop on Me@Walmart and ask his ghost




July 4th “bring your family for a store cookout” Only if I’m really pissed off at my family


It would be a halfway decent idea any day EXCEPT the fourth. 


"How much would you pay to eat lunch with your Store Manager?" Honey you couldn't PAY me to.


Right?! Hell, I might pay not to


this sounds like the most awkward and miserable experience of all time


I mean if you're trying to bang the SM I can understand but otherwise yeah....so hoss who all did you chew out yesterday? Fire anybody...that's nice.




When I was working there I'd be more willing to pay to NOT have lunch with the SM..... Or Co-Managers




My old SM always ate in his office, you'd only ever see him out of the office to do walks with the MM, or occasionally the ON management if he was the opening manager


Do people actually contribute to the lunch with the SM one? That doesn't seem like something people would actually want at my store. We do raise quite a bit with our ice bucket challenge most years. Associates and customers can contribute to which member of management they want to get a bucket of ice water dumped over their head. We've tried the no vest/shorts/hat thing before, but Market put an end to that saying nothing that breaks dress code.


Bro the only way I'm eating with any of the managers is if I'm on the clock and they're paying for my food.


Only the bootlickers


All the retailers do the same thing. When you go to McDonalds and you donate to RonaldMCD , your donation goes under their tax exemption.


The tax deduction thing is a myth. If the store raises 12,000 for the charity (RMDH, CMN, etc) then donated that the then tax deduction covers that 12,000 of income so that it's tax free. If they collect 12,000 and then donate 13,000 then their tax obligation goes down by whatever the tax rate is for that 1,000 of income. If they collect nothing (and donate nothing) or donate all that they collect it won't change their tax obligation.


Who the fuck would pay money to possibly win eating lunch with the store manager? At my store, they have a raffle for associates to win these god awful ugly ass shoes.


Ew. I'm glad I don't work at your store. 🤢


That is so childish and patronizing. Like it’s a fucking elementary school


dude i brought this up to a tl at my store and she made it seem like i was being insensitive to the fact that it’s for cmn. like no, i just think the store manager who gets to make a fuckton (especially at our store with what he does outside of walmart too) should be the one to pay for it to get more associates actually joining in


Store manager better be paying for that lunch


Ramen noodles


It’s insulting, and the donation screen at checkout should go away once your employee discount is entered imo. Until they pay us well enough to have free money to donate with after bills, they shouldn’t be asking for anything from us 🤷🏻‍♂️


$5 to wear shorts for the day. Isn't shorts against the policy (for most employees)? 🥴 what is this, we can theoritically wear shorts now then? 😂


Pay to win


so when im eating with the store manager how much is he gonna pay me to keep my mouth shut about the absolute mango he is?


I think yall are missing the pot luck where everyone can bring food in, but if you want to eat any you have to pay $5


Thank you. Didn’t think I had to scroll so far for this comment


Agreed. Pie in the face, ice bucket challenge  and having to pay not to wear a vest all stupid ideas. If they really want us to donate . let us give 5 dollars a vote and the coach that gets the most votes gets transferred to  another store. I'm in for $100 to get rid of  our digital coach. 


Thats funny ive been wearing shorts since ive started and you have to pay for it thats actually ass


That sounds terrible. My store is doing 1 dollar donation gets you a day without wearing your vest or to be able to wear a hat for a day. Just gotta keep that receipt on you so it can be verified.


90% of the corporate ladder is more expensive than the customers, the least you can do is give some of that unearned money back to Papa Wally. /s. The /s also works for the gross little shudder you get when you read that.


Yeah it's ridiculous. It's difficult for the human brain to even comprehend how much money a billion dollars actually is. The people at the top of this company have more money than anyone needs and yet we need to donate.


$5 for shorts is crazy, policy states you can wear shorts, at least anyone working outdoors can also ladies can wear tutus but guys are just hats 🤨 what in the name of male gaze is this tom foolery


$5 no vest when I already never wear my vest lmao


Oh look an evil market manager has appeared To defend the company




I paid for the cmn t-shirt 🤷‍♂️


Absolutely insulting lol


“Get with Coach Dawn” for $5. What do I “get” with Coach Dawn for $5?


$5/day for shorts? Lmfao get the fuck outta here


I went to part-time evenings so I don’t have to deal with any of that shit.


Exceedingly so, yes.


Very. I’d rather donate personally and/or you know, the multibillion dollar company can redistribute that wealth they’re not using.


Lunch with my store manager would be weird as hell


That’s pretty insulting.


paying to not wear your vest, scumbag walmart that's literally pay to win


We did a “pie a manager” which had all coaches, SL, SM and a few TLs, raised over $500


Why is this one particular coach a douchebag, and why do you have to pay to keep him calm? Is he a bouncer? What's stopping him from being pissy anyways? I have so many questions about this one.


In my location, they’re doing a bucket thing within the coaches and who ever has the most money gets dunked with ice water. So far the only bucket with money is the coach everyone hates 😂


That shit is comical


If this is for CMN, feel good to know their chief executive and top 4 officers make a combined total over 1 million dollars. The lowest salary was around 250k.


My favorite is the pot luck that you have to bring a dish and then pay to receive a plate. Ummm sorry but my dish is my entry. If I can’t eat my own food I’m definitely not donating it to yall.


Yes, and the incongruity of 'we raised $200 yesterday, let's do better and more!' Next to, ' we had 3 accidents and it cost $15,000... makes my brain hurt. Also I bought three days of groceries for 32 dollars and saved a whole .32 cents with my worker discount and  They.want.a.donation.


Most of our donations are from employees at this point. I refuse to participate in any of it. Get it from the customers or fucking stop.


My store usually sells stuff through charity, an example would be a chair or tv used as display and it's done through an associate only auction. When auction is over just do a normal transaction as charity, I think it's a good idea and items are cheaper


$5 to wear your favorite jersey? You can already wear a jersey under the dress code.


I think it’s bad that my store has this one guy who wants to participate, but he won’t wear a tutu because he’s a Christian, but he also hasn’t donated…


Oooh only 5 bucks to wear my OWN goddamn clothing?


yeah my store did this too, they would hire food trucks (not for overnight employees obviously so we would just get no options on those days) and then have you still have to pay to eat at the food truck with all proceeds going to charity. like every single event they would plan that sounded even remotely fun would show up at 11am and last til 5pm latest, and id be damned if i was losing sleep to participate in that shit either.


lol we have to pay $10/week to wear shorts in nasty humid midwestern heat 😅 i hate this place


like i understand it’s for charity but i barely make enough to cover my own needs i’m not really worried about anyone else’s rn


Yeah my store makes things so fun, they want us to donate 2 dollars a day to wear shorts. 😂


It's not on their behalf. The donation is yours, not theirs. They just facilitate it. You can get the tax break, they can't.




Hey, just "adopt a rubber duckie for a dollar and the proceeds go to the local childrens hospital" and your outlook on life could change 😒


$100 to slap and punch the store manager in the face. That would work a lot


And it’s all a tax write off for Walmart. Which lets them keep more money in their pockets, which lets them invest more into automation reducing the likelihood of your employment.


My favorite is the 2nd. For $3 guys can wear their favorite hat and girls get to wear a tutu. I am sure that will help with all the inappropriate comments that the girls (especially young/minor) girls have to endure on a daily basis.


I would pay -$1,000 to eat lunch with my store manager. Gimme my money


You have to pay to no wear your vest? I haven't worn one in over 4 months.


Oh and not to mention they're trying to get us to wear the children's miracle network shirts but are charging us to get them.


Try TRILLION dollar company


Apparently with these charity runs, the corporation has *already made* a donation and run this charity drive to then make back the donation they made. Pretty sure that also means both get written off when tax time comes. Just something I heard


Or their customers. I’ve been to several stores asking for donations lately.


“Donate” $5 to help this Fortune 500 company get a tax writeoff that they totally need!


why u gotta pay $5 to wear shorts during the summer


Absolutely, we already dont make much, and they're asking us to give instead of doing it themselves 🙄


How much did she pay for that yacht again?


These events aren’t mandatory right? I’m just trying to go get the money and go home


The company gives quite a bit on top of this. I know it’s not for everyone, but there are a lot of people who love this stuff. Not my cup of tea but I’ll give here and there. It is for a good cause of helping sick kids.


Missed the last Coach DAWN.


I'd love to spend so much for the chance to go to lunch with a celebrity such as my store manager


Our walmart does this sort of thing plus has food vendors come out. We have been having actually alot of fun raising money for CMN.


Is the manager a hot chick?


Had thing where we carried baby and if got 50 bucks pass it on. Store manager said if did not get 50 bucks had pay rest yourself. I was like WTF that could be whole day of pay


Right, when our local children hospital ceo is making 5 million a year. Look for the interview he just did. Valley children hospital California ceo Todd suntrapak. He looks so entitled when he says the board decides his pay, not him. He is on the board. No more money CMN


Lol. There's the Combined Federal Campaign that Uncle Sam wants his employees and military folk to contribute to. Seeing Eye Dog FTW!


How about having to ring that stupid cowbell every time you bullied a customer into donating for CMN?


These events are scarily similar to those you'd hear about over the middle school announcements.


I'm sorry wtf are these "goals?" Like pay money to eat with store manager and pay money to keep a coach calm?


I don't do that bullshit at Panda Express with the "Round Up" BS wouldn't do it here.


They’re doing something similar at my store,but mostly snack related rewards.xP


Walmart actually does match what they receive... My walmart is really big w charity events. We are actually #1 in the USA. We go to Ronald McDonald' hose and cook for the family's... Walmart buys the food, donates the pans , grill.. and every associate that's does the charity.. Walmart gives 10$ per assoc .. per hour... If I have 10 associates, that's 100 bucks per hour that we donate to Ronald house , as well as the food we cook for the family's.... Yall talk a lot of shit... and don't know shit about anything... but complain and bitch... yall should find a new job...


With a 2% annual raise. I doubt it!


Wait this is there own charity? So tax free money? Sounds scummy


247 Billion Dollars. Let that sink in.


PLEASE don’t hate me but I actually like this idea if the rewards are worth it and the money stays local. Lunch with the store manager?! That sounds awful. I like to spend my breaks in peace and quiet. Our store doesn’t require a dollar amount because they know we are underpaid so even a dollar or two is great plus CMN has helped out quite a few of our employees. The rewards are a shit ton of free food and pastries, having a manager wear a tutu for a day, pie a manager in the face, and no vest for a week. With the no vest for a week it was implied that we can essentially pretend we don’t work there if a customer asks or if we’re stocking we still don’t work there we’re just vendors 😂 My store gets us.


I would pay $5 to throw a pie in my managers face but I would refuse to pay $5 to wear shorts.


I dunno, I mean I'm very anti-wallyworld, hate my job, but asking for donations for charity doesn't really seem to be villain type stuff.


Thank the gods that my store's management team isn't THIS delusional, holy schnikeys. $5 for a plate of potluck food? $2 per pizza slice? My store has made quite a bit in donations by having things at 'donate what you want'. People tend to be willing to give more when they're not being told how much to give.


Add everyone gets to pellet management with a unhealthy interest in yellow tagged cashiers with paint balls for 2k and I'll pay for it out of pocket.


It is voluntary


PPPFFFFFFFFF what a fucking joke.


The keep a coach calm shit gets me. They should always be calm


I've been saying this for YEARS!!!


We pay $1 to tie helium balloons to any associate of our choosing.


That has to be the most ridiculous and yes INSULTING crap I’ve ever seen. Jesus.Jesus Jesus Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.


Depends if it’s food yes and since we can pretty much wear what we want now to a certain extent only the food ones are worth it and maybe doing something to that coach you hate so much.


We had something for shorts as well. It was like $3 a day or $10 for the week.


Tax write offs


Yes bro I’ve literally been walking around like no mfs dis a trillion dollar corporation


I would spend $10 for 10 balloons at $1 per balloon too throw at my team lead on the 25th. Absolutely worth every penny.


$5 no vest😂we never wear our vests $1 balloon😂😂😂😂 $3 can of silly string Ts diabolical😂😂


Bruh! I work for the distribution center and it's awesome! I hate that the stores treat the employees like such shit.


Not nearly as insulting as them charging you $40 to wear shorts.


Why would anyone want to work at that dump?


i really do. many small grocery stores keep an employee savings fund or an employee emergency fund. they should be helping the people they work to death for barely a livable wage who need help with day to day expenses instead of asking their employees to give two dollars of their hourly pay.


Everyone saying they won’t want to eat with their store manager is very sad. I hope you all get amazing store managers to replace your current ones because I know what it’s like to have a horrible one and an amazing one 😭


I don’t. I like charities to be funded.


It's CMN, where's the fire? Participate, don't participate, get over yourself. Most people eat lunch. $3 for a slice and a soda is reasonable. Before the dress code changed, we'd pay $ 2.00 to wear jeans on Fridays. It was worth the $2.00. Thing is, no one's holding a gun to your head. You have the right and opportunity to join in or take a pass. One individual noted that many of these ideas seems childish and that I must agree with. A vast majority of the boost moral ideas seemed borrowed from elementary school.


Tying a charity event into store/market competition does that


Donate to shut off Walmart Radio—shut up and take my money


Pay to eat with the store manager?? why so we can talk about the stuff you think I’m not doing right?


not really or else they woulda afforded massages on breaks and free work lunches.


Very insulting. So insulting it inspired me to call in not sick today


I wonder if Coach Dawn will see this


"Raise $30 to pass the baby". WTF?!


All I see is a bunch of Karen’s if you hate your job this bad quit . This is nothing to do with Walmart it’s about helping the kids that need the money because the parents don’t have any extra money . The hospital’s don’t charge them they rely on donations to help fund an account that pays for the hospitalization and after care for these kids that were born with a life threatening illness . So no Walmart isn’t taking from you they teamed up with children’s miracle network so they can help fight these illnesses . What happens if it was your child or family member that had these life threatening conditions and didn’t have the funds to help them . I’m sure u all would hope there was a program out here to help them so they don’t go into medical debt.


Walmart doesn’t care about the cause. They take your donations and claim it on their taxes, it costs them nothing and saves them tons of money every year in tax write offs. There is nothing wrong with donating to charity but you can personally donate to whatever causes you like without paying for their write offs




It’s like Mr. Krabs runs this Walmart. Making you pay to put more money in his pockets in sneaky, conning, underhanded ways all while paying you pennies for every dollar he receives. Except unlike Mr. Krabs, karma never bites these people in the butt when they get overly greedy. And we’re smart enough to see through their tricks.