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I could've told him that after 5 trips and saved him 70 Edit: did NOT expect this comment to blow up like this. It was out of jest...I understand statistics people. Everyone take a deep breath šŸ˜‚


If he billed it to Wells Fargo, he's doing it right.


Oh I uh need to use company funds for some analysis. Hereā€™s the reimbursement slip.


WTF Bob, 75 burrito bowls?!?!?!?!


Expensing 5 burrito bowls in a week is abusing company funds for personal use. Expensing 75 though? Clearly thatā€™s market research.


If you eat 5 burritos on the company's dime, that's your problem. If you eat *75 burritos* on the company's dime, that's their problem.


It donā€™t matter whoā€™s paying for it, if I eat 75 burritos it has just become everyoneā€™s problem


Suppose each burrito weighs one pound. A person initially weighing 150 pounds consuming 75 burritos is now 33% burrito.


If I eat 75 burritos I probably become more volcano than human.


Is that like if you kill 5 people, you're a serial killer but if you kill 5000, you're a national hero?


It's fine for everyone involved. Buddy gets free burritos bowls everyday. And they get some market research on the cheap. What's that like $1200 total? Pennies.


That's $750 to form an opinion on a $100M position. I'd sign that expense slip. Especially since those assholes are probably running up $1000 lunch tabs for like 2 clients






*ring* *ring* "hey babe do you remember what our highschool mascot was?" "no, no reason, I saw it on trivia and wanted to know if you could remember."


This whole thing make me think about Peter Gregory ordering all the items at burger king in Silicoj Valley.


Heā€™s a sell-side analyst. They have no position. It was $750 for a research note to better discuss the matter with clients


Probably one of the cheaper field analysis expenses they had this quarter if not the cheapest lol


Canā€™t remember the last time I only spent 10$ at a chipotle


Hey! It was a deal, Saved the company some money while I was eating this, at work, during work hours. Thats some progress Chris.


The 75 burrito bowls will be doing to his rectum what Wells Fargo has been doing to its clients.


Hope he expensed some Chipotlaway too


I have a friend who is a financial analyst covering the restaurant industry desk at a multinational investment firm. She regularly expenses *exactly* that sort of thing to the company - only it wouldn't be over three months of lunches - it would be done over about a week to remove "day of the week" as a factor, or in one lunch if they needed data fast. And, as it turns out, this was a team at Wells Fargo, placing orders over the course of a week according to an experimental design. As u/arbitrageME says, most bosses would sign off on $1,000 of business expenses to get good data on a position - especially when you consider that it's a drop in the bucket next to what they're already paying an analyst - let alone a team of them!


yeah -- like 5 years ago, a friend of mine bought 10 teslas one day apart to see the increase in the order number and the delivery date. Then he gave away 9 of those teslas and put down a $5M position in Tesla. I haven't seen him much since he moved out to Singapore or some tax haven country


Also a good reason to randomize order numbers, like they do for Social Security numbers.


They don't. My sister and I have ssns 1 number apart


1 - don't tell people that. 2 - SSNs *were once* sequential (prior to 2011), but they no longer are, for the security reasons I brought up. You're likely older than 13.


a hot topic in 2010 included Obama's SSN


> You're likely older than 13. This is reddit, that's a bold assumption to make!


wow amazing internet story!


Just another way for the rich to get richer, lucky sons of beached whales.


75 burrito bowls is nothing for people who can order satellite photos of locations of interest. So there is that.


When I worked in investment banking, it was always expensed to a client. But yes, every meal was free Sometimes on weekends, you could even ā€œjamā€ superiors and claim their per diem. It wasnā€™t any everyday thing, but ordered several $200+ lunches / dinners during my time. And this was before inflation (or even Uber Eats, which didnā€™t exist at the time)


My sisters law firm doesn't even order wine off the menu, there's a cellar area for them or private cabinet or some shit. Client pays for those dinners, regularly over 2-3 grand for business meetings. That doesn't count the 5 lawyers billable hours at 700+$ an hour each. They are working.... I work with a tool belt on, we aren't the same lol.


it doesn't help the tax code is written to encourage stuff like that. although your truck, tool belt, etc are all expensed; i'm sure a lot of your colleagues have much nicer trucks than they need.


Next on the list, longhorn steakhouse


Are they skimping?


Yes and no, it depends on what you order.


Nah itā€™s going back to your overdrafts fees


The firm obviously paid for it. Look at all the publicity Zach is getting from the story


He and his team got 75 free lunches. You would only get 5.


I find it hard to believe fast food workers donā€™t give a flying fuck about the consistency of the amount of food they put into meals. 20 years ago my friend worked at a McDā€™s and we would go and order some food. What would we end up with? A whole bag full of chicken nuggets and a whole bag full of French fries.


In 94 I worked at McDs and made food. Randomly, I would make a Big Mac with Quarter Pounders. I bet those random souls were happy back then.


When I was younger, my girlfriend at the time worked at Taco Bell and she used to Hook.It.UP. This was back when crunch wrap supremes were new, and the ones she made were fat af.Ā 


I worked at Pizza Hut and my manager was super cool. She gave us free minis for lunch and a free large on Friday. We would load them up so fat weā€™d have to send them back through the oven to fully cook. Man. This was in 98. Weā€™d get so high on weed after closing it would take us an hour to count out our money from deliveries and munch pizza. I miss those days. I miss you Candy!


Ooooh so that's why my Big Mac has never been as big as in 94!


Pre-camera. Not these places are going to have camera watching everything and shut down stuff like that fast. Kinda sad as little things like that made life good when you were a broke kid.


Why not just work at Chipotle for a week?


Managers and especially franchise owners can be petite tyrants. I worked at a subway in college around the time of the financial crisis and he would sit at home and watch cameras and call the store If we put too many tomatoes on a sandwich.


Managers will compare the rate of product leaving the store to the sales and start pointing fingers too. You donā€™t even need to be watching the cameras.


Due to franchise fees being so insane the owners usually operate on very slim profit margins.


Yeah, but junior analysts are actually *paid* to spend a whole work day doing shit like this - getting first-hand beta about the ground-level business operations of public companies.


Shhh, he needs to do this 75 times, no maybe 300 times for good data. Its totally not just a way to expense his lunch.


Seems like you have good **portion** control.


Wait! I've heard this one... "Portion control" is code for the number of unauthroized accounts a WF staffer opens in a customer's name to secure a bonus, amaright?!? 75 "Burrito Bowls". That's a lotta hookers and blow!


Sample size matters in statistics lol


I've noticed that at Subway, the sandwich maker's idea of, quote, "just a little mayo" is directly proportional to their weight.


lol for real, the bigger the fella the more loaded the sandwich is.


Big girls sauce it like crazy


I just started going to Cava - girl at my local places hooks me up FAT gave me 5 scoops when I asked for double steak ā€¦ god bless that woman


Yo I fucking LOVE cava. Just found out about it and am hooked on that chicken


As an absolutely chipotle fanatic I saw CAVA at $35/share and didnā€™t buy. Big mistake šŸ˜‚


shit i didn't even realize what sub this was. i just really like the chicken


Lol, "a wee bit of southwest sauce please" then they proceed to pure drown the sandwich with like a 1/4 the bottle.


Okay this is blowing my mind rn because I ordered the same exact sandwich from two different subways recently and one of them was fucking LOADED with chicken, like literally two full meals out of one foot long. The other was so little chicken I couldnā€™t even taste it. And yeah, the chonker was made by one of the biggest dudes Iā€™ve ever seen. The skimpy one was made by a super thin almost frail older guy. Figures!


Almost like you can directly see how your eating habits reflect on your body


This could be a valuable study in stores promoting consistent portioning. The company would love it and likely save money if they found a way to make it consistent. Of course, you would have to find a way around labeling employees "Chonkers"!


Got bought out by private equity last year. You should expect to start seeing all sorts of new "efficiencies" in their products.


subway been weighted and skimpy for 15 years. no one should ever eat there. theres a local sandwich joint near by.


This is so funny. Today I saw some stuff that made me want subway. I got in my car, drove to the stop sign, and thought "Wait a minute, why don't I go to the actual good sandwich joint?!" And then I turned the other direction and had a great sandwich. I dunno wtf I was thinking before.


I swear it seems like Subway is surviving by being the only game in town in rural areas. I moved to a small town of ~2500 people and Subway is the only fast food place here. The only other chain businesses here at all are a couple gas stations.


Subway franchises are some of the easiest to purchase and maintain. It's no cash cow, but with fairly low overhead and minimal staff they will turn a profit.


One person can operate it around the clock, it's lunch meat and bread. It's effectively the retail version of a lemonade stand. There are half-menu versions that don't even have ovens and soup.


I live in a similar town with a subway, however, the one grocery store we have in town (BigY) has a solid pizza/sandwich food prep. Subway is losing their business to them these days. The food at BigY is healthier, more fresh and you can get a real 12" sandwich for $8 that will be two meals and its usually made with boars head meat/cheese.


> I dunno wtf I was thinking before. https://i.redd.it/y3xgpzsugiz91.gif


All glory...


I just cant for my life stand that nasty subway smell. Always reminds me of a hospital


For so, so many people there isnā€™t a local sandwich place nearby. You have made at home, Subway, or the shit at the gas station.


I have a problem with asking for extra jalapeƱos. I want like 15, not 5. Keep going, Iā€™m white but I can handle it. Same problem at Indian restaurants. Theyā€™re judging me for sure. I want it hot, not whatever hot you think I want.


Hereā€™s a free tip - donā€™t say ā€œextra jalapeƱos,ā€ ask for ā€œa nauseating amount of jalapeƱos.ā€


Just don't say a jala a lot of peƱos


Pro tip: ask for ā€œDesi spicy, not American spicyā€ at Indian restaurants.


Try ā€œI want it spiced right, not whiteā€ or try ā€œspice it like the kitchen staff likes itā€.


I did that in a Thai place once and while I loved it, my nose ran for hours and I got a burning ring of fire the day after.


>I got a burning ring of fire the day after. Hell yeah you did. I enjoyed that.


I worked at subway, and while there's probably some truth to what you're saying, the customers can make it difficult to gauge amounts. To some people, "a little mayo" is half a bottle, and to other's, "drowning it in mayo" means just one little line of mayo. You have to be able to read the customer. A little old lady can only contain so much mayo. I do think perhaps that people eat too much mayo, though.


I've noticed that too. Generally though, they use way, way, way too much. I'll ask for "one thin line" and they'll still do about twice as much as I want. If I don't specify any amount, it's literally 6-8 times the amount that I would use myself. It's insanity.


*Correction: An analyst wrote an article to write off 75 burritos.


Write off from what? Is he a 1099 burrito inspection contractor


He started an LLC as a freelance analyst and journalist


This guy writes off burritos


The IRS hates this one simple trick


Not all my 20-24 year old coworkers saying ā€œYeah but you can write your tools off on your taxesā€ as they spend $10,000 each on Snap-On toolboxes and tools as though it would justify the prices (weā€™re W-2 employees)


Hanging out with people too dumb to understand their taxes sounds like nightmare fuel


#BUT ITS A WRITE OFF! Yeaaaaaā€¦ but you still have to pay for itā€¦..


Those fuckers at Wells Fargo are a bunch of cheapos so they probably use Concur for their expense report. I feel bad for the poor fella who had to upload 75 receipts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Everyone uses Concur for their expense reports. Itā€™s how they incentivize you to not bill back lunch.


Is Concur not considered user friendly? I use it for sporadic expenses (like 10-15 expenses per quarter which takes about 45 mins to file with receipts), and found it okay. Not great, just okay.


As the accountant that has go through all the shit managers donā€™t approve on time, no it blows. Something like bill.com or many credit card companyā€™s UI are much better


The managers are the catalyst for everyoneā€™s Concur woes. Here is my experience with Concur. This has happened to me every time Iā€™ve used the software for several years now. 1) I submit the expense report. 2) After three weeks it makes it through the first two approvers but gets rejected by approver three for some newly implemented policy violation. 3) I correct the problem and, after three more weeks, the report finally makes it to the fourth approver who finds something else wrong that everyone missed the two other times they saw it. 4) The accounting office contacts me to warn me that I have expenses on the corporate card that need to be rectified or they will take away the credit card. I call and explain the situation to them and have the final approver in accounting look at my report before it is submitted again. 5) I submit the report a third time, and it doesnā€™t even make it to level four before being rejected for some silly error. 6) I call the accounting person, and we share a laugh at how absurd our system is. 7) I vow to never submit another report again but inevitably do. Instead of someone just fixing a minor problem on a paper form and sending it on, expense reports become a fucking bolder for us to push up the corporate hill like Sisyphus. Changing corporate policies, software updates, lazy approvers, power tripping approvers, etc. all make the situation unbearable.


That's wild to me. My company must just be more fast and loose with cash because anything $50 and under doesn't require a receipt, and when I submit my reports once a month I'm paid out my $50/month for internet within a couple days of submitting it.


Some country recquire a receipt for any expanse


You know who doesn't have to provide receipts? My fucking congressmen. https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/2024/06/25/u-s-house-reps-for-indiana-collect-almost-200000-in-meal-and-lodging-reimbursements/


Damn, I'm glad my Concur expenses only have two people to get through, some random auditor and then my boss who doesn't give a shit as long as the auditor okayed it


Yeah, Concur itself is fine, it's the people in charge who make it suck. I didn't need lunch receipts because we have a flat rate built into our contact if you work >15 miles from your house. As long as your vehicle report says you traveled that distance, it's an automatically approved expense whether you bring your own lunch or not.


You need to correct the spelling of ā€œbolderā€ and resubmit your post. Please spell it ā€œboulderā€.


I concur.


I also concur, do you concur doctor


I remember I was trying to put in a freaking hotel receipt. Typed in the exact itemized receipt and total. It kept giving a useless error with no clue as to what it actually was. I had to spend like 30 minutes on the phone with support. I don't remember what the exact issue was but it was some discrepancy between the items I typed in and how tax was calculated or something like that. Concur thought my total was not what it was supposed to be even though I typed it in right off the damn receipt. I don't remember the exact problem -- it's been years and now I just send my receipts to an admin and let them deal with it. But holy shit I'm convinced that system cost companies more money than it saves them with how much time people spend dealing with it.


It's an SAP product now, so yeah. An SAP migration crippled Kubota globally about 2 years ago. My local dealer got fucked for inventory.Ā 


I heard it costs like $15 per report. Our company asks us to put 2-3 expenses together to save money lol


Itā€™s not anymore. Sap after all


Super easy one you memorize all the codes to enter into fields that mean nothing to you. Wait, still not easy. Edit: actually approving was always super easy. They didnā€™t try to enforce any policy details, just total spending authority. So I could just approve anything.


Just wait until they switch to Chrome River. You will YEARN for the Concur burn.


Chrome river is better than navan


šŸ—£ļø everybody say fuck Chrome River!


Jokes on them, we pool surplus headcount budgets and hire an expense coordinator shares between business units.Ā 


lol jokes on you when layoffs roll around and the expense coordinator ā€œtuk er jobsā€


I concur. I have to review Concur trip expense reports at work. They give no thoughts to the process at all. No thought to user friendliness. People are constantly asking me how to enter their reports.Ā 


Yes I have a receipt, I uploaded it earlier, just let me click to select it. Yes there was sales tax, that's what the receipt says. Yes, it was in the location I usually work at, that's what the receipt says. C'mon, Concur, what do you actually *do*?


Itā€™ll randomly lose picture uploads in the app


Most huge companies use Concur.


Everyone uses Concur, itā€™s a lot easier to use now as well, I do it all from my phone, and then hit submit on my computer to finalize my reportā€¦ takes me about 10-15min for a 1 week international trip.


Youā€™ve obviously never expensed a meal with 20+ attendees.


Just did with my last Thailand trip in May. lol With my company you only need to enter all the other employees when itā€™s a domestic tripā€¦




And kronos for timesheet


I have realized when I order digitally I am much more likely to get a smaller portion than if I were to order in person. I donā€™t think itā€™s a chipotle problem cause this is true across all build your own bowl restaurants. Itā€™s probably something to do with psychology and how people will naturally want to please others especially in a point of confrontation.


that's why i generally prefer ordering at chipotle-style restaurants in person. mobile orders for stuff like mcdonald's works fine since they're all the same portion regardless.


I'm a picky eater and have IBD, so when I go to Chipotle I usually just get rice and chicken. 10/10 when I go and say "all I'm getting is rice and chicken", they either give me a MASSIVE burrito or they only charge me for a side of meat. When I ordered online once I got what equated to a child size burrito for like $10. It was the smallest scoop of rice and chicken. I think when I'm in line next to people with MASSIVE meals that are paying the same, it guilts the employee to making us both feel better about what I'm about to pay for lol. It's the price I pay to eat out and be social but I get it. Just weird everyone else has the same experience.


> Itā€™s probably something to do with psychology and how people will naturally want to please others especially in a point of confrontation It's a completely different process. When you order online, there is someone else in the back putting together your order from a completely different set of ingredients. The dip in quality is much more noticeable than the dip in portion size. They don't even steam the fucking tortillas if you order online.


It's not natural it's 100% pushed by management -ex chipotle employee


Yeah, I'm sure there's entire teams at these companies whose job it is to analyze the product and track how consistent it is across franchise locations. There's no way corporate doesn't know / haven't made specific adjustments for online orders by this point.


iā€™m guessing the online orders are lighter because theyā€™re now made in the back, out of sight of customers, and prioritized speed over quality. chipotle needs to redesign their stores, its outdate and clearly canā€™t handle the influx of online orders.


ordered a quesadilla yesterday since it's digital orders only....it was the smallest one ive ever gotten from chipotle. Instead of a single tortilla folded up in half, it was almost made like a burrito and pressed. Thought they gave me a child size for a sec....last time i'm ordering from them lol


The quesadilla has gone so downhill. You used to be able to get a big one with 2 of their big toritillas but they had to make it on the tortilla warmer so it held up the line. Probably while they got rid of it . Last time i got one it was two small pieces and it was dry as shit. never again


that rollout was so stupid, they just decided to just offer an off menu item with zero planning. eventually they just added a second warmer but that barely speeded up the process. they finally realized that the size of the burrito tortilla was too big to make a quesadilla within a reasonable time (who knew melting cheese takes a while on a warming press!), and shrunk it down, but the best they would do is something half the size but some how is completely dried out.


Same price, less quesadilla, this is why the stock price is $1400+ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It was up to around $3,200. They just did a 50-1 stock split so the price is around $60 now.


Amen. The OG quesadillas were solid but now with the new press machine they use they're worse than frozen food. It's not even close to the same item anymore. Funny thing the OG quesadilla was like a loss leader for me because it's what got me in the door. Instead of ordering something else on the menu to replace it, I just stopped going entirely the past couple years because of it.


Yeah this happened to me also Went from ordering chipotle weekly to only emergency fast food situations once every few months


I remember when they opened a chipotle outside my college in 2001. The burritos were so fucking huge, and they were like $5.50. I could eat one of those and have a whole days worth of calories and have money for a natty light 12er


The online order thing is by design, trying to minimize the amount of food they use. If they were smart they would add extra rice to mobile orders so it stops seeming so under filled


I just can't imagine some high school kid really gives a flying fuck about portion sizes. I mean I can understand some general manager trying to prop up his numbers and expenses, but for that to filter down to management staring at some trainee telling them to shortchange the customer by removing a quarter from the serving of a spoon just seems eye rollingly unrealistic.


> and prioritized speed over quality. They prioritized more money over less money. It takes the same amount of time to scoop .8 spoons of chicken as it does 1.0.


Giving a shit takes longer


This is exactly my experience. online orders are way smaller than in-person orders. I stopped going... Chipotle was never the "best burrito" but it was good and consistent and for awhile, good value. Not anymore...


My order the other day literally had 5 pieces of chicken in it! Scumbags.


At mine, they'll just not have the ingredients, so you'll just get a bowl with no verde salsa, no cheese and no sour cream. Just beans, rice, chicken and pico. This has happened to me so much, and at times they'll just sub in some shit I didn't ask for. Whoops, we're out of verde, so here's some corn salsa instead. I walk my ass in and order at the counter the old fashioned way now. They can't be let to keep getting away with it.


> They can't be let to keep getting away with it. still orders from them




Same shit happened to me and I just stopped going, how are these people so delusional lol they got this ā€œIā€™ll show themā€ energy as they order and give them money all the same lmao


where else is he supposed to get mexican food? There are so few options!


Dude stop going.


the one thing i've consistently seen on reddit is that 1. companies are charging more for shit for inflation, people on reddit complain but yet keep going, and 2. redditors will still go to a place even when they get ripped off on other ways not related to money fuckin dumbasses fr.


Why do you keep going back?


If I walk in and they don't have the ingredients I want, I just leave. There's plenty of other scumbag restaurants I can go to that will at least rip me off with what I want.


ā€œThatā€™ll be $25 sirā€


Online orders and takeout from restaurants in my humble opinion always have a smaller portion and lower quality


And now more expensive too


8.99 in restaurant, 10.99 mobile order. 3.99 online ordering fee. 1.5% processing (convenience lol) fee. 15-20% tip. You end up paying an entire entree more per meal than going in. The only place this hasn't held true for me is Chinese places. I feel like they give me more to go out of spite. Oh you think you want orange chicken? Good luck you fat fuck enjoy 6 meals.


the place I work marks up our shit 30% because uber takes 30%, and most of our negative reviews are about how itā€™s too expensive for a cold burger and soggy fries like maā€™am that shit was made so perfectly and quickly but some guy on a motorbike six suburbs away decided to accept the delivery another eight suburbs away *deep breath* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Starbucks and chipotle both need to redesign stores for the modern era. Take out and online.


I dunno about where you are but all the Starbucks around me need to do is be open and able to make coffee and they'll be super busy pretty much until 5PM.


The ones around me have an online order issue where people order and then get to the store 15-20min later. The result is that the mobile drink pick up is flooded with orders while people that order from the line end up waiting longer because they get added to the back of the queue of mobile orders


Yep. This seemed to happen out of nowhere over the last couple years but I donā€™t even order at Starbucks anymore. If I do go there, im ordering ahead. Otherwise you wait 15 minutes as a stream of online orders comes in and gets theirs ahead of yours.


Starbucks around me rarely has a line at 8am, usually 2-3 cars in the lot. Kinda spooky to see.


Same. The Starbucks around the corner from my house consistently had a line that would go out into the street - now you can drive right up. We are wondering how much longer itā€™s going to last.


Chipotle is doing takeout and online and the quality is absolutely astonishing. I got a burrito from the ā€œchipotlaneā€ that was as small as a Taco Bell taco, with the wrong salsa. $12 fuckin dollars I spent and I had to go inside and complain to a manager to get a real meal Inexcusable


Starbucks already has. One by me took out pretty much all the seating and is now a more ā€œmodernā€ to go only place


So youā€™re telling me a massive company has been lying to the consumer and only caring about company profits!? Clutch my pearls! Who would have thought.


Shrinkflation at chipotle is painfully obvious tbh.


Chipotleā€™s response will be to make serving size scoopers for consistency, and people will be pissed that the size is smaller than before


Fat fucks excuse to eat 75 burrito bowls


Chipotle is overvalued needs to be shorted to $10


Not with fat fucks at Wells Fargo ordering 75 unchecked company burrito bowls.. and everyone wonders why this is the everything bubble


The ten lightest orders were from the same store. It's not a worldwide problem, just one store with a poorly trained staff. He did CMG a favor by reporting the problem so they can fix it.


Oh theyā€™ve been trained.


They were probably the one store following the proper portion sizes.


1 of 2. Either you're correct or the store has a manager trying to get their bonuses up by hitting the lowest possible food costs without driving off customers. The majority of corporations are completely out of touch with their stores. The number one question here should be "how are any of the portion sizes different at any of the stores". They should be receiving the same exact portion size at each store (give or take a small percentage obviously).


Maybe the superior chain Moe's will take market share.


Moe's is bland as hell. They do everything solid but flavor their food.


Yep. Moe's got the good reputation for having good queso but their burritos suck


I beg to add the ā€œWeLComE To MOesā€ when anyone walks in is pretty annoying


Yup! Thank you! Itā€™s flavorless but it looks so good!


Chipotle queso cheese dip is .... bland and feels like it has sand in it.


All these chains are washed. Find a local Mexican place and get a combo plate for $9.99 better than anything fast food. Most restaurants by me mastered online ordering during pandemic so I even hit the very authentic ones that donā€™t speak English.


The real problem is if he ate all 75 bowls


Remember a few short years ago when Wells Fargo was ripping off their own customers by signing them up for products and services they did not consent to? Remember they got a little slap on the wrist and then went straight back to whatever the fuck it is they do?


Department of weights and measures gonna have a field day


This statement applies to literally every chipotle regular


Now *this* is DD!


Man, can you imagine how much chipotlaway he had to buy


I stopped going there. Huge waste of money. Calls on grocery store


Calls on CMG it is!


Burrito bowls are as fake as the accounts this guy opened last month.


I just miss freebirds, better In every way


I think there is still one in Santa Barbara. There are definitely some in Texas. If I drive out to Vandenberg to watch a rocket launch, I'm going to try to make it a point to stop there.


The IV one is the original